
Against All Odds


“Jenna?” Jonghyun pauses, hand hovering over his assistant’s desk as she continues typing on her computer.

“Yes, Mr. K?”

She’s completely unaware of Jonghyun’s profile, half confident and half embarrassed. He had been noticing Kibum’s constant breaks spent chatting with Jenna, their happy voices drifting into the lawyer’s office as he tries to work.

It would be a straight out lie if Jonghyun tells himself he isn’t jealous, but what’s bothering him as well is Jenna’s overly bright smiles as she talks with the artist. Jonghyun can’t help but notice the way her face lights up when Kibum stops by, or the way her eyes linger on him for a second longer than necessary whenever he wasn’t looking.

As clueless and dense the lawyer can be, he still knows what love looks like, and this time he’s willing to do something about it. He had chickened out during the past attempts he’s taken at talking about it with Jenna, since he’s known her for so long and it was awkward to start up such a demanding conversation. But still, he’s noticed her ongoing crush on Kibum before he even got together with the artist. And what happens if the two get closer and closer? What if Jenna confesses one day and puts Kibum on the spot? What happens if Kibum starts liking her back?

Jonghyun can’t afford to lose the artist; he can’t handle losing the one he loves again. He’ll go crazy if he loses Kibum.

Even so, he still has trouble now trying to bring up the conversation with Jenna. By now there’s a long and somewhat tense silence, making Jenna notice Jonghyun’s hesitation.

She stops typing to look up at him.

“Mr.K?” she asks, a hint of concern in her voice. “I everything all right?”

“Um…” Jonghyun stutters, the edge of the desk and willing himself to say something. “I need to talk to you about something.”

“I’ve already filled out your schedule for the day.” she responds automatically. “I’ve also cancelled that meeting up in Daegu since we’ve already sent-“

“Jenna.” Jonghyun interrupts, finally getting his voice back. “I didn’t mean talking about business.”

Her expression changes almost instantly. “Oh. Then what is it?”

The lawyer his lips as he hesitates. “Its- it’s about Kibum.”

Jenna’s cheeks flush and she drops her gaze. “Kibum?”

Jonghyun swallows thickly. “I need to ask you a question regarding him.”

She visually cringes. “Yes, Mr. K?”

“Do you- do you like him?”

Her eyes shoot up to meet his, and she genuinely looks scared.

Jonghyun sighs.

So she does like him.

Her answer shouldn’t have surprised him at all, since he was expecting it anyways. But it still kind of hurt to find out that your assistant for several years now has a crush on your lover.

“Are you going to fire me?” Jenna asks quietly.

“What? Of course not!” he exclaims.

“But I thought-“

”I’m not going to fire you just because you have a crush on my boyfriend.” Jonghyun interrupts, both of them flinching at the phrase.

“I just needed a confirmation.”

“Was I really that obvious?” Jenna mumbles.

Jonghyun can’t help but laugh. “I noticed since the beginning.”

There’s a pause, and for a moment nothing can be heard but the distant chirping of birds from the half open window just a few feet away. The phone rings, but Jenna doesn’t make a move to answer it.

Jonghyun doesn’t say anything until the phone stops ringing.

“You really like him, don’t you?”

When she doesn’t respond, Jonghyun knows her answer is a yes.  

“To be honest, I was really disappointed when I first found out you two were dating.” Jenna speaks up. “I knew he was interested in you, but I still hope he’d change his mind someday.”

She looks away for a moment. “Obviously, he didn’t.”

“Jenna….” Jonghyun murmurs, pity and a bit of guilt swelling in his heart when she rubs at her slightly teary eyes.

“It’s okay.” she says. “You deserve him, Mr. K. You’ve been alone for far too long.”

She offers him a tiny smile. “Actually, I was thinking of quitting my job here and moving to my dad’s company in Europe instead.”

Jonghyun’s eyes widen in surprise. “Europe?”

She nods. “I feel like it’s time for me to move on further in this career.”

Her voice sounds a tad bitter at the words, ‘move on’ but Jonghyun doesn’t make a comment about it.

