
Against All Odds


Jonghyun is halfway done with typing up his Answer for his most recent case when he’s suddenly interrupted by a loud banging at the front door.

He glances over at Jinki, who’s seated at the dining table reading the daily newspaper. The older boy looks up and shrugs at Jonghyun, motioning for him to open the door.

The lawyer stands unsurely, walking towards the banging which is getting louder by the minute.

When he finally opens it, he’s met with a large fist colliding harshly with his jaw.

“You ing bastard!”

Jonghyun lets out a groan of pain and staggers back, leaning against the wall with his hands flying to his wounded face. His head is throbbing at the impact, making his eyes screw shut to keep him from getting dizzy.  

“Minho, no!”


Before he can understand what’s going on, Jinki is racing by his side and helping him stand while Kibum throws himself in front of Minho before the athlete can throw another punch.

Minho growls and pushes him aside, but the artist grabs his arms from behind.

“Stop! Minho, stop!”

“You!” the athlete barks, glaring at Jonghyun as the lawyer weakly looks up at him. “How ing dare you.”

“Minho, please calm down. Don’t do this, you’re hurting people! Let’s think this through and talk everything out, whatever happened that’s making you this mad.” Jinki says, wincing as Jonghyun coughs and spits out drops of blood.

“I never liked you anyways, but I never knew you can be this cruel.” Minho glowers, trying to yank away from Kibum’s grasps. “He was so nice to you, you ing . How dare you break his heart like this?!”

“What,” Jonghyun says weakly, head and jaw throbbing at the same time by now. “Are you talking about?”

“Don’t play dumb with me.” Minho snarls. “I know exactly what you were planning all along. What, you wanted him for the ? Lured him in your traps like some sort of fish with bait? Tell me, is that all you think of Kibum?”

“I don’t ing know what you’re talking about!”

“You should know damn well because he’s the one that somehow ended up falling for you!”

“Wait, what?”

“Kibum, you goddamn idiot! Why else do you think he was ignoring you all this time? Because he just felt like it? Because he felt the need to be mean to you for once? No! He’s ignoring you because he ing loves you, and you’re too much of a prick to notice!”

“Minho! Please, just stop it! I beg you, Minho…..” Kibum is struggling to keep his friend down, knuckles turning white as he tries to pull his friend back.

“I don’t care what you’ve gone through in the past, I don’t care that you’ve been through hell and back with Taemin!” the athlete continues. "I don’t ing give a ! But if you start dragging people along and hurting their feelings because you can’t get over the past, then be prepared because I will hunt you down to the ends of the world and make you pay!”

“You- he- Taemin-“ Jonghyun is looking back and forth between Minho and Kibum, then finally at Jinki who looks equally astonished as him.

“Yeah, Kibum’s been in love with you for a while now. He’s always going on about how you have a nice side to you and you’re not nearly as bastardic as I think you are. He keeps defending you, Jonghyun. Every single day for the past couple of months. I’m sick and tired of you treating him like a piece of while he’s giving you all he has just to try and get you to open up. Do you even know how hard he’s trying to break through your barriers? Can’t you at least treat him properly and actually try being a decent person for once?” Minho finally shakes off Kibum and turns on his heel to walk away, stopping right at the door and uttering one last sentence.

“Stop being a coward and face your fears.”

He slams the door behind him as he goes, leaving the three in silence.

Jinki sighs at the situation and sits Jonghyun down on the couch, looking up at Kibum whose expression is surprisingly blank.

The lawyer looks up to catch his gaze. “Kibum…..”

“I’m sorry. I think I need some time alone.” the artist says, backing away and running out the door.

Jonghyun doesn’t even bother to run after him, watching as he goes and letting the cold wind from outside at his cheeks and seep in through his wounded jaw.

“So Taemin’s finally spilled the beans.” Jinki says quietly, sighing once again and taking a seat beside Jonghyun.

“I screwed up, hyung.” Jonghyun breathes, dropping his head in his hands. “Again.”

“Minho’s right, you know. You need to stop living in the past and live in the now.”

“It’s hard, hyung! It’s hard to lose the one you love, the first love you’ve had that barely lasted. You can’t blame me for shunning others out!”

