Mysterious Stranger

Power is the Root of All Evil

The next morning (well, she assumed it was the next morning, it could have been any time of day, it was impossible to tell from the cellar) Emilia was woken up by heavy footsteps and voices coming from behind the door. However as she began to wake up properly she was aware of an unfamiliar voice. She frowned. Just then the door burst open and the gruesome sixsome entered with…another guy. Emilia squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light and began to focus on the new guy’s face. He, too, was blonde but only the hair on top. Where it was cut short underneath it was much darker, as were his eyebrows. He’d obviously dyed his hair unlike B.A.P who appeared to somehow be naturally blonde. He was dressed all in black in what looked almost like armour, she thought as she eyed his large shoulder plates. His expression was serious and his thick eyebrows and heavy eyeliner gave him a dangerous appearance. He caught her eye and she averted her gaze.

“And this is the legendary Kwon Emilia.” Bang Yongguk boomed and Emilia’s eyes flickered back to the group where the new guy was standing with his arms crossed and one eyebrow cocked. Yongguk was smirking proudly and the rest of his cronies also looked rather pleased with themselves. The new guy’s face remained unreadable. Suddenly Yongguk turned around, blocking the stranger from Emilia’s view and began muttering something too quietly for Emilia to hear. She strained her ears as she heard the stranger reply in a voice higher than she would’ve imagined, particularly compared to the leader’s husky tone. But however much she tried she couldn’t pick up what they were saying. She gave up and leaned back against the wall, focusing instead on stretching her legs as much as she could with the heavy chains keeping them close to the wall. “…anyway, let’s discuss this upstairs.” She caught Yongguk say and he started for the stairs, the rest of B.A.P following him. The stranger hesitated a bit though and suddenly fixed Emilia with a gaze so powerful she could barely return it. It was as if he was trying to send her some telepathic message. Unfortunately though none came. Yongguk stopped and turned around and the new guy’s eyes snapped abruptly away. He nodded towards the leader and casually started for the stairs as well. The heavy door clanged shut and Emilia sighed. There was something about that new guy that intrigued and yet scared her. She wondered what he was doing here.


Sometime later when Emilia was busy being bored out of her mind, she began to hear voices again. No, just one voice. From a short distance behind the door.

“Yeah, I’m just going to the toilet.” It was the stranger’s voice. Her heart began to beat faster. But as the sentence drifted away so did all other noises. And in their place came a lit up room. Again, Emilia squinted as her eyes adjusted to the light and by the time she was able to focus the stranger was right in front of her. She jumped and opened but a hand immediately covered it. Her eyes widened as she took in his close up features and realised just how handsome he was. He said nothing but pulled out a key and her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as he bent down and began quickly but silently unlocking the chains.

When he was done (in less than a minute) he straightened up and fixed her again with that piercing stare.

“Go up the stairs and turn left,” He began in a murmur so quiet that even standing a few centre metres away she had to strain to hear. “Keep going along that corridor until you come to a door. Don’t hesitate, open it and ing run. Head for the woods and look for the temple. Hide inside. No one will find you.” He turned but she grabbed his arm. He stopped and turned back round.

“W-what should I do then?” She asked in a hoarse whisper.

“Wait for me.” He replied simply and turned around again.

“What’s your name?” She asked breathlessly.

“Mir” He replied softly and with that he left the room so swiftly and silently it was as if he’d never been there. Emilia paused and then shook herself out of her trance and headed for the door, Mir’s instructions fresh in her mind. Her heart racing quadruple time. This was it. She was free. She’d done it! With some help from the mysterious Mir of course. She wondered who he was and why he’d saved her. She’d ask him later. For now, she had to get to the temple without being caught. It wasn’t over yet.

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Chapter 2: All three of the groups I stan in one story :DDD I couldn't be happier
And it's very well written and interesting!
roserika #2
Chapter 13: You updated wohoo.yongguk's just plain that seungho into this things ought to get even interesting..
Chapter 11: Sup!! New reader in the house! This story is awesome!
Chapter 10: I feel bad for her... Yongguk is mean... :'(
roserika #5
Chapter 9: Hi there! New reader here. This is a really awesome story, bap as bad guys, nice it all in one go.oh please do continue with the story, its really nice.
Chapter 9: After reading the last line, I started singing Nothing's Over by Infinite... And about the hiatus, you can go on it if you want to, but if it's because of readers, I have to say one thing. I'm guessing that you started this story because you had a good idea and wanted to write it out. So are you going to finish this for yourself as well or for readers? I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense.
Chapter 8: This Yongguk is scary, seriously! And yet since it's Yongguk, I love him at the same time...
Chapter 7: Haha I meant to say really! XD I hate typos
Chapter 7: This is reallh cool! One of my favorite stories! And I'm very mad at Mir now! :(