
Runningman Oneshot Story Collection (Not Accepting Requests - HIATUS)

A familiar melody reached Jong kook’s ears and he turned around to find Ji hyo humming Loveable with her eyes closed. He looked at her, smiling sheepishly at how adorable she looked, until he caught Suk Jin’s questioning gaze. Flustered, he straightened himself and looked in front, staring at the back of Haha’s head, which was barely visible.

Thirty minutes before they land in Singapore for the Race Start Tour, Gap Jin stood up and went to the bathroom. A minute haven’t even passed when Jong kook felt someone approach. Thinking it was Gap Jin he grabbed ‘his’ wrist and pulled playfully. “Hyung you were –”

It was not Gap Jin. It was Ji hyo and she had fallen on his lap, clearly surprised and in a daze.

“I’m sorry!” he exclaimed then lowered his voice when Haha’s cap stirred. “I mean, I thought it was hyung and…” he stopped, after seeing Ji hyo chuckling. Jong kook helped her stand up, handling her as if she’s a piece of hot potato.

Ji hyo sat on Gap Jin’s seat, her body turned to him. “I just went over oppa because, umm… I was practicing, and you know… the encore.” Jong kook nodded. Thankful for the shades he’s wearing that was hiding his nervousness.

The past few months had been confusing for him. He feels different around her. If it started the day she got drunk and told them, she never really had a boyfriend, or when she acted too friendly with Gary, or when they got too close, he wasn't sure.

Sometimes he’d be relaxed for a moment, then suddenly he’s already doing impulsive things unconsciously. To the point where Suk Jin and Jae suk were already wondering about his strangeness. Not that they were able to get any answers from him. It’s just that, no matter how hard he tries to act properly around her, he can’t.

“Oppa… hey.” she said a little bit louder to wake him up from his thoughts.

Jong kook blinked and focused on Ji hyo’s face. Even with his shades, she’s still so bright, shining and blinding him… and he hated it. For almost three years, it was not always like this. Maybe there were a few times when her beauty surprised him, but now it always does.

“W-what?” he stammered. He likes her. He’s already too old not to realize that but how, why or when he doesn’t know. “I said I’m quite nervous oppa… it’s for the fans and I heard it was a really expensive event so I wanna make them happy.”

“Seeing you would make them happy already.”

“I know, but besides Monday Couple stuff I also wanted to show them more… it’s not like – I mean it’s nothing. Just help me practice if they give us some free time later.”

He could only nod. How could he say anything when the mention of Monday Couple makes him so jealous? He doesn’t hate Gary and he knows he is being irrational. It’s not even real and the cast knows that better than everyone else… still his stupid feelings won’t listen.

When Gap Jin went back, the manager sat in Ji hyo’s seat with a smug grin. He loves his manager hyung and they’d been together for so many years already but the older one knew him too well. Sometimes he just gets annoyed when Gap Jin tries to marry him off to every woman he talks to.

Gap Jin had even taken a special fondness over Ji hyo and won’t stop trying to set him up with her. That’s the reason the manager has that triumphant look in his face right now.

He doesn’t hate the opportunity to be with Ji hyo but anybody in his position would surely want nothing but erase Gap Jin’s face immediately. The big man was grinning foolishly at him and he could feel half the crew staring, maybe wondering why his manager was acting like an idiot.

He turned his attention to Ji hyo who was happily watching the clouds outside. The look in her face made him grin and if only he was alone he would have already done that fan-boying thing.

Jong kook tried to peek past her to outside but the heights made him dizzy. He leaned back on his seat and closed his eyes.

“Oppa…” she sounded worried. He opened his eyes only to find her staring. Staring too close, to be exact. He swallowed hard, his heart beating so fast. He bet his face was even red. “Oppa are you sick?”

“Heights…” he croaked, mentally scolding himself.

Her cute laughter filled his ears and he managed an embarrassed smile. “You like the heights… right Ji hyo,” she nodded, “why?”

