The book

Some Things Shouldn't be Forgiven

A figure walks down the street, alone and soaked by the rain which seems to be falling extra hard keeping people inside their homes. In the distance there are sounds from cars honking their horns but right here the rain is the most dominant sound along with the sounds of shoes sturing up the puddles on the ground.

If someone looked out their window they would probably wonder why anyone is out at this time in this weather but then again, if they knew who it was they would be making sure to lock their doors.

Her fitted, worn out jeans, the shirt sticking out under her oversized leather jacket and the bag casually slung over her shoulder would make you think she was a rebel. Dark red hair sticks out under the beanie which is pulled far down almost hiding the pair of icy blue eyes. She looks ahead with determination seemingly very sure about where she is going but then stops and looks up at the street sign. She narrows her eyes not quite use to reading the Korean letters. She looks down the street on her right and one side of her lips curl up into a smirk. She turns and walks that way now looking at the buildings she passes. It is not well maintained but it is just the place she feels at home.

She stops suddenly and turns her head to the right looking up at a crappy apartment building. She nods to herself and then pulls out a phone from her pocket cursing a bit because of the difficulties of making a call with the rain pouring down.

5 minutes later a woman opens the front door to the building.

“… coming in at this hour… Was it really not possible to come at a decent time” the tired looking old lady grumbles and waves a hand “What was your name again?”

“You can call me whatever you want” the female walks towards the woman.

“I need your name?” the old lady grumbles again “We need full name”

“No you don’t” Husky stops in front of the woman looking down at her “You are just noisy” she holds out her hand “Key”

The lady scowls at her and mumbles something about foreigners having a lack of manners.

The blue eyed female smirks and closes her drenched hand around the piece of metal. She walks past the lady without giving her another glance and starts walking up the stairs.

“Just remember to pay on time and don’t be bothersome!”  the lady snaps after her “We are a respectable place!”

The female stops in her tracks and turns her head sideways towards the lady “Don’t worry” she turns her head fully and looks directly at the lady “You won’t even know I am here” with that said she continues up the stairs looking at the places where paint is coming off the walls.

She keeps walking up till she reaches the 4th floor where she stops when she sees a figure sitting on the bottom step leading up to the next. She can quickly estimate the person to be a boy, no more than 16 and he looks like his life isn’t really working out for him.

At the sound of scuffing feet he look to the side and spots a pair of army boots, a puddle of water starts emerging around them. His eyes slowly move up the other person till he spots the cold eyes fixed on him. His brows twitch for a second but long enough for her to notice. Her expression stays the same as she looks at the kid.

“What?” the kid huffs out the word making an annoyed expression.

A loud sound from a door being force open with power makes both look up the stairs to the next floor.

“Oh ” the kid quickly jumps up and tries to run past the female who grasps his arm and stops him. His face shoots towards her and he stares at her trying to get out of her strong grip.

“JoonHong!” the roar from a man comes from the floor above.

The kid looks up and then back at Husky “Please let go I have to get away”

“Why?” Husky calmly examines the look in the boy’s eyes seeing something unusual in them.

“Why?!” JoonHong frowns and looks back up the stairs as steps starts coming down. He looks back at her and tries yanking his arm “None of your business”

She lets go and watches the kid hurry down the stairs. A second later the roaring man comes down from the floor above “JoonHong!” he roars again but as he sees the blue eyes foreigner looking coldly at him he stops in his tracks and huffs at her “What are you looking at?”

She shrugs and crosses her arms.

The man huffs again and walks towards her “I haven’t seen you here before” he looks her up and down “I don’t like foreigners… You just got here?”

She nods once and looks him in the eyes. She has seen so many eyes like that. She can pretty much tell his type right away, a loser who tries to feel less miserable by making others miserable. He probably terrorizes his wife and kids and people know him as being someone who is loud and hot headed.

The man eyes her out and tilts his head back “Cat got your tongue?”

