Chapter 4

Smile( Semi-Hiatus)
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“Uhmmm~ Ms. Hwang please help and accompany Ms. Jung she’s from California also so be NICE~” The professor emphasize the last word.


Jessica avert her look to the said Ms. Hwang she never thought that she was somewhat pretty and attractive on everyones eyes.


Jessica’s P.O.V

The so Called Ms. Hwang with an Eyesmile switch seats with my now ex danshin seatmate, she’s quite arrogant and full of herself.  


“Hi, I’m Stephanie Hwang you can call me Tiffany I’m THE school’s well~... #1 tennis player and I’m the vice captain of the tennis club, uhmm…I love pink, that girl *pointed Sooyoung* is the Captain… And she’s the school’s shikshin, she’s like my sister.” She just keeps on blabbing without knowing that Jessica’s not listening to her.


I think she’s blabbing too much, I hate noises


So Jessica already plugged in her earphones, Jessica stares on her with no interest on her story. Jessica just scanning her book, then Tiffany tapped her shoulder.


She pulled out her earphones “What?” then she glared Tiffany.


Then Tiffany gulps her saliva “Uhmm I was talking to you, but I guess you’re not listening.” then Jessica continued on what she was doing “Uhmm, I’m sorry I guess?”Jessica said to her in a cold way. Jessica plugged her earphones and listens to music again, then she felt sleepy all of a sudden she put her arms on top of her desk

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Chapter 14: Will u continue this one thornim?
Still waiting for a comeback
Jeti48 #3
I just found this..... Gosh u need to comeback and finish it authorshiii... Himnae !!!
Chapter 14: Whatthehell??!!!woah..I'm curious about what will happen..huhu..i want to know..update soon!!
sicacouple #5
Chapter 14: Their kiss Hahahaha
BabyBoo_01 #6
Chapter 14: I hope you can update soon, author ssi...
Chapter 14: Jessiiii, why sooo HOOOTTT?!? >~<
Chapter 14: hahahahha I love this chapter. XDDD Great job!
Chapter 14: wow Jessica kissed Tiffany??? YYAAAYYY!!! ^_^
LOL, Tiffany is so cute when she realized what's Jessica done to her.. hahaha
I can't wait to see another JeTi..
Thanks a lot for the update.. ^^
JheiSii137 #10
Chapter 14: hehe ooh my JeTi feels :D