“What’s there to hate about it oppa? It makes me feel nervous but letting go is such a nice feeling… and after you reach the end, when you look back it’s just so satisfying… like wow, I did something, I did it – oh, I’ve talked too much. This flight sure is taking longer than expected.”

“It’s okay… I like listening to you.”

“You do? I rarely talk… I mean I talk to you guys but not really much.”

“I’m also like that sometimes. I know the feeling.” Because it’s hard to lie and speak when you can’t say the truth.

She smiled at him and looked outside once more. She had started to talk about random stuff and he just sat there listening to her, watching her many expressions as they change. Memorizing, which topic makes her smile, and which makes her frown.

The seatbelt sign blinked and the captain announced their landing status. Without thinking, he grabbed Ji hyo’s seatbelt and buckled it for her. “Thank you oppa.” she whispered and he stopped for a moment, biting his lower lip. He leaned too close and he felt her hot breath on his ears when she spoke, stirring something inside him.

With every ounce of self-control, he looked ahead busying his mind through rehearsing in his imagination.

Don’t think of it, don’t think of it, idiot!



“Hyung!” Jong kook looked back to see Haha and Suk Jin going the other way. They were waving at him, at them to be exact since Ji hyo was beside him. “Where are they going?” he asked her.   

“To the press conference…”

“And us?”

“Oppa, haven’t you heard what the security team said? We are just using separate routes… it’s a security thing.” He just nodded and followed the flow of people around them. He could already hear the crowd and Ji hyo placed her hand in his, he instinctively held it.

The shouts got louder and so does the drumming in his chest, why, he could almost hear it despite the deafening cheers. The doors opened and although the security had used a secret route, and even added a barricade, some fans had gathered around to where their car is.

Jong kook felt the bodies closing in on them. With his arm draped around her, he tried to pull Ji hyo closer, but she did it before he could. She clung to him and despite the crowd, all he could feel was her pressed against him.

He smiled even broader. Somehow, the gesture made him feel so happy. It also reminded him of the many times Ji hyo had walked beside him, the way they seem to magically appear beside each other, the hugs, the little touches… if only he could deduce that she liked him too. But Jong kook wasn’t a teen anymore. Time had taught him that no matter how sharp his instinct is, there is a percentage of failure and that failure percentage for him had always been in the love department.

He continued to shield Ji hyo and at the same time, he waved at the fans and smiled. Again, he was thankful for the dark glasses hiding his eyes, and his real, jumbled emotions.



“Yah, Ji hyo-yah…” Haha whispered, surprised when Ji hyo turned abruptly and dropped her water bottle on his foot. “Oh, Haha oppa… I’m sorry.”

“What’s with you?” he asked, picking up the bottle and giving it to her. They were in the makeshift dressing room and Ji hyo was the only one who stood far from the members. Jong kook was watching her and Haha, when he noticed that her hand was trembling.

He walked over to his dongsaengs, playfully draping his arms around Haha, discreetly putting himself between the two.

“Ha-yah, when’s Gary going to arrive? Is he still at the hotel?”

“Ah right, I was supposed to call him.” Haha walked to Suk Jin leaving Ji hyo and Jong kook on the corner. When he’s out of earshot, he removed his shades and looked at Ji hyo. She’s so restless that it surprised him.

“Ji hyo-yah, are you nervous?”

She nodded, hastily opening her water bottle and taking a careless swig. Jong kook watched water trickle down her chin and without thinking, he wiped it away with his thumb. Ji hyo stared at him. They stood there just looking at each other while everyone seemed so busy to notice.

He explored those brown orbs, looking for an answer. He could stop, or maybe not, but he could just keep it in until it fades away. He only needed a reason to do so. He wanted to stop the confusion. He wanted to know what they really are to each other, or what is he to her.

