
i and you

At class, Wooyoung had prepared to accept the worst, that is everybody's avoiding him. Because he realizes that despite his defence, he still doing something that not a student normally do...shoot his own dad. But it seems that his concern haven't been proven. His classmates seems normal to least Jiyoung is still giving him that sweet smiles he adore. He looked for Dongwook, and when he see him, he ask him where to find student named Lee Ji Eun

"Lee Ji Eun?are you sure she's student in our school?"

Wooyoung give Dongwook a disbeliefs look

"Hey...Mr. Park himself that told me to look for her...of course she was student in here"

"Well thing you should now about me is my speciality to remember all the list of pretty and y girls in my brain. So if this Lee Ji Eun girl didn't exist in my means she's not pretty and y enough to remember"

Wooyoung was going to reply Dongwooks's word when suddenly someone interupted them

"Well...your brain is "

Both Wooyoung and Dongwook raised their head to see who's speaking. And what they see is a girl glaring at them while fixing her glasses. She's skinny and not so tall...but her skin is so white and her eyes, eventhough they're hidden behind those thick glasses and angry look, Wooyoung feel atracted to it.

Dongwook give Ji Eun a big goofy grin

"IU....what are you doing here?"

Ji Eun rolled her eyes

"Aish...i can't believe this...after 3 years in the same middle school and a year in high still don't know my real name?you're really something Dongwook"

Dongwook raised from his seat and approach her

"Hehehe...i'm sorry IU..i mean..Ji Eun..i'm so captivated by your artwork so that i forget what your real name is..But look at the bright i know your name..Lee Ji Eun...and i promise i won't forget it"

Dongwook ends his word by raising one of his hand, making oath. He blinked his eyes, hoping Ji Eun will forgive him, but Ji Eun just glare at him

"Whatever...",she says

Ji Eun look at Wooyoung again

"I already hear from Mr. Park about you...i hope you meet me after school in the gallery. We'll talk there.."

Without hearing answer from Wooyoung, Ji eun turned around and walks out from Wooyoung's class

"OO..kay..." Wooyoung talked to himself

Dongwook back to his chair and Wooyoung asked him about Ji Eun. Dongwook starts to explain about her

"Lee Ji Eun..or i know her by the name IU, is one of the talented artist of Whimoon high school. If you go to the gallery, you'll see that most of the paintings there was painted by her. She's one of Whimoon's brightest student"

"So...if she's really bright and talented like you come you don't know her?"

"Like i said brain only keeps pretty and y girls. Eventhough IU is smart and talented..well, i don't considered her as y and pretty girls, that's why she's not on my list. Not like that girl..."

Dongwook give Wooyong sign to look in front of them. Wooyoung lookes at direction's Dongwook gives and see Jiyoung with her perfect body wrapped in her modified uniform smiling at him. Wooyoung smiled back at her. Dongwook nudged him

"Soo...still dreaming with your captain's girl dont you?"

Teacher Shi entered the calss, Jiyoung turned her head again. All of the students start to prepare their books. Wooyoung take out his book from his bag and smile to Dongwook

"What can i say...she seems to like me and so do i"

When the school hour is over, Wooyoung is prepared to go to the gallery when once again Jiyoung is standing in front of him

"So..Wooyoung...i heard earlier that you going to meet Lee Ji Eun at the gallery. What happen between you both?"

Wooyoung smiled to her. He's happy knowing that Jiyoung is jealous because of ji Eun

"Well...let's say that me and Ji Eun has a business to do together. I'll see you tomorrow then?"

Wooyoung is going to leave that place when suddenly Jiyoung is holding his hand. Wooyoung look at Jiyoung with a confused look, but before he say anything, Jiyoung cut him off

"Just becarefull...Lee Ji Eun is not like her appearance"


Before Wooyoung had the chance to ask Jiyoung about the meaning behind her words, from across the hall, Dongwoon is calling for her


Jiyoung quickly removed her hand grip and walking towards Dongwoon and hugged him. Wooyoung turned around and greet Dongwoon with a standart 'Hi'. Dongwoon reply it with a slight smile. Wooyoung walk passed them, but he stopped when suddenly Dongwoon said something to him

"Coach Park tell me that you won't be joining our team until next that true?"

