Meeting the Friends...This Will Be Interesting

Unwanted family


Luhan shifted in his seat. He really didn’t know how to respond to what Ri Yeon said. It was just that shocking. He glanced over at her and saw that she had leaned the seat back and had her cap over her face. She was probably tired from the flight. It’s not that long but it sure as hell took a lot out of you if you were surrounded by loud kids. At least that’s what he’s been told. He really wanted to turn on the radio but he didn’t know if that would wake her up. 

He shook his head. Since when did he care? She wasn’t a friend and she’s only been family for a few hours. He reached over and turned the radio on. He smiled it was Super Junior’s y, Free, and Single. He started tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. He failed to noticed the shifting person in the passenger seat.


Ri Yeon sighed. She had laid the seat back trying to get some sleep. It was much needed since she hadn’t really slept the past week. It was just hard when she was leaving everything she ever knew behind...for people she didn’t even know existed! It was quiet for a few minutes enough for her to fall into a doze. But then the radio was . It wasn’t a soft noise...It was more like an ear drum breaking loud that shocked the hell out of her. She shifted and tried to ignore the noise. But seemed to be impossible she grabbed her hat off her face and sat the seat up. She looked over at Luhan and saw him tapping his fingers and singing along with the song. She reached over and turned the radio off.


“That’s what I should be asking.”

“What’s wrong with you? That was a good song!”

“I don’t care if it was the absolute best song in the universe! Why the hell was it so loud!?”

“It’s my car, I can have my music as loud as I want.”

“And see these...These are MY ears and I don’t want them bleeding ‘cause you decided that having music that loud was a good idea!”

“Aish. Look don’t think that you can boss me around. I’m older.”

“By like 5 minutes!”

“I’m still older so you have to listen to me!”

“I don’t have to listen to you at all!”

“Do too.”

“Do not.”

“Do too.”

“Do not.”

“Do too.”

“Do not.”

“Do too!”

“Do not!”

This continued all the way to Kai’s shop. The two of them hadn’t realized that they were just sitting in front of the shop arguing in the car, nor had they realized that they were at the shop. Kai had seen Luhan’s car pull up so he called Sehun down and they both went out to greet him. They stopped short when they saw a beautiful woman sitting next to Luhan.

“Hey, who’s she?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never seen her before.”

“Could she be his girlfriend?”

“Girlfriend? Psh. Luhan won’t even look at a girl no matter how good looking she is.”

“Eh, that’s true...Do you think we should stop them?”


“She looks about ready to kill him.”

True enough Ri Yeon was glaring at Luhan. He just wouldn’t drop it. To be honest she was getting ready to jump at him. Her hands were clenched into fists, and all she wanted to do in that moment was punch him. But he was saved. Two other guys knocked on his window thus ending the argument. Luhan looked over and saw both Kai and Sehun looking at him and motioning him out of the car. He sighed. He motioned Ri Yeon to get out of the car before doing so himself. He saw Sehun walk around to get the door but Ri Yeon had already gotten out by herself.

“Hyeong, Wasn’t your twin coming today?” Kai whispered.

“I can hear you.” Ri yeon said leaning against the car.

Kai flushed. Sehun jumped slightly at her voice. Luhan sighed.

“Guys this is my twin SISTER, Shin Ri Yeon.”

“How old are you?”

“...Sehun...She’s the same age as Luhan...They’re twins.”

“Oh yeah. I have to call you noona!”

“I would prefer you call me by my name.”

“Oh? Really!? I can do that!”

Ri yeon smiled at him. He reminded her of Seyoung. Hopefully he won’t try setting her up with anyone like Seyoung did. Kai looked at her hard. He had seen her from somewhere...but where? He shrugged he would think of it later.

“Oi hyeong. Introduce us.”

“Ri Yeon, the hyper one is Sehun--”

“I’m not hyper!”

“Says the man hopping from foot to foot.”

“--Anyway the man with y dark skin is Kai.”

“eh. Hyeong that was a little overboard.”

“What I like your skin.”

Ri Yeon and shifted away from Luhan.

“I’m not like that! I like girls.”

“Hey I know guys who like both.”


Ri Yeon nodded and almost wanted to laugh at their shocked looks. It wasn’t that hard to believe...for her. A lot of her male friends were like that. They’ve had boyfriends and girlfriends.

Luhan looked at her and frowned. His sister hung out with people like that? That was not happening as long as he was around. He may not like the fact that he has a sibling, but she was here so she was going to hang out with the right people. He saw Sehun flailing his arms around animatedly as he spoke with his sister. It felt odd calling her that.

“So, what part of Japan are you from?” Kai asked.

“Oh. I’m from Ikata.”

“Oh! I’ve been there.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah when I was younger, it’s really pretty.”

“Un. Its beautiful. I love going into the mountains.”

Luhan sighed...Hopefully they won’t go on and on about her home.

“So Ri Yeon...any boyfriends?”

Correction he would have liked it better if they talked about the town.

She shook her head. “No at the moment. I’ve had a few but Yi fan usually scared them off. Or Zi Tao finds out they were doing something and beats them up.”

“Yi fan, Zi tao...who are they?”

“My best friends in the whole world.”

“Must have been hard leaving them.”


“Eh? But...”

“They left first.”


“Yi Fan is here in Korea and Zi Tao is in China training.”

