Thank You!

My Gift to You

Chapter 2

 “I figured” Kyuhyun concurred with a small amused chuckle, mainly the result of the small pout that was adorning Yesung's lips. It was adorable and Kyuhyun was quite taken with him. He would have loved to kiss it away, but knew he wouldn’t get the opportunity, especially since it seemed likely that Yesung had more to say to him.

“I had all these great plans you wouldn’t believe. I had it all worked out. I was even going to light candles. Can you believe that? But then everything went wrong. May be it was better that way? With my lucky I might have set the place on fire….Ryeowook even wrote the fire service number all over my hands” Yesung spoke with a small depreciating sort of laugh, his voice still soft in that way, speaking as if he was far away, looking back on something, only lifting his hand up from Kyuhyun’s chest to show him that on his forearm there was actually the number to the fire department written, Yesung chuckling to himself as he showed Kyuhyun the number written in bright red, with a note that said “Be careful hyung”. Kyuhyun didn’t know if he was supposed to laugh with him or draw him closer and tell it was all going to be alright, that he would help him no matter what. The decision was taken out of his hands when he returned his head to Kyuhyun’s chest leaning his forehead against the surface, Kyuhyun leaning down to press his cheek against the mat of hair.

“Candles are annoying anyway. You have to light then and then go and extinguish them. It takes too long” Kyuhyun comforts the only way he knows how. He doesn’t understand how the mood had changed that way, the laughter and the amusement fading, the mood sombre but not offensive. They both knew that the conversation had to occur at some point, Kyuhyun not sure how he should progress exactly. He was then being weighed by disappointment, not his own just a sort of sadness that overtakes him, simply because Yesung was clearly disappointed and he could do nothing to stop him from feeling that way. He wants so bad to protect him, even from disappointment ,that he feels helpless. He continued to brush his cheek at the hair, hoping that he was a comfort to the smaller man resting against him.

“Its romantic though” Yesung rejoined, his mood slightly better, his comment bearing a soft smile, showing his gratitude to Kyuhyun, appreciating the fact that the younger cared to make him feel better. He was disappointed about a lot of things right then, but was encouraged by Kyuhyun’s affections. He had to be grateful for what was right, focus on that, not what was wrong. It was hard but he was trying.

“We never  did romance well did we?” Kyuhyun questioned with a contemplative laugh, trying to think of a time they managed romance. It was hard to even think of one thing but less anything else. He thought the realization would hurt him, but  it didn’t. He thought it was sort of amusing that he had some of his best memories, just lying on a bed with Yesung in a small room, and none of that involved romance. Maybe it was just overrated or it was more than likely they had altered what their definition of romance would be. It was very much like them to be honest.

“Shouldn’t we be more concerned about that?” Yesung asked with a titled of his head, his face scrunching up to show that he was seriously considering the issue. Kyuhyun was right. Romance had never been their strong suite. It never worked out for either of them. Maybe they were cursed? He knew he should be very upset about that, but somehow realizing that they were probably cursed with romance made him feel better. He was weird, he could admit that.  It was just nice to blame his failure on something other than him really.

“We should” Kyuhyun agreed, before he laughed happily, head leaning back to release bubbly sounds, Yesung watching him weirdly. Kyuhyun had wondered about it as well, but simply decided that he couldn’t care less. Romance never worked for them and he couldn’t seem to care. He was always happy and touched when he was with Yesung; that was romantic enough for him. Realizing that they were both sort of lackadaisical about it all, made him laugh.

“You are weird” Yesung commented when he couldn’t figure out why Kyuhyun was laughing. Had the tiredness gotten to him? Maybe he realized something Yesung was just too oblivious to. Kyuhyun often said he was oblivious. Was he missing something? Kyuhyun’s laugh was pretty though….well not exactly pretty. It was not a delicate innocent sound, more like a cute growl. He couldn’t describe it but he really liked it. He decided he would try and figure out what Kyuhyun’s laugh was like, rather than try to determine what he had missed.

“I spend all my time with you. What did you expect?” Kyuhyun teased with a cheeky grin, winking at him slyly, melodious chuckles escaping his lips, and Yesung can’t help but laugh with him, the chuckles escaping before he knew what was happening, Kyuhyun pulling his closer, his heart settling once more. He was such an idiot sometimes! Why did he have to over think everything? This was Kyuhyun he was talking too, the same Kyuhyun that had held him in his arms for nearly a half hour and had not once complained, the person that was trying so hard to shift his mood, to make him feel better. Why couldn’t he trust himself and Kyuhyun? He could hit himself but smacked Kyuhyun instead, a soft blow to his chest and a quick accusation- ‘Brat’-for Kyuhyun’s slight before he was back to laughing.

“This was supposed to be my gift to you, for my birthday. Someone told me that you are supposed to be thankful on your birthday and I really wanted to thank you “ Yesung spoke with some seriousness when the laughter died now, his voice much more confident now, though he still remained in his position against Kyuhyun’s chest, both hands pressing against the surface to give him some leverage, so that he could look into Kyuhyun’s eyes as he spoke. He was feeling much better now. He was still disappointed but he comforted by the fact that he was in Kyuhyun’s arms, that it was his hands that caressed his back, that it was his smile there to reassure him. It was selfish to disregard Kyuhyun’s affections. If he couldn’t be honest and open with Kyuhyun then he was being disrespectful to Kyuhyun’s care for him. He was shy, but he had to treat Kyuhyun better than he had been doing.

“Why would you want to thank me?” Kyuhyun questioned with marked interest, realizing that Yesung was ready to speak to him seriously. He couldn’t however figure out why Yesung would think he had to thank him. He should be the one thanking him for so much, even then, for his gift. Only Yesung would give someone else a gift on his birthday. Why was he so lovable?

“For being so perfect and for always understanding me and helping me, and for letting me hide in your chest and for not getting mad when things don’t work out or when I do something stupid or when I make you sleep instead of playing games or when I drag you out to a café at 3 o’ clock in the morning and make you stand holding me because I am idiot that can’t even get a surprise right and for so many other things that I am probably forgetting but you probably remember because you are perfect..well not perfect, since you are rude brat a lot and you poke me even when I beg you not too and you are really stubborn and you never listen but then you are sorta nice as well and I like you a lot. I don’t think I am doing this right either…I will just stop…that seems like a good idea…. ” Yesung rambled, until his face was red, shutting his mouth in a rush when he realized that he just word vomited returning swiftly to his new hiding spot, not wanting to look at Kyuhyun just then.

 He had something perfect in his mind to say. He was finally going to thank Kyuhyun for being an amazing person, for staying by his side, for holding his hands and for his kind understanding nature , yet when he opened his mouth it all became a jumbled crazy mess. He had no idea what he had even said. There was so much he wanted to thank Kyuhyun for, so much he wanted to express his gratitude towards him for. Kyuhyun was gentle with him and always tried to understand his mind. He wanted to thank him for his patience and to apologize for making things so hard on his so often, for being such a failure at so many things. He wanted him to know just how grateful that he was that Kyuhyun always chose to love him despite all his flaws. Just how amazing could Kyuhyun be? The child was handsome and charismatic and even when he was a childish brat, he was endearing and sweet. He knew he didn’t deserve him. No matter what happened, he would always know that he was the one lacking. He was so grateful to Kyuhyun, that his heart hurt from the sheer force of the feeling. He did nothing to deserve Kyuhyun’s affections yet they never wavered or lessened, Kyuhyun’s hold on him never once less loving.

He had so much to be thankful for, grateful to the younger man. He had to thank him for always staying by his side, even when he was stupid and couldn’t do anything wrong, when he said the worst thing, when he was oblivious, when he was weird, when he was everything that Kyuhyun didn’t like. Kyuhyun never got mad and even when he did, he always put Yesung's feelings first. Why could he not be thankful to Kyuhyun? How could he not want to thank Kyuhyun for those things? He was an idiot for not doing it before, for not doing the honourable thing and show his appreciation. The shyness made it so hard for him though. It was hard to get the words out and even worst, whenever he tried to say it, it came out in crazy jumbled messes and he was never sure what he was doing. He wasn’t cut out for things like that. It would make it laugh, if he wasn’t so pitiful. That was another thing to be thankful to Kyuhyun for. To matter how crazy he sounded, or how jumbled his words were, Kyuhyun always understood him, always. It was almost a freaky skill the younger had. How would he ever be able to thank him for loving him so such?

