Chapter 2

By the life of my Brother~


Cautious step, very elegant, the girl went through the stylish and warm-colored hallway. She stand next to a large dark brown wooden door marked with thin gold ornaments. She swallowed nervously, taught her braid, which she had tied the side, and slightly curly red hair spilling out as she smoothed her bangs short.
She forced herself to smile, but it was doubtful and again looked cold and serious. Carefully, she took with her warm hand the cold golden door handle, and winced. Hard they caught him, and opened the door. A space that was available in red, brown and gold tones, kept very stylish appeared. They went in, the man in the suit, sitting behind the desk looked up from his papers. "I need a lawyer, and I've heard they're the best.", Her words echoed through the room. Strong and confident she had uttered it. Skeptical saw the black-haired man, who was probably an American, to the girl. Red hair is slightly curled and pulled back into a ponytail seitlchen was this one glattten pony, white, very pale skin that seemed perfect. Black eyes that shimmered slightly in midnight blue looked at seriously, edged above with black eyeliner, whereupon her eyes seemed larger, slightly rosy cheeks, probably because of the cold outside today ruled. She was very dainty and small, it almost seemed like a sweet kid. This was her petite elves stature in a graußes dress anlag not narrow and black flower pattern on it, had a black light by cautious tights, which emphasized her slim legs, the one old pink-colored coat that was her slightly too large, it its hands hidden and black 5cm high scharze simple pumps. "Why, does a girl like you, a lawyer?" The lawyer asked skeptically. "I want to sue my parents, or rather my father!" Rang her bell-like voice, cold and serious back across the room. The man more scared in his warm leather chair when we heard about a young girl that she wants to sue her parents? "Sit down and tell." Demanded the man with a gesture, he said Drew Glaser, which stood on a small Schlidchen on his table. The girl sat in the black leather chair across from him.
"I'm Suzy Seo, 16 years old and would like to sue my parents." - "Yes, but why?" He asked with interest. "Because they kontrolieren me, my whole body. Disinger I'm a child, I only came to all I have to give my brother cancer patients. But this time, the next operation could really be my death. I do not want. I but also quite a life to love and be loved? "she said, stifling tears to the last, she wanted to appear strong. "Everything I have is .." she said, slightly desperate, pushing a lot of money on the table. "But please help me to finally be able to life." She looked pleadingly at glassy-eyed. Her everything was too much. "Sounds interesting, I'll help." The man smiled and nodded. Suzy's eyes were big, they could hug the man! "Thank you Thank you, Thank you! Here is my phone number and everything, but I must go back." She said, pushing a piece of paper to go with everything. "Aufwiedersehn." Cried Mr Glaser her too, but she was already gone.
I sat quietly on his bed and took his hand gently on which a hose was.
Zelo seemed to sleep like an angel, he looked like. So quiet and peaceful, but when he was awake, he endured pain again only. Would he hold out long? Whether he is really healthy? I squeezed his hand slightly. "It all went well, Zelo." I whispered, smiling. I was alarmed when he coughed briefly. "Why can not I just donate the kidney? I knew that I die sometime .." I sobbed and tears poured from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away as I saw how my father was. He pulled me out of the room aggressively. When we were outside, in the fresh air, he handed me a letter highly acidic. "What do you mean, you do not want to?" He shouted. Apparently that was the letter from my lawyer. I chewed nervously around on my lower lip. "I want .... but only life, then I can really die this time.", I stutter anxiously. My father slapped the letter pissed on the floor. Further back, I saw my mother standing, worried she looked at me and her hair blowing back. "What you were born to? If I wanted your brother is dying, we would have never let you go," he yelled at me. I winced. "I thought her since my parents," he interrupted me. "The love you? Just because your mother is so soft, it means nothing. We do not love you," he shouted at me. "Dad ....".
Grinning, I dribbled the ball while I was crossing the street. "Do not call me that!" Shouted suddenly a deep, cold voice. I looked up, a man shouted at a girl and just missed her a resounding slap. Shocked, I looked after him when he threw the girl a large travel bag back and just walked away with a woman in the hospital and disappeared. I walked closer to the girl ran. "Dad ..." she breathed, with empty eyes and held her cheeks become red. "Annyeong" I asked cautiously, slowly, her head turned in my direction. "You all right?" I asked anxiously, took her hand and his cheek gently with my other about it. Amazement she saw me there and dropped her hand. "It E. .. everything is okey." Stuttered and she bent down to your bag. "Good bye." She quickly walked away. Surprised, I looked after her, what a funny girl.
In the fast pace I walked along the wet streets. It's already getting dark. Short jerked my hand, landed as a droplet on it. Confused, I looked at the sky, where it began to rain. How long it took me? I stood at the station, just slightly wet, under the glass house and waited for my train. When I saw the boy from earlier, I picked up my bag to my face, thank god he was just passing.
Slowly I let the bag down and looked shocked that my train was there.
I quickly ran pure, just as I was inside, joined the train doors.
Seuzfend I let myself fall on a seat and put the bag in front of me. I briefly thought about it. Why the boy had wanted to help me? Why was he so worried about? He did not know me yet. "We are in Seoul!" Echoed the computer voice of the train. I stood up and hoisted me on my big bag. When the doors opened again, I got out. Surprised and wide-eyed, I looked at this huge city.
When I run for a long time, are at a high-rise was I went in and searched the apartment number 134th When I found this I rang. I watched the door handle which lit up as the door opened and Seo YoonJae stood before me. "Suzy ...", with big eyes, he looked at me. "Oppa ..", I saw my oldest brother almost crying.
I noticed the woman behind him. I quickly hugged him. He stiffened briefly, but then put his arms around me and also drew me in.. I heard as the door closed. I sobbed. "Suzy what happened?" Asked YoonJae. He sat me down on the white leather sofa and stood before me. The woman behind him looked at me, startled.
"DaRan can you go, please?" Begged YoonJae and she went nodding. Before me YoonJae then went into a crouch and put his hands on my knees. "So, tell me now." He asked softly, smiling. "I have sued mom and dad." I mumbled. "Well, well .." - "But I did it for Zelo ,He does not want that I donate the kidney, because he knows that I could finally die this time!", My voice rising. "That's true, Mom and Dad do not listen. Them I have also told you once, that you could die."The doctor spoke out him, he was. "But do not say anything, Dad does not hear. I have it said that I did not want from me." YoonJae nodded in understanding, set up and put his hand on my head and my fingers through my hair. "everything will be fine.", He smiled at me warmly. "Can I stay here?" I asked timidly.
"Of course. I have a guest room." He went ahead, I quickly walked behind her. Only now I noticed how beautiful and great was its Western Algarve. We went up the stairs, into the bright hallway and there he stayed in front of the last door in front. "This is now your room, rest of you. Right there is the bathroom." He told me. I nodded and walked into the room. Sleep well and sweet Dreams." Breathed YoonJae me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I smiled slightly as he walked, while closing the door. I looked at the great room. It was nicer than mine. ( The Room:  )
I sat on the big bed in white and took one of the black pillow and squeezed it. I took off my shoes and put them neatly on the bed. Then I took off my coat and also went to my bag and pulled out of there Sleepwear. It was a gray boxer shorts with Snoopy on it made of silk, and a white, slightly schlabbriges Top I opened my plait, which my dark red hair, in light curl over the back to the middle of fall. Short I ran my fingers through his hair and went back to bed.
I folded the blanket, which was gefalltet neatly together and lifted it, as I crawled into bed under the covers, and my head on the pillow lay black, slowly I fell asleep.
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