Chapter 1



Kim Jongin (or Kai, as most people called him) was popular. He was good looking, smart, an amazing dancer. He was everything a highschool girl in Korea wants in a guy, which is why he had multitudes of girls practically throwing themselves at him. But, unfortunately for them, Kai never even looked at girls. Most people guessed it was because he focused on school, but no. Kai had a bigger problem. A 173 cm problem. Shin Minah.
Shin Minah was not popular. In fact, she only had one friend; a tall, creepy, guy with curly hair named Park Chanyeol. She was smart, but also shy, quiet, and awkward. In fact, the only time Kai had ever saw her not looking at the ground was when she was with that Chanyeol guy. When she was with him, she laughed and talked and smiled the prettiest eye smile Kai thinks he has ever seen a white girl smile (or possibly ever). 
The first incident that caused Kai to become interested in Shin Minah was during January of their first year. He had seen her around in the halls and assumed she was just some exchange student from America. That was all he ever thought of her, untilone day he nearly ran over the poor girl when she was at her locker. He remembers how cute he found her little yelp of surprise as her eyes widened.
Kai muttered a quick "Uhh, sorry," in heavily accented English, bowing his head.
When he lifted his head again, he realized that Minah was muttering quiet apologies in very fluent, well-pronounced Korean and bowing 90 degrees to him. He contined to stand there, mouth gaping even after she had scurried away.
When Kai arrived at lunch, he immeadiately began asking around for information on the foreigner. And, he immeadiately felt stupid when he found out she wasn't foreign at all and had been living in Korea her entire life, and oh god he had never felt more stupid in his entire existance on this Earth. 
For the rest of their first year, Kai noticed Minah a bit more. He would watch her as she walked down the hallway, or to the bus stop with that Chanyeol kid. 
It wasn't until the start of their second year, that Kai really became interested in Minah. He saw her walking on the weekend (still with that damn giant, much to Kai's displeasure) in the city. Not wearing her uniform. And laughing like an idiot. And looking absolutely adorable while doing so. 
After that, he purposely moved his seat at lunch so he could have optimal view of the girl.
It's really quite amazing what you can learn about someone just by watching them eat lunch for a year. Kai gathered that Minah packed lunch for herself and Chanyeol everyday. Chanyeol seemed to really enjoy her cooking, because whenever she opened the lunch boxes. Kai also firgured out that the pair of outcasts weren't dating, although they may or may not have some sort of romantic feelings for each other (but Kai really, really, hopes not because he wants Minah to have romantic feelings for him and not some stupid, tall, giant with a creepy smile).
Now, it's the beginning of their third year, and Kai hasn't seen Minah much. Which upsets him. Maybe once in a while, he'll pass her in the hall, but that's all.
Kai is currently swearing to himself as he rushes into the school at 4 pm, before the doors lock, becuase he has major Physics homework and he forgot his book because he's an idiot. As he is rushing down the hallway, he hears a soft piano ballad coming from the dance studio. He ignores it because it's probably the ballet girls who are es and and his Physics book is more important than stutty dancers in leotards and tights. 
He sighs in relief after he grabs his book and makes his way back to the front doors. When he passes the studio for the second time, the music is still playing, but this time there is a deep voice rapping over the soft beat and Kai knows that there is no way in Hell the ballerinas would be dancing to that. And Kai, not caring how many cats curiosity killed, can't restrain himself from cracking the door just a bit and peeking inside.
Kai's mouth drops as he gazes upon what might be the most glorious thing to ever exist ever. 
Shin Minah. Dancing. In a leotard. And her legs are amazing.
Minah gave a tiny yelp of surprise when she noticed Kai gaping at her. Kai brought himself back to Earth and started apologizing immeadiately. 
"I'm sorry, d-did you need to use the studio?" she asks softly. "I was just about to lea-"
"Oh n-no! I was just passing by," Kai blushed as he added, "You're a really beautiful dancer.
"Thanks, but... I don't even compare to you, Kai..." His eyes widened at the use of his nickname. "Sorry if that seems creepy! You're really well-known for your dancing."
Kai chuckles a bit. "It's not creepy. You're Minah right?" She nods and Kai smiles. "Well, Minah, I'll see you around, then?" He bows his head a bit before turning to walk back down the hallway smiling like and idiot because oh my god, he talked to her and she knew his name. 
That was when he really knew he was falling for her.
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wait... if this is based on you then.... is Kai, Heinrich......? o.o
or is he somebody else I don't know yet?
if its the latter,THEN TELL MEEH!