CLUSTER 1 – Tinker, Coal, and Gold

Brain Zap!


RECORDING | 01/01/2013 19:45 HRS | NEW YEAR


On a one cold Christmas noon, in a steamy room were the noises of engines are everywhere, lights were scarce, and the oxygen is tight, this is where the usual place where the miners can be found. It’s where they tinker and dig for living. They’re usually in yellow jumpsuit with silver line patterns that illuminates in darkness were only flashlights and guiding bulbs were the source of lights. Aside from the constant roaring of engines, the screaming and yelling of miners can be heard all over the place.

Clearly, it’s a “total chaos” for the others, but its money and food for the workers.

Joonmyeon or simply Suho doesn’t really much have of a choice but to live with it since he’s not good with anything but mining. His father was a miner and he usually brings him along since he was young. From that, he learned everything that has to be learned in this line of work. His father died from the explosion during his father’s duty. Many men were reported dead or were left unidentified and most of them were reported missing, and sadly that includes his father. Him being the oldest takes full responsibility as the breadwinner of their family. He sacrifices his study to feed his mother and his younger brother.

For the first time of the day, Joonmyeon had a chance to experience the sunlight. He adjusted his vision from the overwhelming rays of light that is trying to get into his light-deprived retina.  He removed his helmet, and ed and removed his jumpsuit half way through.  He immediately felt refreshed as the cold breeze of winter air caresses his exposed milky white collar bone. That simple thing brings a curved to his lips, a sincere smile. He feels alive after excruciating hours in a dark, stinky, and dirty underground.

After towelling himself from sweat and muds, he fetched his phone and punches some series of numbers. He waited for number of rings before someone picks up the phone.

“Hello?” a voice of a woman in a mid-50’s warily answered the phone.

“Hello mom! It’s me Joonie!” he said excitedly. He usually used his nickname whenever his mom answered the phone to assured his mother that his fine and well. It’s been a habit of him, since his mother got a trauma in answering phones. His mom is the one who the mining corporation has called and reported about the accident. Since then whenever someone is calling to their house, their mom will freak out and will start to bawl. After a year of patience, and praying, their mother recovers from the trauma but still feels wary and unease every time the phone rings.

“Oh my Joonie! Why aren’t you here since last night?” his mom responded with awe, and a hint of tears in her voice.

“Mom, you have to understand. You must learn that the holidays will never be any special day for me. I need to work on those days to increase our income for at least a half.” Joonmyeon calmly replied to his mom, he carefully choses his word to prevent any misunderstanding that might takes place. That would be the last thing he wants for having a busy holiday. “I love you mom, and I promise you that as soon as I finished the work, I’ll make it up to you.”

“You should hold on to that promise because I will be really mad if you won’t! Ok? I love you Joonie…” his Mom said to him sweetly.

Joonmyeon chuckles due to his Mom’s usually or safe to say always empty threats, he shook his head and get back on the phone, “Mom you know that I love you too but I really need to get back to work or my boss will gone mad and scold me to death. Say my regards to Jongin alright?”

“Jonginnie isn’t around he’s outside and I don’t know what he was up to. He just told me that he’s going to buy something for the table” their mom reported.

“Oh! That’s good. Will see you later then” he said sweetly.

But before he could hang up the phone, there’s a huge booming sound that almost making his left ear burst which made him immediately tear out the phone from his ear. The sound of an explosion was also heard as its echoes throughout the gloomy atmosphere. He looked up and saw a huge cluster of black smoke forming and flying up the air. His heart beats faster than usual; his eyes grew almost three times its actual size, and his breathing stop from the sudden realization. The booming sound from the phone, the huge sound of explosion, and the vast smoke forming up the sky are all coming from one direction, and that’s his town, his home.

He held the phone back to his ears but only welcomes by a loud deafening static sound of absence and lost. His knees were trembling which made him fall as his tears tracing down his dusty face. He turns mute and can’t even utter a single word to describe or let out his agony.

