Park Yuri

Not Again!
                                     Not Again~~~~Park Yuri
  It was six thirty in the morning and the weather was already warm when I came outside. I stretched my arms and legs then started to walk. The heels on my shoes kept making clicking noises every time I take a step, It annoyed me but decided not to mind it. A few seconds later, I arrived at the bus stop. A few people were already there and some students that were wearing uniforms that I hope I'll also be wearing next year. The bus came, and one by one we were all inside. I sat at the third row, I propped my elbow on the window and rested my head on my fist while I looked outside the window.
As the bus moves, I hear laughter and chattering from behind me. I'm not a fan of eaves-dropping so I tried not to listen. But of course, I can still here them, it was a guy and girl. and considering how they were whispering and giggling, I'm pretty sure that flirting is involve.
Anyway, I was staring at the window. The objects outside were moving like the ones in a old projector. Many people will find it strange but I love the sight of it. The picture where the buildings,plants or people becomes a bit smudgy, I find that amusing. I'm a painter. Been painting since I was a year old. Painting is all I do, all I want to do. Painting became a help in my life, it helped me express my feeling from my struggles without talking to anyone, which I never found comfortable. About half an hour later, the bus stop again. No one was going off, so I assume it was my stop. I stood and grabbed my bag, and started to walk. I felt glances on me, watching my every move. One more thing I'm not comfortable about was, when people is staring at me, and also, I'm not very comfortable at having physical interaction that other people find easy, like holding hands. Well, at the past I liked it.
But that's all gone.
The sun shined even more when I exited the bus. I squinted as I looked at the rays of it,while the bus go behind me. I coughed at the smoke left behind by the vehicle and then I continued to walk. My school's tittle is "Seoul's School of the Arts High School and Colleges". Its a public school that was located near a forest that became a park to us students. Its an odd place where students and colleagues goes to study. It was suppose to be only a high school, but changed because the real University was just a couple of blocks away so they moved it to us. Its a huge place with approximately fifty-five thousand square feet. It has five buildings that is four stories high,has three cafeterias and also a stadium. My school is covered with gigantic walls and has a huge metal gate upfront. Other students from different schools joked that its a prison for teens who wears red and black uniforms, while others finds it scary. But its not, my school is beautiful, and I love it.
Outside might be scary because Its nothing but a huge,tall grey wall,  but in the inside,its wonderful. The pathway that leads to the buildings is wide and white with different patters designed into them, mostly biking is the trend there.
Different kinds of flower-blooming trees are placed on the sides of the path so you can enjoy every sight of it while walking, and the whole school ground is covered with healthy,green grass that we students goes to and rest while smelling and looking at the beautiful flowers scattered in it. Theres also wooden benches placed around so you can sit. And also, once you entered the gate, the first thing you'll see is a flat fountain that shoot's up water from the ground, It also lights up every night. Sometimes, It can also be a playground for us when something amazing happened to the school or were celebrating something. You just walk or run through the water, and the fun will just hit you, along with some friends. But me, I just like staring at it or painting It. 
But its not just the image that is amazing, but also is the education. The books that are given to us are really helpful, and the teachers are the best! All of the teachers there has backgrounds that specialize in what they are teaching, and their really passionate about teaching us of what they had learned. Our materials needed are always complete and really nice to use. And every end of the year, all of the graduating students are given the opportunity to show their talents like singing, dancing, playing instruments, or in my case, showing my paintings. We held it at our stadium that becomes crowded with people that appreciates our talents. And also, important people from different world-known schools that, we all hope and wish, will or can give us scholarships, or better yet, people that can make us famous. Its really a amazing place to go to,but the only thing I'm not a big fan is our uniforms. I like the color and style, white, long-sleeve in the inside, a dark navy-blue blazer, a red,with and dark navy-blue checkered skirt and a nice,same-color checkered ribbon, its just that the skirt is too short for me. Its two inches above my knees, almost revealing my whole legs. And also the rule about our shoes is that Its suppose to have at least two inches of heels. I'm not really comfortable about wearing any of those things, considering I've been wearing them for the last five years. Its because I'm a sneaker and flats kind, who only wears T-shirts and blouses. But sometimes, also wears dresses and spaghetti straps. I just don't want to reveal to much skin . But I cant and don't want to argue with the dress code, so I just stay quiet. 
Like I normally do.