“This has been going on for four years, Jonghyun. It’s time to move on. Everyone gets hurt at some point, and you can’t let that get to you. You’ve wasted four years, four whole years of living in fear of getting broken once again.”

The lawyer looks up to meet eyes with the older boy, who firmly grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him.


“I’ve watched you sink further and further into an abyss of hopelessness and grief. I’ve watched you drift away from the rest of the world and throw barriers around yourself until you’ve lost a whole part of you. I wanted to do something, to reach out and help you back up on your feet again. I swear to you, I tried, but you kept pushing me away like the others. I had no choice but to watch you drown in your own nightmares. I had no choice but to stand there and watch as you blamed yourself for all that’s happened.”

Jinki’s eyes are fueled and determined, boring into the lawyer’s and shaking him to the core. This person in front of him isn’t his best friend anymore. He’s stronger, tougher, and mature. He’s grown and this time he’s not taking no for an answer.

“Even Minho understood your feelings, Jonghyun. Even though he doesn’t know you very well, he knows you have feelings toward his best friend. He knows that you’re cracking, and he probably punched you to try and wake you up even further. Tell me, and please answer me honestly. You love Kibum, right?”

Jonghyun doesn’t even have to think about it anymore. He’s spent long enough dissecting his feelings and it’s never been clearer before.


“Then get out there and run after him.”

Jonghyun opens his mouth to respond, but Jinki stops him, knowing exactly what he was about to say.

“No. There’s no more buts, no more what ifs, and no more hiding. Your relationship Taemin, you two broke up for a reason. Yes, because of that you were never the same person as before. Yes, because of that I lost you and you’re cheery attitude. Yes, because of that you were afraid to let anyone else in your heart. But here you are, four years later, telling me that you love this boy whom you’ve only known for a couple months or so.”

Jonghyun clenches his fists, tears forming at the corner of his eyes as he listens to his friend’s words.

“And out of all people, out of me, Taemin, or Minjung that has known you ever since diaperhood, Kibum was the one that managed to break your barriers. And against all odds, you fell in love with him. Against all odds, you fell in love with someone you completely despised at first. Call it a cliché, but I know he’s the one for you and the final one at that. There will be no more searching, Jonghyun. There will be no more holding on and letting go. This time, I know you’re ready. I know you’re ready to give love a shot once again and truly be happy.”

“Hyung.” the lawyer chokes out, ignoring the throbbing pain on his jaw as the tears finally wash down his cheeks.

“I know, you’re scared. I know you’re afraid that you’ll be broken. But remember, society isn’t there to criticize you anymore. Things are different now; the people around you know and understand. If its love, then its love. As simple as that.”

“I- you- you’re right.” the lawyer drops his head, defeated.

“Go. Run after him, I’ll take care of Minho.”

“Hyung. Hyung, I can’t thank you enough.” Jonghyun shakes his head, wiping his tears away and pulling on a jacket.

“Don’t thank me, Jonghyun. Thank Kibum.”

The lawyer doesn’t remember how long it’s been since he’s ever run like this, other than running on a treadmill in the gym or speeding it up to get to work on time.

He doesn’t remember the last time his heart is beating this fast while he’s running, his breath coming out in puffs of smoke against the frigid weather. His feet crunch against the ice with each step, stumbling once in a little while when he hits something slippery.

At one point he trips and lands sprawled out in the middle of the road, but he stands right back up and continues running.

Adrenaline is pushing him, feeling the blood surge through his veins and heart still hammering in his chest, thumping so loudly he can literally hear it from inside of him.


He calls his name again and again, searching wildly for any sign of tracks while he also looks out for himself so he doesn’t get hit by a car. It’s dangerous to run in the middle of the street like this, since it’s nearly pitch black outside except for the Christmas lights decorating the other houses.

Some of the residents are looking at him strangely through their windows as he runs past, but Jonghyun doesn’t care at this point because all he cares about is finding Kibum.

His eyes land onto a set of footprints trailing against the bare snow, illuminated by a street lamp looming right above it.

Jonghyun veers off course and follows, not even considering the fact that it may not be Kibum’s set of footprints at all. But really, who else will be outside at this hour while there are so many things needed to be done inside like wrapping up presents?

“Kibum!” he calls the artist’s name again, simultaneously following the footprints and being led down a narrow trail that’s nearly covered in snow.


