Jiyong at the bar with seungri

im his love coach

-Jiyong's POV-
I just...I just couldn't think at the moment. 

So many things were happening already. I was heartboken last night, then the next morning I got back together with my girlfriend, who is now my fiance. I've dealt with that much alread. But this? Having my only best friend being in love with me? That's a lot of pressure. Not to mention, it sounded as if she's been in love with me for the longest time.

I just need to think for now. I sighed as I got into my car and drove out of the street.


Wait...I just realized something. Why couldn't I reject her? Why couldn't I say something like "I don't love you at all!" or "I have a fiance!" But why couldn't I tell her that?

Then suddenly a flash of Dara staring at me as she confessed to me. "I'm in love with you Ji ," she said to me as I could see her tears on the verge of releasing themselves from the corners of her eyes. I've never seen her that vulnerable before. Then I felt my heart going out of control making me clench my chest. Why is it beating like this? This has never happened before!

I shook my head viguoursly as I continued to drive into the distance. 

I need to talk to someone about this! I can't keep something like this! I sighed once again, out of defeat. But the one that would listen to me about this sort of thing would have been Dara..What will I do now?

I passed by a local bar and decided, "I mind as well stop by. I can't go home now...Hyuna will wonder why I'm back so early..." I turned into the parking lot of the bar and parked it. I got out and walked in, just wanting to take my mind off of everything.

I entered the bar, seeing that it was buzzing with many people, enjoying their drinks and their company of the night. I sighed. As I walked past each table to reach to the bar counter, I could have sworn each of them were either laughing with their buddies, which reminded me of me and Dara, or a few couples intimately stared at each other, which I don't understand why, but I felt embarrassed by this. 

I immediately found an empty stool. "What can I get you?" the bartender offered me. I looked up, a bit nervous to ask for a beer for the first time. It's not like I'm not a drinker, but I drank only sodas and wine. But I wasn't sure, "Uhhh..."

"Get him a beer. I'll have one too. Just put it on my tab," I heard someone say, as he sat next to me. I was surprised, so I turned to the stranger, to only see that it was Dara s friend, Seungri . 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, shifting in my seat. What's this guy gonna do to me? Please don't let him hurt me!

The bartender brought our drinks to us, "Thanks, Top," Seungri thanked him as he got comfortable. He turned to me, "And shouldn't I be asking you that? Didn't you have dinner with Dara ???I raised an eyebrow as he sipped his beer. 

"How did you know?" I asked, hesitant about drinking this beer. Just when I was gonna take a sip, until he took the drink away, "Oh gah! You don't have to try so hard. You're such an eyesore! Get him a Coca-cola on rocks."

"Hey!" I complained. "Why would you do that? I was just about to drink!"

"Dude, you don't have to try so hard. I completely forgot that you had drinking beer," Seungri pinched his nose bridge out of frustration. "How did you know that?" I asked, a bit shocked to hear he knows that too...

"She talks about you so much to me. It actually feels like I know you personally. It's really unbelievable, ya know? I know more about you, yet she never seems to talk about me..." he smirked as he took a nice sip of his beer, smacking in the end to absorb the drink's taste. "I know what you like, what you hate. What you do for fun, almost everything."

"Why would she tell you of all people about me like that? You're just a stranger to her, right?" I wanted answers, there's so much to her that I don't even know about. 

Dara's friend gasped, covering his mouth, "She really didn't tell you?" I tilted my head out of confusion as Bartender Top  placed a cup of soda in my hands. I nodded my thanks to him as I turned back towards Seungri . What was he talking about? I'm just puzzled by everything he's doing right now. 

"Dude, I'm her best friend! We grew up together. We're like bros. I see her as my sister and she sees me as her brother. Didn't she tell you?" he asked, sipping his drink. 

I shrugged, "Well she just said that you weren't her boyfriend..." I sipped my Coke. 

"What? You thought I was her...and she was my..." he laughed at the thought of it. "I'll never see her that way! She's just a friend. I have a girlfriend already. No thanks to that," he waved his hand to wave the topic away.

"Oh...okay...well why is it that she hasn't told me about you before?" I asked him, eyes serious now. He simply shrugged, "Well~ one thing was well she doesn't want to give you the wrong idea...I mean, come on, you thought I was her boyfriend. Which is like to me. Gross~" he shuttered. 

I gritted my teeth and gripped my drink, afraid to ask the next question, but I went ahead and asked, "Give me the wrong idea? What do you mean?"

Then he fell silent, as he avoided my gaze. "Umm..." he mumbled. I turned to him, eyes asking him to tell me now. "I can't...it's a..." he played with his cup between his hands. 

"She told me that she loved me..." I practically blurted out. Hyungshik looked up at me, shocked. "Eh?" 

I looked up at Bartender Top , "Get me your strongest scotch."

"What are you doing?" Seungri gripped my shoulder. I looked at him, "You knew she loved me didn't you?" His head dropped a bit, trying to hide that fact. "For how long?" I asked, as Bartender Top gave me a cup and poured me a quarter of the cup with scotch. I waited for an answer, but nothing was said, as he wasn't sure if it's safe to tell me. "I asked, HOW LONG?" 

