A Thing for Canadians


Call me Kris. And call that chick over there,” his hand rose in a lazy manner towards a girl seated in the back of the room, a cocky grin on his face, “My next girlfriend.”

It would be an understatement to say that every individual present was more than a little shocked.

Donghae’s jaw was on the ground, and would open and close sporadically, like a fish out of water.

Jessica let out some sort of high-pitched noise that seemed to be a cross between a squeal, a shriek, and a battle cry.

Heechul was already in the process of texting all of his fellow idols who had suffered the misfortune of not being able to attend the drama-filled meeting to let them know about the latest gossip.

Krystal was seething in her seat, steam all but escaping through her ears.

Henry’s eyes were as wide as they could get, and he seemed at a loss for words as his gaze uneasily shifted between the man in front of him, and his best friend beside him.

Amber, on the other hand, was doing everything she could to not jump out of her chair to strangle the arrogant rookie for potentially ruining everything.

Instead, she settled for stabbing him with an assortment of creative weaponry.

In her mind, of course. The bastard in front of her definitely wasn’t worth jail time. Or any of her time, for that matter.

The awkward silence in the room was broken as Sulli, who was seated on the other side of Amber, nudged her elder playfully, her voice a mixture of a singsong and a chirrup, “Gosh, Hyung. I didn’t realize you had such a thing for Canadians.

All heads immediately swiveled to stare at the flushed American, who felt like she was ready to die.

Or shoot herself in the foot repeatedly.

Whichever one was more painful.


Trailer made by Kîmchî∞CravεrTrailerShop.




H-Hey, gais.

Well, if you don't know me, I'm wishful. c: And if you do know me, "I SWEAR THIS IS THE LAST STORY I'LL START, AND I PROMISE THAT I'LL FINISH THEM ALL." Like, for rizzles.

The idea for this story came to be when I was messaging a friend and joking about the two biggest Amber ships: Henber and Krisber. It was then that it hit me:

Whoa. Both Henry and Kris are Canadian.

For some strange reason that I have yet to understand, this revelation inspired this entire story. LOL. 

If you do know me, you may know that I'm a tad bit biased between these two couples (lawl), but this story is going to be bias-free. Both couples are going to get equal amounts of screen time, and do trust me when I say that I'm going to make this story unpredictable as possible. 

Because if you've read some of my previous works, then you know that when I want to be random, I get random.

Anywho, thanks for clicking on this story. c: I'd love it if everyone subscribed and commented, but of course, I won't force anybody to do anything. 

I'd love it if you could check out some of my other stories as well. And I'm just saying that because I have an obsession for advertising myself to people. LOL

Kay, I'm done now. ;3

I promise that I don't bite!

Credits to the HEARTPIECED for the uber pretty graphics. ;3
tumblr if you feel like stalking me (which I'd love LOL).

|ATFC| LOL, sorry it took so long to update! But I'm happy to say that the first chapter is finally up. c:


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Chapter 2: I love this story, and would definitely like to see some romance (just in case you change your mind and continue on with this story). This is really good. Thank you for this one :)
BeepBeep1234 #2
Chapter 2: Excuse me but even though you're serious, I still laughed at ''HENRIS''
wont you update this? :c
update! hehoheh c:
Chapter 2: I hate it when people hate on people. Seriously. When I first heard about the "Only 13" thing, I was angry. Very angry. And still now after all this time, people still can't except Henry or Zhou Mi. And that just... I can't understand why some people are so close-minded.

Well okay going back on topic. AMBER HAS A CRUSH ON HENRY YESYESYEYES (obvious Henber shipper /shot) why would Kris say that? Randomness indeed. But Sulli though, I laughed so hard.
I'll be waiting for your next update!
Chapter 2: please update!!!!
i love this story..
Chapter 2: you'll update this right?!

Chapter 2: I am excited for an update!!!!