“Yesungie hyung…you don’t have to thank me for those things. It’s-“ Kyuhyun rejected with a gentle nearly croaked voice. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard; or rather he couldn’t believe that he had actually understood all that was said to him. He felt the words pulling at his heartstring in a way that he couldn’t explain. Why did Yesung think he had to thank him for those things? Didn’t he realize that Kyuhyun should be the thankful one? Didn’t he know that it was Kyuhyun that should be thankful that he always let him hold on to him, that he let Kyuhyun be the person he chose to hide against, that Kyuhyun was always thrilled to be at his side, where ever that took them? It was an odd feeling for him honestly. Yesung was letting him peek at his heart and he was touched, he was nearly overwhelmed. He had never really heard how exactly Yesung viewed him before. He knew that Yesung loved him, that was quite obvious, but to understand just how exactly he was represented in Yesung's mind was a surreal experience. His heart thump and his whole body was sensitive, a wave of emotions bursting through him  as he tried to catch Yesung's eyes, the older man back to hiding on his chest. He was unable to finish his thought though, when Yesung rose abruptly when his place with wide strong eyes.

“No Kyuhyun ah, you don’t understand. I have to thank you. I have to tell you how thankful I am to you. You will never understand how grateful I am to you” Yesung interrupted, speaking in a rush, his voice a bit on the frantic side, desperate to make Kyuhyun understand that he was wrong. Yesung knew he had to thank him for those things. He had to let Kyuhyun know that no matter how brazen he was or how oblivious he may seem sometime, he knew that Kyuhyun was precious, that Kyuhyun took care of him, that he always appreciated him. He was sure he didn’t show it enough and would never be able to really ever repay Kyuhyun, so the least he could do was say it, to let Kyuhyun know that he was the most precious thing he had ever met, much less have.

“You don’t have to be grateful hyung. Things-“ Kyuhyun tried to explain once more, his throat tightening, the emotion in his heart bubbling up his throat, tugging at it in a soft pull, his heart swimming in so much feelings of love and affection that he thought he would burst. What would he have to do to make him understand that he had nothing to be grateful for? How could he let him know that Kyuhyun was the one that was lucky to have him, that all the things he thought he should be grateful for were just the ways Kyuhyun hoped would match the affection he received from the older man. He was frustrated honestly. How can one person be so amazing and why on earth did the idiot keep interrupting him?

“I have to Kyuhyun ah. I need to thank you for loving me. I know I seem oblivious sometime and I really am most of the times, but I do know how much you do for me. I do know how hard it is to love me, how hard it is to have a relationship like ours. I know that I am not what you need or what you deserve-“Yesung protested, his head shaking as he begged Kyuhyun to let him say he how grateful he was to him. Kyuhyun didn’t understand just how much Yesung owed him exactly it would seem. He was trying so hard to let him know that he knew he was a failure, that Kyuhyun deserved better, but Kyuhyun kept interrupting him.

“Hyung how can you say that? You are-“ Kyuhyun rejected Yesung's assertions with force. The older man was insane. How on earth could he still not know how perfect he was? How could he even thing he was not exactly what Kyuhyun needed? Kyuhyun could kill him really, just for saying things like that. He had to know by now that he was everything to Kyuhyun, shouldn’t he? Kyuhyun was going to deal with him properly, when small hands gripped his face firmly, making the words die in his throat, Yesung looking him dead in the eye.

“Stop interrupting Kyu ah. I need to say this, before it suffocates me” Yesung begged, voice warm and shy, a hint of a chuckle as he looked at Kyuhyun with pleading eyes. He needed to say it. It was now or never for him. He had built up all his courage and he had enough disappointment. He was going to do it then. He was not backing down. He was not going to let anyone stop him, not even Kyuhyun. He smiled when Kyuhyun nodded with resignation, his eyes dissatisfied but supportive. Yesung wondered if he would ever stop being thankful.

“Thank you Kyuhyun ah. Thank you for letting me do it and for listening even if I do this wrong” Yesung spoke his gratitude, mock glaring at Kyuhyun when he opened his mouth, then turning away as much as he could with Yesung holding on to his cheeks with a chastised look, smiling sheepishly.

“You are adorable. Did you know that?” Yesung asked, his voice over pouring with affection, his eyes soft an in awe, the feeling he had for the younger, so strong he didn’t even know what to do. Kyuhyun was the cutest thing he had ever seen in his life. How was he even real?

“I did, though I prefer when I am called dashing” Kyuhyun proposed with a cheeky grin, his face tainted with a sort of glow. He knew it all came from happiness. Yesung was actually there, holding on to him whilst he spoke about how adorable he was. Kyuhyun felt the tug in his throat strengthen, the emotion still stifling him. Yesung would be the death of him he was sure.

“You cheeky brat! And stop distracting me. I have something important to say” Yesung scolded with a happy smile, pinching Kyuhyun’s cheek as punishment for his cheeky comment, wondering why the younger was so perfect, so loveable. He really didn’t deserve him, though he laughed lightly when Kyuhyun glared at him for the pinch but nodded that he would stop distracting him.

“I am really grateful to you Kyuhyun. I know that things don’t ever go the way I want and most of the time I end up failing but you never let me feel sad or disappointed. No matter how much I disappoint you, you never complain or even act as if you are. I appreciate you always protecting me, always staying by my side no matter how hard it is for you. I am sorry I can’t be better. I promise I will try harder though. I will try to be everything that you need. Thank you for always loving me. I don’t deserve it most of the time but I am really grateful to you. Am I even making sense? I am sure it sounds weird…do I sound weird?” Yesung inquired with wide eyes, different from the softness of his voice before, his cheeks a blistering red, Kyuhyun wondering about the effort it must have taken him to get those words out.

 He was shy and it was hard for him to say things like that, yet he did it for him, he did it because he wanted Kyuhyun to understand his heart.  Kyuhyun wanted to do so much then, wanted to smother him and promise him that he was never a fail and he rarely ever disappointed Kyuhyun. Things were hard sometimes but Kyuhyun knew it was never going to be easy. He didn’t ever blame Yesung, not even once. It was never going to be easy to have the sort of relationship that they wanted, but they both still tried, because they loved each other much too much to do anything else. How could he even think he was not everything Kyuhyun deserved? He was the one that was undeserving. Yesung was perfect in his eyes. He was stubborn and frustrating and infuriating and perfect. He would do anything to make him happy, but it seemed as if Yesung thought the same. Kyuhyun didn’t know what Yesung thought he needed, but as far as he was concerned he was more than satisfied. He only ever needed Yesung to be happy.

Maybe one day Yesung would understand that. Kyuhyun heart ached. He wondered how much Yesung must suffer, how his thoughts must torture him. He was saddened. He thought that Yesung was finally learning not accept that he only ever needed him, yet it seemed the older man still didn’t realize just how special he was to Kyuhyun. He wished sometimes that he could just shake it into him, that he could just grab him and kiss him senseless and Yesung would understand automatically, like what happens in those fairy tales, but life wasn’t like that. He couldn’t force him. Instead he just had to work harder, to shower him in so much love that he would never think he was undeserving every again. Kyuhyun would be patient, he would take his time and he would love him. In the meantime he would try and get over how earnest Yesung's promise to him was. How could he love Kyuhyun so much? Kyuhyun heart ached once more this time, the tug in his throat finally identifiable, the burning sensation in his eyes finally alerting him to where all the emotion was heading. He blinked his eyes and swallowed the lump in his throat, clearing his throat to response to the man looking at him expectantly.