Meanwhile, I walked alone at the side of the street, already infront of the school wall. From infront of me, fellow students were also walking towards the gates. But they weren't alone,I saw that each of them is with someone, their talking, smiling and laughing with each other. A familiar pain passed through me, memories entered my mind. I remembered the first day of seventh grade, I was walking at the same sidewalk that I'm walking right now. My hair was  tied into a pony tail, my hands tightly clasped at the shoulder straps of my bag, and a big,happy smile on my lips. I entered the school gates, and stop as I stared at my new,beautiful arts school. I was about to run in glee when I heard someone calling my name. When I turned around, I saw a boy waving and running towards me. At first I didn't know who it was but when he got closer, I soon recognized him. It was him! It was my Oppa! I waved back at him as I waited for him to catch up. And then we went to our class, our hands tightly clasped together. And then, after school, we sneaked at the woods behind the school and explored. We found a great hiding place at the middle of it and stayed their until night surrounded us, we talked and laughed together. Then we both shared a kiss. 
That was one of my greatest days. But that day is just a memory. A memory I wan to forget. 
As I entered the school gates, I looked right and left to once again see the beautiful surroundings this school gives. Students and teachers were were all around, catching up on their talking, and groups of friends were hugging. To my surprise, a small smile appeared in my lips. I found it nice to be back here, I really do love my school. But then, my smile turned. I stop when a familiar voice started calling my name again.
"Yuri! Yuri! Over here!"
I was worried that when I turn around, I'll be seeing his face again. And his smile. But no, the voice calling me is different, and I knew exactly who's husky yet sweet voice that is. I turned around to see my Unnie. She was waving,running and calling my name. I lifted my arm and waved to let her know I see her. As she reached me, she dropped to one knee and held out her palm. She was gasping for air the time she came. I took a few glances at the students who were passing by, they were looking at her like they were embarrassed  for her, which 'kinda is. Finally, she stood up. Then gave me a big, tight hug while she squealed. I am going to hug her, but my arms were placed at the side and couldn't move them because her hug was to tight. 
"Yuri-ah! I've missed you!"She squealed again, not letting me go. I can smell her familiar scent of the sea while she hugged me. Unnie is bit taller than me, with a lightly tan complexion and a girly but tough attitude. She is both a best friend sister to me. Many people find it strange that were friends, because were completely the opposite. But Suri unnie knows and understands me since I was only a four year old. She knows what happened me, and promised that she will never leave me. 
"Unnie... I've miss you to" I said, putting in a little smile so that I can prove I also miss her. But, I guessed that she didn't notice it because she pouted and crossed her arms.
 "Oh Yuri, how many times do I have to tell to not call me that?" she acted that she was mad, but I could sense amusement in her voice, and also her smile 'kinda blew it.
"Why? You are my unnie"
"I'm only five months older than you. Besides, It makes me feel old"
"Still. And besides, you still look like a eighteen years old".
She giggle a bit, "Aigoo" she pinched my cheek but I didn't react, I'm used to unnie's touching. "Park Yuri still haven't change, I thought you would lighten up by now" She joked.
"Its only been three months since we haven't seen each other"
"I know, gosh I've missed you! But good thing school starts. We can do everything together now" she hugged me and I also hugged her back. Then I put another smile, bigger this time. "And that!" She pointed, " I definitely missed that smile of yours"
Its true, we haven't seen each other. Me and her went different ways last summer. She and her parents went to England, she wanted me to come, and also her parents. But I decline the offer, I wanted to stay and find a summer job so I can help my aunt. My aunt has been taking care of me and treating me like her own daughter ever since I was little. I've been depending on her ever since, but now that I'm growing up, I don't want to be a burden anymore, and I want her to depend on me now. Of course, she didn't want me to take a job. She wanted me to focus on my art and studies, but I told her I'm just going to get a summer job so I can get more materials for it. But what I actually did, was put all of my earnings in the bank and didn't waste any of it.
Me and Unnie walked arm and arm together in the hallway at the forth floor, looking for our home room. Like any classrooms here in Korea, each room is face to face or side by side, but the only thing that is different here is that the walls of every hallway and classrooms are designed with colorful and beautiful graffiti. It not as bad as it sounds, the designs are encouraging words and pictures of anything fun and creative. And also, while classes are still not starting, music plays every where. It may start outside or inside the rooms, wherever It is, all of us are not shy to join in. There's also friendly competition in dancing and singing. The teachers and principal always allows this kind of situation because It can help us improve our confidence, mostly they even join In. Right now, nothing us happening yet, but just wait 'till next week, this place is going to be amazing! 