“Are you sure you want to leave?”

“It’s for the best.”

The lawyer can’t help but feel sad about her leaving. He’s worked with Jenna ever since he’d first gotten the job at the company. To him, she’s like a part of his family. Or at least what’s left of it.

Jenna must’ve noticed the expression on his face. “Mr. K, you don’t have to be sad. Think of it this way, you won’t have to worry about me stealing Kibum from you while I’m gone.”

Jonghyun lets out a chuckle. “So in the end, he’s the reason why you’re leaving.”

He can’t help but laugh even harder when Jenna blushes.

“Well, well, well, what’s going on here?” a new voice says, making the lawyer and assistant look toward the direction of the newcomer.

“Of course, you decide to interrupt this kind of conversation.” Jonghyun deadpans.

Kibum giggles and the lawyer rolls his eyes, striding over to the younger boy and slinging an arm around his waist.

He leans in to place a quick peck on Kibum’s lips a second before realizing that Jenna is still there. Thankfully, she just looks on in amusement.

“Hi, Jen.” Kibum greets cutely, and the assistant returns the greeting with a wave of her hand.

“Hi, ‘Bum.”

Jonghyun watches the exchange contentedly in silence, inclining his head towards his assistant a few seconds later as a hint that he wants to leave.

Jenna dismisses him with the slightest nod of her head, turning back to her computer and clearing professionally.

“Have a nice day, Mr.K.”

As Jonghyun and Kibum walk out of the building hand in hand, the lawyer gains a rush of confidence that pushes him to take care of another important task that needs to be done.

“Do you know where Minho is right now?” he asks the artist.

Kibum turns to him in confusion, hitching his pack higher up his shoulder. “Yeah, he should be at the bakery around this time.”

“Can we stop by there on our way home?”

“Uh, sure?” Kibum responds, frowning in thought at the lawyer’s actions.

Jonghyun just smiles in return.

As soon as they arrive at the bakery and locate Minho, Jonghyun’s instinct tells him to tackle the guy on the floor and punch him until he’s knocked into his own senses.

Of course, that wouldn’t be the polite thing to do in the middle of a public place, but the lawyer can’t help but glower just at the mere sight of Minho.

“Are you sure about this?” Kibum asks from beside him, tugging on his sleeve to get his attention.

“We’re already here, there’s no backing out now.”

As if on cue, Taemin bursts from the kitchen doors, face lighting up when he catches sight of Kibum and Jonghyun. He’s carrying a cake box in one hand, his other coated with pale blue colored icing.

“Oh hi, hyungs!”

Minho, who’s standing at the counter, turns to the couple’s direction, visibly grimacing when he catches sight of Jonghyun.

The lawyer suppresses his urge to glare.

Kibum glances at him worriedly before hooking his arm through his and dragging him to the counter, where Taemin is simultaneously punching numbers on the register and wiping his stained hand on his apron.

“You guys want to order something?” the baker hums, smiling at the customer in front of him and handing the cake box over.

“I sure do, but Jjong is here for something- I mean, someone else.” Kibum responds, the nickname slipping from his lips instinctively.

“Jjong.” Taemin crinkles his nose in amusement. “That’s cute.”

Minho makes a face off to the side, and Jonghyun clenches his fist to keep from slugging the guy right then and there.

Kibum coughs, and the lawyer guesses that’s his cue to start talking.

Easier said than done.

Robotically, he turns to the athlete. “I need to speak with you.”

Minho raises an eyebrow. “What about?”

“I’ll tell you as soon as we’re alone.” Jonghyun flicks his eyes to the tables at the corner of the shop to emphasize his point.

Minho blinks. “Okay..….I guess?”

Jonghyun hears Kibum stifle a laugh beside him, probably because of the awkwardness.

The lawyer sighs as he leads Minho to a table, sitting across from him and nervously glancing at the artist who’s making his way behind the counter to help Taemin out with decorating the pastries.

As he turns, he sends a quick thumbs up, making Jonghyun momentarily smile.