“You do. The good kind of weird though” Kyuhyun managed to say without stuttering, his eyes burning from trying so hard to resist the tears that were threatening to spill. He was just so amazed by everything, so touched by the older man that his heart was burning, raw with emotion and love and he didn’t know what to do. It was a surreal experience to have Yesung apologize to him for not being good enough, to thank him for loving him, to promise to do better for him. All were unnecessary but had the same effect, his heart drowning in a heat from all the emotions he was feeling. He was dying honestly. The love and gratitude he felt then was boundless. How could one person be so precious, be so perfect, deserve so much love? Yesung was tearing him apart and all he was doing was standing there, small hands holding on to his cheeks, body pressed against his chest, hands wrapped around a small frame.

What did he do in life to be lucky enough to have heaven on earth? He would die from all the feelings that were bubbling in his depths. Yesung nodded at him them, a small smile playing on his lips before he returned to his spot on Kyuhyun’s chest releasing his face, to grasp on to his jacket once more, Kyuhyun shifting his hands around him to hold him close, trying to keep his own tears at bay. He was so in love it hurt. Yesung unclasped his jacket to put his own face, Kyuhyun knew to get rid of the redness, Kyuhyun chuckling huskily. He didn’t bother to explain to Yesung that he was never not going to be perfect in his eyes, positive Yesung wouldn’t listen to him, instead he played the words over in his mind wondering how one person could love him so much, how he could love one single person to such a degree. He was so happy, so touched. He held on tightly, though not too tightly, his head once more returning to rest on Yesung's blonde hair, losing himself in the man, whilst Yesung dealt with his shyness, Kyuhyun swallowing the urge to cry, to let the happiness settle in his heart and wonder what he could ever do to repay Yesung for all his love.

“I…I..I.. love you. Did you know that?” Yesung asked from somewhere in his chest, his voice muffled, but Kyuhyun could make out the sincerity, the feeling, Yesung unclasping his hands to extend them once more around Kyuhyun’s chest, clasping together on Kyuhyun’s back, tight and firm, his sentiment clear.

“I did” Kyuhyun responded, it was soft and barely above a whisper, having a hard time with keeping his emotions in check, the lump in his throat refusing to be swallowed, the burning in his eyes to such an extent that they were turning red, watery and shinny, leaning his head back to keep them from falling, Yesung not noticing his change, instead still hiding against Kyuhyun’s chest, unable to truly believe that he was indeed saying those words. It felt like a dream, his heart pounding in his chest and his face a burning red. His confidence only a result of Kyuhyun’s hands on his back and the warmth from his chest. He was still letting him hide in his chest. How could he not love someone like that? He wondered if Kyuhyun knew he did, smiling when Kyuhyun confirmed that he did. He atleast did something right.

“I thought you didn’t. I am not very good at showing it and I am even worst at saying it. Every time I try….well it just turns out all wrong. I am sorry about that as well” Yesung continued with a humourless chuckle, slightly turning his head so that his voice would be discernible. He hoped Kyuhyun understood what he was saying. He knew he was bad at saying it but he hoped that Kyuhyun would be able to understand his sentiment. It was another of his regrets when it came to Kyuhyun. He was never able to truly say to Kyuhyun just how much he loved him that he sometimes wondered if he did indeed made it clear that he did, loved him that is. He would hate to think that Kyuhyun thought he didn’t love him. He wanted Kyuhyun to know that he loved everything about him, but he was just so shy that he could never say the words the right way. Even then his cheeks were a burning red and his heart was pounding so hard he thought it would bruise his chest, his throat closing up a little. He had to persevere though. He was so close.

“You don’t need to say it” Kyuhyun croaked, his voice raspy and stifled, his face turning red from the effort and his head hurting from trying to stop them, his heart listening in glee to Yesung's shy confessions, feeling the older man’s regrets when it came to him and not being able to express him love for him. Kyuhyun would swear that even if Yesung actively tried to conceal how much he loved Kyuhyun he would fail miserably. Yesung’s love for him was beyond obvious, his actions reeked of it, his words were soaked in affection, even when he was scolding Kyuhyun there was no way to escape it. It was actually sort of funny that Yesung could ever think that he didn’t love him. It was so very ridiculous, that Kyuhyun could back the tears then, a small crystal bead running down his cheeks trying to restrain the others, Kyuhyun perceiving it somehow in his mind yet as if they were so very far away, chuckling low in his throat. Yesung thought that he didn’t know that he loved him…..the man was an idiot and Kyuhyun thinks he just fell more in love. Was that even possible? The tears a sort of expression of his appreciation and love.

“I should though. I want to. I just don’t know how” Yesung dismissed Kyuhyun’s assurances. He threw Kyuhyun tried his hardest to understand him and he appreciated it, but sometimes he wished Kyuhyun was a little harder on him, that he would hold him responsible. How could Kyuhyun let him receive so much love but never hold him liable. Kyuhyun should be mad that he never said it, that he was an idiot and could never express himself the way he needed to. Kyuhyun was much too sweet to him. How was he ever going to repay him?

“It’s really okay Hyung” Kyuhyun assured, trying to keep his voice steady, wanting to assure Yesung that he didn’t need him to push himself. He was more than satisfied with everything that he was lucky enough to be blessed with. He knew Yesung's heart even if he couldn’t hear his voice. He knew that the older man loved him, no matter what. Yesung shouldn’t strain himself to express something that Kyuhyun knew all too well.

“ I don’t think I can ever really explain to you how  much…how much I …love you. It’s so strong that I think my heart actually feels pain. You are all I can think about sometimes…it’s weird when that happens and think I am sick….. It feels so strange to want someone so much. I think I am losing my mind half the time and then my heart is pounding in my chest and I don’t know what to do and I just love you so much I think I just get lost…….I don’t even know what I am saying. Didn’t I tell you that I can’t explain it?”  Yesung chuckled lightly, proud that he actually got most of the words out, even if it wasn’t close to what he was hoping for. He was positive he had explained it all in a weird way and it made no sense but atleast he finally had the courage to say it properly. It was no longer biting at his insides and calling him a coward. It was not perfect but he did it sincerely. Kyuhyun would like that wouldn’t he?  Yesung hoped that he would be willing to accept his less than perfect acknowledgement, shifting in Kyuhyun’s arms a bit snuggling in the area, feeling much happier now.

He was still unsatisfied with the progress of his confession and the manner in which it occurred but the joy at finally having said the words was all consuming. It made everything seem that much better. He didn’t care about much else, just happy to be with Kyuhyun then, happy to feel so light. His happiness was quickly diminishing however, the longer it took Kyuhyun to respond. So far the younger man had been suspiciously silent. Yesung was getting worried. Was Kyuhyun not happy that he said the words? Was he disappointed? He was afraid to lift his head to be honest, afraid that his suspicious would be confirmed. He was hesitant, but the curiosity was killing him. If it was something wrong, then he would try and fix it, but the not knowing was much too hard for him. He carefully lifted his head, turning his body slowly so that he could look at Kyuhyun, what he saw making him still.

Kyuhyun’s eyes were red and he was looking ahead in the distance, his face drawn in an odd expression, not exactly sadness, but a contemplative look, his lips pursued and slightly open, his cheeks red and jaw slightly tight, but that was not the distinctive part. From beneath his eyelids wet streams flowed silently, his eyes were like puddles of waters but no sound escaped his lips. Yesung was shocked. He couldn’t process what he was seeing or maybe he just didn’t believe his own eyes. He reached for him in an instant, hand caressing one red cheek, the other reaching for the bead of water that escaped Kyuhyun’s eye, his small finger capturing it before it would properly descend Kyuhyun’s face, feeling the wetness against his finger tips lifting his hand away to examine it, his head titling to the side as if he had never seen a tear drop in his life before, looking at Kyuhyun with warm confused eyes, his mouth opening as the words died in his throat, not sure what he was seeing or how he should react, his fingers continuing to feel the wetness, unsure of where they belonged. His eyes widened when another tear drop escaped, his hands bolting to the spot beneath Kyuhyun’s eyelids to capture the precious tear drops, his mind pointing out that it would be a sin for them to ever touch the floor, to be discarded as if they had no value, especially since they were worth gold to him. Kyuhyun’s tears were precious. They should never fall at all, least of all for sadness. He stared at Kyuhyun as he wiped his tears, holding the drops preciously in his hands, eyes warm and affectionate, trying to force a smile, convincing the younger that he should never waste his precious tears, wanting to speak but the words refusing to leave his mouth. He didn’t know what to do, so did the only thing his heart had suggested.

