
My Side of the Story ( Sequl of a sad beginning, a happy ending?)


btw i might be able to update one more chapter this weekend!!! xDDDDDDDDDDD which i havent done in a long long time :)



-Gin Sook's POV-

i slowly turned my head to the sound.

"Well, hello there young man. Wht do you think ur doing?"he walked towards me and kneeled down to my level.

" I uhhh....umm.....fell down..." I lied.

"Well.. okay then." he got up and started to turn the other way.

Whew and i thought i would get caught. I took a deep breathe and signed in relief.

"DO YOU THINK THT I'LL ACTUALLY FALL FOR THT?!" the man yelled and kicked me in the stomach.

"GAH!!" i yelled in pain as the chair and i turned and hit againest the wall. . My arms feel like they broke...... I saw the man coming at me again.

This time he grabbed a bunch of hair and pulled my bleeding head up. " Now, Listen up kid, if u wanna live u have to be a quite little good boy sitting in the corner. Got it?" with tht he let go and sat me up straight and left.

"Aish~ Stupid gang member checking up on me." i said under my breathe. I looked around the room and spotted a sercurity camera. "Heh stupid gangs with their stupid cameras." i spitted the blood out of my mouth(tht came from the stomach).

 Why? Why am i so weak? Why, Why is it my family? Why did i allow myself to get kiddnapped? Why? I let my tears get the best of me and let them stream down my face.

Before i knew it, i feel asleep.....

-end of flash back-

(now both rumi's and gin sooks flashback at the same time)

-flashback xD-

-3rd person-

It was finally time where Rumi and Gin Sook's parents go and trade themselves for gin sook.

"Rumi-ah. remember wht we discussed yesterday." Rumi's Umma said as rumi and her parents walked to the "final" destination.

"De, Umma I will try my best living to my very best." she answered trying to smile, knowing that she will break the promise.

"Thts my girl" Rumi's Appa said proudly her fine hair.

They finally reached to their desination and saw gin sook.


"OPPA!" they ran towards him and hugged him. He hugged back. As they got their happiness, their happiness was broken as soon as a voice interupted.

"Im sorry to interrupt ur family reunion. Its time for us to talk about our debt." a man in a black suit said calmly taking off his sun glasses. 

"WAIt? Wht debt? Wht deal?" gin sook asked franicly as he wanted to know the answer.

"Oh? I didnt tell you yet?" he looked at gin sook with a smirk, " Well it is ur fault for being such a bad child. Or we could've told u earlier. Guess i should tell you here and now. *points at parents* r parents havent payed the debt to us and now they will pay it with their lives."

"WHT?! Then wht was the point in kidnapping me?!" gin-sook suddenly snapped.

" Because we dont want u guys to run away, now do we? I mean ur parents have such smart childern. U got a scholarship to a good college. And ur sister is good at school work."

"Then why?! Why cant u wait until we get jobs to pay u back?! Why?! Why must u take our parents life now?! Tell me now!"

the man suddenly made a move and grabbed gin-sook's neck.

"Oppa!" rumi cried as she ran to her brother.

"Someone hold her and her parents down now!"

"Yes sir!"

"LET GO!! OPPA!! KENCHNA?!" rumi struggled as the men shutted her up.

"Now where were we?..... Ahh yes, because we dont know for sure. Maybe u'll be rejected and become homeless. Maybe u guys will run away when u guys have the chance. Now we cant let tht happen now can we?" he threw gin-sook to the ground. " Lets go! Take the parents and leave the childern."

"Yes BOSS!" A van came to them and they got in with rumi and gin-sooks parents leaving both of the childern alone.

Rumi ran to her oppa and lefted his head up and looked at the van seeing her parents tearing up with guilt in their eyes.

"Annyong Appa, Umma....... " a tear came down from both the childern.

-end of flash back-

-present time Rumi's POV-

I got up after sobering after that flashback and got out of the closet, putting on my glasses. I have to take care of oppa. I must take care of him. I walked to the kitchen and saw him with his head buried in his arms.

".....Oppa?..." I whisphered. 


"Oppa? are...u... hungry?" i asked as i got closer to him.


"YAH! PARK GIN SOOK! ANSWER ME NOW!!" i snapped forgetting what just happened.

"AISH!! WHT DO U WANT?!" he turned to me with teary eyes.

"Are you hungry or not?"I asked as i knew why he was crying. He nodded his head.

"U know oppa. Appa and Umma nvr blamed u for their death, they nvr blamed us for the cause. So stop blaming urself. The past is the past... Oppa.....u just have to keep living, u cant change the past....but u can always change the future." I lectured as i made dinner for both of us.



"Wht do u want me to do then? I dont know wht to do. Im lost in life. All i can do is hide my secert and use violence to make me feel better. Wht can i do?"

"I dont know Oppa, but i do know that u have the control over urself, u have ur future in ur hands, u can choose ur path oppa, no one else can except u. So set up a goal and reach for it." I took the finished meal to the table and gave it to him to eat. "Its udon with potstickers today. Enjoy."

"Gomawo Rumi-ah, Im happy im not gonna go through this by myself." he said as he got his chopstick and digged in. Oppa, just be urself again. Just give up on being a ganster and return to my old brother. I miss him. I just hope u'll make the right choice.



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I LOVE BOTH ALBUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope both grps win no. 1 soon ~~^^ UKISS n b1a4 hwaiting!!!<br />
Kya~~~~ he got approval ^^ nice
AznAmericangirl #2
no o.o they hired ppl to mow their lawn... it was 9am! ITS TOO FREAKING EARLY SINCE I SLEPT LIKE AT 2AM!!! OMFG I SHOULD SUE THEM FOR NOT LETTING ME SLEEP~!! UGH
kpoplive #3
did you mow their lawn???
AznAmericangirl #4
Lolololol I have to update my other story too...if u'll excuse me I have a headache Thxs to my neighbor's lawn ppl = =
kpoplive #5
co author what are you suppose to be doing?! hello?~ my story!
AznAmericangirl #6
Gahhhh!!!!! Stop hurting everyone jinsook!!!!
AznAmericangirl #8
Get off her back jinsook!!!
AznAmericangirl #10
Mwahahahaha~ after this chapter I have no clue Wht happens next o.o :P but I'll thunk of sumthing xD