Happy ending or not

im his love coach

-Dara POV-
I took another good chug of wine, staring at Jiyong 's unfinished food. Thinking about him just keeps hurting me. The tears just wouldn't stop. 

I wiped my eyes, wanting these damn tears to stop falling. Why am I like this for? 

All I ever wanted was to confess to Jiyong , right? And I did it! But as my fear predicted, my confession ruined our friendship. He never had feelings for me. Why am I so ridicuously hopelessly in love? 

Then I heard the door open, making me stop the small hiccups that were occurring. "Who's there?" my voice croaked, as I heard the person running into the dining room. I looked up to see that it was Seungri , "Baby~" 

I teared up some more, happy that he came instead of Jiyong . I just really wanted to hold onto to someone that I cared about. "Seu=ngri~" I cried out as I stood up and opened my arms, wanting a hug. He ran up to me and held me in his arms. I stood there crying into his chest as he held me close. 

"He completely rejected me, Seungri ..." my voice was muffled. He rubbed my back in comfort as he tried to calm me down, but I just got worse as I progressed. "I confessed to him. I finally told him that I loved him. It felt good for a bit then...you should have seen...seen the look on his face, Seungri!" I looked up, my tears running down my face as if they were waterfalls. 

"I'm so sorry, Baby," Seungri whispered, as he cupped his hands on my cheeks and wiped the tears off my face. I shook my head, "Why couldn't I tell him a lot sooner! It was the worst timing...Why am I such an idiot?" I laid my head on his chest again, as Seungri swayed us back and forth. 

"He's the one at fault. He's the real idiot. He's confused, Baby. Don't blame yourself," he tried to comfort me. I closed my eyes. "I just...I just wished he wasn't the one I love..."

"I know what's it like, Baby. Sometimes love could be tough. You just have to be patient. What did he exactly say?"

I sniffled and swallowed down my tears, "He said he...he needed to think..."

"See? He didn't really reject you. He's probably thinking right now," Seungri tried to sound cheerful. I sighed. Maybe...but what he said just now, did made me feel somewhat better. "How about this, if he doesn't come by to talk to you this week, then he's just a chicken and he doesn't deserve you. So you drop him like he's trash and forget him."

I agreed with him. I just needed to rest now. "Thanks, Seungri . I needed that," I took in a deep breath as I pulled away from him. "Here, why don't you get some rest and I'll take you to work tomorrow morning. Okay?" I nodded, as he rubbed my back. "Night, seungri ," I waved at him, as he waved me to bed, "Night, Baby."

But that night, I couldn't sleep well. Everytime I drifted off to sleep, I've always had the same dream where I would date Jiyoung . Even somehow marry him. What was I thinking? This is gonna be a long night. 


"Seungri, I'm really okay," I plastered on a fake smile. "What are you talking about? I know that, duh!" he laughed. "Then...why did you give me a dozen of donuts as well as my favorite coffee and my favorite manga?" I asked him suspiciously. He shrugged. "I just thought you were in the mood for them."

"I hate glazed," I looked at him, "You're the one that likes them."

"Oops...it was the only one they had!" my best friend tried to sound convincing. "Look I appreciate the gesture, but I'm fine...OOOOOH! You got the next book to the series?" I asked happily looking at the new manga I got. He nodded happily as he stopped in front of the building where I work. "You have a good..." his smile fell. "What?" I asked him, as I noticed him looking out my window.

Following his gaze, I looked out to see what he was looking at. Then my smile fell. There on the stairs were none other than Kwanghee. I fell back into my seat, unsure if I could face him again. What if he hates me?

"Are you okay, Baby?" I looked up to see that my best friend was concerned about me. I solemnly sighed, as I nodded, "Yeah...I think so." 

"Do you want me to beat him up?" he offered, only making me laugh. "No! Don't do that!" "Then are you sure?" I smiled and hugged Seungri , "I'll be okay. Seriously, I think I'll be okay."

And Seungri left it at that. 

As I got out the car, I left the donuts behind but took the rest of the things he got me though. "Fighting!" Seungri whispered, as he put his fist up. I smiled as I shut the door and the car left. I sighed before turning around. 

Here goes nothing...

I walked towards the stairs, as I could see that Jiyoung was sitting there, hands between his legs to keep them warm.

Please don't notice me. Please don't notice me. Please don't notice me. Just to make sure he couldn't see me, I took a good three or four steps to the side to avoid him. But just like the first time we met, he noticed me and ran up to me this time. Dara!!!he cheerfully said, as he hopped in front of me, startling me a bit.

"Jiyong ?" I asked out of confusion. I was a bit confused. Why is he so cheerful?

Then his smile slightly fell, "Listen...I'm sorry about yesterday..." I tried to keep my neutral face on, holding back the sadness. I didn't respond to it. 

"But I hope we're still friends," Jiyong shyly said, looking down awkwardly. I was somehow relieved, at least we're still friends. But does that mean he rejected me? I took a deep breath. "Yeah...I guess we are..." I mumbled.

"Oh goodie! I actually have something to tell you...it's about me and Hyuna ," Jiyong pulled me down to sit on the steps. I sighed, okay he really rejected me. 

"What is it?" I asked, looking at him curiously.

"Wait! I have something for you!" Jiyong gave me a bag of stuff. I raised an eyebrow, unsure what's inside. "Look in it!" I shrugged as I looked into the bag to see my favorite chocolates, the best anime series, the first edition of 'You're Beautiful', even a bag of my favorite coffee beans. I looked up at him "What's this for?" 