With a bit of courage he removed his hands from Kyuhyun’s eyes, shifting them delicately to his soft cheeks, then with cautious movements he leaned forwards and pressed his lips against Kyuhyun’s tentatively. He was shy and uncertain and didn’t know if he was doing the right thing. Maybe he should have been apologizing for whatever it was that he did to make Kyuhyun cry or maybe he should be ensuring the younger was alright but no matter what he did he couldn’t stop the feeling that he was in the right place, doing the right thing. He carefully held his position, then gently moved his lips, the shyness still very present, but he wanted to do that, to comfort Kyuhyun, to show that he loved him. He hoped it was the right course of action, but at that point was willing to just get lost in the softness of Kyuhyun’s lips and the thumping of his own heart. The brushes were feather light at first, testing and teasing, tasting the flavour with hesitancy, only increasing when Kyuhyun tilted forward, moving his lips against him with a bit of urgency, pulling and nipping, the shyness ebbing away slowly as he responded, caressing the softness offered to him, Kyuhyun’s hold on his body tightening as the younger drew him closer, the kiss intensifying, the air in his lung rushing out, electricity shooting through his body, the caresses transforming from the simple comfort to something similar to passion, his fingers rubbing against Kyuhyun’s cheeks, as the younger on the lower fold of his lips, his teeth scratching against it, causing Yesung to gasp a little, Kyuhyun sliding his tongue into his mouth, Yesung's eyes widening in surprise but he made no effort to stop him, despite the burning in his cheeks and thumping of his heart in his throat, his body super sensitive to each action, to every caress. He expected Kyuhyun to be more forceful, but he simply poked at his retreating tongue playfully before he pulled back, smiling against Yesung's lips, tugging on last time on his lower lip on last time before he pulled away, leaning down to bury his head in Yesung's throat, the older man stretching upwards to allow him to do so comfortably, taking quick breathes in the interim, wishing the blush tainting his cheeks would disappear, his body still sensitive and tingling, the butterflies in his stomach fluttering, shifting a bit when Kyuhyun’s nose rubbed against the ridges on the column of his throat, his hands reaching around to hold the younger comfortably against him, arms wrapped around his upper torso, wanting to finally be someone Kyuhyun could hide against.

“I am sorry Kyuhyun ah. I am sorry for whatever I did to hurt you. Please don’t cry…..I don’t like it” Yesung pleaded with Kyuhyun, his voice soft and warm, thick with emotion. He didn’t know what made Kyuhyun cry but he hated to see his tears. It always reminded him of hard times, of sorrow and sickness, and he never wanted to go there if he could avoid it. Kyuhyun was a strong person. He rarely ever cried. Yesung had watched him struggle for months after his accident to do simple things and not once did he cry, no matter how hard it was for him. Seeing Kyuhyun cry was hard for him, something that hurt his heart. He wished he knew what caused it, so he could fix it. He wasn’t the most useful but he swears he would do whatever it took to make it better, to make Kyuhyun happy. Not once did he consider it to be happy tears. When his mind suggested it, he dismissed it instantly, instead worrying if Kyuhyun was unhappy with something he said. He was lost in his thoughts trying to figure out what he could have said that would upset Kyuhyun, when a chuckle pierced his ears, his eyes flying to the man moving in his arms, Kyuhyun shifting out of his hold, trying to return to a more upright position, so that he could speak, Yesung's hands sliding to the top of his shoulders, looping a bit to keep them in place, refusing to release his hold completely, similar to Kyuhyun who had not once allowed his hands to fall away from some position or the other on Yesung's body. Yesung briefly wonders how long had they been standing there like that. Was it a half hour already? It feels like a lifetime to him.

“You really are that obtuse aren’t you?” Kyuhyun questioned with a teasing smile, his eyes still watery but now had that teasing glint that was hard to ignore, his face still a blushing embarrassed red but covered in such a smile that it was hard to focus on anything else but the radiance of it all. He chuckled to himself really. Only Yesung would mistake his tears of appreciation as something negative. He was embarrassed that he was moved to tears, feeling shy that he had let his guard down and let the happiness and the thrill tug at his heart strings turning him into one of those sappy crying messes. He was definitely spending too much time with his hyungdeul. If he wasn’t careful he would be like Donghae and that was a scary thought. He only reconciled himself with the thought that he was moved to tears by pure unadulterated emotion. Even if he never said it, he had waited a long time to hear those words from Yesung. He didn’t need to hear the words but when he heard them something in him snapped, gushing and flowing with happiness he couldn’t control. He didn’t think it was possible to love some as much as he loved Yesung then. It was unimaginable and frightening and brilliant and perfect and he was just lost to the world. Yesung then thinking he was crying from sadness made him want to laugh honestly. He was positive he would never get used to Yesung's crazy logic, but he was more than willing to spend his whole life finding ways to amuse himself using that logic.

“Didn’t I tell you to stop using words I can’t understand?” Yesung complained with a pout, looking at Kyuhyun with a half hearted glare, shaking his head to indicate his dissatisfaction, his glare intensifying when Kyuhyun chuckled. Kyuhyun was a stupid brat he decided! Why did he have to love him so much anyway? How many times did he tell him to not use words he didn’t know? It was not that he wasn’t well read or anything like that, it was just sometimes, some sentence structures made it difficult to discerned its meaning. Kyuhyun did that on purpose sometimes, the brat! He was positive that Kyuhyun was laughing at him. He could see it in his eyes, bright and playful. He didn’t even know why he was so worried about him earlier. Kyuhyun deserved to cry, just for being such a teasing brat. He was so mad at the laughing bastard that he unclasped his hands from his neck to reach down and smack him soundly on his chest, which naturally, did not faze Kyuhyun one bit, the younger continuing to laugh his head off.

“You are such an idiot!” Kyuhyun teased, laughing even harder, his heart thumping from the joy he alwys got from teasing, Yesung, the dissatisfied pout the older wearing beyond adorable, taunting Kyuhyun in its own way, tugging Yesung to get closer, wrapping his arms around him haphazardly around him, swaying them both side to side, Yesung smacking his chest in annoyance, his pout only intensifying, Kyuhyun’s heart thumping with affection, still giggling rather foolishly.

“I love you too. I think I forgot to say it” Kyuhyun mused bending his head to press a few kisses on Yesung's pouting lips and cheeks, nothing intrusive, just playful smooches, though Yesung didn’t seem to like them, eluding his kisses with sneaky ninja moves, Kyuhyun just laughing at him more than anything else, Yesung once more getting mad that Kyuhyun refused to take him seriously.

“Get off you brat” Yesung instructed, using his hands to push Kyuhyun off, the younger man complying, extracting himself form Yesung's form, realizing that his muscles were kind of stiff. He had been standing for almost an hour already he realized. He had decent endurance, but that was beyond his capabilities, he realized. Yesung was beside him grumbling about being tired of brats and he should never have worried about him or something like that, being his usual adorable self.

Kyuhyun didn’t think much about it, before he stuck his hand out to hold on to Yesung, his hand sliding Yesung's palm, the older man resisting slightly, still upset that Kyuhyun decided to like the brat he was, though settled when Kyuhyun’s long fingers wrapped around his hand, allowing them to take possession of his small hand, Kyuhyun smiling at him warmly, before taking steady steps towards the table set near the window, the special table that Yesung had set up, Yesung's eyes going wide with realization before Kyuhyun deposited him in the seat opposite him, helping in get into place, before walking around the table to take his seat as well, his body settling nicely into the comfortable seats, making himself at home, his legs grateful to be in a relaxed position, now a slight throb felt from all the standing. Yesung looked as if he wished to speak but only opened his mouth and no words came out. Kyuhyun had a fair idea what was on his mind, so was ready to dispel it instantly.

