
Do You Have What It Takes

Woke up bright and early to get my hair and makeup done.

“You’re going on your first reality program! Aren’t you excited? So what style do you want today?” The stylist asked cheerfully.

“Hmm I’m not really sure what I’m feeling about this show. Mixed feelings? Hmm I think it’s better if I had a simple look right?”

My stylist glanced at me from top to bottom before nodding. “A simple girly look will probably suit you the best. You have a very cute and sweet kind of look.”

I nodded in agreement and she quickly got to work. The company stylist that is accompanying on this trip stood by the side of observe as she would be doing up my make up the next 4 days.


I sat in the car and fiddled with my fingers as a camera captured every emotion and every movement. I looked up and smiled at the staff member and the cameraman that was paired with me.

“Unnie, do you know who I’ll be meeting?” I asked the staff Unnie.

She shrugged and smiled. “Even if I knew, I can’t tell you!”

I whined and gave a pout. “Aww~ I’m so nervous right now. Can’t I have a hint? Just a small one?”

She shook her head and laughed.

“We have arrived.” The driver called out monotonously.

The staff Unnie motioned for me to go outside.

“Okay, let’s go!” I said and smiled nervously into the camera. I opened the door slowly and hopped out. I fixed my hair and checked my outfit. I wore a denim top and it was tucked in neatly to a pattern skirt with a pair of high cut sneakers. “Do I look okay?” I asked the camera and the cameraman made it move up and down as if he was nodding. I giggled and bowed.

The staff Unnie then signalled for me to enter the cafe that was in front of us.

“Do I go in now?” I asked, a little confused.

She nodded.

“Okay, here I go!” I took a nervous step up and pushed open the cafe door. A sweet aroma filled my nose. I miss coming to cafes, the coffee smell is just amazing.

I stopped for a moment, looking around the cafe. I wonder who’s my date for today. I really hope it’s Kyuhyun.

I walked slowly towards the stairs and made my way up. In about 20 steps, I arrived at the top and I glanced around. I spotted someone sitting in the corner with his back facing me. This person looks very familiar.

I walked closer, trying not to let my footsteps be heard. He didn’t seem The closer I got, the more I found his back view familiar. Wait~ It can’t be.

“Annyeonghaseyo~” I bowed and greeted my mysterious male date for today.

He turned around and my suspicions were confirmed. He was totally shocked. He couldn’t stop staring at me.

“May I sit down?” I asked awkwardly.

“Ah! Sure sure! Please, have a seat.” He stammered nervously before chuckling to himself.

I sat there for a moment, planning my next move. I can’t let viewers know we are close right? But it is something they would expect since we’re in the same company?

“So...” I broke the silence. “Minho-ssi, how have you been?” I gave him a calm look as he still looked startled.

He seemed to calm down a little noticing that I appeared not nervous at all.

“I’ve been doing well. Congratulations on your debut by the way. Oh and here, I got this for you.” He pushed forward a cup of coffee. “I didn’t know what you like so I just went according to my gut feeling.”

“Thank you, Minho-ssi. What did you get then?” I smiled a little.

“A caramel macchiato. I’ve seen many girls drink this.”

“Ah, so you’ve dated a lot?” I took a sip of the coffee, trying to hide a smile that was forming. It can’t be that he remembered I liked this? He couldn’t have hoped that I would be the one meeting him right?

Minho shook his head. “It’s nothing like that!”

I laughed. After a moment too, he joined in the laughter.


After a lighthearted chat in the cafe, we decided to leave and do some shopping.

“What kind of clothes do you like to wear?” Minho asked as we started walking down a street of shops.

“Hmm? Nothing elaborate? I like to dress up simply and yet I still look elegant?” I laughed.

Then we decided that we should pick out outfits for each other. I agreed and tried to maintain a neutral expression, as all I could think about was Kyuhyun. Was he having fun on his date?

Every time I held up a top to look at it, I would think about Kyuhyun. I cannot let this continue! We are filming a reality program right now!

Finally I decided on this checkered collared shirt and Minho decided on this vintage dress with a laced collar. We changed our clothes, paid for them and walked out of the shop contented.

Before we could continue our shopping, the filming crew handed us an envelop.

I took it and gasped.
“It can’t be! There are missions on the program too?!” I exclaimed.

Minho calmly took the envelope from my hand and opened it, revealing a photograph of a couple holding hands.

I opened my mouth in shock.
“You can’t expect us to do that right!” I must have looked pretty shocked as the filming crew started laughing.

“It is a mission to help the both of you get closer!” The staff Unnie explained.

This has to be a joke! I have to hold hands with Minho, on broadcast? If I have to hold Minho’s hand, then whose hand is Kyuhyun going to hold? Suddenly coming on this program doesn’t seem like such a good idea anymore.


Posted on: 10th April 2013.


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Working on the last chapter! ><


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Let me tell you a story of how a human like you can write 61 chapters. Once upon a time.. Yes? The Exons? On Earth? Pfft! Um.. What is that sound? Oh cheese macaroni! Get out everyone! Run! By the way.. Keep the good work. I'm the Exo!
MitsuKyuYamazaki #2
Chapter 62: Waaa this is a good story X'D
Liked it <3
authentic22 #3
Chapter 62: I really like this :)
I hope there's a lot mor kyulyn moments againXD
Make other stories unnie~
Chapter 62: Kyaaa... That was So Sweet and Cute~~~ :D

I Love it! *squeals* It was just so beautiful! Happy Ending!!! xD

Love you! You're an awesome author! I really love your story!!! ^_^
Chapter 62: Sweeeet :3 glad there's a happy ending :D
omg whuy end sho sooon )):
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 59: Aigoooo XD
Update soon!!! :D
MitsuKyuYamazaki #8
Chapter 59: Aigoooo XD
Update soon!!! :D