That Wall.

His Ambition


“Class, so for your first assignment, I’d like you to tell me about yourself and what your goal in life if. This will help me see how far ahead you are and learn a little bit about each of you. Ah, this will be your first major grade for now, so plead do your best. It should be fun and fairly easy. If anybody has any questions…”

Aish, it hasn’t even been three days, and he already has us doing work. I would have thought that being a sub meant we get to slack off a bit, but here he is already throwing work at us like he’s been here from the beginning.

Despite his extremely good looks and charm, paying attention to what was actually being said, at least about school related subjects, just wasn’t in my list of things I wanted to hear about. Instead, I found myself scrutinizing his every move, but on those moments when I caught myself staring too much, I had the tendencies to force myself to look elsewhere. Often, those mocking birds flying at their free will, would help me snap back to myself and remember what it was I wanted to do. Be anywhere but here.

From the corner of my eyes, I spotted something rise, or rather a hand rising from one of my classmates.

“Uh… Kris?” the guy’s voice sounded a little awkward. It isn’t something people, or at least students, get sued to right away; the whole calling the teacher something rather casual.

I turned my head to the front to see Kris – yeah, it does feel a little awkward referring my teacher by such a name in school – nod his head towards the guy, letting him know to continue. “You didn’t say when it’s due. And how long does it have to be?” Yup, as I looked to see who it was who asked, I recognized it to be one of the more ‘nerdy’ students. One of those who, unlike me and the guys, enjoyed school and was rather, if I had to say, good at it.

A couple of groans came out, one that I could clearly recognize it to belong to none other than Kai. He turned around from his seat and gave the guy a rather amusing stink eye, which in return, got a panicked look from the other. It was rather funny to say the least, but I knew that that was just Kai being Kai. I would have given him a far worse and more intimidating look if I had the chance, but Kai did the job.

Kris cleared his throat and let his voice fill the room as he spoke to the class. “Ah yes, thank you, I almost forgot. So this will be due one week from now. And as far as how long it has to be, is up to you. This is something I wasn’t you to determine how long and what goes on it to let your mind experiment a bit. This will probably be the only time I let you decide on your own with no guidelines and rules, so do your best on it.”

After he finished explaining, I saw some rather relieved expressions and some rather confused ones as well.

Just as if by a miracle, the bell finally rang, releasing us from our morning class. I’ve always had the habit of waiting for everybody to leave, avoiding the stampede of every excited and overly squealing student. It was either leave before the madness started, or wait till it was done. It was something rather bothersome having to sit while I waited, having to see Mrs. Park fix her table and play along with random objects as she hummed to herself, but again, it might have just been her being way too happy and doing something pregnant ladies did with their unborn kid. But, I would know. All I knew was I found it rather weird and awkward to watch. The difference here was, it wasn’t Mrs. Park, but instead Kris. This model like guy who was cleaning the chalkboard and fixing his stuff for the next class. He almost made it like he didn’t see me. Throughout the class when I found myself staring at him, he would occasionally land his eyes to mine, only to move them back to the rest of the class immediately. This only happened a couple of times. Was he trying to ignore me, or was it that he just didn’t like me. Sure, we didn’t get off in a good start, but I would doubt that would be his reason. Though, it wouldn’t be the first time a teacher gave up on because they didn’t find me a joy to have as their student.

He had a way of moving and analyzing his stuff. I was once again in a trance as my thoughts wondered back to the dream world. Why is it that this strangely attractive man is even here? He could probably do so much better elsewhere, so why is he here wiping off the chalk from his palms? And why is he taking his time to teach students? Why even bother with us with much hope could be lost in time? In my opinion, substitutes had the worst job. Teaching when they knew they weren’t going to be taken seriously. In my opinion, they were just here to babysit us while our real teacher was out, kinda like a mini vacation from that class, but for some reason, the class so far seemed attentive and pretty well behaved. Maybe it was just me, but then again, who would want to make it a living hell when he was so interesting to just watch and listen.