“Don’t you dare start apologizing about candles or coffee or whatever else you are thinking about. We are going to sit here and eat nice cakes and you will gush about how handsome I am and all of that” Kyuhyun informed, voice teasing and light, smile adorning his handsome face, though the difference was clearly in his eyes. It was clear to Yesung that he was dead serious and he was instantly chastised. He was just about to apologize for the state of things, to tell Kyuhyun he was sorry that things worked out the way it, that he had disappointed him. Kyuhyun was smiling and he heard the low chuckle here and there but Kyuhyun was serious and he knew he had to comply. He would never understand why Kyuhyun didn’t want his apologies but he would do whatever it took to make him happy, so was willing to keep them to himself, if it meant that Kyuhyun would be more comfortable. He nodded his acceptance of the situation, Kyuhyun smiling at him genuinely this time, a smile that reached his eyes, reaching his hands out to hold on to his own hand, a soft caress and blinding smiles. They continued looking at each other in that manner before Kyuhyun spoke once more.

“I can light the candles for you, since you care about them so much and maybe we can make some tea?” Kyuhyun asked with a hopeful tainted in his voice, looking at Yesung with earnest eyes, no teasing involved. He knew that he would have to be the one to take charge a bit if they wanted to make the most of the little time they had. It was already nearly four in the morning and they would have to return to the dorms and Kyuhyun did not want Yesung's work to go to waste. He knew it would have taken him a lot of effort to get everything done and he wanted him to get to enjoy it or rather whatever of it they could salvage. He knew that Yesung more than likely would be his usual self when it came to it and be more concerned about what went wrong than focus on what they could still do, so he had to be the one to guide him, if the older man allowed him that is. It was still his choice and Kyuhyun was really hoping that he would agree. Kyuhyun really liked his gift and wanted to enjoy it with Yesung. He didn’t care if nothing was right, the fact that Yesung tried so hard for him, that he even thought about something like that for him was beyond flattering. He would have been grateful for the suggestion alone, much less anything else. Honestly he was in awe. He couldn’t believe how amazing Yesung really was.

“But I like coffee” Yesung whined from across the table with a smile playing at his lips. He understood Kyuhyun’s intention and he was happy that Kyuhyun was willing to enjoy it, even if it didn’t work out the way he wanted it to. He was happy that once again Kyuhyun understood his heart and his regret. If Kyuhyun wanted to try, then he would be right there beside him. He would do whatever it took to make him happy.

 Kyuhyun smiled at him then, before he rolled his eyes, indicating that he had no interest in Yesung's whine, standing up from the table, reaching a hand out for Yesung to take. He complied even if he wasn’t sure what Kyuhyun had in mind, the younger in the meantime insisting that they were going to drink tea, because he didn’t like coffee and one cup was more than enough for him. He led Yesung to what was the kitchen area, shifting through the appliances and machinery looking for something to heat some water. Yesung laughed at his inability to boil water and then Kyuhyun pointed out that Yesung was the one that should be doing that anyway, since it was his surprise, before stepping back to sit on the edge of the counter pointing Yesung in the direction of the machines. Yesung grumbled that he was not Kyuhyun’s slave but still took it upon himself to brew some tea for Kyuhyun and a cup of coffee for himself. He was more than capable, the café using the same sort of machinery as his parents café. Kyuhyun had disappeared when he was beside the machines, but he soon spotted him, lighting the candles on the tables like he said he would, arranging the pastries and cakes and even tasting some of the whip cream of his birthday cake.

He smiled at him affectionately, the feeling of love settling in his heart once again, before calling him over to add sugar to his tea, since Yesung couldn’t remember if he liked sugar at all. Kyuhyun teased that he was not very attentive, but it was in good humour. Soon they were both near their perfect little table, before Yesung placed his coffee on the table and dashed off to find something, Kyuhyun calling after him. He only ceased when he an overhead light came on, illuminating the window plane, the view from outside visible now, thought it was still mainly dark, Kyuhyun could make out the lights from the streets and the river, a few stars barely visible if you titled your head, Kyuhyun understanding why Yesung chose the café, a perfect replica of their photoshoot, just even better. He returned to join Kyuhyun with a sheepish smile, settling into his chair and sipping his coffee, Kyuhyun doing the same.

“For the record Hyung, you aren’t supposed to give other people presents on your birthday” Kyuhyun commented, with a soft teasing smile, just making a point rather than anything in line with reprimand. He thought it was sweet and wonderful and amazing that Yesung had decided t give him a gift like that, but at the same time, he hoped that Yesung recognized that he should be the one to be pampered on his birthday and not think he should be spoiling Kyuhyun then. Yesung was much too special to be shared with the world Kyuhyun decided.

“I know that”  with a roll of his eyes, “I just wanted to do something for you to make up for everything and since you are supposed to be thankful on your birthdays I just choose to do it now” Yesung explained as he pulled apart the cream puff, his fingers dipping into the cream, not meeting Kyuhyun’s eyes, feeling shy once again, even though he had survive the harder parts of the evening. He thinks he would always feel shy about things like that unfortunately. He placed piece of the pastries in his mouth, before smiling at Kyuhyun.

“You didn’t have to do something like this you know” Kyuhyun informed, a warm smile in place to show that he appreciated it even if he didn’t think it was necessary. In his mind, the café was magnificent and beautiful, and he was glad that they could both be there then, but he really didn’t think it was necessary at all. He hopes that Yesung would realize that he really did not care about that café thing. He was happy that they were outside for a change and the café was really nice and the lights off the water was pretty but he would have been just as happy if they were home cuddled up sleeping right then, in fact he might have been happier, since that meant that they would be sleeping. He really liked to sleep and that just reminded him that he was tired but he was going to hold out as long as he could.

“ It just means you owe me a really big, really nice birthday present” Yesung joked, not wanting to discuss what he should and shouldn’t have done. He knew Kyuhyun was off the opinions that things like that weren’t important, but Yesung was not similar minded. It didn’t matter now to Kyuhyun but he didn’t want the younger to have regrets later, to look back and realize that they never did anything different, that they never even gave it a proper try. He wanted Kyuhyun to atleast have fond memories of him, off their time together. If or when Kyuhyun decided that he was tired of him, he wanted him to atleast be able to remember some good things, that way he would live on, atleast in Kyuhyun’s memories. Plus, Kyuhyun deserved to be spoiled now and then, to be treated like the precious thing that he was. He wanted Kyuhyun to know what it was like to be that special. He didn’t regret it. The only thing he regretted was that things went so wrong. He could live with the result though. He got what he wanted anyway, sitting at a café with Kyuhyun drinking coffee, eating cake, holding hands and talking about random things. He was happy, so maybe it was a gift to himself more than Kyuhyun anyway.

“Who says I got you anything?” Kyuhyun questioned with a lifted eyebrow, playing with Yesung. It was more than obvious that he got him something, though now he seriously thought it was rather lacking. Yesung had recreated a magazine photo shoot for him, all the things he prepared paled greatly in comparison, now that he thought about it. He would feel bad about it, but it was Yesung that changed the rules on him and he was still sure Yesung would be happy with his gift. He was excited to give it to him, but more excited about now calling him at midnight. Instead he was just going to wake him up and kiss him senseless. He had great plans actually.

“ I swear if you got me video games like what you did to Eunhyukkie I am going to kill you” Yesung continued talking, completely dismissing Kyuhyun’s claim that he didn’t get him anything. It was Kyuhyun, he obviously got  him something. Even before Kyuhyun was the only one he was sure would always remember it was his birthday without the fans prodding.  Ryeowook remembered often as well, but with Kyuhyun it was always special. It was an odd feeling then to have the snarky maknae leave his precious games just to call him at midnight or try for an awkward greeting in the morning or to try and bite his tongue because he wanted to be nice to him. He should have known that happiness he felt then was love but now he knew that was all that mattered.

“I really shouldn’t have gotten you anything” Kyuhyun grumbled, displeased that Yesung was not even paying attention to his threat, annoyed that he was so predictable that Yesung was not even bothering to care. He supposed he should have known that Yesung would not even believe him, having proven that he was unable to ignore the older man’s birthday for very long time. Even before he understood their relationship, he always felt a sort of happiness when it was Yesung's birthday, just thrilled that the man was created, that he was there. He supposed he would have realized that was not normal, but he didn’t. He was sort of obtuse as well, apparently.

