white crush ;

Ten Thousand Feels


Sometimes she sits there and wonders blankly. Her long trains of thoughts would distract her from the reality of life. A kind of life that she sometimes abhors and wishes to disappear for a split moment. But when she closes her eyes, and opens it for the two-trillion times, it's the same kind of reality. 


She sits there and thinks to herself, of how is it possible for this particular man to put his words beautifully that it would tug every inch of her heartstrings. She finds it funny of how it is possible for her to have this tiny winy crush on this particular man. She would shrug and brushes off the feelings of her shoulder most of the times, but it bothers her sometimes, of how naturally would she type the address of his blog in a heartbeat, presses enter and be amazed with every line of his sentences, and every piece of its perfectly placed words into puzzles. 


She learns that he has a crush on someone— a girl whom he would imagine as white as one of those milky clouds up there, the kind of pure white that would not fade and slowly disappear from his sight, and that precious one that he would always have to keep his eyes on, and of those pretty shades of white that he would never grasp his thoughts about it, even if he tries to put his bare hands into it.


White. Really, what kind of white is she? She's clumsy, predictable, sensitive, socially awkward and when it comes to describing herself, she seems to have lost for words, as she could barely construct ten helpless words for a single sentence of describing her petty self. Not even an adjective. She's colourless, a wallflower. One that people tend to ignore, simply because she prefers to stay silent and fades into the background than trying to blend in with the crowds, by pretending to be anybody but her. To put it in a simpler way, she's colourless. A white is barely a colour, but it's not less than a colour, than those who are colourless. Well, if that actually makes any sense. 


It's funny how this tiny winy crush would put her into some deep thoughts of the scary future, as it scatters to all sort of irrelevant things. It's a tiny crush, not much to put butterflies roaming when she sees him occasionally by chances. She just loves how he writes. And it's called a crush for a reason, she thinks.


So, she closes her eyes, and opens it for the two-trillion times, and it's the same kind of reality. 




pairing is up to your imaginations :)


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Chapter 13: Omo~ this is so sad T.T I've bit tears while read it :(
that sihyung guy just can see her for afar and just record his mixtapes... is sihyung have a dissease ??
and the sad part his mixtape can't reach her T.T
-eternal- #2
Chapter 13: i am crying - tears are literally running down my face right now T_____T how could you...how could you ruin me like this :'(

I keep reading the mixtapes in his voice (where he starts off Dreamer - in that deep talking voice of his) and it just makes it even more surreal ;; It's so heartbreaking, how he's only able to admire her from afar, yet that is enough love for him and it's even more heart-wrenching that these (beautiful) mixtapes never reached her ;_____;

your last line stabbed me.

p.s sobs it's so nice to have you on this ship ♥
ethereals #3
Chapter 3: That. Kaistal. Oh my god, my feels lie on the floor and I don't know how to fix it.
Chapter 12: /ugly tears because you picked mine ;-;

Funnily I just continued watching this movie where I left off the last time, and one of the characters has a crush on his teacher. Jongin is such a sweet darling. Bias aside, I really can see him as this shy kid who, when he secretly has a crush on someone, he'd keep it hidden as long as he could. He'd wait and keep waiting even after he loses the opportunity :(

Thank you for writing this sobs all the feels I have for them
-eternal- #5
Chapter 12: daww ~ a crush on a teacher is adorable yet heartbreaking in a way. sobss I've missed your writing so much and it's still as good as ever!
Chapter 11: OMG !! This is so beautiful~~~ myungeun !!
aaaaaahhh I love all of the part on this story... the best part when myungsoo tell her to make a lot friend, chasing her dream etc etc...
really really beautifull / cries T.T
Chapter 11: It must be really hard to say the final goodbye to someone that you really cherish throughout your life. And the thought of not having them with you for the rest of the time, wow it's really heartbreaking. My heart breaks for the part where Myungsoo tells Naeun to make new friends, to not be too kind and to not stop chasing after her dreams. (Somehow, I feel that you're directing that part for me. If so, wow Abby :'((() Tears in my eyes, everytime.

Thank you so much for this, Abby! Even though we have just got to know each other, I really love you as my friend. I'll miss you (and M & S) so much <333
Chapter 11: "one that shares the same indescribable of the colour black"
I directly know she's Naeun!!
I ship MyungEun too much :'D
this is beautiful <333333
Chapter 10: Eww what's with you and your cheesiness lol. Crying because this is so them and I have vivid images of them while reading this - how shy Minhyuk is and how Joohee was shy at first but grew to be more outgoing (read: crazy) later. And crying at her hula hula imitation because it's forever facepalmable.

Thank you for this <33 And happy cheesy month to you!
Chapter 10: "And lastly, because you're Song Joohee and because you are you."
aaaaaaaaccccckkk cries~~~~
I love the ways his describe why alice being his sunshine >.<
haaaaaa I'm getting loved this pairing :D