“Ah, you’re going to be late for your next class if you keep sitting there…” My thoughts were brought back to reality as I saw Kris look at me, along with already half his second period class sitting down and looking at me weirdly. Tsk! I felt my cheeks warm up, and quickly got up ignoring the odd stares from some of the students. I didn’t even bother to say anything back to him as I walked out the classroom. Half the hallways were already empty by the time I managed to run to my next class. Guess I just managed to make a fool of myself in front of him…



“So what’s with you lately? You seem more spacey than normal.” I was sitting at our usual table with Chanyeol and Kai during lunch. Being us, we liked sitting on the tables just outside the lunchroom where it felt more freedom to do and say whatever we wanted without getting scolded by any teachers or judged from any other students. Yes, we preferred the liberty of being outside than sitting inside with the rest of the school, sue us.

Chanyeol’s question didn’t faze me though, instead, I gave him a serious dead stare, letting him know, without actually saying anything, that I didn’t know what he was referring to.

“Don’t look at me like that. You know what I mean. You’ve been more silent and a lot of the times you’re in your own world… More than usual!” He made the last phrase escape with an exaggeration in his tone.

Before I could even reply with a witty comment, I was stopped by Kai. “Ah! You’ve noticed too! You see, we got a new sub and let me tell you, he looks like he came out of the cover of a fashion magazine!” He glanced over at me with smirk that said he was up to something. I continued to staring at him with no expression on my face. That didn’t work on him sadly. “Don’t act like that! I saw how you’ve been staring. And most certainly heard when you asked him why he was here. You never bothered to care what teachers have to say and even more to participate in anything. You know you surprised me with that question you asked him. You even left him a little speechless. You can’t hide it, I know!” His smirk turned into a full smile and I know I couldn’t pretend any longer. There would be no way to avoid it, and even less would be let me live it down if I continued to deny it.

I sighed in defeat and lowered my head, not being able to look at his boastful face. “I knew it! You can’t to me – maybe Chanyeol – but not me! I know these things.” Surely Kai’s ego was going off the charts at this moment, but that didn’t stop him.

“Aww! Tao actually likes somebody? Who is he?” he asked Kai as the know-it-all, no that I would say anything anyways. They were talking as if I wasn’t there anymore. I guess it makes sense since they know I would keep quiet and Kai just happened to like talking about it right now.

 As I lifted my head, Kai was in the process of describing him. “Well, he’s this tall blonde guy, pretty young with strong feature, and ahh…” he stopped out of the blue. His already full smile grew ever wider and brighter as his eyes fixed themselves on something inside the lunchroom. “He’s right there actually.” His hand pointed towards a group of teachers, and as Chanyeol and I followed to the direction of his extended finger, my eyes widened. There, in the middle of some of the older teachers from different subjects, was the tall blonde, Kris.

For some reason, my cheeks neglected me as they began burning with what I think was a blush. Why was I even blushing? Maybe it was because before it was just me, and only me, but now that Kai and Chanyeol were here pretending to be like little chattering girls, I couldn’t help but feel a light tingle in my stomach.

“Woah! He’s good looking. Dang Tao, I knew you had high expectations, which was why no one ever got your attention, but mann! Well, all I can say is, I hope you guys are happy.” As he turned back to me, I saw a warm and sincere smile as he finished speaking, but seriously, Chanyeol could get really cheesy when he wanted to. I think that was one of the reasons he was hard not to like.

“Dude… Chanyeol. You do know what you just said, right? It’s just a crush. There’s nothing on or anything yet.” Kai told him, bursting the cheese bubble mood he had created, but seriously, that was what I was thinking of telling him.

“Yeah… You made it sound weird… Besides. He’s a substitute teacher. I’m just a student. Do the math.” How could he not see what he said made no sense, but then again… it was Chanyeol.

Scratching his head in confusion, I looked at Kai, thinking the same, patted Chanyeol’s back. He might be slow in some situations, but I knew he meant well.