“Maybe we should cut the cake. We will be in Japan tomorrow. If you want to that is” Yesung suggested, looking at the cream covered cake that he had asked to owner or rather anonymously asked the owner to pick up for him. He knew it was sort of childish, but he wanted to have that moment with Kyuhyun. With their schedules set in Japan, they wouldn’t be able to do anything like that and he really wanted to just let that be something they could do. He would appreciate anything that everyone else did, but he had hoped that they could share the moment together, even if it wasn’t his actually his birthday.

“You will actually let me taste it this time?” Kyuhyun inquired with a lifted eyebrow, laughing at the indignant expression that was forming on Yesung's face. Kyuhyun was deliberately referencing the past, in particular when they celebrated their day. Yesung had a love for sweet things, so more often than not he was rather protective of sweet treats, especially cake. It often excited him. Kyuhyun realized that he had officially lost his mind when he got mad at a cake for taking Yesung's attention away from him. He had experienced many new things during his time with Yesung that was for sure, though not all were good, namely his increased insanity.

Yesung rolled his eyes and Kyuhyun laughed, before he promptly stood up and walked across the table, pulling Yesung up as well, the older man realizing that he intended to cut the cake with him. Yesung was thinking they would simply just recognize that they were celebrating his birthday and that would have been enough for him. He didn’t expect Kyuhyun to be that enthusiastic to actually approach him then. It was weird, but he complied, allowing himself to be hoisted upwards and steadied by Kyuhyun, who was fiddling with the utensils, getting the knife and the fork that they would need. Yesung then realized that he would need a picture but then he didn’t have his phone. He contemplated asking Kyuhyun to borrow his, but decided that he didn’t want to bug him then. Kyuhyun handed him the knife before he stopped and looked at him, eyes looking him up and down before he spoke.

“Is it the candles again? You don’t need candles Hyung” Kyuhyun said, looking at the candle less cake, assuming that was the reason that Yesung looked unhappy, then thinking it couldn’t be that, wondering why he was acting a little saddened. Was it because he was older and that worried him? Kyuhyun hoped he would look more enthusiastic. He knew it was much too late to pursue the conversation, accepting Yesung's response when he said that he was not a child and did not need candles, a little huffy, Kyuhyun wondering who was the idiot that lied to him and told him he was an adult, Kyuhyun chuckling to himself at the thought, keeping it to himself mainly. Then he realized that sometime was missing.

“Why aren’t you taking pictures?” Kyuhyun questioned, turning to face Yesung completely, realizing that the place was much too quiet then. Yesung would be harassing him about pictures then, the older man having great appreciation for pictures, especially in times like that. It was odd that he was not pushing him out the way to get pictures of the cake and the table and things like that. He wondered why.

“I couldn’t find my phone. I think I left it at home, but it was too late to go back and get it” Yesung explained with a sad tone, being parted with his phone was a tough experience but he was willing to endure, Kyuhyun only chuckling lightly at Yesung's sullen expression before pulling out his from his coat pocket and handing it to Yesung. The older man looking at him with mild confusion, forcing him to nod at the cake, Yesung quickly grabbing the offered device, soon thereafter making various pouty faces at the camera with the cake in the background, Kyuhyun a little offended that he was not even trying to fit Kyuhyun into a frame but just let it go as another one of Yesung's quirks.

Some point thereafter Kyuhyun got tired of watching Yesung take pictures of himself and the cake, tugging him back into place next to him, handing him the knife. It was sort of awkward but Kyuhyun insisted on singing happy birthday whilst he helped Yesung cut the cake. The both realize that they were very uncoordinated, the line they cut looking quite odd to be honest, though they didn’t mind much, Kyuhyun breaking piece of the cake with the fork and feeding it to Yesung, who as to be expected loved the sweet thing, sticking the piece clinging to the knife into his own mouth forgetting that the point was to feed each other. Kyuhyun didn’t even bother to get mad, instead just grabbing the hand that was returning to Yesung's mouth and leaning it to his own, Yesung initially looking annoyed then smiling sheepishly at him when he remembered how those things worked. Kyuhyun held no grudge, smiling at him adoringly. Yesung then insisted on taking more pictures, but this time of the both of them, both smiling at the camera, Yesung shifting Kyuhyun’s head for their selcas, Kyuhyun not even surprised anymore, both settling back into their seats comfortably, until Yesung spoke.

“The sun will be coming up soon. We should probably leave. I don’t want anyone seeing us” Yesung sadly informed, sorry to cut the morning short, they were really starting to have a really good time but it was after 4 am and they had to get back. Morning shift workers would be out and about and he didn’t want them to have to suffer to get back to the dorms. That is why he had them come out as late as they did, so they wouldn’t have to worry about being seen.

Kyuhyun nodded as well, regretful that the day was closing but understanding the situation quite well and if he was to be honest, feeling rather sleepy as well. He really didn’t mind heading home and cuddling with Yesung. In fact that actually had a nice ring to it. He smiled blindingly at Yesung for him to recognize that Kyuhyun really had no issues with the delay and in fact was more than willing to head home, Kyuhyun then turning away to extinguish the candles that he lit and clearing the table. He wondered out loud if they had to wash the dishes and restore the food but Yesung said that his contact would come in and handle all of that later in the morning. Kyuhyun then realized that he had forgotten to ask how Yesung managed to get everything organized but decided that it could wait till later. In the meantime he helped Yesung gather his things, the older man refusing to leave his cake, wrapping it back into the carrier, holding whatever else was his. Kyuhyun ensured that all the candles were extinguished and all the machinery shut off, before he used his only free hand to reach for Yesung, who wordlessly slipped his hand into his, both stopping to stare at the café one last time before they left. They had made a happy memory there, but Kyuhyun didn’t mind leaving, not once he was leaving with Yesung. Together they would make even more happy memories.

Yesung chatted with more energy than what Kyuhyun thought was possible for any person awake at the hour they were, but he seemed amiable enough as he walked towards the parking lot, Yesung telling him about the favours he now owed to get the café, but gushing about how happy he was that he was able to secure it, Kyuhyun not really responding much, feeling rather sleepy, and just preferring to listen to the sound of Yesung's voice more than anything. Soon they were able to get to the car, no one in particular crossing their paths to cause a panic, except one or two morning joggers but they were too caught up in their own world to really notice either of them, so no harm done. Kyuhyun asked if Yesung brought his car but the older informed that he hadn’t, instead making his brother drop him off, even if he was definitely going to face some awkward questions later. His brother didn’t seem to buy his claim of meeting Leeteuk at the river, looking at him quite suspiciously, but letting it go then. It was most certainly not the end of it by any means whatsoever. He knew it wasn’t really sensible to open himself up to questioning, but he wanted to be with Kyuhyun as much as possible and didn’t want them to separate after the event. Kyuhyun accepted his answer as they reached Kyuhyun’s car. He was going to the driver’s seat when he yawned, Yesung immediately displacing him, sending him to the passenger’s seat, he deciding that he would be the one to get them home safely. It was a short drive but he didn’t want Kyuhyun falling asleep at the wheel. He was assured that he had made the right decision when Kyuhyun fell asleep before they even made it out the car park in the passenger seat, snoring rather cutely. Yesung hummed his favourite song as he concentrated on the road, only taking sneak peeks at Kyuhyun now and then to make sure he was still fairly comfortable.

