I-I love you..

I-I love you..


I was lonely; I wanted to be loved again. There was only one thing stopping me, a particular thought. What if I would never find the right person? 

"Hyung, I just don't want another one-sided relationship... I'm scared that they won't treat me right and hurt my feelings..."
I was in Yongguk’s house, his huge mansion. He had brought me here, on a visit and I'd ending up breaking down in the kitchen. 
Yongguk was always willing to help me with relationship problems. 
"Jongup, I think I know the perfect guy for you. And I know he won’t be like the last guy. I'll talk to him and arrange a date. Just relax, okay?" 
Yongguk placed his hand on my shoulder, and I nodded slowly. Should I go along with this? 
"I hope you're right hyung, I really do..."
I mumbled, resting my cheek on my arm. Yongguk got up from the kitchen table and made his way to the phone by the doorway. As he dialed, I sat back and waiting patiently. I hated waiting, more than anything I've hated.

Rising from my bed, I showered, dressed and ate, like any normal day. Standing in front of the mirror, I nervously flattened my clothes. 
Today was the day, the day to meet this 'perfect guy', that hyung set me up with."
I whispered to myself, flashing a confident smile to my reflection. 
I wonder what he looks like, what his name his, what he likes to do, what his favourite food was, if he liked cuddling and coffee, what he thought of love. I had a lot going through my mind, but I kept telling myself that it would be fine. I trusted Yongguk, so I guess there was no need to doubt him. 
Making my way out the door, I headed towards the park nearby, where Yongguk told me to meet this boy. The park was a nice idea I guess, and apparently the boy lived close to me as well. 
Deciding to take a seat on the swing, I waited for the boy. How would I know when he turns up? I don't even know what he looks like! Pulling out my phone, I quickly texted Yongguk. 
"Hyung, what does this boy even look like? I don't know how to look for him, if I don't know what he looks like, idiot..."
I jumped when my phone buzzed; hyung wasn't usually a fast texter.
Photo's attached. Enjoy~
I opened the photo, smiling to myself. This boy was really cute; I wonder what his personality was like. 
Hearing footsteps, I looked up from my phone to see the boy looking down at me. Sharing awkward smiles, I stood from the swing, holding out my hand.
“H-Hello,” I said shyly “I’m Moon Jongup, it’s nice to meet you.”
The boy smiled, taking my hand in his, shaking it once.
“My name’s Choi Junhong, but you can call me Zelo. It’s nice to meet you too Jongup!”
The boy grinned, ruffling his hair slightly.
I liked this boy already, but I did need to know more about him. We walked over to the benches by the swing set and sat beside each other. Turning to face each other, Zelo opened his mouth to speak, but closed it quickly.  I smiled shyly and decided to start a conversation.
We talked about a lot. Our hobbies, our dreams, our favourite foods, what music we like, and much more. We spent two whole hours at the park, just talking about any topic that came into our minds. Zelo started to get weary, so I decided to call it a day. Next week in the same spot, same time, was our next meet up. I was already excited to see him again. Exchanging numbers and embraces, we bid our farewells and headed off home. ­­­
Taking my place by the windowsill in my lounge room, I looked out at the sun slowly setting, a smile spread across my lips; I really liked this kid. He was a year younger, loved dancing and rapping; he adored cherry tomatoes and steak and was always up for a dance battle. He was too cute for his own good, using ridiculous aegyo to get people’s attention. I stood from my place and walked to the kitchen, cooking some simple ramen for my dinner. I received a call from Yongguk just before I went to sleep, and I told him everything. He was proud of me, and was excited to hear more of how it was going. Wrapping myself up in my blanket, I sent a quick text to Zelo.

Thanks for today, it was a lot of fun~! I can tell we’re going to get along just perfectly. Hope you sleep well tonight, Jonguppie. ~

I felt a bit stupid signing off with my nickname, but it was too late to change it. My phone buzzed and I opened the new message from Zelo.
Ah hyung it was a lot of fun! Thank YOU! I can’t wait to see you again next week; it’s going to be so fun hyung!! I hope you sleep well too, goodnight hyungie~