“Kibum, please answer me!”



And then he sees him, right in the clearing leaning over the railing and looking out at the view of the city.

The artist turns and meets eyes with the lawyer, knocking Jonghyun breathless at the way the lights perfectly outlines the profile of Kibum’s face.


The lawyer runs up to him, standing close yet so far with the tips of their chests just barely touching. Jonghyun wants to pull the other in and press their bodies together, to have some sort of physical contact that he’s been craving for all these years.

“I’m so sorry about Minho.” Kibum says softly, a gentle breeze lifting several strands of his hair.

“No, he was right. I’m a coward.”

The artist laughs. “I should be the one saying that. Look at me, running away from the situation and making you come and get me.”

“You’re the last person I would call a coward.”

Kibum’s eyes widen just a tad and Jonghyun finds it incredibly cute, despite the seemingly urgent situation.


“Listen, about Taemin-“

“You don’t need to explain. You don’t have to if you feel uncomfortable talking about it.”

Jonghyun takes a deep breath and shakes his head, slowly at first, but then firmly. Just like the way Jinki was back at the house.

“No. I want to tell you. It’s about time I finally tell someone how I feel.”

“Are you sure you’re ready?”

Jonghyun nods.

“Well how about it then?”

The older boy sighs and takes another deep breath. “I really loved Taemin. Before I met him, there was no one else that managed to make my heart beat faster. When he told me he’d be leaving, the first reaction I felt was anger. Why did he have to leave me when we’d gotten so far? Why is he so willing to give up everything we’ve built together and throw all of that away in a single moment?”

He sees Kibum swallow, fingers twitching as he tangles them together to keep them still.

Jonghyun looks away and squashes down the urge to grab the artist’s hands and hold them in his. He continues,

“He was right to tell me the wrong time of his flight. I wouldn’t have been able to handle watching him go. But still, I freaked out and threw a fit right in the middle of the airport. It’s hard, you know? Being left by your first love. The reason why I turned out being a lawyer is because I wanted to help people. I want to help them fight and stand up for themselves. I want to see them grow and learn how to be strong and to never give up. I know I did the worst thing possible. I locked up my feelings and buried them deep inside my heart where no one else will be able to touch it. Instead of coming on stronger, I let myself fall and do nothing about it.”

“I know how that feels, trust me.”

Jonghyun shakes his head. “You’re different, Kibum. You’re stronger, so much stronger than I ever was back then. When my parents died, I was happy. I thought I was finally free and they wouldn’t criticize me anymore. But you know what? They’re not the ones that were bringing me down. They’re not the ones that ruined my life. I am the one that ruined my own life. It’s my fault that I lost Taemin. I didn’t fight hard enough. I could’ve followed him, I could’ve done so much more than just sit there and mope.”

“You probably fought your hardest.”

“I regret it, Kibum. I regret letting myself turn out this way. Into a block of ice that’s frozen solid. I’ve always thought that letting Taemin go was my biggest mistake, but not anymore. Jinki hyung was right, things happen for a reason. That against all odds, you managed to come along and brighten up my days a bit. Against all odds, I fell for you without even knowing it.”

Kibum lets out a small gasp.

The lawyer takes a step forward. “I’d only recognized it a week ago, that night I nicked my arm on one of your kitchen knives. I’ve gotten so used to pushing people out that I’d almost forgotten what it felt like to be in love.”


“I admit, I like you. I like you a lot. And I know I probably don’t deserve you. I’ve treated you so badly since the first time we’ve met; I’ve said so many things that probably hurt you. Yet you were so patient with me, so tolerant of my careless actions and words. I want to say so many things to you. I’m sorry I’m a jerk; I wish I’d treated you better. I hate Minho because I’m jealous of your friendship. There’s so many things that I need to say, but right now there’s only one thing that I can manage to say without stumbling on my words. Thank you. Thank you for staying by my side even though I wasn’t acting like a good friend. God, I don’t even know if you consider me as a friend. I really-“

“Jonghyun. You’re rambling.” Kibum is smiling, laughing and giggling at the same time.

The lawyer’s never seen something so beautiful, someone so free spirited and as kind and flamboyant as Kibum. He still needs to say a lot more, still wants to say a lot more but all he can think about right now is kissing the artist right then and there.

