
We Don't Want To Get Married


Lee Joon parked his car in the garage and immediately went inside the house. As he stepped into his bedroom it was totally dark and started to call for IU. But there is no reply from her. Soon, he switched on the light and found out a body was laying on the floor beside a window.

“IU! IU!” he called out in his worried voice. He placed IU on his arms and tried to wake her up. He then touched her cheeks and it was burn! Her forehead, it’s hot!

“IU! Wake up! You got a fever!” He said in his worried voice. Then he found out IU was just in her thin short pyjamas with her still wet hair after bathing and their bedroom was in a lower temperature condition.

He soon carried IU away from the floor to the bed and covered her body with a very thick duvet. “Go away! You didn’t even care about me!!” she yelled with her eyes still close and her hands were in the air. After saying that, she fell asleep again. She was just dreaming.

“IU! Wake up,” Lee Joon woke her up with a medicine and a glass of water in his hand. He placed his hand on IU’s forehead and it gets hotter than before. He got more panic and worried at the same time. He went to the bathroom to get a towel and a bowl of cold water. He then placed the wet towel on IU’s forehead as she moaned in pain.

“Dear, you should eat medicine first. I’ll help you,” Lee Joon said as IU’s eyes were half opened. She shook her head didn’t want to eat the medicine. “You have to!” Lee Joon advised in his serious worried tones.

“NO!” she tried to yell but she can’t. She was in pain and had lost all of her energy. She hit the water in Lee Joon’s hand that made the glass shattered on the floor.

“YAH! You must eat this! Or else your body temperature will get higher!” Lee Joon said most likely he was yelling at IU’s stubbornness.

“I can’t............. My head was in pain! I can’t even sit up!” she tried to talk.

“I’ll help you,” he began to help IU to sit up when suddenly IU vomited all over Lee Joon. “Owh My!” he wanted to yell but looking at IU he felt pity on her.

“Sor...sorry,” she said in her lower voice feeling guilty. She then took the medicine in Lee Joon’s hand even she felt like a big hard rock was hit on her head.

“It’s okay. I’ll go get change first. Take a rest,” he got up and went to the bathroom. After changing and cleaning the dirty area, he placed the small wet towel on IU’s forehead.

It’s already half past 2 when he feels his eyes were heavy. He was about to sleep on the couch in their bedroom when IU’s hand was grabbing his hand, “Stay here, please.” He nodded and placed his body beside IU and fell asleep.


Lee Joon who was sleeping immediately woke up as he heard sound of broken glass. “Sorry! I feel thirsty,” IU apologised. She was about to get a glass of water on the small table beside her bed, when her lifeless hand can’t even hold the glass and suddenly the glass fell from her hand and the glass scattered on the floor.

“Yah! You know that you didn’t feeling well! Why don’t you just wake me up so I can give the water to you! You don’t have to do it by yourself! What if something bad happen to you? What if the broken glass gets into you? Haishh! You are so stubborn!” Lee Joon said angrily.

“I know that you are so tired. That’s why I didn’t want to wake you up. In fact, it’s still early in the morning. I know you slept late last night,” she replied in her lower voice, feeling guilty. Lee Joon never shows this side of him and it made her scared. Her eyes were teary and Lee Joon had noticed her teary eyes.

“I’ll do anything for you. Next time, just tell me what you want and I’ll try my best to help you,” he advised and wiped her wet cheek. He felt guilty as he saw IU’s eyes.

“Sorry, Lee Joon ahhh.”

“It’s okay. Are you hungry?” he asked as IU replied with her head nodded. She didn’t eat last night. “Still feeling unwell?” he asked again as his hand started to roam around her forehead and he gave her a glass of water. “It’s still hot, but better than last night. I’ll cook you porridge and after eating you have to eat medicine, araseo??”

“Yea, Mr Doctor,” she smiled, forgetting about what had happened yesterday at the spa and the fact that she was still mad at Lee Joon.

“Get a rest, first. I’ll be in the kitchen. Just stay here and don’t do anything or walking. Shout my name if you need anything or wait for me to comeback. Understand?” he instructed while IU just nodded her head and go back to sleep.

Lee Joon immediately went to the kitchen and started to search for any recipe books in the cabinet. But he didn’t find any of them. He doesn’t even know how to cook. In his whole life, her mother and IU is the one who always cooked for him at home. And of course the chiefs of every restaurant he went.

“How can I cook porridge for IU? I don’t even know how to make it,” he thought. “I got an idea!!!” he smiles alone.

He took his phone from the bedroom and started to make a call. “Yabuseyo?” greeted the person on the other line.

“Omma!!” Lee Joon greeted as he heard his mother’s voice. “How are you, omma?”

“Lee Joon? I’m fine, dear. How about you? How’s IU?” his mother replied. “Why do you call me early in the morning? You never woke up at this time. Alright, tell me dear.”

