Butterflies are meant to fly.

The Puppet with a Heart.

JiYong quickened his footsteps when he heard a rustle from a distance. He could not afford to waste his precious free time on mindless chitchat with random forest residents. He was looking forward to this day for a long time, considering he was not able to sneak out for the past month. The Garden of Cray soon loomed into sight, making JiYong sigh in wonder.


During his month of absence, the Garden’s flowers had grown a whole different set of colours, it now looked as if it was on fire under the pounding sunlight. The red, orange and yellow stood out bravely as they soaked in the sun, taking in all the goodness. The dew from the morning that was rapidly evaporating reflected the sunlight, causing the garden to shimmer magically. As if it’s not magical enough. JiYong thought. He squinted through the glare searching for a specific colour. Bubble-gum, bubble-gum, he chanted. His heart drooped when he failed to find it.


Sighing, he strolled through the whole garden slowly, admiring all the flowers he missed before getting cosy on his rock. He lay flat on his back and stared at the different hues of blue that made the sky. He let his mind wonder and not long after, the white patches that dotted the sky begin resembling things so weird JiYong begin doubting his vision.


Why would a cloud want to look like a pile of dung? Is that a smiley face?An- A scratching sound against the rock jolted JiYong from his daydream. He sat right up and peeked over the rock only to see a mess of bubble-gum hair. Suppressing the shock he was feeling, he struggled to calm his palpitating heart. His fingers fluttered to his hair, clothes and face, checking to see if everything was presentable. His crush's face popped up from the edge of the rock to form a smug expression. The butterflies in JiYong’s stomach threatened to fly up his throat.


SeungHyun clambered up the rock hastily. He glanced over to see JiYong flushed face and felt smug. Looks like JiYong heart is halfway captured. This is easy. SeungHyun pulled himself over and using his low, rumbling voice, said: “I have been waiting for so long.”


JiYong blush a deeper red and, containing his escaping heart, replied: “Well I’ve been busy.” SeungHyun raised an eyebrow in amusement and moved to sit closer to JiYong. JiYong resisted the urge to lean into SeungHyun as he took in SeungHyun's rosey scent. Was it him or did the forest felt like it was closing in on him?


"How have you been doing?"SeungHyun queried.


"Doing what?" Jiyong questioned back.


"Thinking of me?" SeungHyun fired back, crashing JiYong's attempt at playing hard to get. JiYong stiffened at that statement but broke into a smile when he heard SeungHyun's laughter. It was his first time hearing the hearty laugh and it made JiYong want to record it and replay it over and over again.


"Maybe." From then they started asking questions about each other, occasionally stopping the light banter to stare at an innocent bee making its way from flower to flower, only to snap out of the trance to continue the talking. JiYong revealed more then he was getting to know. By the end of the day, SeungHyun had gained the knowledge of about half of JiYong's life but JiYong just know that SeungHyun was an orphan that was adopted by a lonely old man in need of company.


A few times during their conversation, JiYong had wanted to confess his feelings to SeungHyun. But the better and more rational part of JiYong knew he would be progressing too fast since it was only the second time they met, for heaven's sake. SeungHyun might just freak out and decide to not talk to him ever again. JiYong paled at that thought.


Cautiously, he sneaked a peek at SeungHyun's face. It was flawless. The curious eyes trailed and lingered at the pink lips longer than usual. JiYong followed SeungHyun's line of vision to see a pair of butterflies dancing together, wings batting to an unheard rhythm as they ventured from flower to flower. They paused at certain flowers before continuing their waltz.


Suddenly, they started heading towards SeungHyun's head. The pair watched the butterflies wearily as they paused a moment longer at the bubblegum hair, fluttering in a confuse manner before flying away, seemingly offended. JiYong, unable to stop his laughter, giggled aloud.


"Seems like your hair is too blue to be true." JiYong crackled at his own joke. SeungHyun face was light pink due to embarassment while he laughed feebly. JiYong giggled some more at the sight of SeungHyun's embarassed state. SeungHyun was fidgeting with his fingers as he stared mercifully at a rock, as if finally understanding how the rock will feel if the rock was able to feel embarassed.


"Butterflies don't know much about beauty anyways"JiYong smiled sparingly at SeungHyun when he managed to stifle his laughter. JiYong mustered a little of his courage to pat SeungHyun's back, trying to comfort his wounded pride. SeungHyun grinned sheepishly at JiYong. Not expecting that, JiYong had to cough to dislodge the breath that caught in his throat. Blinking a few tears away due to the millisecond choke, JiYong grinned back at SeungHyun, feeling his heart stutter erratically in his chest once more.


I'm back! Sorry for not updating for so long >.< Comment, comment and thanks for suscribing!:)

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Next chapters here! *throws confetti*


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shipbaekyeol #1
sweet , maybe ?!! hehe , love gtop ! update plijjjjj !
Hekkiq #2
Chapter 6: The queen was not a terrible as she could have been, it was passive aggressive, but it sounded like she might be open to the idea of Ji finding someone else.
Chapter 5: Yes! Seunghyun is falling for ji! >__<
guriasob #4
Chapter 5: TT_TT and like that it was over TT_TT
nightempress #5
Chapter 4: Awwww.. bubble gum! It makes me so happy inside!!
I really want to know what happens in Jiyong's birthday!!
I hope Seunghyun will be extra sweet~~~
Chapter 3: Soo cute! I've been waiting for this story's update! I hope seunghyun would fall in love with ji soon. ^^
Chapter 3: It's so cute and fluffy ahhhh I wish seunghyun wasn't bad
Chapter 2: Seunghyun is enemy's doll?! to trap jiyong? Omo...O_O
Chapter 2: I like shy jiyong , its cute
Chapter 1: Nice. I can't wait to see where you're going to take this. 8D