“There’s a lot of people.” she said, looking away but before that, he found his answer. He doesn’t know if he imagined it but fear flashed in her eyes. Was it fear of getting caught? Still, the fact that she’s hiding something made him braver. He chose his next words carefully. “Ji hyo-yah, will you let me help you?”

A loud crash was heard from outside then the staff said something about delays. Ji hyo actually looked relieved.

“What’s making you nervous? You’ve seen a bigger crowd when we did Running Man in other countries, remember Vietnam.” She didn’t answer, but they got time. “Ji hyo, tell me.”

She let out an audible sigh and looked at him. “Oppa, will you keep a secret?” he nodded never looking away. He was being sincere and he hoped she’d see that.

Ji hyo had always been confident and it bothered him to see her like this. Although some part of him was happy for the chance to be able to do something for her, to take care of her.

“When we were walking I… the posters… and people shouting about us. The pressure is scary.” he tapped her shoulder, gently rubbing. He didn’t need to hear more. The moment they stepped out, he heard Monday Couple being chanted. The ones near them even complained that it’s he who arrived with her and not Gary. Half or maybe a third of the posters were Monday couple ones.

“It is already so awkward with Gary oppa… I know it was hard on him too. I have seen parts of the program and the questions… it’s… I just don’t want to disappoint the fans.”

“You aren’t disappointing anyone. Don’t worry okay? Just have fun.” he said when he actually meant that she doesn’t have to worry because he’s there.

“And oppa all of you are performers… I’m a stranger to the stage.” Her voice had grown even lower and Jong kook chuckled, softly hitting her heard. “Aigoo, are we strangers? We’re all here with you Ji hyo.”

Jong kook knows many actors were like that. Even Jang Hyuk used to worry over his fan meets and the fan services.

“Ji hyo, do you trust me?”

She nodded.

“If you ever feel shy or scared, it’s okay… will you,” suddenly it’s him who felt so nervous. “If ever you need a safe haven, you know… just if ever you feel like hiding for a bit, will you use me?”

Her eyes widened. She bit her lower lip, nibbling the pinkish, tempting thing. He wasn’t able to avoid staring until she softly answered yes.

Jong kook could only smile at her since Suk Jin called him to discuss something.



The time for the Running Members to start the press conference arrived and the yells and cheers of the crowd were making the place shake. It’s a full house and the members still can’t believe how popular Running Man had become.

Jong kook could hear his name in the crowd but the loudest that he could make out off the noise was Monday Couple. The lights were also blinding. Cameras flashed everywhere. Even after the fan meets that he has done before, he still can’t get used to it. Beside him, he could feel her step back a little and he discreetly held her hand and squeezed it.

Ji hyo looked at her oppa, thankful and glad for his presence.

They all sat and the program started. Jong kook could understand some parts when the MC conversed in English and he would try to translate some of it to Ji hyo. It was also his way to ease her out of nervousness.

“Song Ji hyo-ssi, how was Gary’s kiss?” someone asked and Jong kook was grateful the attention was away from him because he must have frowned or something. He watched Ji hyo intently knowing this was one of her fears. He could only wish that she would at least feel his silent support. Jong kook knows he shouldn’t but he slipped his hand under the table and lightly tapped her knees.

“I think it was good for me.” she chuckled, laughing and hiding her face away. The crowd cheered so loud he felt like his ears would fall out, just like his heart. Even if he knows she only did what was expected of her, it still hurt.

The questions went smoothly after that and Ji hyo seemed more at ease. She would often lean on him and he’d answer all her questions gladly.



“Wow there was really a lot of people.” Haha exclaimed after all the members had boarded the minibus.

“Expect more tomorrow.” Suk Jin snorted, easing down on his seat and closing his eyes. Ji hyo was quick to give their eldest a neck pillow then she reclined Suk Jin’s seat. Jong kook saw all of this. She even passed on Haha and Gary some soda and him tea.

