
Some Things Shouldn't be Forgiven

JoonHong takes a few steps up the stairs starring at the door the female just went through. He swallows and looks up the stairs towards his own home before looking back at the door “Did she…?” he stops in front of her door searching for a name.

“There is nothing…” he looks up the door and scratches his neck “She was strange” he quietly mumbles to himself and places a hand on the door tryingly. In the next second the door is opened and the blue eyed female stares right at him calmly and somewhat coldly. He stumbles backwards starring her directly into the eyes wondering how she knew he was there.

“Kid what do you want?” her voice is calm and indifferent as she leans against the door.

“I don’t want anything” JoonHong frowns and digs his hands in his pockets noticing her turning something small in her left hand.

“Then stop hanging outside my door” she steps to the side motioning to close the door but then she stops and takes a step outside the door towards JoonHong who frowns. She is still looking directly at him but her hand snatches a hold on his left wrist and moves it up in eye level “You need that disinfected”

JoonHong shoots his eyes to his hand seeing the burn above his thump that his dad gave him earlier this night for taking up too much room in his life. He yanks his arm to himself “I know” he glances at her and pulls his sleeve trying to the burn wondering how she could notice that. It’s not like it is standing out that much or anything “I’m fine” he mumbles and looks to the side.


JoonHong looks back at her frowning, seeing her looking like she really doesn’t care. People in this building might be losers but normally when people see his burns or bruises they at least try to act like they care in order to seem like decent people. He looks her in the eyes and for a while they just stand like that.

JoonHong frowns. Her posture and attitude is casual and calm on the verge of being lazy but in her eyes is a fire burning and he gets a feeling that nothing misses them. He looks down to the side and slightly turns his feet a bit uncomfortable by her intense eyes.

As he breaks the eye contact she steps back in her place and closes the door.

JoonHong hears her lock it and looks back at the door for a second before stepping further back. He lifts his hand and looks at the burn “It’s really not that big… I got away faster this time” he mumbles softly to himself examining the burn, he just got graced.

He lets his hand drop with a sigh and starts heading back up the stairs. He takes on step at the time breathing deeply and focuses on the fact that he has to go back in. He wonders if the meeting with the blue eyed foreigner has pissed his dad even more off. He has never seen his dad retreat like that. No one usually dares messing with him. He is a big guy and everyone knows he has the worst temper. If his dad is around no one dares helping him.

JoonHong swallows as his hand moves to the doorknob. He slowly turns it and opens the door quietly stepping into the silent apartment. He steps in and closes the door behind him looking at the broken mirror on the wall on his right. He looks down seeing the shoe that broke it.

“Oppa” a small tired voice demands his attention and JoonHong looks towards one of the doors seeing his younger half sister rubbing a tired eye holding her favorite stuffed toy with her other hand.

“Why are you up?” JoonHong says quietly and smiles. He walks over to her and picks her up giving her a light hug.

“Where were you?” she tiredly leans her head on his shoulder and lets him carry her back to her room.

“I was just out” JoonHong closes the door and walks over to her bed placing her down “You have to sleep now okay”

The girl nods and lies down “He was mad at you again” she tiredly mutters as her eyes closes “He is always mad”

JoonHong her hair and nods “I know” he sighs and leans down kissing her head “Sleep tight” he stands up and looks at her smiling a little when she falls asleep right away. His expression gets more serious and he walks out again closing the door behind him. He walks to the living room seeing how the things that were thrown about are still making the room look like a warzone. He sighs and starts tidying up while being as silent as he can.

He curses silently as he cleans up the mess his dad left. It is always the same. His dad gets mad at him for nothing, throws stuff around and he JoonHong has to clean up when the others are asleep, if he leaves it his dad will just have something else to be mad about in the morning. His mother is not of any use. Ever since the father of her youngest child died and she went back to JoonHong’s dad she has somehow started blaming everything on JoonHong. She blames him for being the reason she is back with his dad.

His dad was always an idiot and 10 years ago his mother did finally go to the police and he went to jail for a while. His mum met a new man, a better man who treated them nicely. JoonHong might not have been the man’s real son but he treated him like one. Then he got his little sister and he was really thinking things were gonna be good until an accident took away the one person who had turned their life around.

JoonHong’s mother had been so distraught and lost so when JoonHong’s father showed up again she took him back in a heartbeat.

JoonHong curses again and straightens up rubbing his eyes. He is so tired. He looks at the time and drops down on the couch scanning the room for anything that needs to be taken care of. When confident he did all he could do he drops to his side and closes his eyes drifting off almost instantly dreaming about a life where he would have a reason to smile.

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Vonnie #1
Chapter 3: why is this so good? Please update soon!
Chapter 2: woah!glad to see you again authornim :) i thought i/we lost you (i.e. erased your account from aff)! i looked for 'in the blink of an eye' before to re-read it, but i couldn't find it! argh!

anyway, really looking forward to your new fic :) hope Seungho will be a lead here too :) (yep, im seungh0 biased).
vanessasherley #3
Good but I think you need more chapter ;)
interesting. I guess it's going to be an awesome story