In no time he was pulling into the garage of their complex, pulling into the area reserved for Super Junior members, wondering how he would get Kyuhyun upstairs. He couldn’t lift him, as that would be impossible and he didn’t have the heart to wake him, wondering what he would do. The choice was taken from his hands thankfully, Kyuhyun’s eyes fluttering open; alert enough to handle himself, cutely rubbing the sleep from his eyes, descending the vehicle, grabbing Yesung's cake for him. Yesung was concerned but Kyuhyun proved more than capable, taking hurried steps to the elevator, asking him what he was waiting for, holding the doors open for him. Soon they were making tired steps into the 11th floor dorm not shocked to find it quiet and peaceful, Yesung securing his cake in the fridge, Kyuhyun walking behind him like a child, but Yesung supposed it was just because the younger didn’t notice. They quietly made their way to his bedroom, dropping their things unceremoniously on to the floor, pulling off their clothes in a rush, or rather just the heavier outer layer, Kyuhyun too tired to go look for his sweats, opting to just sleep in his boxers and his tee shirt, not even thinking about future awkwardness. Yesung however had clothes available, changing sleepy, before both fell onto the bed in a messy heap of limbs, but neither cared that much, Yesung pulling back the covers for Kyuhyun to get in, the younger not complaining, slipping in between them, pulling Yesung along with him, wrapping his arms around him as he was accustomed though, lying on his back, pulling Yesung to rest against his chest, the older man accepting his pull without any protest, making himself particularly comfortable, Kyuhyun burying his head in Yesung's hair, the smell of coffee and cinnamon made even stronger as a result of the visit to café, Kyuhyun smiling in contentment.

“Hyung” Kyuhyun spoke, his voice soft and low, sleep tainted but earnest, as he tried to gain Yesung's attention, shifting his body to get comfortable, pulling more of Yesung against him, wanting to be as close to his warmth as possible as he spoke, pressing a feather light kiss to the man’s forehead.

“Huh” Yesung huskily replied or rather mumbled, his eyes closed, and body snuggled into Kyuhyun, shifting only until he was in the perfect spot, just beneath Kyuhyun’s head, nestled at the cervix of his throat, the scent of apples teasing his nose, Kyuhyun holding on to his hands that were splayed across his chest, playfully wrapping and unwrapping his fingers, a source of comfort for both, though it was unlikely that Kyuhyun was thinking much about the whole thing, shifting his own body until he had an arm wrapped around Yesung's shoulder, his head positioned comfortably on top Yesung's titled slightly so that they would get the perfect fit, the scent of coffee and cinnamon strong, mixed in with that fruity smell of his shampoo, both exceedingly comfortable.

“Thanks for  today. I really appreciate it” Kyuhyun spoke with gratitude, or rather sleepiness but he wanted to say thank you and he didn’t want to forget and then was a good time, especially with him being unsure as to how their schedules lined up for the rest of the day, and the fact that it would be nearly impossible to get to Yesung when his birthday was the next day. He had much too many clingy dongsaengs for Kyuhyun to be able to steal him then. It would be hard for him then, and he rather just say it then, in all honesty. To emphasize his words or just because he wanted to, he pressed a couple of kisses to Yesung's head and temple, tightening his grip on him.

“Uhhh hummm….no need…want you ….be happy” were the only coherent words that Kyuhyun could make out, the drowsiness making his voice beyond husky, the words lost somewhere in his sleep, Kyuhyun chuckling softly against his hair, Yesung clearly not in the state to deal with him, choosing his sleep over him. Somehow Kyuhyun understood what was meant and smiled in joy. Even then Yesung just wanted him to be happy. He would never deserve the man he decided, not on single time. Yesung was much too precious for anyone to deserve.

“Hyung..” Kyuhyun called out o him, more in the mood to tease more than anything else, the warmth making him drowsy but still playful. He would never get tired of the weight of Yesung's body against him, though the older man still refused to let their legs be tangled when he was awake, even then pulling them to the side, blocking Kyuhyun’s move to tangle them together, though in his current state he had naturally moved them closer, Kyuhyun just shifting them both until they were close as possible, his hands still playing with Yesung's small fingers, though he felt a tug on them.

“Shhhh…sleep” Yesung commanded, only so determined by the wording, clearly not his tone, which was just plain sleepy, smacking Kyuhyun on the chest with his freed hand, before reaching up with closed eyes to press a soft kiss to the column of Kyuhyun’s throat, snuggling into the area, soon lost to the entire world, leaving Kyuhyun to deal with the inflamed body all by his lonesome.

Kyuhyun either loved when Yesung did that or absolutely detested it. Right then he was torn on that point of view. Yesung had effectively set every nerve in his body on fire and he had no way of calming them down, he took a couple deep breathes, realizing that Yesung was actually exhaling against him throat, brushing his nose from time to time, and Kyuhyun could have sworn he heard him mumble something about apples. Kyuhyun’s body was so warm he thought he would die. He would have escaped but he didn’t want to let Yesung leave his arms. He would have to endure. He closed his eyes and repeatedly brushed his head against Yesung as a method to soothe his thumping heart, trying to settle as best as he could. He was lucky that he was just so tired, his mind having mercy on him, allowing sleep to calmly wash over him, his last thoughts being a small pray of gratitude to the heavens, thanking it for man in his arms and the love that he was able to receive.


Kyuhyun thought he would be more upset with proceeds to be honest. He was pushed to the sidelines, discarded and left out in the cold, yet he couldn’t help the smile that took over his face as he watched the others fret over Yesung, the man smiling blindingly at each and every one of them. It terms out his fears weren’t that baseless, going exactly as he anticipated to be honest. The rest of the day they had spent mainly apart, Yesung tasked with his responsibilities and Kyuhyun with schedules and meetings, and any time thereafter was lost to clingy dongsaengs who wanted to be near their hyung so close to his birthday. It annoyed Kyuhyun but he could live with it, tolerate Donghae being practically on top of Yesung, with Ryeowook chatting him up animatedly, even with Siwon groping him, well….that one cause a fair bit of grieve but he swallowed most of it, only glaring at Siwon till his eyes hurt. He is no way implied that Siwon was a clingy bastard that should find something to do with his time other than groping Kyuhyun’s property. That was his story and he was sticking with it, despite the fact that Yesung had made him apologize for supposedly being rude to a hyung. He was very unsatisfied with that ruling but choose to give way on that point, simply because it was Yesung's birthday and he would be punished for his disagreement. He wondered since when he had become so afraid of a pint sized blonde man, with freakishly small hands, and felt immediate sympathy for himself. He only consoled himself with the fact that Yesung was rather creative in his punishments and he really didn’t like sleeping by himself when another more appealing option was available to him.

He was atleast happy that he did get to give him that birthday kiss, even if he was smacked quite hard for his efforts. Yesung unfortunately wasn’t asleep in his arms as he had hoped, instead chatting with the others, when the clock struck midnight. He was quite determined to do what he had in mind and not even he was that brazen to actually do it with the others all around him. Just before the clock stuck twelve, he dragged him away to his room and kisses him before Yesung could yell at him. It was not forceful and intrusive, though he didn’t mind if they were, but he wanted to express sentiment and affection, not exactly passion or lust. Yesung responded in that shy way only he could, Kyuhyun mumbling Happy Birthday against his lips, Yesung blushing burgundy before he hugged him tightly, then promptly smacked him and returned to the others to discuss their plans for Japan and the things he wanted to do. Kyuhyun let him go with a foolish smile, rubbing a hand on his ‘injured’ area, grumbling at his treatment, though Yesung clearly was not interested. He had hoped that he would have given him his present then, but when the others realized that the day had changed, they were even more clingy and affectionate and he couldn’t pry him away then.

He was standing on the stage with the others, celebrating Yesung's birthday with him and the fans and in fact felt quite satisfied. He wasn’t able to give him his presents yet but was sure he would have some time later for it, or he would make the time, one way or the other. They were singing happy birthday and Donghae was hanging on like a koala, but he laughed at the scene. He didn’t bother to feel aggrieved. Yesung loved the attention from his favourite dongsaengs whether he admitted it or not. Kyuhyun knew he liked when Siwon had his hands over his shoulder or smiled at him [which grated on Kyuhyun’s nerves sooooo much…he would take deep breathes though…deep breathes…], he liked when Donghae held his hands and let him pet him, he liked when Ryeowook asked him for advice or listened to his stories about his turtles or his dog, he liked to pinch Eunhyuk’s cheeks and have him grumble about it. He understood that and tried his best to be supportive. He was content to stand back and let him enjoy the deafening screams and the affections of his dongsaengs, feeling the happiness that he felt.