“Hey how about we go and see Suho!”

“Isn’t he training right now?”

“Probably but he said they do get breaks. We can ask him and the others to come out and eat.”

“It has to be healthy...They’re on a diet.”

“Is that okay with you Ri Yeon?”

She shrugged. She didn’t care all that much. She was a little hungry...though she wasn’t to thrilled with meeting any more new people.

“Alright! Kai are we taking you car?”

“Sehun I was thinking of taking the bike.”

“Ugh. I hate the bike.”

Ri Yeon perked up. “You have a bike?”


“Sehun why don’t you ride with Luhan? I can ride with Kai.”

“REally!? Oh Thank you Riri!”

She looked shocked at the nickname and scrunched up her face, causing Kai to laugh.

“I don’t think she likes the nickname.”

“...I don’t blame her.”

Luhan had the same scrunched up face as Ri Yeon. “Sehun think of something else.”

“But I like Riri.”

“Oi Sehun...why don’t you call me Riko? Uhn?”

“Riko...Riko...Un okay I like it.” He smiled and got into the front seat of Luhan’s car.

The twins sighed. They both hated the name sounded like a retarded poodle name.

“Well I guess we’ll see you there?” Luhan aksed moving towards the drivers side of the car.

“Yeah hyeong. Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of your sister.”

Luhan glared at the arm that was wrapped around Ri Yeon’s shoulder. He knew what Kai was like most of the time and he really liked girls. And his sister was beautiful and unfortunately she was also Kai’s style. He gave a warning glare towards kai who just smiled and waved. He looked at Ri Yeon who just looked bored. He smiled though when he got in the car and started to drive away. She had shrugged off his arm.


“Kai look. I’m not a toy. Don’t use me to annoy Luhan-ssi. I can do that all on my own.”

Kai held his hands up in surrender. “I get it. I won’t do it again. Let’s get the bike and we’ll be on our way.”

“Lead the way.”

Kai went to the garage and rolled out the bike. It was a BMW Dual sport bike. She liked the colors: blue and green. Kai mounted the bike pulling on his helmet. He handed her the other and motioned her her to get on. She slipped the helmet on and straddled the bike. She wrapped her arms around his waist and off they went. 

He shivered slightly when he felt her tighten her arms around his waist slightly. He could feel the curves she had. He mentally shook his head. He can’t think of that right now...especially since she was his best friend’s sister! There’s got to be a rule against that...if there wasn’t he was going to make one up. You don’t go after your friends gorgeous siblings.


Luhan and Sehun smiled when they saw Suho and the others. They had become close friends since they ran into each other at a concert. They even became friends with the new guy when he showed up. He was extremely tall though. He made Luhan fell like a shrimp.

“Yah! Luhan! Its been a while!”

“Ha-ha. I know. I got busy with some things at home.”

“Like the new sibling?” 

Luhan looked over and saw Lay holding a banana milk bottle. “Yeah...and since when did you drink banana milk?”

“Taemin gave it to me.”

“Ah. That would make sense.”

“So how’s the new sibling?”


“She’s’s hard to believe that she’s his twin.”

Luhan glared at Sehun. 

“So where is she?” DO asked.

“She’s coming with Kai.”

“You left her with Kai?!” 


“What?! Baekhyun, seriously...he left his sibling with Kai...the notorious player?”

Luhan sighed. They weren’t going to let this go.

“Hey you guys give him a break.” Kris said walking up pulling his sleeves up.

Luhan smiled at Kris. He was a life saver sometimes.

“Oh look here he comes!”

Sure enough there was Kai bringing Ri Yeon with him on his bike. Kai slowed down and pulled in, in front of Luhan’s car. Ri Yeong got off and bent down and pulled off the helmet. She shook her hair out and stood up. She set the helmet down on the seat.

“Kai you almost hit the pole.”

“It was an accident. How was I supposed to know that the cat would do that!”

“He was in the middle of the street...which way was closer?”

Ri yeon laughed, as she watched Kai struggle with his helmet.

“Riko...I think its stuck.”

“That’s because of you’re big head.”

“Just help me get it off.”

“Hai, hai, just hold still.” Ri yeon pulled at the helmet and it came off with an almost audible pop. “I think you put on the wrong helmet.”

Kai rubbed his head. “ And what makes you say that? The fact that it was stuck on my head.”

She shook her head. “Nope, the fact that the tag says its a women’s helmet.”

Kai glared at her and turned his head when he heard laughter. He flushed when he saw all of his friends standing there. Ri Yeon looked over and saw Luhan and Sehun and a bunch of people she didn’t know. She set the helmet next to the other one on the bike. She bowed to them.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Shin Ri Yeon imnida.”

“Everyone this is my twin sister Ri Yeon.”

The others were shocked at how she looked. Especially one of the tallest members. Kris stood there completely frozen until he locked eyes with her. It had been how long since he last talked with his best friend? He had gotten so busy that he didn’t have time to actually contact her. He wanted to laugh at Ri Yeon’s expression. had dropped and she pointed at him.


“He-he. Hi Ri-chan.”

“You... BAKA!”

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Finally was able to update the story! xD hopefully everyone likes it! ^^


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Chapter 4: Coooooool~~~~ Please update more ♡♡♡♥♡♡♥♥♡ x)