He tells himself he’s ready for this, ready to take a step and give this whole love thing one more try. He knows that Kibum is worth it, no matter what the outcome will be.

He doesn’t think, just reach out for the other and grab a hold of his wrist, feeling that familiar spark and welcoming it for the first time. He cups the younger boy’s chin with his free hand, leaning in and capturing his bow shaped lips before he can chicken out.

As soon as they touch, Jonghyun can feel everything inside of him shift around like jump starting a car, his heart beat exploding into a million feelings like fireworks in the night sky. He feels Kibum jolt against him in surprise, molding into him after a few moments or so.

Jonghyun can’t help but notice how perfectly they fit against each other, how their lips slide together so easily like a jigsaw puzzle. He notices how there’s a spot on Kibum’s waist where his hands can rest on the curve of his hips, where he can feel the fragile form of the artist’s waist.

His lips are surprisingly warm against the lawyer’s, despite the cold surrounding them like Jack Frost’s personal blanket.

It takes a while for Jonghyun to notice that it had started to snow, the gentle flakes landing on top of them with the rest cascading down onto the concrete.

The lawyer doesn’t have any time to think about it though, since he’s busy kissing the boy in front of him. He pulls Kibum in closer by wrapping his arms around his waist, letting their bodies crush against each other’s like he was tempted to do earlier.

He feels the younger boy tangling his fingers in his hair, sighing at the feeling of having him this close.

When he pulls back, Kibum’s eyes are sparkling, looking back at him in half shock and half content. His blonde bangs are a bit messy and tangled, so Jonghyun reaches to brush them away and pulls his face closer so their foreheads are touching.

He the apple of Kibum’s cheek, kissing the tip of his nose and pulling back to watch the younger boy get all flustered and blush scarlet.

Jonghyun’s never felt so complete in his entire life.

“Minho should come over and punch you to your senses more often.” Kibum jokes, brushing his fingers against the older boy’s bruise gently.

Jonghyun winces at the touch, catching Kibum’s fingers and pressing them to his lips.

“If that means getting to kiss you like this, then I’m fine with that.”

A./N: Lol at the awkward chapter title bcuz I'm lazy. Last chapter, I had a good laugh reading ur comments, and now I can't wait to read ur comments this time xD So I bet you were expecting for them to be all clueless again and stuff, but nah. It's the fifteenth chapter and I need to get moving..........

Also, I'm sorry for having really bad flow in this one cuz freaking jongkey is messing with me again with their interaction during the japan fan meeting. I can't even- did they srsly just do that right before I'm about to update?


Yes, I like Avatar The Last Airbender, okay?  I bet they planned that out so I'll be all disoriented and stuff when I write-_-

Anyways, I'm planning to update before Christmas since I'm on winter break and I might be able to write another chapter before the 25th, but I'm still not sure since I also plan to start watching a drama over break and spending a significant amount of time on my scenario blog. We'll see how things go.

I also might start some fics on that blog as well, since I really want to expand and start posting my long fics somewhere else other than here on AFF. I'll let you guys know more about that after I get things settled.

Congrats on surviving the Apocalypse and happy holidays! :3


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Chapter 8: Omg im dyingggg hahahahahah
I read the entire story in just one day! What an amazing story, I like the way jjong love kibum more than taemin.. That make kibum have more confidence with their relationship.
SatanSoul111 #3
A good read.
Chapter 2: Who is the guy on the gif after G. Dragon? He is good looking :p
AudrayLiAr #5
Aw, this was so cute! I really like your idea of Kibum changing Jonghyun to better. And I like your writing in general!
So, since I think you deserve as much love as possible, I'm going to give you mine!
xMirchaan #6
Chapter 21: I just love this fanfic! I adore the way you write,it just makes me to want to read more! ( and the fanfic wasn't sooo long but there happened a lot and it was sooo interesting! THANK YOU c: )
meowwenqian #7
Chapter 21: I LOVED IT OMG
cute^^ love it!
Chapter 20: I loved this so much omg omg omg! Pls never ever delete your account TT... I want to read your stories as many times as I can TT
kimbumkeyk #10
Chapter 21: it's nice story authornim! :) the cold and the bastard jonghyun is awesome! suddenly kibummie changes everything kekeke~ laff laff!