Chapter 01

In Paris & In Seoul


Chapter 01:



Lu Han was running for his dear life as Shim Julri is walking to a café. Julri has finally decided if she will stop sniffing the pastry aroma and try for one. “Everything can happen as they say,” Lu Han was cursing under his breath. “Young master!” the guards didn’t even dare to give up. That made Julri looks at his direction. Lu Han then met eyes with her, ‘I’m sorry if I’m going to use you for a while...’ he thought inside his head. “He’s so dazzling, but why is he running?’ it was her time to think something in her head. Lu Han ran to her suddenly hugged her, burying his head on her hair so that the guards won’t see him even though his hair is remarkable. She started to wiggle from his hug, struggling to let go, but he stayed still. “Stay still,” he whispers in English. That made her stops struggling from his hold.

The guards didn’t seem to notice him and started splitting into teams. “Are they gone?” he asks, still in English. His head still buried on her hair. She nodded her head, he let go “Do you dare to explain this to me?” she asks back in English. “Treat me a cappuccino then,” he replies back. She nods her head and enters the coffee shop with him at her back, following her.

“Here’s your cappuccino,” she lightly pushes the cup of cappuccino to him. “So do you dare to explain everything to me? With that sudden hug? And with those guards?” she was still speaking English. “First of all, I’m Lu Han—““I said so; you’re an Asian” seeing Lu Han from afar, anyone will know that he is Asian. “A Chinese one, specifically” he says. “How about you? You look pretty Asian as well” he was smiling. Julri nodded her head “Yes, I am. Shim Julri, pure Korean” his smile widen at the thought that she is a Korean. He studied there for two years, and lessons did pay off. “I can speak Korean, so it’s really comfortable to talk in your mother language” he is speaking in Korean as he says all of those words. She was a little relieved by that and started to speak, “So why’s the chasing around? I know you escaped, judging the looks of the guards” she asks. Curiosity is killing her; questions are lingering inside her head. “I did escape; I can’t help for the umpteenth time. I don’t want to go back and meet a girl I don’t really like” he replies, sipping on his cappuccino after. “Oh, blind dates?” Julri knows what it feels. She’s been a victim of blind dates. “I’ve been a victim of those but not now, it’s an arranged marriage for I have been escaping those silly blind dates” there’s a hint of annoyance in his voice. “I’m so sorry about that,” Julri apologized. “Can you help me escape those guys just for this day? I know that this is a bit weird for asking something like that but I really need peace, that’s what I want here in Paris” he was eager to escape those guards.

“Sure, let’s go to Rue de Rivoli (correct me if I’m wrong), I’m sure that you’re going to have fun there” she looks at her watch and it says 4:00 pm. “The street dance starts in an hour,” A glint of excitement was heard in her voice. “Are you sure we won’t even get caught there?” Lu Han asks. “That’s why people know words such as ‘disguise’, right?” she then grabbed his wrist and walks towards her car. ‘This girl is really interesting, might as well enjoy the ride with her’ he thought and flashes his pearly whites.

In Rue de Rivoli (then again, correct me if I’m wrong), you can see many eye-catching things. Such as the French version of ice cream, Crème Glacèe and the street dance in Tuileries and the Glass Pyramid building in Louvre. This romantic city is such a great start, to know more each other. For them. “We’re here,” Julri says, putting a hat on Lu Han’s head. “Your hair is noticeable, you should hide it” she says as she turns off the engine of her car. Lu Han then fixed the hat. Julri and Lu Han’s ears were entered by loud yet beautiful music. Those beats were being accompanied by dancing lights. “The street dance is starting, let’s go now” Julri opened her side’s car door and walks out of the vehicle, closing the door. Lu Han did too. Julri locked the car and walked to Lu Han. The Parisians and other foreigners are crowding a certain area. Her hand gripped on his wrist and started to pull him. His world then suddenly stopped at the sudden contact, he just kept looking at their hands as if there’s something magical. Her touch was making him feel warm, despite the cold Paris breeze. “Look!” he heard Julri say as she pointed at the street dancers that dance to the wonderful beat.

Who knew that this will happen in Paris?


Anyeong haseyo~! :)

this is my first update, hope you liked it~!



SuhoBaekhyunChanyeolKyungsooKaiSehun&LuhanXiuiminKrisLayChenTao loves you~


With lots of love,


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Chapter 1: This is good so far :D Since I'm Lay biased, I can't wait to see what his character is O u O
Oh and I hope I don't sound arrogant and annoying but can you please paragraph the dialogue? It's easier to read that way, plus it looks neater :D