Wooyoung looks at Dongwoon with a suspicious looks. He suspect taht Dongwoon was the one informed his dad about his existence. But he didn't say anything...he didn't have enough proof to bring. So he just looking back at him and smile

"'s true..i hope i still can join team to competition after my suspension"

And he walks leaving them behind, he didn't even stop when he hear Dongwoon speak with loud voice

"You think you're so talented pretty boy?Without proper training and exercise, dont get your hopes high to join us!!"

"SShhh...babe..what's up?don't get mad?let's go to the cafe and have fun there"

Wooyoung hear Jiyoung try to calm her boyfriend. He close his eyes tries to hold his anger and continue walking to the gallery. In the gallery, he expect to only see Ji Eun there, but apparently all of her team was there. There are six people including Ji Eun. Ji Eun introduce them to Wooyoung.

"Wooyoung...this is Hyemi, SamDong, JinGook, Jason and PilSuk. And guys, this is Wooyoung, the person Mr. Park ask us to help with"

"Hey...i'm the one who helping you guys..."

Ji Eun give him a cold smile

"Oh really?every year we had this condition...let's see how much you can HELP us then.."

Wooyoung can't say a word, because he knows that he was "forced" to join this art team untill he got score to cover his incident. Ji Eun give him a piece of paper, it's written "PROJECT SOW WHITE" on top of it.

"So...what kind of trouble you got into?"

Ji Eun ask Wooyoung casually like she didn't care if he's going to answer it or not. Wooyoung give her the answer while still reading the paper and not looking at her

"Family problem"


Wooyoung turned the paper over and over

"So...can you explain to me what this "PROJECT SNOW WHITE" all about?"

" probably know by now from Mr. Park that every year our school art class is holding a show for the neighborhod around our school and cooperating with them in the show. And for this year's show, we're gonna perform Snow White, and.."

"Wait...sorry to cut you...Snow White?you mean like Snow White's tale?with her 7 dwarves?"



Wooyoung try to hold his laugh but he's not succed in hiding it. He try again after looking at their pissed off faces. He look at JinGook that looks like a giant with his well builded body and shiver. The last thing he wants is to be crushed by him. Ji Eun give him a glaring looks.

"Satisfied? Yes it's Snow White and complete with her 7 dwarves like you said, but we're going to upgrade it's level and decoration. If you can't accept it, you're free to one forced you to be here"

Wooyoung smiled wryly to hear Ji Eun's word. She got the point. They don't need him at all. In fact, it's him that need them

"Okay..i'm sorry for what i've done. I"ll try my beat to succed this show"

Wooyoung give them his best smile, but they're not buying it. So he looked at the paper again

"If this story is about Snow White..the only role fits me is the prince role, and i guess PilSuk will be great as my Snow White"

Wooyoung approach PilSuk to asks her about her opinion. But before PilSuk answer, Jason is standing between them

"Over my dead body!!"


PilSuk smack Jason's back slowly and she was blushing. Ji Eun smile to see their interaction. She took a glance at Wooyoung that now asking for apologize at Jason. Her first impression of this guy is not that good, but somehow, deep in her heart she feels that Wooyoung is different from all the troubled student Mr. Park had ordered them to help to.


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ameliability #1
Chapter 4: i like dongwoon and jiyoung! even if she's going to cheat on him :'(
misschinatown #2
Chapter 4: Hehe Jason cute!!!
Update soon~
I can tell that Wooyoung like Pilsuk...
Hmmm... Intresting~
MilkyCouple4ever #3
Chapter 4: Wooohoooo WooU FTW!! Update soon^^!
MilkyCouple4ever #4
Chapter 3: Wooo the start of WooU!!!!!! Update sooon
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 2: Awww, first i thought it was Ji Young and Woo Young:p! If it's WooU i'm gunna wait for updates
cherios #6
Chapter 2: Wow...thank you for subscribing and comment...this is a woou fanfic, but it's not the time they met yet. So i guess i'll put the tag after they met. Thankyou ^^
MilkyCouple4ever #7
Chapter 1: wwwait!! IS THIS A WOOU FANFIC?