Room 1728, we found it. We glowed in happiness as we entered. The graffiti in our room was saying encouraging words, and drawings of people in stage, showing what they can do. There were even some musical and painting materials inside the class, and this was only our home room where were going to learn physics and other non-arts education. 
"Daebak" I heard Unnie said beside me. We both looked at each other, excitement in both our eyes. This is it, the final grade of High School. Our time to shine. And after this, were going to be accepted in Universities that will applaud our talents.
"What do you think?" she asked.
"What do I think? I think this gonna be the best year ever" I said calmly. But inside, I felt so excited and wanted to go and squeal and jump! But that will be embarrassing. So, no thank you. We took our seats next to the big,sliding windows, me at the third row while Unnies' at the second. Me and Unnie talked about what we did at summer and everything what we think about this years happenings. Minute by minutes, a few students came in and out of the room, some were familiar while others seem like new. Unnie was talking about their stay in a disastrous hotel that seemed amazing in the pictures, but is actually a rat hole, when I took a glance at the window. Down at the school ground, I saw a group of boys and girls together. I couldn't here them, but I assumed that those guys were flirting because one guy gave a flower to one of the girls, and she giggled crazily.
I cant believe this, Its the first day of school and they want to be a couple already? I pity, those girls. They don't know that one day, those flirtatious freaks will eventually leave them crying. Why can't they realize that?
But still, I felt another emotional pain while I watched them.
Maybe disgust or hurt covered my face, 'cause while I stared at the "happy" bundle, Unnie stopped talking and covered my hands with her. Her expression concerned.
"Yuri" she said quietly,"Gwaenchanh-a?". I wanted to nod and say yes, but I didn't. I stayed quiet. Was I okay? I don't know. I never knew. I never talked about It. I just hid and cried. And... I think I still am.
"Yuri?" the voice of Suri unnie disturbed my thoughts, she was waiting for my answer.
"Ne. Of course I am" I said. But she didn't believe me, she knows me to well.
"Yuri. Please, Im right here. You ca~" I cut her off, I didn't like the way where she's going to. I never want to talk about it now, or ever. "Unnie, I'm okay, I promise. Now, 'com. Tell me about your trip, and how the room service mixed up you orders" She sighed. She knows me to well, she knows I'm not okay. But she never wants to pressure me, or see me cry again. So she gave up. And smiled at me.Then the bell rang, we looked at the door, and students kept coming in. We waved at the others who we already know, and they waved back. And seconds later, class started. 
The music stopped playing and all of us became quiet when our home room teacher arrived. He first introduced himself,  seon-saeng-nim Ong Hyuk. His a tall, thin man with black hair. A slightly long,thin face with white complexion, slightly squinted eyes that were covered with black,rectangular rim glasses and pink,full lips. His actually really nice and funny, he majored in arts and even showed us his certificate and some pictures of his works. His paintings were amazing and beautiful, and most of them were already in museums. Then, he introduced our new fellow classmates. Five guys and two girls. That makes us forty-eight in one class room, but our room seems that It can hold fifty-five to sixty students so Its not really crowded. Forty-eight students, twenty-six guys and twenty-two girls. This is another thing about this school that I'm not agreeing with. I know It's gonna sound mean, but, I wish this is an all girl school. No matter how passionate the guys here in school, I wish they weren't here. I don't like seeing guys roaming around with other girls that I know one way or another will become couple and break up horribly. 
Any way, back to class. This is the first day, so no lessons for now. We all introduced to each other and then guided, especially the new comers, about the rules and regulations of the school. Then we moved to other rooms, but like Mr. Ongs' no class just introductions. To bad, I was anxious to learn something. Anything. But It was nice to relax and not worry for once. So I enjoyed the rest of it.
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Five-thirty o' clock is the end of school. The bell rang and all of the students in different classes went to their lockers, that was at the first floor and can be designed in any way we like, and went home. As me and unnie pack up, our classmates said their goodbyes and we did too. Me and unnie never went home straight. We would always stop at our favorite Ice cream shop just a couple blocks away. It's a small shop that was placed in a high porch, also near the woods. There's only a counter and three small tables inside, but outside where all the tables were. We two would always sat outside at the end, where branches of trees would cover us. There, we would always continue our talk,laughs and stories. I enjoy every minute of It, while taking a spoonful of delicious,cold mint chip ice cream in my mouth. But then,my happiness turned into suspicion and surprise when suddenly, unnie asked me something that I never thought would come from her.