Chuckling, I turned my phone off and rolled onto my side, closing my eyes as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I dreamt I was performing on stage with none other than Chris Brown, my idol. We were dancing together to Sweet Love, and all the noonas were crying out our names, flailing about and crying. Suddenly Zelo was on stage with me, his body pressed against mine as we both danced in a sensual manner. I looked at Zelo and we held each other’s gaze, slowly grinding against each other.  Suddenly he opened his mouth and sunlight came pouring out of his mouth, hitting my eyes as I jolted upright in my bed.
“God dammit,” I groaned, rubbing my eyes, “I forgot to close the curtains, damn sun.”
I took a long, hot shower to let all my tense muscles relax after sleeping in a funny position all night. Making myself some breakfast, I chose to eat outside today. Sitting in my favourite deck chair, I sat back and ate my toast slowly, enjoying the warmth of the sun. I cleaned the dishes and the house, settling down in my sleek armchair with my favourite book. Reading was something I did a lot, especially when I was in my current state: lonely. I must have fallen asleep, for when I woke it was getting dark and my book had fallen to the floor. Neatening myself up, I set about making dinner. It was odd only having to cook for one now; I had become so accustomed to making any meal for two, not for one. It’s not that I didn’t so much, dislike being alone, I was just so used to having someone to talk to about my day. After dinner, I decided to call it an early night. I didn’t really need to be awake; I didn’t have any chores to do, or anything to catch up on. Curling up in bed, I closed my eyes and wished for a more eventful day tomorrow.

Today is the second day I’ll be meeting up with Zelo, and I was feeling ecstatic. We met up just as we planned and picked up from where we had left off. This time we talked about our school, about our ambitions in life, our families, our past and our present. I was learning a lot about this boy, in such a short time span. Being around Zelo gave me many emotions. I would always be excited and playful, I began to become less shy and I was more open to my feelings and opinions around him. I guess you could call the feelings I had for Zelo, puppy love.
We began meeting more frequently, mainly in the park, but occasionally he would come over to my house. Zelo liked being at my house. He enjoyed watching me cook lunch for him, and playing tiggy in the backyard. We’d been meeting up for over 3 weeks now, and my puppy love, was become more serious. I couldn’t stop thinking about him; he was constantly on my mind, running around like a cat chasing a butterfly.
Zelo came over to my house again this visit, but we had decided to go to the park to play. Like we do in my backyard, I called on a race to see who could get to the park first. On my count of three, we ran as fast as we could. I of course, was ahead of him. Despite his long legs, my strength came through as much more effective.
“Hyung! Wait up, please!”
I heard Zelo yell from behind me. Turning my head to look, I saw he wasn’t too far behind so I slowed my running down slightly.
Proving to be a silly idea, I cursed under my breath as the boy ran ahead of me, and I decided I should pay him back for his trickery. Running as fast as I could, I caught up to him, tacking him onto the grass just near the park. With a squeal, Zelo landed chest down onto the grass, with me sitting on his lower back. I laughed and watched as he rolled onto his back awkwardly, his eyes fixated on mine. Holding each other’s gaze, we stayed still for what seemed like centuries. When we finally broke the stare, I slowly stood, holding my hand out to help the boy up. Awkwardly clearing our throats, we made our way to our usual spot and continued on with our conversations from last visit.
That night, as I lay in bed, I thought back on that moment in the park. Looking down at Zelo, I had realised how deeply in love I was with that boy. I was in love with someone, and damn it felt good. But how will I confess to him? What if he doesn’t feel the same way?

“Hey Zelo…? If you really liked someone… how would you tell them?”
Zelo and I were in my backyard, I was sitting on a branch in the tree, and Zelo was lying on the grass below me.
“W-well… I would just go up and tell them how I felt, it’s a hard way to do it but… you feel better once you’ve said it.”
Zelo mumbled, playing with a leaf that had fallen beside him.
I nodded, slowly making my way down the tree, taking a seat beside Zelo’s legs.
“So I just tell them, straight up? I’ll give that a try, thanks Zelo.”
The boy gave a weak nod as I patted his knee encouragingly, getting up to go into the kitchen.
A little while later, I came back out with a bowl of strawberries for Zelo and I to share. I found him still lying on the grass, it seemed like he hadn’t moved the whole time I was gone. Placing the bowl, and myself by his head, I took a deep breath.
“Zelo, I have something to ask you…”
Putting half a strawberry in my mouth, I watched as the boy sat up, his gaze meeting mine. He gave a short nod, and ate a strawberry, which I took as my signal to keep going,
“So as you already know, I really like someone,” I watched as the corners of his mouth drooped slightly, he was upset, I could tell, “but I just don’t know how to say it… So I guess I should just go out and say how I feel, right?”
Zelo nodded, slowly chewing on another strawberry, his gaze cast down on the grass beside my knee.
I reached out and took his hand in mine, using my other hand to turn his cheek to face me.
“Zelo, I really like you. I really, really like you. Ever since our fourth meeting, I’ve developed a major liking for you.”
The joy that spread across Zelo’s face was a wonderful sight to see. He wrapped his arms around my neck and cuddled me to the ground.
“I was so scared that you liked someone else, and that you wouldn’t feel the same way as me.”
Zelo mumbled, nuzzling his nose into my neck. I chuckled softly, rubbing his lower back affectionately as I whispered.
“When I meet someone like you, it’s hard to not fall for you.”

