Prince Charming?

Rooftop Couple


School has ended. You walked toward the gate with a sigh. Today, your first day of school but it was an ordeal.

You created problem with the wrong person, causing all your classmates bullied you. Except for Noeul. She’s your first friend in your new school and she’s a kind girl you ever meet. You glad that you already have a friend, even tough just one.

You sighed, “I have to find a job today, I’m really tired for today.” You muttered. You kept walking with your head looked down.


Suddenly, a baseball landed on your head. You surprised and held your head with a groan. It was so sick that makes you sat in the middle of the field. “How was my throw?” “You’ve gone too far.”

You slowly looked back and remembered their faces. They are your classmates, Woojin and Ryuwon. At that moment, you have surrounded by students. They muttered your names, looks like you already popular in this school.

“Why do you see me like that?” Woojin turned to you and his face became more serious. You didn’t answer but still gave him a look. He became furious and threw you another ball.

You shut your eyes but suddenly, you didn’t feel anything. You didn’t feel the ball hit you. You slowly opened your eyes and looked up, a guy catched it with one hand and without gloves.

Students gasped, “IT’S JONGHWAN! JONGHWAN IS BACK!” *Who?* You curiously turned to other students, especially female students who suddenly squealed and surrounded that ‘Jonghwan’ guy.

“Woojin,” He finally spoke. Woojin startled and looked at Jonghwan, he thought that Jonghwan maybe would throw it back to him but he was wrong. Jonghwan walked towards him and gave him his ball, “Don’t play with it anymore. It’s dangerous if you throw it to someone who can’t play baseball.” Jonghwan smiled and walked into the school.

Female students followed him into the school and you were so confused. School has ended, but what are they doing with him? Who is he? Is he popular in this school? That’s all in your mind.

“You’re lucky because Jonghwan stopped me. But wait until tomorrow, new student.” Woojin gave you a smirk and walked away. Ryuwon stared at you as he followed his bestfriend.

You looked their back and rubbed your head. Then you shrugged and left.




You walked downtown, looking at the café or shop that requires an employee. Or rather that allows part-time job. You’re very tired because you haven’t found it. You’ve been going to various stories but they all rejected you with reasons that you’re still young and inexperienced.

You stopped walking and leaned against wall with a sigh. You drank your coffee and wiped your forehead with your handkerchief. “Where else I have to go?” You complained.

You waged your hand toward your face, It was already getting late. You stood up and a tiny smile appeared on your tired face, “Fighting, Min Haneul!” You cheered and spun around. Suddenly, your face turned bright and clapped, “MIRACLE!” You shouted and ran into a coffee café.

“Welcome to Miracle Coffee Café~~” An employee greeted and even bowed at you. You smiled at her, *This is really a miracle.* You giggled.

“Euhm, I saw the paper in front of the door…” You nervously said. She nodded in understanding, “You have to talk with our manager, Let’s go.” She showed you the manager’s room.

She knocked on the door, “Excuse me, Manager? There’s a student who wanted a part-time job.”

“Come in.” A gentle yet sweet voice answered. You nodded in awe, *This manager definitely still young or he’s a handsome manager.* You couldn’t help but smile.

“You can come in~~” She smiled at you and left. You took a deep breath and cheered yourself as you whispered, “Hwaiting.” You walked into the room.

“G-G-Good evening! I wanted a job here! I will work hard! Please—“ “Name?” He asked without looking at you.

You blinked, “M-M-Min Haneul…” “Age?” He asked again. “18 years old…” You replied with a confused face.

He stopped writing and looked up, your guess was right. He’s still young and is a handsome manager, “You’re hired.”

“He-Heh?” You shocked. *It was so easy?* “Don’t ‘heh’ me. Please sit down.” He nodded to a chair in front of him. You nervously sat down. He gave you a paper, “Please write your name,” He said.

You quickly wrote your name and immediately gave it to him. He took the paper and looked at it and then looked at you again. “Come over here after your school finished. There are two students like you here. You can meet them tomorrow and learned it from them.”

You beamed and nodded eagerly, “Thank you! Thank you so much!” You bowed several times. He chuckled, which makes you blinked and a little shocked. You looked up, “My name is Seo Minwoo, nice to know you.” He introduced himself.

You smiled back, “Nice to know you too, manager! I will work hard!” He nodded, “Good.”

After talking a bit, You’ll eventually go home. You are very happy to finally be able to work and live your life, *I thought he was a bad person, but apparently not.* You giggled to yourself.