He was however a little saddened that he was being ignored in favour of the others, well not exactly ignored, just not as close as he probably would have liked. He was however in much brighter spirits when Yesung casually slipped his hand into his, holding on to him as Leeteuk spoke to the fans. He did it without even looking at Kyuhyun, just tightening his grip on Kyuhyun’s fingers, a gentle loving feeling, Kyuhyun’s face turning into confusion briefly, then pure joy, happiness settling in his heart. Yesung still had the conscious of mind to reach out to him. Even if he couldn’t see his eyes, the grip on his hands spoke a language of their own, carrying an important message. He was assuring Kyuhyun that he as happy he was there, that he loved him, that he wanted to share the moments with him, even if he couldn’t say so. Kyuhyun squeezed back, his own assurance that he understood, that he was happy to with him as well. He held on as long as possible, the happiness never once leaving his heart or he guess his face. Eventually Yesung was called away, but he held on the feeling in his heart. He was assured and felt much better.

With a happy heart he watched the proceedings thereafter, laughed at the antics, smiled at a giggling Yesung, attempted to bully his hyungduel and he didn’t even make plans to murder Siwon, he only thought about the best way to break siwon’s hand, so it was an exceptional day, only made better when he finally got to give him his parents. Yesung smacking him didn’t even take away from the value of his expression. It was definitely worth it.


Author’s Note:

This story is dedicated to ice420/y3sung, a very special Unnie of mine that has supported and encourage me quite a lot…plus we fangirl quite hard together..Right Unnie?

She requested that this story be written, the exact prompt:

“Hmm a prompt for Ye's bday. I'd like to suggest something romantic and cheesy and well, cliche-ish but nah.. How about doing something opposite. Instead of Kyu gifting/surprising Yesung, have Ye do the gifting and surprising instead ^^ Surprise Kyu. *lol* Just thought of it actually. Besides, bdays are something to be thankful for. Being alive. And who better to say thanks to than Kyu? ^^ Make Kyu cry!! I've never read him tear up. He's a crybaby too *lol* Have Ye also”

I feel rather accomplished…I actually made Kyuhyun cry. It’s a dream come through. I am sorry this so late Unnie, but come on…it is like 34,245 words and I made Kyuhyun cry….Forgive me ♥

I am a little sad that not many people are commenting. I appreciate all of you who take the time to give feedback. It means a lot. It is hard to write these things when you think you are talking to yourself. Anyway I hope everyone liked it and I am happy to report that I am now official on Semi Hiatus, which is better than Full Hiatus right?

Thanks for reading ☺

Kyusung spazzing...sneaky aren't they?

Kyusung at Shinhwa Broadcast

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 2: Reading this 9 years after it was written. and they are still making our Kyusung hearts flutter to this day.))) I adore this fic....the love confessions, and Kyuhyun's tears!!! Absolutely Precious<3<3<3 Thank you :D
lov_fan_Y #2
Chapter 2: Leyendo esto en el 2020 XD
Chapter 1: This was one of the first stories of yours that i have read and forgot to leave a comment, but OMG this was one of your best stories. Yesung's cuteness the kissess. I'm like legit fangirling as i'm recounting what happened in the story. ahdbhbeineinwisjcnsnhivw
Chapter 1: All the cuteness just makes me gush like a little girl. Thanks so much for this wonderful fluff. Kyusung is <3
(cont...) And all the kisses.... they make me so warm and fuzzy on the inside :3 especially the one where Yesung thought Kyuhyun was crying cuz he was sad. That one was a little more... developed (?) than their other ones but it shows that their relations IS developing and I like little details like that :3
And the bedroom scene... ah... even though you do seem to venturing out of the bedroom those will always feel the warmest <33 They appreciate the little things and cuddling in the bedroom is wonderful ^^
Overall, this fic is absolutely brilliant and don't know how I didn't read it earlier ;~; BUT to my defense, it took me like... 2 hours in total (probably more LOL) so it's not my fault I read so slow XD Anyway, sorry for the late comment ;~; I realise that you feel a little... I dunno... disappointed? with the lack of comments so I'll definitely try to be more vigilant ^^ either way, this fic was epic and sweet and amazing!! :D
UNNIE!! I'm finally here to comment :3 I kind of went on a speed read read Naz-Unnie's stories when I saw your newest one about to be posted and I was like... I really need to read these XD
ANYWAY, to be quite honest, I was seriously scared about the Kyuhyun crying part you told me about so it did make me a little hesitant when reading :3 But you did it very very well!! ^^ I was half-expecting Kyu to either be severely touched when he cried or seriously upset and I'm super glad you chose the former :3 you chose a really good scene to do it and it seemed fluid and natural...LOVED IT ^^ I think Yesungie's love confessions were utterly precious!! His rambling and insecurities and Kyuhyun trying to interrupt... it was all very very sweet!! I almost died :D A good kind of die anyway :3
So... Yesungie is a bundle of romantic-ness I swear :3 The trying to recreate the cafe date and the cake and coffee and candles... Honestly, all the "failing" just made the whole thing cuter and more genuine. I loved it!!
And I really liked the mix of angst and fluff. The angst at the very beginning was a lovely bit of... dynamics for the fic. I liked the delving into their minds and seeing how they were simply misunderstanding each other... It was well done and I always appreciate a little bit of angst here and there :3 Also... it always seems like Yesung is thinking they'll break up or rather "Kyuhyun will get sick of him". Just something I've noticed and it makes me sad ;~; but when I think of it realistically, it's probably what's going on in his low self-esteem induced head. It's a nice bit of reality ^^
AWW YESUNGIE!! it's ok, I often feel dumb when I read unnie's fics cuz SHE uses big words I don't know :3 And... I didn't really know what 'obtuse' meant either so don't feel so bad XD
Goemas12 #7
Chapter 2: KYYYYAAAAAAA gosh i absolutely fell in love with this story love it awesome it was simply incredible thank you for fic really loved it
Chapter 2: the reason why only a few comments here because after reading this they become so amazed and just go ;_; or O.O or both at the same time. I mean this is AAAAMAAAAZZIIIING! :) and you made kyu cry because of the sweetness so you made me cry too. okay, ima stop talking now. :)

good job and THANK YOU for the awesome fic! :)
ice420 #9
*sobs* can I hug you? *squishes you tight* Darn, that was... Felt like it was my bday instead!! And you actually put the prompt? I have lots of love for this.. sooo many!! I can't put it into words. OMG the sweetness, the cheese, the love!! Oh my. I thought I love your Kyu more but Yesung is the romantic, even if he's not aware of it. To recreate that cafe scene is just.. aarrrgghh!! Perfect setting to make KyuBaby teary eyed ^^ Soo sweet!! and that kiss!! and that confession!! and the cuddles!! and omg, that picture from J-ELF meet.. I was actually thinking it after I read a fanaccount that Ye just grabbed Kyu's hand for no reason at all. I mean, perfect explanation, right? Sounds plausible? Do you think we're really delusional? Can we be cured? OMG.. I am rambling!! Don't care for any grammar mistakes I just type. damn.. soo sweet!!! soo lovely! romantic *sobs* I freakin love it! THANK YOU!!! OMG.

Oh, on a different and calmer note, don't mind the few comments just think how much joy you're giving to KyuSung lovers like us. I don't care if you write a novel, I'll read it. And will love it and support it. Go on your semi-hiatus, you've earned a rest. Let's spend your rest time spazzing instead since KyuSung is sort of not being 'ninja' lately.

Shinhwa broadcast, I love since KyuSung seldom separates. I notice that somehow, someway, they're always side by side ^^ Love it. Thank you again, my dear. I absolutely LOVE it!!!
And that's how I realize I love cheesy and romantic things. My heart skipped a dozen of beats when I was reading this new story. Seriously...Yesung's words, Kyuhyun's tears, and the kiss...They made my own eyes watery, I'm not joking xD it was too beautiful. Thank you so much for writing this ♥

(and I still can't believe you write that much ! You're amazing, really o.o)