“ooo....ummm... ummmm.. I just missed you!” he lied. He felt shy to ask about how to make porridge for sick people. He knows his mom will make fun of him. He never cooked before and only for IU he will cook? Of course everyone will make fun of him.

He can hear her mother’s laughter from the other line. “Don’t lie to me dear.... Okay, spill it up! You need my help, right? What is it? I can help you.”

“But don’t tell the others and laugh at me. Promise?” he asked his mom to promise him that.

“You are still cute when you want something like before,” his mother stated and laughed. “What is it, honey?”

“Can you please teach me how to make porridge? Please?” he asked shyly.

Again, he hears laughter from the other line. This laughter is louder than before and in fact it seems like there was a male laughter combined with his mother laughter. “Appa?! Come on!! Omma! You promise not to tell others, right?” he pouted even they can’t see his face but they knew when Lee Joon is pouting only by hearing his voice.

“Sorry, baby.... Your appa is with me when you called earlier. But he insists me to switch it into loud speaker so that he can hear as well. In fact, I didn’t promise you anything? I didn’t say anything when you asked me to promise you. Okay we won’t tell anyone. Sorry, dear..” she explained and smiled.

“Why you want to cook porridge?” his father interrupted.

“IU is sick. She’s hungry and I want to make her porridge. Can you help, omma?” he explained.

“She’s sick? I didn’t you tell earlier? Have you bring her to the hospital? You shouudd........” Mrs Lee asked in her worried voice.

But she was interrupted again by her husband, “Yeah, you should bring her to see the doctor. I know this good doctor. You should bring her to him. Who knows she’s sick because she’s carrying someone in her body??” Then another loud laughter was heard through the phone.

“Guys! Do you want to help your son or no? If not I’ll just asked other people,” Lee Joon said getting annoyed with his parents behaviour. Both of them are too hyper early in the morning.

“Aigooo~ Sorry.. Sorry.. Don’t mind your appa. He’s just teasing you. Are in the kitchen now? Okay, I want you to prepare ..............................................................................................” her mother explained what should he prepare and do to make the porridge.

“Alright. Thank You, omma!! I love you both!” he thanked his mother before hanging up the phone.

“Welcome. And we love you too. Don’t forget to bring IU to the hospital if she still feels unwell. We will drop by later or tomorrow. Good Bye. Take care of yourself and IU. Tell her we love her,” his mother said and hung up the phone.

After preparing it for about an hour with his mother help, he made it!! “Cooking is so simple than I thought!” he smiled.


“Food’s ready, Princess!” he stated as he arrived his bedroom. But he saw IU was sleeping. He placed the foods on the bed side table and sit on the bed beside IU. “IU, wake up dear. Your food is ready. I’ll feed you,” he said as IU’s eyes opened slowly. She stared Lee Joon as he helped her to sit up.

“I can eat by myself,” she said when Lee Joon started to spoon the porridge in the bowl.

“No. Let me. Please? You are sick. I let you be the princess.” He smiled making IU to blush. “Say aaaaaa.......” Tired of fighting, IU just opened and let Lee Joon feed her. After eating, he feed her medicines and soon both of them felt asleep on the bed together.


How was it?
Lee Joon is so cute when he asked his mom to help him.
HAHAHA. I can’t imagine....

Comments are appreciated.
Love Yaa!


11/3, Tsunami had hit Japan.
Let's pray for Japan and our own country.
Hope it won't be happen to us.

Anyway, Have you watch K.will's my heart beating MV???!
It's here;
I smile alone crazily when I watch this!! HAHAHA


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Djaney #1
Chapter 3: Lol , that moment when you made joonie call donghae "oppa" xDD
clyne22 #2
Chapter 38: Such a bEautiful stor6. i love it
xxw00uxx #3
Chapter 38: i love your story very much . <3
I've enjoyed reading this fanfic ... :D
gustiayu #5
wowww... i really love this story.. until I want to read it again..:D
thanks for shared.
xxakma24xx #6
i love it..
stayuptonight #7
This is forever going to be one of my favorite ff! <3 *-*
Hershey #8
@_YunHoLicious501:<br />
Thank you so much, dear!<br />
I am just an ordinary writer. hehehe. But I am so happy that you like it.<br />
Yeah you are right! I wanna have a husband like him too. LOL!<br />
Ohh I think you missed Eunjung part. kekeke. In the end she died.<br />
Actually I regret that part. Gahhhh! I shouldnt let her die. huhuuh. Poor Eunjung~<br />
Ohh anyhow, Read my on-going fanfic too... hehehe <3
Aw, so sweet~ I like this couple..kekeke...<br />
U r a great writer dear, I got feeling when I read this FF, even I was tearing when I read that letter... T____T<br />
but, over all this FF is so sweet..Lee Joon is really so lovely, wanna have a husband like him, really.. ><<br />
but, what happen to Eunjung..??
Hershey #10
@crazyynutss:<br />
THANK YOU!!! <3 <3 hehehe. XD