It’s Christmas but it feels like its doomsday.


“And now Kris is the right time to take the camera off” Joonmyeon said as he wiped out his tears. He threateningly glared at the guy behind the camera which immediately turns off the gadget.

“Cool off! It’s now turned off. See?” the guy he called Kris said goofily while pointing at the unlit red pin-light which is indicating that the recording stops.

“Thank you!” he replied sarcastically.

“So that’s it?” said the guy who’s wearing signature brown leather jacket, a white shirt, and black skinny jeans, and completed by a brown leader boots. He walks back and forth in a manner like he was in a catwalk.

“Pretty much, yep! Aside from the commotion happened in the mine which I know most of you were familiar with, then run up to my house and found two burned body, one at the living room and one at the front door, and the unexpected little meet up we ‘strangers’ made at the supermarket. Nothing special happened.” Joonmyeon replied trying to straighten his face as he mentioned his burnt family. He needs to move on and continue leaving because he knows from the bottom of his heart that this is what his brother and mother would say if ever they are still alive. And he’s not going to disappoint them. He will survive and make his life worth living.

“Ugh! Boring!” said the catwalk guy followed by an insulting yawn.

“Stop acting like a diva, former supermodel heartless super Baekhyun!” Kris retorted which by far the exact opposite of the guy called Baekhyun. If Baekhyun can be labelled as a supermodel, Kris can be labelled as a fashion “number one” murderer.

“What? Insecurity strikes?” Baekhyun said as he eyed Kris from top to bottom. “You’re actually pretty cute if you consider not wearing those comic shirts, torn skinny jeans, over the top hooded jacket,  and those untidy set of disgusting sneakers” he finished his sentence with a smirk while rolling his eyes out.

The remaining guys are trying their best to suppress the laughter as they’re waiting for the catfight of the year to emerge. They are mentally placing bet on who’s going to win. Bad as it seems but this is one of their most favourite parts of the day where the diva and the film lover were clashing. It’s a total entertainment for them.

“Said by ‘the most fashionable person alive’, you wish right?” Kris retaliates with venom of insult.

“Technically, I am. Wanna know why?” Baekhyun snaps his finger in front of Kris’ face as he continues, “Look around you dork! Can’t you see how catastrophic this place looks like? I bet both of my precious hands if I see Nigel Barker taking photos of Tyra Banks while modelling for Harper’s Bazaar! ” he finishes as he smiles widely feeling the sense of triumph in his hands.

“Owned!” shouted the guy in teal long sleeves with green tie, black semi fit slacks, leather shoes, and completed with white laboratory coat, attached a pin which labelled as ‘Zhang Yixing, M.D Psychiatrist’.

Joonmyeon snorts his laughter as Lay and Baekhyun duets in a laughing galore.

Kris scrunched up his nose while sulkily replacing the tape in his cam. He feels annoyed that Baekhyun wins against him as always. Never in a fight that triumph favours him, that’s why he had lost too much confidence about himself.

Joonmyeon shook his head while staring at Kris sulking in the corner. He stood up as he reaches for his bag and pat Kris’s shoulder and said, “Time to go guys. We can’t stay here for long. The horde might just spot us”

Kris bring his gazed up to Joonmyeon, he saw the brightest and sincerest smile in this whole wide world and immediately lit up his mood. He smiled back and continued packing his stuff before slinging his bag on to his shoulder. His smile never leaves its place as he felt safe walking around the dangerous alley with Joonmyeon arms around his shoulder.

This caused Lay and Baekhyun to snickers behind. Baekhyun then felt a bit jealous and cleared his throat, “Ahem! Mind to walk faster doctor? The scene in front of us is so gay!” with that Lay eyed him judgingly but still followed what Baekhyun said and they lead the way.

Unknown to these four young men, there are two shadows lurking behind them following every footstep and turn they take as if waiting for an opportunity to occur.

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wait! kai already died?!