He took a deep breath, "For two years now." I down my drink. "Jiyong -shi!" he shouted out, as I could feel my face scrunch up at the taste of this strength in the alcohol. After a few minutes of struggling to try to drink it, it finally went down my throat, feeling a bit light headed. "Wow...that's strong!" 

"Are you ok----" he started up. 

I turned to him, just a tad tipsy. "Why would she love me? I'm nothing to her! All I do is...is...complain to her about my relationships! I practically use her for her advices!" I admitted, the alcohol almost getting to me. 

"You know, there's actually more to why she loves you. She tells me that aside from all the complaining you do, you do some of the sweetest things for her. Like one time, you did the most extravegant dinner for her birthday! And what she tells me that you do for your girlfriend is make a cake and surprise her with a little gift!" Seungri tried to make a point, but I retaliated, "Well that's because I owe her a lot for what she's done for me!" 

"Dude, you know in your heart, from the bottom of that heart, that what you do for Dara was more than just oweing her back. Isn't it?" he pointed at my chest. 

I turned to the Bartender, "A cup of Coke please..." He nodded as he quickly grabbed me one. I thought about what Seungri  had said. What if he's right? Was what I do for Dara more than just oweing her back? Then again, another time I did over did her promotion party that she only told me. I felt special to be the only one to be told at the time. I was actually the first. 

And now that I'm thinking about all the fun times I had with Dara,seeing her smile with joy, dancing in happiness, even intentively listening to my problems. After all this time, she really has cared for me. And suddenly a flash of her face expression when she tried to hold me back with her one last time and I pulled away from her, my heart squeezed in my chest. I grabbed my chest, "Why is it feeling like this?"

"It's called love," Seungri said. I grabbed my cup of Coke and downed it as well, slamming the cup onto the counter, "That can't be! I'm in love with my fiance! I can't love Dara!!!!!I fell into my arms. 

"So...I'm guessing you rejected Dara then?" I looked up at the Seungri who's ready to jump towards Dara and rescue her. I shook my head, "I just told her that I needed to think...But I left her place..."

Seunri looked at me, surprised, "Are you telling me that you left her there? She's probably crying by now!" He was trying to keep his cool, as I could see. I grunted, feeling bad now. "Why does she have to love me? Why couldn't she just love you? You're a lot better than me!"

"No...I'm not...like I said, she loves you. She's been in love with you. Why can't you see that?" Seungri pulled out his wallet as he slapped on the counter a large amount of money. "I'm going to go check up on her. For now, don't you dare speak to her! Until you find out who's more important to you, don't you ever talk to her again!" Then he ran off and out the door. I took a slow breath. Why couldn't he be the one that loves her? Why couldn't she love him?

I stood up, "Did he pay for me?" 

"Yep," the Bartender Top nodded as he finished counting the money. "I hope you could solve the problem." I nodded as I waved at him. 

I was still sober enough to drive back to my home, where my fiance, Yunhee, is probably waiting for me.

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vmorhor06 #1
Chapter 9: sequel plsss..... more daragon love
cappuccin0 #2
Chapter 9: pls make a sequel.. but can i ask a request to change the font?
Chapter 8: I'm super duper Happy dat Jiyong realized he's feeling 4 Dara\(^^)/
Authornim Thank you very very very 4 making dis wonderful story(^з^)-☆
Chapter 7: Really stupid Jiyong(>_<) your still thinking about your gf(>_<) U hurt Dara really bad!!!

Thank you very much 4 the update (#^3^#) fighting fighting YA YA YA (^o^)/~~
Chapter 6: Poor Dara (T-T) why Jiyong can't see her she the dat always there 4 him and the one dat comforting him and the ONLY one dat really LOVE him. I wish Jiyong will wake up and saw her.

Thank you very much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ Authornim fighting \(^-^)/
Chapter 5: Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you very much 4 many update (^з^)-☆ if u know how Happy I'am becoz u update alot(^.^)

Jiyong I thought u are going to get jealous when u Dara and Seunri but u didn't.
Chapter 4: Why he proposed?? Is he dat really stupid to not to see the perfect girl 4 him(>_<)

Thank you very very very very very very very much 4 many update (^з^)-☆ Authornim fighting \(^-^)/
Chapter 3: Authornim u update very fast!!! I LOVE U (^з^)-☆ Thanks 4 many update (^з^)-☆
Authornim fighting fighting YA YA YA \(#^〇^#)/

DARAGON fighting fighting YA YA YA (^o^)/~~
Chapter 2: Jiyong all your cheating on u and didn't learn,your lucky dat Dara is always there 4 u(^-^)

Authornim Thanks 4 the double update (^з^)-☆ Authornim fighting fighting YA YA YA (^o^)/~~
Chapter 1: Dara is a very good friend here(^-^) Jiyong why don't u just go to her(^-^) just saying(^-^)v

Thank you very much 4 the update (^з^)-☆ please please please update Moooooooooorrrrrrreee(^.^) Authornim fighting \(^-^)/
DARAGON fighting fighting YA YA YA (^o^)/~~