She was just so caring and she had always silently looked out after all of her oppas and dongsaengs. That’s why it’s no wonder that everyone also adores her even if they don’t show it much in the show.

She may be fierce, likes to cuss and go clubbing and has a strong image but she’s actually shy and won’t readily chat up with strangers. Even Suk Jin was protective of her against the Singaporean staff.

“Hyung, yah Jong kook hyung…”

“What?” he blinked looking at his dongsaeng Gary who had been trying to get his attention for a while now.

“Hyung, should we go clubbing? Or night seeing?” Gary asked. The young ones, even Ji hyo was looking at him expectantly but the commander shook his head and glanced at Suk Jin. “Let’s save that after we finish up our job, neh? We don’t want to get late tomorrow for the fans.”

“Well, oppa is right. I heard that people are already camping out at the fan signing event place.”

Haha looked at her in disbelief, teasing her. “Wow, Ji hyo-yah… haven’t you heard of the clubs here? They’re totally daebak. Gary hyung has visited some of them.” If this were Running Man, Haha would have been hit already but Ji hyo only chuckled.

They all fell quiet when Suk Jin’s snore echoed in the minibus, all of them eyeing each other as they all tried not to laugh. There was one moment when Ji hyo looked behind and their eyes met. He almost stopped breathing, holding her gaze. A little voice inside his head was actually screaming at him, telling him to go for it, but he was the first to look away and tried to shut up the voice who was persistently scolding him.

Soon they arrived at the hotel and were thankful to be able to peacefully retire to their rooms.



Jong kook turned down dinner and opted to stay in his room. Suk Jin also didn’t join the others, as the poor ajusshi almost had to drag himself to his room before he falls asleep somewhere

A message was sent to Jong kook’s phone but it was in vibration mode so he wasn’t able to read it. The muscled man decided to clean up and not to wait for his manager who went out with the others.

Right after Jong kook turned off the shower, he heard the door to the hotel room open and he wondered why Gap Jin had returned so fast. Without bothering to cover himself, save for a low hung boxer briefs, he went out of the bathroom drying his hair with a towel.

“Hyung I thought the staff went to check on the venue after dinner.” he said, not looking at the person in his room, until that scent hit him. “Ji hyo!” Jong kook felt blood rush to his head in embarrassment.

Ji hyo was looking at her with big, wide eyes and he thought he must have been a sight. His body still wet from the shower, his skimpy underwear barely concealing his ness, his damp hair still dripping…

She turned away while he stood frozen on his spot. It took him a while to finally do something, scrambling back to the bathroom only to realize that his clothes are actually outside. “!” he went out again almost slipping on the floor to his hurry.

“Oppa should I come out first?”

“No, I mean… we can’t have people seeing you there… I mean –”

“Okay, I’ll just look away while you change. It’s not the first time I’ve seen your underwear oppa.” she teased. Jong kook could only laugh awkwardly. It’s true she’d seen the boys in various states of undress, but with the staff around them. Not like this.

Finally, he had made himself look presentable and told Ji hyo to sit down on the couch. He sat opposite her.

“I’m sorry oppa, I went in. I messaged you then called but you didn’t reply so I asked Gap Jin oppa and he said I could just come in. I thought he was here.”

“I’m sorry Ji hyo I didn’t see my phone and that hyung was with the staff. You didn’t go with them?” she shook her head. They got nice accommodations but it was just a room with a small pantry and a living area. Jong kook could see the bed behind Ji hyo and it’s making him uncomfortable.

Yah, Jong kook why are you behaving this way?

“Oppa, it’s okay… remember my request in the plane?” He wrinkled his brows as he tried to remember then it hit him. She asked him to help her out on their performance. “I know you must be tired and we got some practice back home already, it’s okay if you have to rest oppa.”

He shook his head and stood up. He held out his hand to her. She looked so cute as her eyes brightened and her lips slowly curved into a delighted smile. She took his hand and beamed.

