Day 1. The Fateful Meeting

Forever In Love
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Day 1

Jiyong flopped to his chair behind his desk, huffed when he saw a pile of papers waiting in front of him. He also sighed when he saw what day it was, Tuesday. It was already the 1st of September. He had his calender marked on that date, reminding him that his current boss is going to retire today due to his bad health. Jiyong didn’t like it a bit. Choi Seungho, had been like a father to him for the past 5 years. He had took Jiyong in when he thought there’s no other firm wanted him because the disgrace of his father’s name, and Seungho had been his saviour. He put Jiyong in a very good position; as his personal secretary, and Jiyong was very grateful of him. but now his boss is going to retire. He knew the replacement is going to be none other that Choi Seungho’s eldest son; who just got back from his doctoral studies in the states; and from what Seungho told him, Seunghyun—the name of Seungho’s eldest son—is a son who made his father very proud and Seungho was sure he could lead this law firm well. Jiyong didn’t doubt it. If Seungho said so, then it must be so. But he just wasn’t ready to re-adapt. He still feels uncomfortable imagining Seungho will not be with him anytime in the office.

               “Hey, yo, Dragon,” a voice came up behind Jiyong and he didn’t even have to turn around to know who it was.

           “Wassup, Key?” Jiyong greeted him, lazily turning on his computer to start working. The other guy, Kim Kibum; or who Jiyong prefer to call Key, because he really was the key holder to every secret in Jiyong’s life and also just to make it easier to call him; sat down on the couch across Jiyong’s desk.

               “Why so gloomy, my dear Hyung? It’s a very sunny day out there,” Kibum actually knew why Jiyong was in a bad mood. He has been whining and whining and whining for the past three days that he will never get used to anybody else besides Seungho. Kibum, who joined this company waaaay before Jiyong did, and was waaaaaay to used to Seungho more than Jiyong did, didn’t understand why this was such a big deal to the older man. It’s not like Seungho’s gonna leave the country or something. He’s just not going to come to the office anymore.

               “It’s 1st of September already, Key. You’re not even sad the old man’s retiring?”

               “Why should I?” Kibum’s answer made Jiyong frown. “Hyung, it’s best for him. do you prefer him forcing himself working his out here while we all know he’s sick and he needs total rest at home?”

               It was the best answer. Jiyong couldn’t argue that. Kibum was always right. He's maybe younger than Jiyong, but he’s a lot more realistic than the older. Kibum came from a very unfortunate family from the slum area of the town, he had learned to live realistically since he was born. His mother has been the Choi’s cook for a couple of years before she died and Kibum had to replaced her to work there. Seungho somehow saw the potential in this kid even though he didn’t finished his school, so he called Kibum to his  office one day and asked him if he wanted to learn to operate the computer. Kibum, who was determined to make a better living for his father and younger siblings, took the offer and that’s how he end up as the company’s second man’s secretary. Choi Minho, Seungho’s second and youngest son.

               Jiyong didn’t answer at that, he just sighed harder, and it made the younger man laughed. He stood up to approach Jiyong’s desk. “Hyung, it’s not that bad. I mean.. from Minho’s story, his Hyung is a very decent and kind man.”

               “I didn’t say he wasn’t,” Jiyong answered shortly, starting to read the documents in front of him, sorting which one he had to give to Seungho for him to sign and which schedule Seungho needed to attend or not.

               “But you were thinking like that,” Kibum went down on his knees in front of the desk, folding his hand on the desk and leaning his chin on top of it. “I heard a lot about him from Minho, and from his stories I guess.. I guess he’s.. okay,” somehow the way Kibum said it didn’t convice Jiyong. Kibum understands this, and he pouted when he saw Jiyong frown. “Don’t worry, Hyung, you’ll adapt.”

               Jiyong smiled seeing Kibum’s pout while saying it, his frown totally disappeared. He ruffled the younger’s hair. “Thank you, Kibum-ah. I can only ask for you to pray for me,” the younger nod cutely at this, making Jiyong chuckled. “I can see why Minho keeps you.”

               “Hyung!!!” Kibum suddenly looked flustered. His face was dark red as an apple, standing up from where he was kneeling. It was no longer a secret that the boss’s youngest son was dating his secretary, even the boss had give his blessing to Minho and Kibum’s relationship. But Kibum seems to be shy everytime Jiyong or any other worker , just like now.


