Going to work and my life is ruined

im his love coach

As I got ready for my presentation at 3, I told all my workers to make sure the charts were prepared correctly. Gathering all the necessities for this presentation to look good, I felt a vibration in my black slacks. It wasn't a text, it was a phone call. I rolled my eyes. I'm freaking out already, who would call me at a time like this?

I managed to pull out my cell phone, as I stumbled down the hall towards the meeting rooms. I looked at the screen to see that it read, "Jiyong~~~" 

Gah! I can't right now. But if I didn't answer it now, I would be bothered by it throughout the whole meeting. Mind as well get this over with. 

Standing by the doors of the meeting room, I answered the call with a quick slid, "Hello?" 

"Dara!" I could hear his happy voice, sounding as if he was smiling at the end. "I just wanna thank you so much for always being 

"Hey..um...I'm a bit bu---" 

But Jiyong interrupted me, "I proposed to her!" I froze in my steps, heart racing, my jaw slightly dropped.

"E-eh?" I mumbled, with a bit of shock.

I could hear him giggle like one of the girls that just got asked out by the hottest jock. "Yeah, I know! I seriously thought about what you said and came to a conclusion to marry her! I'll tell you all about it at dinner!"

I was just speechless, unsure what to even say. But I found some words to say anything, just anything to stop this madness, "R-really? Dinner?"

I just sounded like an idiot. "Yeah silly! We always have dinner on Tuesday nights. This time I'm coming to your place! Did you forget?"

I gulped, swallowing back the tears as my throat became drier and drier. "Um...oh yeah...I can't wait to see you!"

"Aigoo! I have so much to tell you! See you soon!" Jiyong happily said, as I heard the phone line go dead. I leaned my back against the wall and slowly slid down. What have I done to deserve this?

It was one thing to see Jiyong happy about dating a girl with intensions of becoming serious. But hearing him tell me that he was gonna marry her was far beyond to my expectations. I never thought this would ever happen. Was it something that I had said to him last night to where he thought about his relationship with her?

I didn't want to think about it anymore. All I could feel was just pure sadness and regret. Even after two years, I had never gained the courage to confess to him. Even if I did, I would always wound up being the girl that helped her guy friend with his problems. I could recall him calling me his "Love Coach". I sighed, staring off to space. I am just a love coach after all...

-After Work, At the Grocery Store-
"And then he tells me that he frickin' PROPOSED to her!" I complained, grabbing a head of lettuce along with some carrots. I put them in the cart and continued to push it down the aisle.

"He's obviously a dimwit for not seeing the best girl out here," Seungri had said, as he placed a bag full of green onions. I ignored him as I pushed on through.

I was at the store with Seungri , my ultimate best friend, even before Jiyong came into my life. I sighed out of frustration as I went ahead and grabbed some bell peppers as well. I threw it in the weight machine, "I just don't get it! Why he would propose to her like that?"

"Well, what did you say to him?" he asked me, as I turned the cart towards the meat section. I shrugged, "I really don't know what I said. It's just that we discussed his situation and then I give him advice. That's all to it!" I couldn't help but complain to Seungri. 

Seungri has been my best friend for as long as I could remember. I've always helped him out when it came to his girlfriends and he helped me. But not once has he ever met Jiyong . If he did, well he would have told Jiyong that I liked him. Or as far as I'm aware of, I'm in love with him.

"Why don't you confess to him tonight?" he advised me. I turned to him, giving him my "are you serious" look. "Seunri , it ain't so easy doing so!"

"What? I confessed to the girl that I've liked for a while and she liked me back!" he grabbed the cart and looked at the meat. "Yah! But I had to get you to tell her!"

"And see? If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been with her at all!" he did have a point. I sighed as I pointed a meat that I wanted as the butcher nodded. "A pound please." 

"Then what do you want me to do then?" I was fed up with this talk already. In the past, he had tried to get me to confess to him. If I didn't he would always set a blind date up with me. I didn't want anything to happen. All I want is Ji to be with me.

"Then confess to him!" There he goes again. I turned to him, my anger getting the best of me, making me explode, "I just can't! Okay?"

"Then why are you so afraid to do so? You've been in love with him for two years already!?" he fought back.

Then the next thing I said, I had no clue I was even thinking it, "I'm afraid to lose him as a friend!"

Then the bit of awkwardness and filled up the atmosphere as everyone was staring at us. I looked up at Seungri , a bit startled by my own words. I sighed as I completed my statement. "I'm afraid to lose him as a friend. What...what if he doesn't have feelings for me?" I asked, as a tear feel down my cheek. 

"Oh, Dara !" Seungri sympathetically whispered, as he pulled me into my arms. "I'll go ahead and take you home." I nodded, as I held back the rest of the tears. "How about this, after dinner, you call me over and we could drink till we're drunk, okay?" I chuckled, as I sniffled a bit. "You truly are the best."

"I know, Dara . I know," he smiled as he let go of me. 

Then the butcher said, "Here have this! It's on the house." Then we both laughed as we took it.

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vmorhor06 #1
Chapter 9: sequel plsss..... more daragon love
cappuccin0 #2
Chapter 9: pls make a sequel.. but can i ask a request to change the font?
Chapter 8: I'm super duper Happy dat Jiyong realized he's feeling 4 Dara\(^^)/
Authornim Thank you very very very 4 making dis wonderful story(^з^)-☆
Chapter 7: Really stupid Jiyong(>_<) your still thinking about your gf(>_<) U hurt Dara really bad!!!

Thank you very much 4 the update (#^3^#) fighting fighting YA YA YA (^o^)/~~
Chapter 6: Poor Dara (T-T) why Jiyong can't see her she the dat always there 4 him and the one dat comforting him and the ONLY one dat really LOVE him. I wish Jiyong will wake up and saw her.

Thank you very much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ Authornim fighting \(^-^)/
Chapter 5: Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you very much 4 many update (^з^)-☆ if u know how Happy I'am becoz u update alot(^.^)

Jiyong I thought u are going to get jealous when u Dara and Seunri but u didn't.
Chapter 4: Why he proposed?? Is he dat really stupid to not to see the perfect girl 4 him(>_<)

Thank you very very very very very very very much 4 many update (^з^)-☆ Authornim fighting \(^-^)/
Chapter 3: Authornim u update very fast!!! I LOVE U (^з^)-☆ Thanks 4 many update (^з^)-☆
Authornim fighting fighting YA YA YA \(#^〇^#)/

DARAGON fighting fighting YA YA YA (^o^)/~~
Chapter 2: Jiyong all your cheating on u and didn't learn,your lucky dat Dara is always there 4 u(^-^)

Authornim Thanks 4 the double update (^з^)-☆ Authornim fighting fighting YA YA YA (^o^)/~~
Chapter 1: Dara is a very good friend here(^-^) Jiyong why don't u just go to her(^-^) just saying(^-^)v

Thank you very much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ please please please update Moooooooooorrrrrrreee(^.^) Authornim fighting \(^-^)/
DARAGON fighting fighting YA YA YA (^o^)/~~