“Don’t worry about it big guy. Anyways, how about after school we go to get some yogurt and ice cream at the usual spot?” I said trying to divert the topic of my actual love life to something I knew was hard, at least for Chanyeol, to say no to. This made both of them smile in agreement. A couple of minutes later, and the dreadful bell finally rang, leaving us to walk to our torture chambers once again. With one last bye, I watched as Kai and Chanyeol walked over to their next class while I made my way in the opposite direction. As I walked back inside the lunchroom, I got a quick glance of where the teacher’s table was. Most of the regular grumps of teachers were already gone, only leaving two or three left, one being of course the one where I was being questioned about.

I felt an odd tingle in my stomach one again as I walked by their table, and immediately as he stood up, it only made me a little uneasy. The guy was tall. Taller than me. Taller than Chanyeol for a matter of fact, and he was known  as the school’s giant, so now actually standing right next to him gave me a whole new feeling. His eyes landed on mines as fast as a second, and that about knocked the air right out of my lungs. As cliché and corny as it could, it made it hard to breath.

For some unexplainable reason, I felt as if the air around us became heavy and time slowed down. This was completely new feeling I had never, in my whole life of living, had ever experienced. That only made freak out more than a regular person would, and with that, I couldn’t take it any longer. I had to get out of there as soon as possible. As my legs permitted, I ran out the room as fast as I could, avoiding looking at anything in front of me, and watching my feet move across the ground. What came over me, I don't have an answer for. But that was probably my mistake. Why I was looking at the ground instead of what was in front of me, I have no idea. All I know was I ran into a hard wall and saw my vision start blurring out, just in time to see the color of what seemed yellow run towards me and then a couple of other random shapes and colors, that seemed more depressing next to the bright color, come up a couple of seconds later.

“Hey! Are you okay!?” A deep concerned voice said over my ear, but the sound of ringing soon engulfed my other senses. My blurry vision started to darken, and I heard a commotion coming from afar, followed by that same voice once again. “Hey! T-Tao! Everybody move, I gotta.....” soon the voice was gone, and felt my body being shoved, or was it being moved like a rag doll? I don’t know. Afterwards, all I remember was complete darkness, and I out into unconsciousness.



When I woke up, I was laying inside a white room filled with medical posters, and I soon realized I was in the nurse’s office. This wasn’t the first time I’ve been here, so after taking a good look around, I know where I was. The last time I was here, I had to be brought back by Chanyeol and Kai after landing on the wrong side of my foot while practicing wushu during gym class. Somehow when I jumped, I didn’t realize where my right foot was landing till it was too late. Luckily, it had only been a sprained ankle and with the help of both the guys, I was able to recover quickly. That was the last time I was here, and in reality, I didn’t think I’d be back here again. And yet, here I was.

As I sat up, a wet towel feel from my forehead, and quickly remembered what happened before I found myself here. I ran into a wall. Great… And for what reason? To get away from a certain person.

“Well you’re finally awake.” Jumping at the unexpected voice, I turned my head slowly to see only one person standing right by the door. Kris. With the expression I assume I was sporting, he simply smiled and continued before letting me say anything, which wasn’t hard to stop since I didn’t have anything to respond to. “You know, it’s not a good idea to run into a wall like that. You’re lucky it wasn’t anything serious. That hard head of yours really protected you.” What? I watched as he spoke, still unable to say anything. He simple chuckled under his deep voice when he finished. I was about to finally say something when I saw two heads pop out from the door next to him.

“Tao! You’re awake! You know how worried you had us?!” Chanyeol’s voice spoke out first. I looked at him, glossy eyes visible from the distance. Hah, he would be the one to worry over something so small.

“Yah Chanyeol! It wasn’t THAT bad, okay. But yeah, you scared us, well, mostly him, I knew you’d be okay.” His words were only hiding his true emotions as his eyes showed concerned. Hah, these guy were really something, but they were my best friends, what could I do without them worrying over me?

“Don’t worry guys, I’m okay. But how long was I out?” I looked towards them for a response, but they looked at each other in confusion.