We’ve been dating for 3 months now, the most glorious 3 months I have ever experienced. This boy was perfect, perfect in every way, shape or form. “Perfect: All the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.” That basically described how much I loved Zelo. But today, was a very special, and nerve wracking day for me.
I, Moon Jongup, was going to ask Choi Junhong, to become my husband. I had asked many people for help on to how I should propose, and I settled with a simple, yet romantic setting.
It was nearly midnight, and Zelo and I were going for a walk to the park. This park had held so many memories that neither of us would dare to forget, not even for a second. We stood in the moonlight, holding each other in a slow waltz position.
“I feel so cheesy right now…”
I mumbled as we started dancing, smiling shyly.
Zelo giggled as he danced in perfect time with me.
“I like it.”
I needed to pick a good moment, to ask him the most important question of our lives. Leaning forward, I gently pressed my lips to his, holding his body closer to me as we danced slowly. I smiled against his lips when I felt him kiss me back, swaying us from side to side. Now was my chance, I can do it!
“Baby…? Will you… will you marry me…?”
I whispered against his lips, a violent blush spreading across my cheeks.
Zelo broke the kiss, his eyes widening, nodding his head ecstatically as he too started blushing. “Y-yes… Yes!”
My eyes filled with tears and I couldn’t contain my emotions anymore. Cupping Zelo’s face, I kissed him with careful force, tears streaming down my cheeks. I could feel my nose dampening as Zelo started crying too, and I lifted him into my arms and we cried together.
We were engaged!

Sitting back in my chair, I look down at my left hand, a smile spreading across my lips. The silver band around my finger means so much to me. I've been married to Zelo for 2 months now, 2 perfect months. 
I still remember that day, 4 months ago, on the 6th of August, when we first started dating. I still remember that day that we both fell in love with each other. It was a sunny afternoon and we were going on a walk to the park. I decided to race Zelo there, and of course I was ahead of him already. I heard Zelo yell my name, so I slowed down a bit to let him catch up. Noticing him run ahead, I came up behind the boy, tackling him to the ground. Zelo to your back and looked up at me, I looked back, and we held our gaze for what felt like hours. We broke our gaze finally, both smiling shyly. That was the day that I knew he was the right one for me. 

Rising from my seat, I walked over to the windowsill, looking out at the sunset. I remember when he thought I was in love with someone else. I did feel bad for teasing him like that, but once I asked Zelo to go out with me, I didn't care any more. 
He was finally mine, and mine only. 
As I look out at the sun slowly setting, I hear Zelo coming up behind me. Turning, I held my arms out, allowing him to step into my embrace. 
Despite him being taller, he still fits perfectly in my arms. 

"I love you, Moon Jongup."

I hear him whisper, and I smile, pulling the boy closer.

"I love you too, Moon Junhong."

We move from our place by the windowsill and lie side by side on the couch, keeping each other close. I just know, that from this day onwards, we will always be as in love as we were the day we first met.


Hmm, well this was actually 4 pages in Word, but this took me so long azxdcfghjk
I really hope the wait was worth it, because I had writer's block for weeks. 
But yeah this was based off my role-play relationship, I'm Jongup (if that wasn't obvious)
I ship Jonglo so much though, I can't even
I finished this at 2:30 a.m so don't judge okay sh LOOK AT THEM SOBS

So, please comment and stuff because I really appreciate it when you all tell me what you think.
Thanks for reading and enjoy~!



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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 1: So adorable!!! My fav. OTP, JongLo just somehow makes everything better. They are just too cute together... (happy sigh) Kudos & das woot author-nim. (≧∇≦)/ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ(♥ω♥*)♥(✿ฺ´∀`✿ฺ)ノ
littlextyphoon #3
Chapter 1: amaZINGGGGG and i really ship JongLo soooo much even that i dreamed about them last night *giggles* ;$$
Chapter 1: This was absolutely adorable! I ship jonglo sooo much too! <3 thanks for this, it was amazingly cute! ^o^
Chapter 1: awwwww it's about our rp relationship
i love it puppy~ hehe you should write about when they were making a cake and cookies... just saying~
rocksolidpanda #6
Chapter 1: So cute!!!!!!! I really liked this. Good job! ^^
Sounds nice~ hope you update this soon :D