Chapter 2: Start Of School PART 2

Be My Girl, My One And Only Girl [HIATUS]


I gasped and the one whom I bumped into gasped as well.
"Karen? Is that you?!" My childhood friend back in Australia - Dandy, asked. I slowly nodded my head.  I was speechless! I finally saw my childhood friend for how many years, after we moved from Aussie to Korea because of my parent's business stuffs and we ended up living here in Korea permanently. Dandy though, knows the reason why we moved, for I told her before the day of our flight. 
We promised each other to stay in contact, But months passed and we lost contact with each other. 
"Oh My God! I miss you so much!" Dandy tackled me into a bone-crashing hug, w/c I gladly responded to the hug with  a chuckle. I don't care if I can't breath or anything, as long as my BESTFRIEND's here, I'm okay. oh, come on, we lost contact with each other for 12 years!
We pulled from the hug at once with a wide grin on our faces.
"I missed you to Dandy! Sooooooooooo much!" I said, prolonging the 'o' sound. Then, I noticed something.
SHE'S WEARING THE SAME UNIFORM AS ME! SO THAT MEANS SHE GOES TO OUR SCHOOL! Could this day get any better?! Wait, i take that back because I know what my life would be in school... LIVING HELL.
"We're wearing the same uniform!" I squealed.
"Took you awhile to notice." She chuckled and we started walking to school side by side.
- - -
Dandy looked at the facade of the school with 'awe' as soon as we arrived. But, what she doesn't know is that, inside the school, there are a loooot, i mean a lot, of monsters. Not literally monsters as monsters that floats around or those scary loo-. You get my point.
"Dont' judge a book by it's cover." I whispered beside her ear, while she gave me a puzzled look. "Come on. You don't wanna be late." I dragged her by the hand and released her as soon as we stepped inside the school. Inside the school, there were pupils making out, doing their make up and other stuffs that pupils in a not so normal school would do. 
"GOD. Now I know what you mean by 'Don't judge a book by it's cover.'" She said, looking at the pupils who were doing ty stuffs with pure disgust. I smirked at her expression, which was kinda' funny.
"Ignore them and let's go to the Guidance office." I said and dragged her again.
- - -
As we arrived, we were greeted by a new guidance conselor who looked like she was in her mid-30's.
"Good morning. How may I help you?" She politely asked with a smile.
Wow. She was better than our previous Guidance Counselor. I nudged Dandy who was just staring at nothing in particular.
"Good morning ma'am. I would like to have my list of schedule and my locker number." Dandy said, in a polite manner of course.
"Oh, surely." She gave Dandy a bondpaper which obviously contains the list of schedule and her locker number. Dandy took it and read it before thanking the Counselor.
After that, we left.
"So, what's your locker number?" I asked her. She checked her paper before answering.
"Locker number 246." 
"I know where that is." I winked and led her to her locker.
- - - 
"Good morning class." Mrs. Park greeted as she entered the room. We greeted back, not cheerfully. It sounded like a groan.
What? Even though I'm a straight 'A' student, doesn't mean I really LOVE school. I just love my friends, the fun and other stuffs here in school, except for MATH, teachers, bullies and.. MATH. Yep, I just said Math twice.
"How was your vacation?" Mrs. Park asked.
No one answered.
"Okay. Seems like your vacation wasn't really that interesting, so, forget that I asked." She awkwardly told us. 
Mrs. Park was about to talk when someone suddenly barged in, 6 students to be exact. We all darted our attention to them... TEEN TOP. 
1... 2... 3...
GIRLS STARTED SQUEALING... SO DID MRS. PARK. Wtf. The only one who weren't screaming were the boys, me and Dandy.
Teen Top - The kingka group in this school. They're handsome, I can't deny that fact. They have been friends for four years now, so they have been friends since freshmen year. And yes, I kinda' do have a crush on one of them. 
Who? L.Joe. The playboy in the group. Weird, right? Me, Karen Williams, A straight 'A' student, likes L.Joe or Lee Byunghun, the playboy. I know I don't have a chance to be with him, but, is it bad to be attracted to him?
Girls continued to squeal and boys started to get annoyed. The loudest squeals came from Woori's cliche - the meanest and the tiest cliche in this school.
As if on cue, Mrs. Park yelled, saying to quiet down.
"So. Why are you 6 late?" Mrs. Park asked, not strictly but cutely. I mean tried to be cute, sorry. And if she really thought it was cute... she failed. She's freaking 40 something years old and she hits on guys who'se below 20? COME ON! She has to grow up!
"No reason." CAP, the leader in the group said casually while shrugging.
"Well then, come in. Take your seats.. boys." She said the last words... flirtily. I mentally gagged. And Teen Top did as what they have been told. 
CAP and Niel beside me and Dandy (right). L.Joe (<3) and Chunji at our back, Ricky and Changjo beside us (left). So, practically, we're surrounded by Teen Top members. How AWESOME is that?!
Note the little sarcasm in the sentence.
I mean, it's cool being surrounded by these boys, but, it kinda' gets annoying. Trust me, I've tried. CAP's not really a problem. But the others are. Niel is so noisy, so is Chunji. Ricky and Chanjo talks a lot too. They also keeps on poking me or something just to annoy me. And L.Joe, keeps on glaring at me, and it's freaking creepy!
Girls glared at both of me and Dandy. And I blame it all on these boys. 
hi there. :)
I'm back. LOL. I mean, I updated. Sorry to keep you waiting.
I've beein busy this past few days coming up with an idea what to
do during our Mission In Action month. So... SORRY!
Sorry for some grammar and spelling mistakes. English is NOT my first language.
DearAngel x



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Chapter 2: Haha~ I totally didn't expect her best friend to be the person she bumped into xP
And even though there's a FEW grammar mistakes here and there, it's a LOT better than most of the fanfics I've read where English was the author's first language :)
Chapter 1: Omo! It's it L.Joe??? xD
It's really good so far! please update soon!!^^
Oooh! Are you from Melbourne too?!?!? o_o
hehe, I like Justin Bieber as well xP
It sounds interesting! Please update soon!^^