" The new guys are cute, huh?" She asked, grinning.
"Mwuh?!" Her question surprised me so much that I almost yell and my spoon got stuck in my teeth.
"Oh!" she bang her hands together, and continued. "Especially Park Hajoon and Oh Saeryun".
I'm so confused and surprise right now. She's really protective when It come's to things like this. She never let a guy go near me, and that was even before me and oppa met. At first, I thought that she was the one likes them, but then, I remembered that she already told me who she likes. I forgot his name, but I remembered his surname was Kim. When we were only at middle school, she always kept talking about him. She says that he was her cousins childhood friend and they met when she visited he cousin at summer. "It was love at first sight Ri-Ri. His so cool and sweet and so charming! He can also play the Janngu and guitar!" She said to me so excited, at that time I was also excited because I was In-love my self. And until now, she still kept talking about him sometimes. So now I know why she's acting like this, Its's because of me.
" And I saw earlier that Hajoon kept looking at you. I think he has a thing for you". Ding! Ding! Ding! And the answer is: Yes! Its because of me!!!
"Unnie, I dont think~" she cut me off.
"I talked to him earlier. His really sweet and nice. A real gentleman. He also loves art"
"Unnie. Of course he loves art. His in our class and school. An arts school and a class that paints"
"I know. But he seems different. He~" I couldn't take this any longer, so Its my turn to cut her off.
"Unnie... Please. I don't want this right now. Can we just please continue eating and talk about something else? Ask me anything, like If I'm having my period, or who I am voting for, you can even ask me what color are my under wear I'm wearing right now. Please, anything but guys, please" I was on the verge of yelling and crying, but I controlled myself. Then heavy silence surrounded us. I couldn't believe It, I just yelled at my best friend. The only one who understands me.
"Unnie,I, I just, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to yell, It's just that. I..." I thought that she was mad at me, but then she took my hand again and smiled at me.
" I know you didn't meant It. Its alright"
" It's just that, Its not that easy for me" I drop my head, I felt tears coming up so tried blinking them off. 
"I know, and I'm sorry too,  but...." she paused, thinking about the right things to say. "It's been two years Yuri.You have to let go. I mean, I know it hurts but, you need to love again. What will happen when you grow up? Don't you want a family?" her voice was full of concern. And pity.
I sigh "I already let it go. And, yes, I want to have a family. But, I don't want to talked about it now. Right now, you and Aunty are my family. I know you want me to move on. And I am, trust me. Its just that, after that happened. I, I still don't have any trust. Mianhae" she held my hand tighter.
"I know Yuri. And its not your fault, I know its hard. But, try again. Ok?" she said softly. I nodded.
"Nae. I promise" I said quietly. Then I smiled at her. And she smiled back. She pulled me In a hug, and I really felt that she's my sister. 
"But you know, If you married Hajoon you still have your surname because both of your surname Is Park" She Joked again.
"Unnieeeee!" Then we laughed. Gosh, It's been a while since I laughed. It feels nice.
"DAEBAK! Park Yuri just laughed! Its miracle!" Again, laughter filled me.
We both finish our ice cream and continued to head home. We walked in the opposite side because she lives at the other block. As we waved goodbye, I smiled again for her, figuring that she likes it when I smile. It was a fun day, I laughed again.
The sun was setting, the becoming orange color of the sun beamed, and I was the only one walking at my block. As I walk, I tried not to think about what happened years ago. Because the streets I'm walking right now, holds many memories of my past. I really moved on but the pain and memory were still in me. I ignored all the pain that kept coming to me all day, and continued to walk home. Alone.
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Im really,really sorry about the very slow update. I started writing this story last year and still couldn't finish this 2013 year... Im slower than a turtle. Im really sorry....
But I really do hope you still continue reading my stories.
And to all my subscribers, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! SO MUCH FOR SUBSCRIBING for my story, I really appreciate it! ^^
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Chapter 1: This is Nice !
Update sooon :) Cannot wait to see what will happen *-*
The name of your character in Hangul is wrong.
Park Yuri - 박유리(Read S Bak Yu Ri)
Jung Daehyun - 정대현(Jeong Dae Hyeon)
Yoo Youngjae - 유영재(Yu Yeong Jae)
Choi Junhong - 최준홍(Choi Jun Hong)
Moon Jongup - 문종업(Mun Jong Eob)
Just telling that ! ;D