The two first started to vocalize. Ji hyo kept on bursting to laughter whenever she tries to copy Jong kook but her oppa had been patiently teaching her without getting impatient or mad. Totally different from the coach kook everyone knows.

“Ji hyo-yah, let’s try to sing it… have you memorized it?”

“I did. I had memorized it a long, long time ago.” Ji hyo laughed at the disbelief in his face. “Oppa, you know, I wasn’t joking when I said I am a fan of you since your Turbo days.”

Jong kook could only try to brush away the feeling of happiness that was threatening to blow his cover away. He started to hum, clapping his hand to follow the beat and singing acapella. Ji hyo joined him and though her voice was off tune, she sounded so happy and sincere, which touched him greatly.

They practiced and added the dance steps. Soon, Jong kook got carried away and Ji hyo was just watching and grinning at him from the sidelines. “Ji hyo-yah… are you tired? Want to rest for a bit?” She shook her head. “Why are you standing there then?”

“I can’t help it.” Jong kook looked puzzled especially when Ji hyo chuckled and shyly looked away.

She shyly looked away… that took a moment to register in his mind. “I have never watched you this closely, oppa… often I could only look up the stage.” she whispered dreamily.

What is she saying?

“And now I even get to dance with you…” she chuckled again, biting her lip to stop herself from giggling. “I’m sorry oppa. I must’ve sounded so weird. I told you, I’m your fan. A crazy fan.”

“I-I’m your fan too.” he blurted after a while of silence, blushing at the awkwardness. He actually wanted to say he likes her but what if it was not attraction he saw in her eyes. What if she just likes Kim Jong kook the entertainer-singer? And not Jong kook the man?

They stood there in silence. Jong kook knows they were done there already and it’s time to go. “Thanks for all the help oppa.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Good night then.”

“Yeah you should be going now…”


“It’s okay.” He was the first to step away and head to the door when Ji hyo grabbed the hem of his shirt. He let out a long audible sigh but didn’t turn around. “Ji hyo-yah… oppa’s gone a little bit crazy with your words. I might say something we’d both regret so…”

“I am listening.” she said in a faint voice.

“Ji hyo-yah, I… when you said that, I-I felt happy but confused.

“W-when they asked you about that kiss earlier.” he almost choked in his own words, his heart was pounding so fast and he’s feeling a little bit dizzy. He swallowed and prayed he could finish saying it in one piece. “I was jealous.”

There he said it and he wanted to crawl away or disappear. He couldn't face her nor can he stand the suffocating silence.

“Good night Ji hyo. I’ll accompany you to your room if you want.” He slowly walked to the door with heavy steps and a broken heart. So he was right. He’s just her idol and idols don’t date their fans.

The tears weren’t far away from falling and he only wished she’d leave him now. He didn’t know he liked her that much.

He stood there holding the door open wondering what was taking her so long? She hasn’t moved or talked and it only added to his pain.

“Oppa… that’s it?” her voice sounded disappointed not mad or indifferent, or was it his imagination? He felt her move and the next thing he knew, Ji hyo was closing the door and he’s just looking down like an idiot.

Did she stay to comfort him and tell him they’re just friends? He didn’t need that.



“Look at me.”

He sighed. He doesn’t want her to see him like that. “I c-can’t,” he croaked, cursing his voice. Then something soft pressed against his lips. It was fast but he felt it, something hot, soft, and nice. He blinked and looked at Ji hyo. They kissed, they really did or was it a dream?

She was grinning.

What was happening? He knows it’s a kiss but his heart is confused. Is it reality?

Now she’s pouting at him. Then she did something that made him growl in frustration.

She bit her lip.

She trailed a finger along his jaw.

Jong kook swallowed, hard. His gaze following her finger.

“Ji hyo-yah… do you like me?” she didn’t answer. He stepped closer, a little bit braver now. “Ji hyo, I like you… do you like me?”