You arrived at the house and happily up the stairs. Grandma Jo suddenly called you that makes you stopped and spun around, “Halmeoni!” You waved brightly.

“It’s late, Why did you just come home?” She kindly asked. You smiled sheepishly, “I was looking for a job.”

She nodded in understanding and gave you a cupful of kimchi, “This is for you!” You gasped, “Omo, I forgot that I haven’t eat yet.” You laughed and accepted it. “Thank you, Halmeoni.” You smiled.

She your hair and nodded, “Go, you must be starving.” You nodded, waved at her and then went to your house.

She smiled and was about to go into her house, “Halmeoni!” but stopped when someone called her. She spun around and rounded her eyes in surprise, “Omo, my grandson is back!” She gave her grandson a hug. She pulled back and his face, “When you arrived?” She asked.

He smiled, “This noon. I was at school first because the bus was off there.”

“You must be very tired right, Jonghwan?” She showed a worried face to his maknae grandson. Jonghwan laughed, “No, I’m not tired. But Halmeoni, It’s cold. What were you doing outside?”

“Oh, I gave a cupful of kimchi to our new neighbor in the Rooftop.”

Jonghwan looked up to the rooftop, “There is already a tenant in there? Who?” Grandma Jo chuckled, “She’s a good girl. She’s at the same age with you.” Jonghwan laughed and wrapped his arm around his grandmothe’s shoulder as he hugged it, “Let’s go inside, Halmeoni.”




After finished your dinner, you feel tired and haven’t sleepy yet. You decided to observe the night view outside.

You looked up at the sky, The scenery is very beautiful. You can see the downtown from there. You even forget all the bad days and you don’t even want to know that L.Joe is your neighbor, you just hate him. So much.

You stared at your wrist and feel sad, It was empty. You felt so empty because your bracelet isn’t there. *I had to take my bracelet back!* You thought and turned to L.Joe’s house. Your face was very serious as you began to walk there.

You stood in front of his house and suddenly knocked on his door hardly. There was no answer so you knocked several times. “YAH?! ARE YOU CRA—“ L.Joe angrily opened the door and stopped when he saw you. He frowned, “What the hell are you doing?!” He snapped.

“Give me my bracelet back!” You said as you held out a hand to him. He stared at your hand and suddenly slapped it, which makes you gaped at him. “I told you I’ve sold it.” He smirked.

You growled and tried to stay calm, “Are you stupid or crazy?! Why did you sell that is not yours?!” You snapped.

He shut his eyes as he held out his hand and then opened his eyes as he gave you a scary look, “You dare raise your voice to me?”

“You dare to sell my treasure! Why are you doing this to me?!” You snapped him again. “DON’T YOU DARE RAISE YOUR VOICE ANYMORE!” L.Joe suddenly snarled. You gasped in surprise and stepped backward, He angrily looked at you, “I don’t care you’re a girl or what, but don’t make me angry anymore. And for your bracelet, I sold it because It’s fun.” L.Joe smirked and then slammed the door in front of your face.

You’re shocked as your eyes shut. You ruflled your hair in frustration as you stomped your feet and then walked to your house. Without you knowing it, L.Joe peeked and watched you from the window of his home. He rolled his eyes and closed it.




*Another hell is going to be restarted again.* You thought when you stepped into the field of your new school.

This morning for some reason you felt so hard to go to school. But before this all happened, you really loved to go to school. But that all changed when L.Joe and his friends began to bother you.

You really didn’t understand why they did it. You thought that it’s their hobby, their strange hobbies.

You walked to your locker and tried to ignore the stares of students passing there. Even those who sneered and laughed at you.

*Don’t mind them, Haneul. You’ll get through it all. You’re a strong and brave girl, Don’t care about them and Don’t cry!* You tried to calm yourself and tried to not cry. You always pretended to be a tough gril but actually, You’re easy to cry.

You let out a sigh and opened your locker. “AH!” You yelped when suddenly a toy came out and hit your face. The students laughed at you while you were silent. You stared at the toy and closed your locker.

You began to walk to your class and of course, ignored them all.

“OH, SHE’S CAME!” You turned to Woojin when he shouted at you who’s standing in front of the door.

Woojin is one of naughty student in your class. He’s also prone to anger and emotion, He hated if someone dare to challenge him. But of course, he’s afraid of Teen Top and someone in your class.

“Do you like my toy?” Woojin asked with a smirk. He laughed and hi-fived with Ryuwon. L.Joe and his friends smirked and a little pleased with what was done by him.