He shrugged, "Look, I wanna make sure that I really do mean I'm sorry, so I knew how much you liked all of those things in there." 

I was shocked, he actually remembered all the things we've always talked about and what we liked.

"Look...I really do have something to talk about...I hope you don't mind listening to me again. I'm not even sure if you'll listen to me," he looked down in shame as I nodded. "Why don't you try me?" 

He looked up at me as we both smiled at each other, the same chemistry that connected us in the first place. "Well..." he started off.

So he told me what had happened yesterday. After dinner, how he encountered seungri . And with little details, explained that what Seungri had said to him got him even more confused. So Jiyong went back to his home, where his fiance was waiting for him. He assumed that since she was his fiance, she was would help him out. He had explained what happened to me and Jiyong to her. Then they got into an argument again about who's more important. This time he listened to her and realized what she meant by "until you realize who's more important to you" speech. And in the end, they broke the engagement and broke up with each other for sure. 

Despite what happened between Jiyong and me, I had my 'Love Coach' side come out to comfort him, "I'm so sorry, Jiyong..." I rubbed his shoulder to give him support. "Yeah...it was tough," he sighed. But something was definitely different about him. 

"But you know what's different about this break up?" Jiyong asked me, turning to me. I tilted my head, "What?"

He looked me in the eyes, "I don't feel sad at all. I don't even feel terrible about the break up." I thought about it. And it was true, everytime he broke up with someone or got into a terrible fight, he would try to maintain the relationship or he'll come to me crying or complaining about it. I was confused. Why isn't he sad about it?

"Where's the Ji I know?" I suspciously looked at him, earning me a good laugh from him, seeing that amazing, natrual smile of his. "No, but seriously. Why aren't you sad?"

"Because I realized something," he smiled, as I could feel his hands gently grabbing my own. I was a bit surprised. "The relationship between me and Hyuna isn't anything compared to my relationship with you."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I can't believe I haven't even seen it before! I thought I was in love with Hyuna . I thought there was a spark or something. But all I've felt was pain from her. But with you? You're different. You're the reason why I keep smiling, Dara.

I couldn't help but smile as he said that. "And what I realized what Hyuna was saying about who's more important to me. I think I know who's more important to me. Remember how I said that if I was your 'crush' I would drop everything in the world for you?"

I nodded, on the verge of tears now. "Well...I realized how important you were to me. If I lost you, I wouldn't know what to do. I wouldn't feel happy at all. And I was the one that broke the engagement off."

I gulped. Why doesn't he just say it already? I'm freaking dying out of happiness. But I didn't expect this next thing. 

Jiyong pulled me into a soft and gentle kiss, making me see fireworks. I never felt this way before. He let go of me. "sandara  Park mind if I take you out on a date?" I grinned. I couldn't believe that this was really happening. "As a friend?" I asked, unsure if I should say yes. I was mainly playing with him. 

"I want you to be my girl," Jiyoung smiled as he pulled me into another kiss. This kiss felt so right that I kissed him back.

After a few more seconds, we let go of each other, "It's a date." He grinned like an idiot. As we both stood up, he pulled my hand into his as we intertwined automatically. 

"I love you, Dara ,Jiyong smiled, kissing my cheek. I smiled as well, kissing his cheek, "I love you, too, jiyongiiiii~"


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vmorhor06 #1
Chapter 9: sequel plsss..... more daragon love
cappuccin0 #2
Chapter 9: pls make a sequel.. but can i ask a request to change the font?
Chapter 8: I'm super duper Happy dat Jiyong realized he's feeling 4 Dara\(^^)/
Authornim Thank you very very very 4 making dis wonderful story(^з^)-☆
Chapter 7: Really stupid Jiyong(>_<) your still thinking about your gf(>_<) U hurt Dara really bad!!!

Thank you very much 4 the update (#^3^#) fighting fighting YA YA YA (^o^)/~~
Chapter 6: Poor Dara (T-T) why Jiyong can't see her she the dat always there 4 him and the one dat comforting him and the ONLY one dat really LOVE him. I wish Jiyong will wake up and saw her.

Thank you very much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ Authornim fighting \(^-^)/
Chapter 5: Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you very much 4 many update (^з^)-☆ if u know how Happy I'am becoz u update alot(^.^)

Jiyong I thought u are going to get jealous when u Dara and Seunri but u didn't.
Chapter 4: Why he proposed?? Is he dat really stupid to not to see the perfect girl 4 him(>_<)

Thank you very very very very very very very much 4 many update (^з^)-☆ Authornim fighting \(^-^)/
Chapter 3: Authornim u update very fast!!! I LOVE U (^з^)-☆ Thanks 4 many update (^з^)-☆
Authornim fighting fighting YA YA YA \(#^〇^#)/

DARAGON fighting fighting YA YA YA (^o^)/~~
Chapter 2: Jiyong all your cheating on u and didn't learn,your lucky dat Dara is always there 4 u(^-^)

Authornim Thanks 4 the double update (^з^)-☆ Authornim fighting fighting YA YA YA (^o^)/~~
Chapter 1: Dara is a very good friend here(^-^) Jiyong why don't u just go to her(^-^) just saying(^-^)v

Thank you very much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ please please please update Moooooooooorrrrrrreee(^.^) Authornim fighting \(^-^)/
DARAGON fighting fighting YA YA YA (^o^)/~~