
Do You Have What It Takes

28th Dec: 


Managed to finish another chapter! 

The plot is just starting to get complicating ><
Unfortunately, I sense the end of this story is coming soon...

Would you guys still continue reading if I went up to more that 50 chapters? 
Please let me know in the comments below!

Love Fid♥



I sat there feeling totally confused. What just happened? Did Kyuhyun just admit to Donghae that he was missing me before realizing he had accidentally called me? I hope he doesn’t realize I was somewhat listening in on their conversation. I placed my phone on my bed and went to take a shower.


I tried to finish my shower quickly so I’ll have time to dry my hair and then go to bed. I looked at the clock and it was already 1am. I sighed. What was Kyuhyun doing at this hour and why was he thinking about me? Just then my phone rang again.


I checked the screen before answering the call. I didn’t want to listen in on any conversation again. It was Donghae, again.


“Yoboseyo?” I answered, sleepily.


“YAH why are you still awake?” His voice boomed over the speaker. Why does he always have so much energy?


“Because you keep calling me, Oppa!” I sighed and plopped down onto my bed.


“Are you sure it’s me or its Kyuhyun’s calls that are keeping you awake? I’m sure you’re missing him right now!” He burst out laughing. Seriously was he drunk or something?


“I’m not.” I replied coldly.


“WHOA did something happen between the two of you? I’m starting to think something did. Kyuhyun would usually play with me but he chased me out of his room. Hmm this is strange. I will find out what happened even if nobody tells me! Oh and I’ll be back a day late because I’ve some event to attend so I’ll see you on Sunday!” And he hung up without even waiting for my reply. Was he already on his way to find out what happened?


I sighed. I’m too tired to bother about what Donghae’s reaction will be when he finds out what happened. He has always been the one encouraging me to get into a relationship despite Mi Unnie’s saying otherwise. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind who I ended up with right? He would be totally fine if I got together with Minho right? He was close with Minho too anyway.


Before I knew it, it was already the next morning. The birds were chirping loudly outside my window and the sun was shining brightly on my face. I got out off bed starting to feel irritated. Somehow I felt this wasn’t going to be a good day.


Emma could probably sense that I wasn’t in such a good mood. She didn’t question me but still kept a cheerful front trying to cheer me up. I’m really thankful to have a partner like her. All the more I didn’t want to screw things up so we could debut quickly. The journey to the company building was quiet except for Mi Unnie going through our schedule. I just nodded in response to everything, not feeling like saying anything.


We arrived at the company building and I alighted while mumbling my thanks to Mi Unnie. I strolled through the doors and noticed someone standing in the lobby. It was strange though, since the office building should be rather empty as almost everyone left for SMTOWN. I looked at that man and squinted to focus. I gasped. It couldn’t be! No way!


“Appa?” I whispered.


The man looked up as if he heard me. He walked closer and I could see his face clearly. He was angry. My suspicions have been confirmed.


“Appa, w-what are you doing here?” I was shocked.


“How long did you think you could hide this from me? It was already bad enough that you wanted to become an actress for musicals and such. But what is this now, you’re a singer?! If your Omma didn’t accidentally tell me I wouldn’t have known! I shouldn’t have allowed you to study what you wanted. You should have gone into business, just like me.” He was very angry.


“Appa, this is a bigger deal than becoming an actress! I’ll be known worldwide and people will be able to listen to my music!” I fought back my tears.


It was difficult getting my dad’s approval to study drama and become an actress but this was a bigger deal than just being an actress back in London! Besides, I may not even make it as an actress back home if I didn’t pass the auditions.


“Enough of this, I will speak with your company. You will pack up and get ready to leave with me at the end of this week!” He turned and stormed out of the building.


I stood there, lost and confused. I didn’t know what to do. I immediately dialed my mum’s number.


“Omma!” I shouted into the phone as she picked up.


“I’m so sorry honey, I let it slip. I thought he’d approve of it once I told him you were going to debut. He immediately left his work, booked his flight and wanted to bring you back home.” My mum sounded so sorry, I had to forgive her.


“Omma, what am I going to do?” I started sobbing into the phone. I couldn’t just drop this and leave.


“Honey, I know how talented you are. Maybe your Appa has just forgotten it. Try to work things out with him?”


I listened to my mum’s comforting words and agreed to try convincing my dad.


Dad lives away from mum and I. His company posted him to China for business so he’s always been flying back and forth since I was little. He always wasn’t around to watch my school musicals and concerts. He always sent flowers and a little card saying that he knows how talented I am and that he’s sorry for missing the show. Has he really forgotten? I know my dad loves me and wants me to succeed in life. But being the businessman that he is, all he knows is business. To him, becoming successful will only mean becoming someone like him.


I sighed loudly as I dragged my feet up for practice. I had a feeling today wasn’t a good day, and I was right. Was this really the end for me? Maybe the timing is just perfect, if I left, I wouldn’t have to see Kyuhyun anymore.


Planning to start a new story! Will start on it after I finish with this one ^^ <Catch a Falling Star
Should I make it fully EXO instead of including SJ? Hmmm...

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Working on the last chapter! ><


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Let me tell you a story of how a human like you can write 61 chapters. Once upon a time.. Yes? The Exons? On Earth? Pfft! Um.. What is that sound? Oh cheese macaroni! Get out everyone! Run! By the way.. Keep the good work. I'm the Exo!
MitsuKyuYamazaki #2
Chapter 62: Waaa this is a good story X'D
Liked it <3
authentic22 #3
Chapter 62: I really like this :)
I hope there's a lot mor kyulyn moments againXD
Make other stories unnie~
Chapter 62: Kyaaa... That was So Sweet and Cute~~~ :D

I Love it! *squeals* It was just so beautiful! Happy Ending!!! xD

Love you! You're an awesome author! I really love your story!!! ^_^
Chapter 62: Sweeeet :3 glad there's a happy ending :D
omg whuy end sho sooon )):
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 59: Aigoooo XD
Update soon!!! :D
MitsuKyuYamazaki #8
Chapter 59: Aigoooo XD
Update soon!!! :D