What's Going On?

Power is the Root of All Evil

“I know what’ll make her talk.” Bang Yongguk turned to his commander, Kim Himchan, who was slouched in his chair with a seedy look on his face. The leader frowned.

“No.” He grunted, dismissing the idea even before it left the man’s mouth. Himchan was predictable. If you didn’t know him as well as Yongguk the smirk would’ve given him away. He caught the disappointed expression on the commander’s face and rolled his eyes. “She’s mine.” Yongguk growled, and now it was his turn to smirk. Suddenly an impatient cough sounded from across the table. The leader’s eyes snapped towards the source; Yoo Youngjae.

“Can I please suggest an idea that might actually work?” He asked frustratedly and Yongguk cocked an eyebrow. It wasn’t like him to put up with attitude but this was Youngjae, perhaps the only person who Yongguk respected.

“Shoot.” He said with a wave of his hand and Youngjae sat up straighter and began to explain.


The familiar beam of light that fell across the stone floor when the door was opened woke Emilia up from her trance. The lack of food made it hard for her mind to remain in reality but as she saw Mr Big Bad Bang strut in with an over-confident smirk on his face her attention returned.

“Hey babe” He grinned and she grimaced. She waited for him to take his usual position but something was wrong; looking around she couldn’t see his blonde posse. He was alone. Instead of stopping a few feet in front of her like he usually did, he kept on walking until he stood so close that she could feel his breath on her face, despite the fact that he towered over her. He reached out and she flinched but he didn’t hurt her, instead he tucked a loose strand of hair delicately behind her ear. Her heart raced as her petrified eyes remained fixed on his. He laughed softly.

“What’s wrong?” He whispered, allowing his hand to drop down, sliding along her cheek and stopping under her chin. She swallowed as her face turned crimson and he laughed again. “Aigoo” He cooed, “So cute!” To Emilia’s relief he stepped back and a more businessy look appeared on his face. “I’ve decided to let you eat. We don’t want you to die on us now, do we? You’re far too useful for that…” He frowned slightly at her sallow cheeks and prominent cheekbones. “Anyway, Zelo will be down in a minute.” He paused and then winked at her before strutting back out of the room. Emilia frowned. What was going on?!


True to his word, within a few minutes of Yongguk leaving the room, Zelo entered carrying a tray. He walked towards Emilia without making eye contact and set the tray down on the floor expressionlessly. Then he picked up a bottle of water and took the cap off, holding it up to . Emilia parted her lips and allowed Zelo to pour the liquid into , gulping it down greedily until she’d downed the whole bottle. She instantly felt a lot better. Zelo set the now empty bottle back on the tray and picked up a bowl full of rice. Emilia’s heart leapt. As her hands were chained she allowed him to feed her the rice too, finishing it in a number of minutes. If she’d been able to feed herself she probably would’ve stuffed the whole bowl in in one go, but she’d had to wait impatiently for Zelo to feed her more sophisticatedly. As soon as she’d finished the rice Zelo had turned to go, but Emilia called out quickly.

“Zelo?” The boy stopped and turned back towards her. She smiled gratefully. “Thank you.” The blonde nodded and made to go again. “For th-the other day as well.” She added and he stopped again. This time however he didn’t bother turning round, and after a second or two he carried on towards the door. Emilia sighed as she watched his departing back.

A/N: Woah. It's been a long time since I last updated hasn't it? So much has happened....

Do we all like Stop It?

Personally, its a bit too cutesy for me don't shoot me...I mean, is that aegyo from Bang Leader?? Even if he's completely failing :') I'm sorry Yongy that's just not cute...xD

But even though they all looked AMAZING I waayy prefer the macho concept of Warrior, Power and No Mercy. Wasn't a huge fan of Crash either.....I'm sorry Babys T_T they're still really good songs with really good MVs etc etc just not the style I love B.A.P for. Fair?

Anyway, will try and update more often from now on, action's about to start! Also, new character next chapter :D :D

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Chapter 2: All three of the groups I stan in one story :DDD I couldn't be happier
And it's very well written and interesting!
roserika #2
Chapter 13: You updated wohoo.yongguk's just plain mean.now that seungho into this things ought to get even interesting..
Chapter 11: Sup!! New reader in the house! This story is awesome!
Chapter 10: I feel bad for her... Yongguk is mean... :'(
roserika #5
Chapter 9: Hi there! New reader here. This is a really awesome story, bap as bad guys, nice idea.read it all in one go.oh please do continue with the story, its really nice.
Chapter 9: After reading the last line, I started singing Nothing's Over by Infinite... And about the hiatus, you can go on it if you want to, but if it's because of readers, I have to say one thing. I'm guessing that you started this story because you had a good idea and wanted to write it out. So are you going to finish this for yourself as well or for readers? I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense.
Chapter 8: This Yongguk is scary, seriously! And yet since it's Yongguk, I love him at the same time...
Chapter 7: Haha I meant to say really! XD I hate typos
Chapter 7: This is reallh cool! One of my favorite stories! And I'm very mad at Mir now! :(