I'm just lucky

A Little of My Fairytale


I'm 19 and feel forever alone - never had a boyfriend for the rest of my teenage years. I do had scandals but not a boyfriend. I'm turning 20 next year. Will I still have the chance?

Here's a story of mine that I would like to share.

I saw a guy - a senior to be exact. He's a medical student just like me. The only thing I did was watching him from afar. I don't know why but he caught my attention. I'm not saying I fall in love with him because I know this isn't love but he's not just a crush.

It's really complicated. 

The first time I saw him was at my orientation days. He was one of my facilitator. However, at that time, I felt nothing. I stared at him - introducing himself to us (me and other new students). I didn't focus at all. In fact, I can't even remember his name.

The first week of my life as a medical student began. On the first day, there was nothing much to be done, since it’s just an introductory class. While waiting for the afternoon class, we had a break from 12 – 2 pm. Me and some of my group mate, (5 of us) decided to wait at the library. I can’t really recall what I did there besides sleeping for more than 20 minutes, which is kind of embarrassing. Not long after that, one of my friends, Luna, walked around inside the library, so I chose to follow her rather than stayed behind and fall asleep again. And then, there he was, sitting at a sofa, working on his laptop on the coffee table, in the middle of the way. He was busy with his ‘work’, he focused only to the laptop screen. Until me and Luna passed by, he moved only his eyes to looked at us. Goodness. My heart skipped a beat at that moment. It’s stupid. I know. I shouldn’t be overreacted with that kind of thing. But, I can’t control it. It reacts involuntarily.

Since then, I keep on seeing him. I came across him every single day whenever I had class. I didn’t approach him however. I only watched him from distance. Sometimes, when I’m at the café with my friends, he’ll be there, eating alone. At times, he’ll eat with his friends.

Day by day has passed, my feeling towards him grow. His gorgeous face and his sparkling eyes made me like him even more. And his height, which is making him more attrative to my eyes. I want to know his name, but I didn’t have the guts to ask anyone. Fortunately, one of my friends, Sulli suddenly asked my other friend, Jiyeon about his name. I still can’t figure out why Sulli wants to know what his name is.

I started to know more about him, little by little without even asking anyone. I do want to stalk him (sorry for this confession) but I can’t find his facebook, his twitter account or anything. In the end, I give up. I didn’t search anything about him anymore. I only wait if he appears to my sight and I'll let myself feel happy for that. That’s it. It goes on and on like that and I’m already going well with it.

A month after that, I enter a curriculum club. To enter this, I have to sit for theory and practical exam. In order to pass, I need to attend some classes for it. How lucky am I, when I noticed that he was in the same club as mine. I sat for my theory exam and I passed. Same goes with him. Then, the class for practical begin, the first class went well.

I have my group mate as my partner, since we are required to have a partner. For the second class, my partner didn’t come. I was worried with who am I supposed to practiced with if she’s not attending. I told one of the senior in charged , Soohyun, that I didn’t have a partner. He informed me that I have to pairs with someone else instead of being alone for that class. There’s nothing else I could say. While waiting for my so-called-partner to come. In my thoughts I was thinking that the person might be a girl.

Soohyun spoke out from across the room. “Who is the one that told me, she doesn’t have a partner?”

I raised my hand.

That senior walked towards me, pulling someone that’s so familiar near me. The senior smiled and introduced me to his friend. “This is Kevin. He’ll be your partner. Alright?”

I nodded my head but with uncertainty in my mind. Am I dreaming?

It was him. He became my partner. The person with the sweetest smile I've ever seen is my partner. Do you know how lucky I am? I never ever thought or dream about this. It’s like a fairytale. Don’t you think so?

For the rest of that night I sat less than a meter from him. I talked to Kevin, laughed with him and our hands even brushed every time there’s a procedure we need to do. He even introduced me to his friend.

kevin walked to one of his friend and said, “This is my partner.”

I simply nodded and his friend responded to him by saying, “Oh, you find your soul mate?”

Suddenly, I felt heat rose to my cheeks. He just laughed and walked away from his friend. For awhile, I felt like I’m his girlfriend - following him wherever he went that night. Only God know how happy I felt at that time – correction, that whole night. I’m freaking happy for that whole night.

Right before the class end, Kevin asked me. “You’re still going to be my partner till the exam day right?”

He had no idea how much I wanted to scream the word yes in front of his face. I managed to control myself though. I answered, “I don’t know.” Because that’s the truth. I don’t know. How I wish me and him will still be partner even if it’s only for this club.

Not long after that, Soohyun came and told me that I need to inform to my absent-partner that she need to meet him in the next meeting. He also told me that it’s better if Kevin become my partner till the exam day, because he’s the one that I did my practice with. Nevertheless, nothing is confirmed yet.

Now, I am anxiously waiting for the next practical class. I seriously hope that he’ll still be my partner and something might change. Who knows what happens next… Pray for me…





So you , how was it? I'm really sorry if I didn't satisfy you... Seriously, I'm really really reaaaaally sorry :( Don't hate me.

Please leave a comment ^.^ Thank you so much for reading!!


You can also check on my other fanfic;


UKISS -ELI : Selfish Heart

                                    : Selfish heart sequel (one-shot)


Infinite - L : A Surprising Meeting


EXO M - Tao : When The Death Is Near


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Chapter 1: Cool story but how in the world did you make the effect?? Instead of other peoples name its my name
UkissAJHoon #2
Chapter 1: It's Just Awesome!!!!!!!!!! <3 I really like it :3 I'll go check out your other stuff!!! ^^ Fighting!
Chapter 1: It's good. ^^
Chapter 1: so cute..
please make a sequel.. pleaseeeeeeee :)
hooo~~ u really do need to introduce him to me..
Chapter 1: HOW CUTE AND NICE IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really like it unnie.!!!!

Chapter 1: cuteeee! nice! make it a chapter story!!!
Chapter 1: <3333 SOOOO CUTE
Chapter 1: omg its goood ;A; . It's sad that it only has 1 chapter though.. ; u ;. great job <3 .
analyn #10
Chapter 1: hehe we have the same name....nice story :))

i'm a new fan