“Jiyong-ah, this is Seunghyun,” Seungho patted the man beside him on the shoulder. The man lowered his head to Jiyong, giving him a small bow with his head, clarifying that he’s still the boss but he respect Jiyong as much. He was just slightly taller than his father, his face had some of his father’s feature but Jiyong can recognize his mothers eye and mouth. Minho’s face was 99% a copy of Seungho’s, with just 1% of his mother’s nose on his face, but Seunghyun really was a combination of his parents face. Jiyong had seen Seungho’s wife before, and was mezmerised by her beauty that Jiyong made a promise to himself that he had to find a girl with that level of beauty for him to marry, “He just came back from the states yesterday, and he is going to fill my position as the director here. Which means, he’s going to be your boss from now on.”

               Jiyong gulped, the image of having to ask what coffee the new director like, what habit he have, what food he likes and dislikes, and what behaviour the boss dislikes came again. He have to get used to this. Jiyong! Get a grip of yourself!!

               “Y-yes sir,” Jiyong finally bowed to the father and son in front of him, trying his best not to look nervous.

              “Well then, I have to go for my check up. If there is anything I need to sign, please send it to my house. I only will come to the company’s meeting on.. Friday, to officialy introduce Seunghyun to our clients and colleague. For the time being, Minho will take care of all meeting while Seunghyun..” he turned to his son who looked at him with a small smile, “.. just try to get used to everyone here and how they work. Remember, you have to adapt to them, not them to you, okay son?”

               “Yes, Father,”

              It was the first time Jiyong heard the man speak, and his voice made Jiyong shiver. Seungho and Minho had the same low voice but Seunghyun’s voice was somehow lower and more.. sensual. Jiyong mentally slap himself, not realizing a small grin appearing in his new boss's face at how cute he was.

               “Okay then,” Seungho coughed a little when he spoke. “I have to go now. Jiyong,” Jiyong nod his head at his boss. “Take care of Seunghyun for me.”

               “Yes, director.”

               “Don’t worry son,” Seungho was suddenly beside Jiyong, hugging him slightly, making Jiyong teary all of the sudden. “Seunghyun is 100 times better than I am in what he does, and anytime you miss me, just come to our house, yeah?” Jiyong nodded, blinking his eyes so that the tears would go away. Seungho laughed seeing the teary eyed Jiyong, he patted the brunnette’s head before saying his goodbye and left the room with Seunghyun who walked him downstairs.




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sorry I hvn't update n won't be for a while. there's Alive in a couple of days n my mind is just..argh! I'll update this & The Beauty Beast on Monday! :)


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Chapter 5: Ooooooh it's okay for the not chronologic time but I wonder if I can ask for a kind of reminder I mean I read plenty of sorties so I'm afraid of forget the number of days between update so if you can just, in the foreword,.wrote like a reminder if what was already written like:
Chap1: day 1: meeting
Chap2: day 338: broke up
Chap3: day 92: Paris, meeting with Dara & Jonghun
Chap4: day 54: first kiss & confession

Just a suggestion ....
GDnTOPsession #2
Chapter 4: Sorry, is it a glitch on my Laptop, or is Chapter 4 & 5 the same chapter? Anyhow, Can't wait for the next update. The fluffy sweetness of GTOP here is giving me cavities! LOL (っ=ˆヮˆ=)っ
Chapter 4: yay, gtop's first kiss! <3
butwaerihadtobejiex -_-
ahaha, but i love the fluffiness~
GDnTOPsession #4
Chapter 4: AWWWH you actually posted their first confession! Thanks sooo much Unnie (✿ ♥‿♥). & It's as perfect as I imagined it <3. Plus PandaRi's adorable~

I'm loving where this fiction's going ;). I went and watched '500 Days Of Summer' just because of this. It was really cute and funny & sweet, and I really liked the non-chronological style of the film. But if anything, I think the underlying plot of yours as a whole is much more interesting and engaging!. Your non-chronological writing style + GTOP = Win Win Situation xD. *Runs to read Chapter 5*
Chapter 5: at first i confused a bit, but now i really like this story... xD
annakaoya #6
Chapter 5: tjieosghsuifhg iu :D :D :D
fluffyyyyyy fluffffff <3
MaiDear #7
Chapter 3: I love it :D I watched that movie so I totally understand :) I want to know their first kiss >< update soon bye bye
GDnTOPsession #8
Chapter 3: Oh and isn't Jonghun so cuteee? <3 LOL
GDnTOPsession #9
Chapter 3: Wow I really like the plot of your story and the characterisation of Jiyong & Seunghyun! <3. Also the whole un-chronological style of your writing is really interesting!. It's the first time I'm reading an un-chronological fanfiction, and though I don't normally like not knowing what happens in between, I think it makes this story all the more amazing and keeps you hooked to it. Plus I'm really excited about what days you'd post next!, but please can you post their 'first date' or the day they confess to each other as one of the next chapters? ^^. Thank you for writing this. Keep up the hard work Unnie x