Chapter 3: Start Of School PART 3

Be My Girl, My One And Only Girl [HIATUS]


Swinging my bag at my back, I stood up. I went to Dandy who was still packing her things.
"Make it fast Dandy. My stomach is craving for foooood." I whined.
"Freaking impatient person." I heard her mumble. I rolled my eyes at the remark while chuckling. "Done." She announced while standing up.
"Yes! Finally! After 1 Millenium." I joked.
"1 millenium my ." She said, rolling her eyes while I laughed.
_ _ _
"Spaghetti and meatballs. You want?" The lunch lady asked.
"Yes please." I said. 
The lunch lady put the foods on my tray, followed by Dandy.
"Where to sit. Where to sit. Where to sit." I mumbled, searching for a vacant table in the cafeteria.
"What about there?" Dandy said, pointing at a vacant table. It's vacant but it's taken. Don't understand? What I meant is, Teen Top owns the table. It's true. They do. It was their table since freshman year and until now, it is known as Teen Top's table.
"You can't sit there." I told her. Then I spotted a vacant table. "THERE!" I said and headed to the direction of the table.
As soon as we arrived, we sat down and started pigging out on our food.
"So. Why'd you move here?" I asked her after I swallowed down the food that I was eating.
"I dwont no. Ma pawents bwat mwe hewe." She answered while shrugging, food still in . But, nevertheless, I understood what she was saying. (I DON'T KNOW. MY PARENTS BROUGHT ME HERE.)
"You didn't ask them?" 
"No. It's probably about their business again."
"You have a business here?"
"What's it named?"
"Too many questions gurl. Too many. My mind can't take it." 
"Drama Queen."
"Bookworm." She said. Ok. That was half-true.
"But that's why we're friends right?"
"Yeah." I chuckled out and went back to eating.
"Man. You eat like a pig." Dandy told me. I raised my brow at her.
"Look who's talking." She made a face at me, which I gladly returned.
"OMG. Teen Top's here." One girl squealed, making ALL girls in the cafeteria squeal.
Here we go again.
"ing Kingkas." I heard Dandy curse which made me chuckle.
Girls continued on squealing like they just saw Justin Bieber, One Direction or their favorite idols (Justin Bieber). 
Teen Top was swarmed by girls. Nothing new. It's usually the scene when Teen Top arrives in the cafeteria. And it's ing annoying because I can't see L.Joe's perfect face because of those ty looking girls!
Wait. Did I just say L.Joe's perfect face? WTH.
Forget that I said that.
Teen Top was now seated on their table, you know, the one that I told you? Yeah. That one.
They don't need to line like any other students do, cause, you know, they're 'SPECIAL' in this school. They get really yummy foods, not like ours. And they get served by like a waitress or something. OH AND YEP. THEY'RE ALL RICH AS HELL. Especially Chunji. He's the richest of them all, followed by L.Joe of course.
I stared at L.Joe. I'm not a creep, I just can't help but stare at his face. It's perfect. I mean, really?! IT'S FREAKING PERFECT!
Then, he suddenly looked at my way, meeting eyes with mine. FLIPPING FUDGECAKES! I quickly looked away, heat creeping on my cheeks. 
"Hey Karen. Are you okay?" Dandy asked. I looked up at her. "Dude. Are you blushing?!" She squealed, not too loudly.
"N-no. W-why would I?" I lied. But being the smart she was, she could easily tell if the person is lying or not. I sighed in defeat. "Fine. I was." I put my fork and spoon down on my plate.
"Because of who?" She wiggled her eyebrows.
"I'll tell you later." 
"Oh, poo." 
Not long after, the bell rang. 
- - -
We are now headed to our room, we just finished doing our business on our locker. 
As soon as we arrived in our room, we found Teen Top's seat surrounded by girls. GREAT. JUST GREAT. Our seat's in the middle! 
Me and Min Ah exchanged annoyed glances, and then sighed. Even though I like L.Joe, I still get annoyed by them.
"Guess we have no choice but to wait for them to sit back to on their seats." I said, leaning on the door frame.
"Move es." A familiar voice hissed - which I recognized was Woori's, pushing both of us aside and entering the room with her minions at her back following her, with a smirk. 
I rolled my eyes and stood up straight. Dandy mimicked my actions.
"Rude." I heard Dandy mumble. "Anyway, what about we pry them off?" She suggested. I gave her a 'are-you-crazy' look.
"You don't know how stubborn the girls here are." 
"I really don't know."
"Now you know. So it's better if we just leave them alone." 
"Yes." I clamped my hands on my mouth, realizing what I just said. Dandy smirked in Victory and dragged me to the swarming girls. I didn't do anything. I just let her drag me.
"Excuse me. But, do you mind moving aside for awhile? Our seats are in the middle." Dandy asked, faking a kind voice. 
I stayed quiet, and planned to be quiet throughout their conversation.
A ty looking girl turned to us, one brow raised.
"Are you talking to me?" She asked, her arms crossed across her chest.
"Uhhhh.. Actually. I was talking to all of the girls here."  Dandy answered.
"What do you want?" 
"We want you to move aside, because, you're surrounding OUR seat."
"How dare you talk to me like that, new girl." The girl said, pushing Dandy hard making her stumble back and fall.
"What the..........." 
Now all pupils darted their attention to us. Including the girls who were still surrounding Teen Top, AND Teen Top themselves.
I helped her up but paused as the girl said,
"Get the out nerd." The girl, whom I now recognized was Woori's bestfriend, Hyuna, spat. I clenched my fists and then relaxed it again and continued to help Min Ah up.
"I said get the out!" Hyuna yelled, pushing me. I fell on my . The students gasped. I closed my eyes and heaved out a shaky sigh, forcing myself not to let my anger out.
But, I know that I'm about to blow up any second now.
hi there. :)
So, here's Chapter 3! 
There's not much to say.. so.. Goodbye. :)
Sorry for some grammar and spelling mistakes. English is NOT my first language.
DearAngel x


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Chapter 2: Haha~ I totally didn't expect her best friend to be the person she bumped into xP
And even though there's a FEW grammar mistakes here and there, it's a LOT better than most of the fanfics I've read where English was the author's first language :)
Chapter 1: Omo! It's it L.Joe??? xD
It's really good so far! please update soon!!^^
Oooh! Are you from Melbourne too?!?!? o_o
hehe, I like Justin Bieber as well xP
It sounds interesting! Please update soon!^^