Our Battle


Kpop Oneshot!

Just made it out of boredom and complete inspiration...is that possible? I was working on

a spoken word poem and I was listening to kpop,

so if it sounds weird, sorry, it can be confusing but I wouldn't post something that's just BS.

btw for all my subscribers on Falling With Wings...IM SOO SRRY DNT WRRY I already typed 

out the next chappie...shouldn't be posting this here should I.....krisus crap.


It's a Oneshot, you don't really need a foreword but okay:



I've had enough time to contemplate, I've had enough time in the shadows, I've had enough time being passive, I've had enough.
The sadness, grief, and questions are evolving to hatred and leveled anger towards the ones who degraded the faulting system.  
The actual plot may be surprising,it's just a darker image on the actual concept:P


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articuno #1
Chapter 1: awesome but a bit too deep.