Chapter 3

Unwanted family

"Excuse me, Sung Mi-ssi?"

"Yes, what is it Rin?"

"You have a phone call-"

"Who would be calling me this early?"

"A miss Sung Ra?"

"Sung Ra? I haven't talked to her in years." Sung Mi smiled and turned back to Rin, "Hand me the phone Rin."

Rin handed her the phone before stepping out of the room. Sung Mi leaned back into her office seat a soft smile on her face. "Sung Ra-ah! Its so good to hear from you. What have you been doing?" There was silence on the other end. "Sung Ra? Did something happen to Ri Yeon?" Silence. "Sung Ra-ah please answer me."

"Sung Mi-ssi...This is Shin Ri Yeon...My mother...She died when I was 19 years old."

Sung Mi gasped at the sound of her daughter's voice, she was so shocked that she almost dropped the phone. "Ri Yeon..."

"She left me a letter as her will and said that she had spoken to you about me living with you?" Ri Yeon's voice was cold. She did not want to do this but her mother wanted her to at least know her family. So she would do this. It wouldn't be forever but she would try it out. Who knows maybe they will be different than what she thinks...

"D-deh. Years ago. But She sounded fine. I thought that she would be coming with you..." Sung Min paused, "How did she..."

"I would rather not talk about this over the phone, if that's alright with you."

Sung Min was still a little shocked to be talking to her daughter, learning of her sister's death, and Ri Yeon's cold treatment. "That's fine. When will you be coming?"

"In a week. That's when I am able to take care of everything here." there was a pause and a sigh, "when will be a better time for you?"

"Oh no! A week is fine Ri Yeon-ah. Take your time."

"Please do not call me Ri Yeon-ah. Sung Min-ssi, I just found out that you are my birth mother. I am not comfortable with you calling me so familiarly."

Again Sung Min had to refrain from shivering at her daughter's cold voice. But she could see where she was coming from in a way. "Alright, but for now I will just call you Ri Yeon. But as soon as you are in Korea I will continue to call you Ri Yeon-ah." Sung Min said sternly though her heart was breaking.


"We'll see you in a week."


Sung Mi hung up the phone and her entire body seemed to sink. Her daughter was coming in a week. She had a week to get was she going to tell Luhan about his little sister? She leaned onto her desk resting her head on her arms. There was so much to get done and so little time.  There was  a soft knock on her door.

"Come in."

She looked up and saw her husband enter the room. She had forgotten how angry he had been at her for letting Sung Ra have their baby, but he was so understanding as to why. Later though, much later. There were many nights that she had slept alone in their bed. She smiled at him. He looked at her tired eyes and wondered what had made her this way.

"Yeobo." She stated.


"What would you say if Ri Yeon came to live with us?"

His eyes brightened. His little girl was coming home, but why now? "Why I would love that dear. But why now? I thought Sung Ra said that she would never be coming on her own." He watched as his wife almost broke down in tears. He felt his heart break when he heard her tell him that she was dead. He held her in his arms as she shook. So that was why his little girl was coming home. "When is she coming?"

"In one week."

"Well we have one week to get the basics prepared for her...and a week to tell our son about Ri Yeon."


Ri Yeon could not believe that she was doing this. Here she was packing up her things and moving to Korea...Something she never thought that she would do in her entire life. She at least knew korean, something her mother had insisted on her learning. She picked up her pirate alpaca plushie. It was a present from Kris a few years ago before he left. She paused and looked up. That still hadn't contacted her! She scrunched up her face in irritation. She put the plushie in her bag and zipped it closed. She still had six days and she could honestly leave now, but she needed the time to collect herself before she met those strangers.

"Ooooi! Yeonnie!" 

She laughed there were only a few people who called her that. Seyong and Jun-Q. She walked to the door and looked through the peep hole. There in front of the door were Seyong and Jun-Q making faces at her door. Opening it she watched as their faces flushed.

"Oi! You could have warned me Yeonnie." Jun-Q pouted.

"ha-ha. Gomen Jun-Q-kun. Come on in."

"Oi oi! Yeonnie do you want to go to the arcade with us? Insoo is going to be there."

Ri Yeon rolled her eyes. Seyong was constantly trying to set her up with his brother Insoo. Granted she thought that he was attractive but she knew he had a crush on someone so she wasn't going to pursue anything with him. Though, they both got a kick out of it when Seyong would throw a fit about his 'simply ingenius plan' failing.

"oi..are you going somewhere?"

"eh?" She looked over and saw Jun-q looking at all of the boxes she had around her home. She nodded slightly. "I'm moving to Korea."

"NANI!?! Why?"

"My mother...She wanted me to stay with my blood least get to know them." She refused to tell them about the drama her life was becoming...and it wasn't even a good one.

"Ah...Well let's make the most of your last days here, un?"

She nodded, "Un!"


"How are we going to tell him?"

"Just spit it out?"

"That's a little insensitive dear..."

"Well we've never beaten around the bush before...why start now."

"Eomma, abeoji! i'm leaving!"

"Luhan-ah, wait."

"Neh abeoji? What is it?"

"Your mother and I have something to tell you."

"You might want to sit down for this dear."

Luhan sat down on the couch as his parents sat across from him on the love-seat. He wondered what was going on? What was so important that they couldn't wait to tell him?

"Luhan your aunt Sung Ra....we just found out that she passed away."

He blinked he knew about Sung-Ra but he had never met her. He waited for them to continue. 

"But that's not all that we wanted to tell you. You have a twin-"

"Bwoh?" He has a twin? Since when? was that even a possibilty?! Him having a twin. Granted that was actually pretty cool but this was a bit sudden.

"-will be arriving in less than a week."

huh? what? Less than a week!? "Less than a week?!"

"Luhan were you not listening to your mother? Yes your sibling will be here in less than a week and they will be living with us from now on."

He really didn't know how to react to this so he did the only thing he could think of...he ran out of the house to the only place he could feel like himself. Sehun and Kai's. He ran until he couldn't anymore. He felt his legs give out and wanted to start crying mostly from exhaustion. He felt something poke him on the forhead. "Yah, Luhan. Are you okay? Why are you on the ground?" He looked up and saw Sehun crouched in front of him. Luhan yelped and fell off the balls of his feel and onto his .

"Sehun! You're not supposed to be scaring Luhan like that. Who knows what kind of damage he'll inflict on you." 

Luhan turned and saw Kai standing in the door to the garage, a wrench slung over his shoulder, and a smirk plastered onto his face. He noticed that Luhan didn't have his car with him. "Yo, where's your car?"

"I...ran all the way here it seems..."

"Bwoh you ran...from your house?" Sehun started, "Why?"

"Let's just say that i just learned some interesting news that i wish i hadn't." 

"Like what?"

"Like the fact that i have a twin sibling and they're going to be hear by the end of the week."


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Finally was able to update the story! xD hopefully everyone likes it! ^^


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Chapter 4: Coooooool~~~~ Please update more ♡♡♡♥♡♡♥♥♡ x)