“So you think that’s funny?” You finally spoke. Your classmates fell silent and stared at you. Moreover, Woojin. While Noeul looked at you worriedly. “What?” Woojin asked as he narrowed his eyes on you.

“That’s not funny.” You said with again. Woojin frowned and immediately looked at L.Joe. L.Joe nodded his head to you without say anything.

“.” Woojin muttered and took out his baseball again. Your eyes widened, *He do it again! Oh god!*

Woojin began to throw it and you quickly shut your eyes. “HANEUL!” Noeul yelled and gasped in surprise.

But again, you didn’t feel anything. Like yesterday, nothing happened. Nothing landed on your head. So you opened your eyes and looked up, *It’s him again!* You yelped inwardly.

“OMO! JONGHWAN! HE’S BACK!” You heard female students squealed. Woojin was shocked, he didn’t know that Jonghwan is going to school today.

Jonghwan again and again catched the ball. He turned to it and smiled at Woojin, “Woojin,” He called and threw it to Woojin, Woojin catched it. “Woojin, she’s a girl. Next time you see first who is your opponent before the match. Understand?” Woojin hissed and sat down on his chair.

“JONGHWAN!!” Jonghwan turned to his friends and waved. Then, he turned to you with a smile, “Are you okay?” You didn’t reply but blinked at him. *He’s so handsome… He saved me twice…* You softened then shook your head.

“Haneul!” Noeul came over to you and wrapped her arm around your shoulder as she gave you a worried look, “Gwaenchana?” You didn’t say anything. Noeul looked up at Jonghwan with a bright smile, “Jonghwan! You’re really back! Is basketball team’s training over?”

Jonghwan nodded with a smile, “Yes, Euhm… Who is she? A new student?” Jonghwan turned to you.

Noeul nodded as she answered it for you. but then, her smile faded when she saw L.Joe was looking at you with a cold gaze, “Ha-Haneul, Let’s sit.” Noeul brought you to your seat.

Jonghwan was confused so he spun around and followed Noeul’s gaze. He found out that it was because of L.Joe and his friends. *They again?* He shook his head and went to his friends.

You put your bag on the table and slowly, you turned back as you saw almost half of the students in your class surrounded Jonghwan. *Who is he? Why… Why he kept saving me?*

“He’s Jo Jonghwan.” Noeul suddenly replied your mind. You turned to him, Noeul looked at Jonghwan also, “If Teen Top is called Princes badass, Jonghwan is called Prince Charming.”

You waited Noeul to continue, “Jonghwan is really a kind guy. For me, He’s the best guy ever I met. Woojin respected him, not only Woojin… Even Teen Top.”

Your eyes widened in surprise, “Them??!” You shocked as you turned to L.Joe and his friends who looked annoyed at Jonghwan.

Noeul smiled, “Actually… I was saved by Jonghwan, too. That’s why, I admired Jonghwan.” You tilted your head and Noeul suddenly panicked as she shook her head, “It’s not like that! I admired him as a friend!”

“Saved from what?” You curiously asked. Noeul smiled wryly, “Just like you, I also bullied by them. Jonghwan helped me and said that I shouldn’t be afraid and have to stand up. Accordingly, I fought back and they didn’t want to bully anymore because it’s not cool anymore.”

You made a face, “Are they like to bother someone because It’s cool? Funny.” You scoffed. Noeul laughed, “Maybe, well… After all, they’re badass.”

You slightly smiled and turned to Jonghwan again. He was laughing with his friends and suddenly he turned to you. You met eyes with him and gasped as you turned to Noeul again. For some reason, you blushed. Jonghwan smiled and talking with his friends again.

Meanwhile, L.Joe was staring at you. Then he looked down as he took out something from his pocket, It was… your bracelet.




Finally, Jonghwan is here! LOL




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omg school always make me busy><


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Chapter 43: Finnally.....this is an amazing story authornim. I feel happt that Ljoe and Haneul together but also feel bad coz Jonghwan must ley her go...

And i feel happy that Yoonjo is not actually bad. He just alone. I lovve all of them ^^
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 43: chappie 43: such a nice ending!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 29: chappie 29: yahooo!!!!!!!!!!!
now they're together!!!!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 22: chappie 22: oh no......
but, i'm really wondering, who is haneul actually ????
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 21: chappie 21: T^T
poor l.joe!!!!
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 20: chappie 20: andwae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 16: chappie 16: kyahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 13: chappie 13: yahoo!!!! l.joe love haneul!!!!!
but,, will haneul love l.joe???
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 12: chappie 12: l.joe is so~ cool!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 9: chappie 9: triangle love ???