She smirks and tilts her head to the side “I don’t like wasting words on crap”

“What did you just call me?” the man steps towards her with an annoyed expression.

She shrugs still smirking at him with her arms crossed.

“We don’t need more of your kind here. Go back you came from foreigner” the man huffs at her again

The smirk on her lips gets bigger as she tilts her head to the other side “And where would that be??”

The man frowns and looks her up and down as if she was a mental case “How would I know?”

“Then how can you be sure it’s not here?” she chuckles dryly keeping her eyes fixed on him without blinking. The man steps towards her pushing his shoulders forward and widening his eyes “You think you are funny?”

She doesn’t even flinch but just keeps looking at him with that smirk playing on her lips “You think you are scary?”

The man huffs her in the face “You should watch your mouth” he snarls cruelly. She tilts her head back and her smirk widens “You should get out of my face”

“Or what?” the man spits at her feet. In a shift move her hand has a grasp on his throat and she starts pressing it without any sign of effort showing in her face. The man tries prying her off but with no luck. A short while after she lets go and he drops to the floor. She rubs the spit on her shoe of on his shirt ignoring his gasping for air.

“Now get out of my face” she says with a sigh and the man staggers to his feet and heads back up the stairs glancing back at her, defeated.

She looks after him till she hears the door get closed “You are lucky I’m tired” she mumbles to herself softly and then look down the stairs seeing the kid from before looking strangely at her.

She turns towards the door behind her and unlocks it with her key. She walks in and closes it without looking towards the kid a second time.

She locks the door behind her and then looks around the run down apartment. It is not a big place but it has a kitchen and living-room, a bathroom and 2 other small rooms. She walks to the middle of the room and drops the bag on the floor before  removing her shoes. She carries them to the bathroom where she removes her jacket and beanie. She walks back to the livingroom and drops opens the bag pulling out an item securely wrapped in plastic. She places it on the table and unpacks the rest of her few belongings.

From a box she pulls out a bunch of small metal parts which she starts to assemble. Her eyes keeps moving to the plastic wrapped item as her hands does what they have done so often. It doesn’t take her more than 5 minutes before she in her hand holds a gun. She looks at it resting in her palm and smiles but her eyes soon returns to the plastic wrapped item and she sighs and puts the gun down “What?”

She throws the now empty bag against the wall not caring what happens to it and then starts unwrapping the plastic. When the wrapping is gone she places a hand on either side of the book in front of her. She looks at it intensely “So I’m in Korea…” her fingers tap calmly on the table “I know it took a while… 3 years…” she turns her head and looks towards the door “This is your country…” she looks back at the book tapping her fingers again “I’m leaving as soon as I am done” she opens the book and turns a few pages. Her face remains emotional and stoic.

“I didn’t think I would live this long you know…” she stops on a page and lets her eyes scan the black letters telling a story about a person who didn’t deserve to live “I figured one year I could get by but 3…” she turns a few more pages and stops looking at the name at the top “I’m too good for them” she lets her fingers trace the black inc. “Or rather…” she smirks cruelly “No one can match me”

Her eyes rest on the page as her finger finishes the last letter in her own name “The Siberian Husky” she whispers and nods to herself “The book of the most deadly people in the world…” she huffs and looks straight ahead “I still don't understand why you gave it to me. Why did you chose to believe in me?" She looks back at the book "But it doesn't matter. I made up my mind I’m not stopping till there is only one name left… Mine”





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Vonnie #1
Chapter 3: why is this so good? Please update soon!
Chapter 2: woah!glad to see you again authornim :) i thought i/we lost you (i.e. erased your account from aff)! i looked for 'in the blink of an eye' before to re-read it, but i couldn't find it! argh!

anyway, really looking forward to your new fic :) hope Seungho will be a lead here too :) (yep, im seungh0 biased).
vanessasherley #3
Good but I think you need more chapter ;)
interesting. I guess it's going to be an awesome story