“So what’s the deal?” Minho asks from in front of him, crossing his arms over his chest.

Jonghyun scoffs. “Ms. Attitude.” he mumbles under his breath. “I’m here to talk about Jinki hyung.”

That catches the athlete off. His relaxed form suddenly turns rigid, cheeks reddening a tiny bit as he fidgets uncomfortably on his seat.

Jonghyun nearly rolls his eyes.

Oh dear god.

“What about him?” Minho asks slowly.

Jonghyun realizes that this conversation is like what he and Jenna had gone through earlier. He vows never to have such similar talks on the same day ever again.

“Don’t play stupid with me, Minho. You made him cry, you know that?”

“I-I- I did?” the athlete asks, eyes gone round three times bigger than normal.

“You tell me to take care of Kibum while you make Jinki hyung cry on the other hand? Jeez, Choi. Way to be a goddamn hypocrite.”

“I didn’t mean to, alright?!” Minho slams his palms against the table, making the other customers around them jolt.

Jonghyun grimaces. “Sit down, you’re causing a scene.”

“ing .” Minho growls under his breath. “Is this what you came for? To embarrass me in front of the crowd? Think you’ve got it all now since you have Kibum wrapped around your tiny little finger?”

The lawyer bites at his lip to keep from screaming, settling for setting his elbows on the table and massaging his temples.

“Will you quit being an just for a ing second? No, I’m not here to make fun of you. I didn’t take my time off work just to play around, alright?”

Minho leans back against his chair. “Fine.”

“Backtracking now. Why in the world didn’t you just kiss him that night?”

“Wait, what? He told you about that?!”

“I’m his best friend, if you haven’t noticed.” Jonghyun says drily. “Best friends tell each other everything.”

“Little er.” Minho mutters under his breath, and Jonghyun forces himself to ignore the comment. “So what now, you want me to man up and make the first move?”

“Yes, and no.” the lawyer says flatly.

He hadn’t actually thought about what to say after this. He didn’t even expect Minho to listen to him, or agree to talk in the first place. He had made his decision to come to the bakery in the spur of the moment earlier in the office. He’s pretty much just winging it right now.

“As much as I hate the thought of you and him getting together, I think it’s about time you say something to him. He’s practically a mess right now. He gets flustered even when someone just says your name.”

“Romance isn’t exactly my forte.” Minho says quietly. “And when it comes to confessing, I completely .”

“And you think I’m not the same way? Tell me, Minho, do I look like I’m the kind of guy that’s romantic?”

“Actually, yes.”

Minho’s answer has Jonghyun stunned. He had expected for the other to snicker and laugh and say no, or make fun of his height somehow along with it.

“You have more….experience than I do.” the athlete continues.

Jonghyun suppresses a snort.

“Don’t you dare laugh at me, Kim.”

“When you finally confess, I’ll stop laughing.”

“How do you expect me to-“

“He likes you.” Jonghyun interrupts, face turning serious. “Isn’t that enough of a reason? Motivation? Damn it, ever since he’s met you, he’s working on his romance novel almost all of the time.”

Minho’s eyes shoot up in interest. “Really?”

The lawyer doesn’t know why he’s doing this. Doesn’t he hate the athlete? Why did he even come here in the first place? He never wanted for him and Jinki to end up together.

He glances at Kibum over at the counter for some mental support, smiling affectionately when he sees the artist working hard on a cake with Taemin. He has a smudge of icing on his cheek, which makes Jonghyun want to reach out and wipe it away.

He turns back to Minho, using his feelings for Kibum as a base to help makes things easier for himself.

“I’ve seen what love is. A lot of times, trust me.” his mind wanders off to Jenna for a second. “And Jinki hyung definitely has feelings for you.”

“How much do you love Kibum?”

The question comes so suddenly, Jonghyun isn’t sure how to respond.

Where the hell did that come from?

He answers, nonetheless.

“A lot. More than I loved Taemin.”

Pride swells in his chest when he realizes he’s telling the truth.

