Part 2

My One Wish

“Don’t you think this is such a beautiful piece of art” commented a girl.

And a mysterious girl was listening to the comments only made on the paintings done by ME. Once she would hear the good comments she will walk away with a smile.

Siwon and sungmin finally entered the museum, they were looking at the paintings. Siwon was amazed by them just like everyone else. On the other hand Sungmin was giving them the I-Don’t-Care look, expect for some of them. What he had notice is that the paintings that caught his attention were all done by ME. One in particular he thought was so beautiful, the painting was called “My One Wish”.

 The Painting was of a man and woman sitting in bench near a tree and it was night. They were holding hands while surrounded by a lot of dazzling stars and there was a shooting star in the sky. Sungmin love the painting it was romantic and he thought that the painting had a lot of meaning. Siwon and Sungmin start to walk straight ahead of them and in the opposite direction infront of them the mysterious girl  was also walking and was heading in front of Sungmin. But the girl was still in her own little world after hearing so many good things of the paintings, while Sungmin was still thinking of “My One Wish”. Before you know it these two people crashed into each other. But not much attention was put in the incident as all that they said was, “Sorry, are you okay?” asked Sungmin

“Yes, I’m also sorry” responded the girl.

Siwon just gave both of them a strange stare because he just felt some kind of connection between them.  Sungmin and the girl smiled at each other and went their own ways.

“Siwon come with me to ask something to the manager.”

“Hyung I wish I could but I got to leave before I am late for my filming” responded Siwon as he looked at the time in his cell phone.

Siwon started to run before Sungmin realized. 

“Ya! How can you leave me alone when your hyung came here with you”  Yelled Sungmin.

Everyone turned around and stared at Sungmin, he felt very embarrassed. He bowed down and said “sorry” couple of times before covering his face, walking away. Once he reached the manager’s office he uncovered his face and knocked on the door.

“Please come in” said the manager.

“Hello, I am lee Sungmin, sorry to interrupt you” said Sungmin.

“No problem, so how can I help you with?”

“I want to ask you about some of the paintings”

“Oh, sure go ahead but please have a seat”

“Umm…I wanted to know more about the painting “My one Wish”by-”

“By ME, right?” Interrupted the manager.


“what would you like to know?”

“Exactly who is ME?” asked Sungmin.

“Well as you may know, Me is the person pen name, and the person of the paintings is anonymoue, we don’t even know who she is.”

“Is that so…”

“Yeah, I think the only that knows is probably the owner of the museum but he won’t be able to tell you if the person decided to be anonymous.”

“Oh well, thanks for the help anyways it was a pleasure to meet you” said Sungmin.

“It was my pleasure to meet you too”.

Sungmin left the office disappointed and once he reach outside his cell phone started to ring.

“Hello” answered Sungmin.

“Hello, how you been?”

“Oh! Appa!”

“I see you still call me appa, I thought you forgot about me.”

“No, how could I?”

“so you been good?”

“Yes, how about you and umma?”

“We’re good, listen son I need a favor.”

“Sure what is it?”

“I want to know if you could teach someone how to play the acoustic guitar for free.”

“Does this person also live in Jeju island?”

“No. she lives in Seoul near you.”

“Then I think I would be able to do it”


“Yes, I will just need the person’s information”

“Yes son, thank you so much”

“No, worries appa I will call you later for the info, okay, take care”

“You too, bye.”

Sungmin went to film a show and during his break he got the person’s information. After he finished his short schedule at 6 P.M he decided to go and meet the person. He told his manager to drop him off at his new student house.


“I’m coming” shouted the girl.

“Hello, who you looking for?”

“Hello, I am Lee Sungmin and I’m looking for Mun Eunbin.”

“That’s me, oh! You must be the person TaeTae send to teach me the acoustic guitar, right?”

“Yes, I just wanted to meet you first and talk about timing.”

“Sure, please come in. we could have done this over the phone because you must be busy and tired from your Super Junior Schedule.”

“No, it’s okay I think it is better to do this in person.”

“Do you work?” asked sungmin

“Yes but I work at home so timing won’t be a problem”

After been offer something to drink they agreed that they would meet 6 days a week for 1 or 2 hours depending on his schedule. But before he left he asked to go to the bathroom.

“Excuse me… may I use your bathroom”

“Yes it’s straight down the hall to your left” Eunbin said as she put the cup in the dishwasher.

When Sungmin was about to open the door he was told to when suddenly Eunbin said in a loud voice

“Wait! Don’t open that door”

Sungmin looked at her confused

“Sorry I am only allowed in that room”

“What the bathroom?”Sungmin questioned.

“No, the bathroom you can use but I told youleft  when it was  right sorry.”

(2 month later)

 Sungmin and Eunbin have become very close friends in such a short time. There would be little playful fights between them but it was nothing serious. At this point their feelings for each other were only friendly but perhaps they were starting to change. They would meet seven days a week but it wasn’t always for guitar lesson.

“Hello, Sungmin I was about to call you”

“Really why?”

“Oh, because I was going to tell you if we could not practice this week because I got things to do.”

“This is perfect because I was also going to tell you that I was going to be busy this week so I won’t be able to give you lesson”

“Then this week we don’t  meet with each other okay”

“Okay bye, take care”

“You too”


Eunbin had decided to go and visit her father in Jeju island and was in the airport in Seoul waiting for her flight to arrive when she saw someone familiar far away from her. She got up and walked towards the person  because she became curious, after all you know that saying the curiosity killed the cat.

“Sungmin” she said as she tapped his shoulders.

The guy turns around and indeed it was Sungmin. They found out that both were going to and they set next to each other in the airplane. It was nonstop laughing until they arrived at the airport in Jeju.

“Hey I never asked you why you were here alone.” asked Eunbin.

“Oh I came on a surprise visit”

“Probably your girlfriend,right?”

“What you feel jealous?”

“Of course not”

“What are you doing here?”

“I am visiting the man I love” responded Eunbin.

“Is that so…”

“Feel jealous?”


“Sure if you say so”

“What? He is here but I didn’t tell him I was coming”

“Um… he probably found out somehow”

At the same time they both yelled “Appa!” and started to run and hugged the same man. That’s when they both looked at each other and then at the smiling man.


HI! i updated to much and it still not all but i will update later to day again i am just tired of typing sorry and SimJangSsi i really want to thank you for not rushing me and i feel happy and sad that you read part 1 twice because it makes me feel like i did a good jobe writting the beginning but i feel sorry because that all you could read.

anyways i am glad that you noticed about the pen name so later you will see the story about the pen name

sorry for any grammar mistakes and please enjoy! ^-^

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Nice story! It has a simple plot but it's really really cute! <3 Update soon!
Even though I'm more of an ELF than whatever the other fans are called XD
It's nice that you've seen them live.<br />
Well~<br />
Shut up, Simjang! It's not like you don't want it XD<br />
Aww =3<br />
That means I only have to wait 6 days xDD<br />
Update! ^_^<br />
The Sheep <3