“Well it’s already the end of school, so for a couple of hours now. They just got here a couple of minutes ago after they heard.” Kris was the one to answer back. I must have really ran into that wall hard to miss the remaining day of school, but at the very least, I got to miss class. So it wasn’t THAT bad, was it? “Try watching where you’re going next time. See you two in class later.” And with that he walked out.

“Man, he must have really been annoyed having to be here” I don’t know why it hurt saying that, but it did. He never really paid much attention to me during class, and it seemed like I was being bothersome once again. Many teachers saw me like that, so why would it even be different this time? I never tried and neither did they.

“I doubt it. He was the one to let us know about you. If it wasn’t for him, we would have been clueless about what happened. Plus the nurse told us while he was away that he was the one to bring you here. Kinda wish I could have seen it though… Heard he carried you on his back.” Kai seemed so out of his usual self. I wasn’t sure if he was just messing with me or telling the truth, but that didn’t stop the tingle on my cheeks and my stomach from burning. As I turned to see Chanyeol’s reaction, he seemed as serious about it.

“Y-yah! Stop it! And what do you mean you ‘wish you could have seen it’?” I knew what he meant, but before I realized this conversation was going to get uncomfortable for me, I quickly changed the topic once again. “H-Hey! It’s the end of the day, let’s get out of this pit hole and go get some ice cream like we originally said we would!” There. Hopefully they wouldn’t notice and just go with it.

“Ah yea! Let’s go!” Luckily for me, Chanyeol fell for it, and this only left Kai to go along with it. He knew I was trying to avoid it, but just let it go, for now at least.

So, Kris might not be the same as everybody else who sees me as a nuisance then? I don’t know, I guess I would have to see what happens in time. For now, it’s time for our favorite place. Ice Crème Dots.


Hi everybody. I finally updated after some time. It took me a while to think of what would even happen next, but with the help of my friend, she gave me some ideas of what should happen and how to add 'fluff' since I'm not that good at it. I guess it's gonna be like mixture of 'fluff' and 'angst' since I occassionally end up writing that stuff. Umm... what do you guys think of this chapter? I'm not very fond of it, cuz I think not much happens. Though I tried showing more of Chanyeol and Kai's relationship with Tao. Hoping for the next chapter to be more fluffy than this. I tried shooting for the same amout as the 1st chapter, so I hope it's enough. Not too short, not too long. Just meh enough. 

I'm kinda happy with my friend and myself since we finally updated our other fic we had been working, so I guess that's also why it made it hard for me to update this one. So we're back at writing out original fic. Which is this one <3 shameless promotion i know V.V  

So that's about all the blabbering I have for these notes. Thanks for all the subcribers. Makes me happy that people found it interesting enough to subscribe to it. And I enjoy comments cuz its like a little boost-me-up and are always fun to read, so don't be shy. You can leave random stuff, cuz I like randomness. And if I have any silent readers, all I want to say is.... "Heeyyy! How YOU doin'?" *winks* ;D LOLOL lame I know.. Gonna.... go now... Buh Bai!

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!!! Gonna update hopefully today after I type it out and proofread! I NEED to update already. OTL Though not sure if it'll be a good chp.


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minseoked #1
Chapter 4: -_____- you made baek like a girl lol you are your cute stuff i swear! but i love how Tao notices Baekhyun and his blushes while Chanyeol is all oblivious! Anyways i want to see what happens next with Kris and Tao. Oh! your doing this like from Tao's view right? i want to know like what kris thinks and whatnot!
minseoked #2
Chapter 3: T____T no what i was expecting. WOMAN YOU KNOW WHAT I WANT!!! lol
Chapter 3: they are sooooo adorable!!!
lovely update...

update soon author-nim^^
Chapter 2: yooo!!! update soon i love this fanfic :))
minseoked #5
Chapter 1: Damn ady i'm finally reading this, took all my whole life I KNOW! Lol when i was reading i was like " hmm im going to ask her who mister kim is" but then i read the author note so yeah haha... so far so good. Oh i demand more chanyollo and kai!!!! :D anyway update soon, but not before the other one T_T seriously...
Chapter 1: I really liked this chapter! your writing style is great! I'll look forward for your next update ^^