Across from him, Minho’s not sure how to respond.

Jonghyun smirks. “Can’t come up with a comeback, Choi?”

“Who says?” Minho says a bit too defensively. “I probably love Jinki more than you love Kibum!”


Jonghyun smiles, finally breaking into the athlete’s barriers. Of course, his weakness is losing. So if the lawyer just pushes him enough, then he’ll have the confidence to confess. Or maybe even kiss Jinki. But first, the competition must go on.

This was going to be fun.

“Where have you been?”

Jonghyun steps in the pitch blackness of his house five hours later. Up until now, he had been convinced that Jinki was not in the house, since every single light was turned off. What he didn’t expect, was for a voice to call out to him in the middle of the living room.

“HOLY- what the hyung, what the hell are you doing in the dark?” Jonghyun presses a hand to his heart, trying to calm its fast beats.

He barely sees the outline of Jinki standing from the couch, hitting the light switch open with a pencil in his right hand.

“I’m trying to get a feel for a dark and heavy atmosphere. I’m working on my horror novel.”

“I swear, I didn’t think living with a novelist would be such a burden.”

“Again, where have you been?”

“Um, with Kibum?”

Jinki quirks an eyebrow. “I texted him a while ago and he said he was in the bakery with Taemin. You’re such a liar.”

Jonghyun inwardly smiles, taking a moment to imagine the look on his best friend’s face before replying.

“I was there with him, just with Minho.”

The older boy’s expression turns out to be both priceless and hilarious. “You were with Minho?”

“Yup.” Jonghyun replies, popping the ‘p’ just to annoy Jinki.

“What…..what did you two talk about?”

“Why are you so curious?” the lawyer asks smugly, crossing the room and making his way to the stairs.

“Jonghyun!” Jinki half whines irritatingly.

The younger boy replies by promptly walking in his room and closing the door behind him.

A couple of seconds later, he hears a desperate groan from downstairs.

A/N: I'm so, so, so, so, so, so, so, sorry for not updating during the past two weeks. It has just been really busy for me lately, and last week I was busy celebrating my birthday to update. And look at me, barely giving you any jongkey even after all this time. I'm sorry T_T

And again, I'm sorry to announce that the next chapter will be the last for Against All Odds. Why so soon, you ask? Becasue everything is basically already clicked into place, and I just need to tidy up the story a little. Plus, surprise for y'all is coming up, if you remember that ;)


*cough* that was a hint *cough*

I'm not sure if I can update again next friday, we'll see what happens. Maybe Saturday or something? No wait- I have a birthday party to go to on that day. Sunday.....? I'm really sorry guys, my schedule's getting really hectic nowadays. Especially since I'm in the second semester of the school year. Woo, halfway through! 

I really need to stop procrastinating, but I somehow always end up writing instead.


kay, bye guys. I promise you'll like the next chapter :)

See you soon!~


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Chapter 8: Omg im dyingggg hahahahahah
I read the entire story in just one day! What an amazing story, I like the way jjong love kibum more than taemin.. That make kibum have more confidence with their relationship.
SatanSoul111 #3
A good read.
Chapter 2: Who is the guy on the gif after G. Dragon? He is good looking :p
AudrayLiAr #5
Aw, this was so cute! I really like your idea of Kibum changing Jonghyun to better. And I like your writing in general!
So, since I think you deserve as much love as possible, I'm going to give you mine!
xMirchaan #6
Chapter 21: I just love this fanfic! I adore the way you write,it just makes me to want to read more! ( and the fanfic wasn't sooo long but there happened a lot and it was sooo interesting! THANK YOU c: )
meowwenqian #7
Chapter 21: I LOVED IT OMG
cute^^ love it!
Chapter 20: I loved this so much omg omg omg! Pls never ever delete your account TT... I want to read your stories as many times as I can TT
kimbumkeyk #10
Chapter 21: it's nice story authornim! :) the cold and the bastard jonghyun is awesome! suddenly kibummie changes everything kekeke~ laff laff!