Jong kook broke into a big smile when Ji hyo slowly nodded.

“Really? As in you want me as your boy friend?” She blushed and nodded. He closed the distance between them and enveloped her into a tight hug, nuzzling his head on the side of her neck.

Ji hyo tugged at the hem of his shirt, panting and Jong kook looked at her curiously. “What’s wrong?”

“Your hug. Too tight oppa.”

“Oops, sorry…” he looked so cute as he hesitated putting some distance between them. To Ji hyo, he was her teenage dream. She was just a crazy fan until Running Man happened, and she never thought of something like this ever happening to her.

“Ji hyo…” Before she could answer, Jong kook pulled her and kissed her on the cheek, just like how Gary did weeks ago, but this time she could feel her heart beat of nervousness. The butterflies in her stomach wildly fluttering. Her oppa… her boy friend looked so happy and accomplished. Then he leaned down again and kissed her lightly.

She could feel his lips burning hers even if it he’s barely pressed on hers. She tiptoed, seeking more of his warmth, her hands finding their way around his waist. She felt him slowly move, seeking entrance, which she readily gave. Ji hyo gripped his shirt, feeling lightheaded with his gentle kiss. Then he stopped.

“Ji hyo, I’d like to stay with you more… but we have to get up early tomorrow.” That’s her oppa, always the responsible and caring one. But another look at him told Ji hyo it’s not just that. She could only nod, still dazed from what just happened.



It was actually unplanned. She only went there to practice and spend a little time with her crush. Who would have thought it’d turn out like this?

Ji hyo carried these thoughts to her room. Her manager came back and found her charge grinning and spacing out while staring at the Singapore night cityscape.

“Hey, Seungie-yah, you better quit whatever you’re doing there and go to sleep. Six is the assembly time.”

Ji hyo just nodded and went to sleep without any complaints to the early call time leaving the manager puzzled.



Gap Jin almost fell on his tracks when he opened the room shared by him and Jong kook. He found his artist daydreaming with a stupid grin on his face. “Hyungie!” Jong kook’s voice made his skin crawl.

“What the hell happened to you?” Jong kook just gave him another stupid grin.

“It’s not hell hyung. It’s heaven. Heaven happened and an angel came.”

I've read as much as I could about the Singapore Fan meet but I am not sure of their schedule so the events in the story could be inaccurate although some of the real moments were used. Thanks for reading and sorry for all the mistakes, I haven't written oneshots for a long time so I'm a bit rusty, by the way there could be a part two (their second day in Sg)... it depends. ^^

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Chapter 39 - KookSooAce


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Tuffygarcia #1
Chapter 40: Whoaaaa I can’t believe you’re back! Nice writing as usual!
ChoKwanGi #2
Chapter 27: this one!
Berlianvelia #3
Chapter 40: Whoa.. subtle but sweet..
Update please.....SPARTACE hwaiting...
katrina78 #5
Spartace please I really love Spartace and I have read all of your stories I think they r nice keep it up grt work XD
khrysmoon75 #6
Chapter 17: just found this one shot, really great. need more of the original songsong couple. Thank you
ShahRyan #7
Please write another gwangmong couple story..Plz
Chapter 17: songsong couple woohoo! so cute. joong ki and his noona. lol.]there are not enough good songsong fics out there (sadly, tragically) and this is one of the good ones. i love the others as well ( but i still prefer songsong :)) so congrats!!! hope you update soon!!
JessReadsRM #9
Chapter 18: Omg awful writing skills?! NO WAY. You know, at least you're better than most of us. I'm the lazy writer that only gets inspiration once a month due to monthly drama in my life! But you.... Can use way much more of your brain than I can!! XD
I know I'm kinda late but can you make one for Jessica unnie and Joongki oppa?
When i see the third and forth episodes,I kinda love their affection.
Afterall , keep updating author-nim and hwaiting !