You didnt know?

Onew in 2 oneshots

It was already late and mostly everyone had left the SM building. I was still practicing dance moves for upcoming single. That bastard Taemin was going somewhere around SM building.

I dialed his number and pressed call button. After first signal I notice his phone ringing on bench at other side of dancing room. Great.

“Yah~ even snail could get water faster.” I mumbled quietly to myself while starting to stretch.

I went to my ipod to turn in music. I clicked once there was no sound even though everything was turned in and on ipod showed that song was already playing. I switched different song and tried to play it. Still there was no sound coming.

Suddenly in hallway I heard voice singing some kind of melody. I couldn’t tell name of it, but I knew that I have heard it somewhere before.

“Taemin!” Angry from waiting I went to dancing room’s door and shouted in hallway.

In hallway was nobody. Even now there was silence only tiny light at end of it, but it was enough bright to see whole hallway.  

I felt like somebody was staring at me and quickly turned round, but there was nobody. Angriness slowly turned in fear. I stepped in hallway and looked around. Where could he be now?

Then door behind me smashed and I heard somebody’s breath behind.

It was enough and I started to run through hallway looking for any light or sign somebody could be.

I ran out of hallway and then thinking where to go. I slowly backed away till something pulled me in back in darkness. I let out a shriek and felt somebody holding me and not letting me to shriek.

“Shhh” the person said. I recognized owner’s voice in moment.


“Shhh” he told me to stay silent again.

“Why-” I stopped as I saw scary image. My eyes grew wider as I saw white silhouette was flying through hallway past us. Feeling was like heart gona fly out of chest.

I could feel how Onew grip grew stronger. I guess he wasn’t feeling so brave either.

After minute when the silhouette was away Onew pulled me by hand making me to follow him.

We ran in singing class which was open by surprise. We sat down.

“Whoa what is that?!” I shouted loudly through all singing place.

“Shhh” he looked at me again and then smiled “I don’t know I am seeing such things for first time in here. And by the way why you are still here?”

“I was training in dancing room with Taemin. Well till he went after water or something~” I really didn’t know where he was now.

“Oh Taemin.” He let out a sigh.

“What is it? With sigh~” I repeated him and laughed.

“Nothing~” he smiled. “So where is he?”

“I don’t know. Maybe let’s go find him?”


We went out of the singing room before entering hallway we looked to right then to left.

“Dang it don’t works~” Onew whined as he tried to turn in the light.

We started to walk through the dark hallway. I could see anything.

“Onew where are yoOOOOouuUUUuu~” my whisper went in shout out through whole hallway as I fell on him.  Whoops.

“Oh you found me.” He joked. I felt his breath hitting my face and blushed at how close we were to each other.

“Well…umm…we…are going where?” I did a mental facepalm for asking such a genius question.

“Well…I guess to dancing room? And then find this..uhh..em..Taemin?”

“Ye-“ we got disturbed by melody which I heard already before it made us get up quickly. We ran through hallways like crazy while being followed by that melody. We quickly ran in room.
We couldn’t recognize it because of darkness.

Suddenly door opened behind us and Onew made fast move to the wall pulling me along. Which made us in weird situation. Well weird situation for girl and guy.

We were standing close to each other. My eyes were closed from reaction. For shorter we were kissing each other.

“Guys what are you doing?” suddenly from nowhere rang Taemins voice. He was standing at door and lights were on?

“How? What?” I whispered.

“Those 5 minutes were killing they were like forever~” Taemin laughed. I looked with Onew in clock. It really was showing like only 5 minutes had passed away.

“This is weird!” I confessed to myself loudly “I mean we saw that white person flying and now its like nothing happened!!!”

“Oh you mean ghosts?” Taemin sighed while he took his phone out of his pocket. Wait?! Phone?! I remember clear I saw it on bench. Then Taemin frowned “Damn no signal. Onew can I use your phone?”

“Ghosts?”I manage to anwer his question with another question.

“Yah. You didn’t know? I have seen a lot here.”


Sorry its so crapy! oh my gawsh! T^T

It seriously makes no sense. Facepalm~

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Chapter 1: *^^* Uwaa! Love the Dubu... Kamsa, chingu~!
pls update this :]<br />
<br />
I want more ONEW~!!!
Chockolate #4
HAHA, Love it ;DDD And LoL it ended with it again.! :DD not that bad.! I want more >D