Park Chanyeol

Park Chanyeol

PARK CHANYEOL – Who exactly are you?


I tightly gripped the envelope in my hands. Why did that girl, that long-haired girl, leave just like that? Is this letter even hers? Another thing, why would she spend time, precious time, to write a hand-written letter when she can just post it on the fan cafe?


I jumped off the car the moment manager-hyung parked in our apartment. Ignoring the curious looks my members shot me and waving off manager-hyung’s question, I ran towards our dorm and locked myself in the bathroom.

With trembling hands, I opened the letter.


Park Chanyeol,

Chanyeol, born as Park Chanyeol on the 27th of November 1992 in Seoul, South Korea, acts as a main rapper and vocalist – that is what your profile says, doesn’t it?

Park Chanyeol, who exactly are you?

Honestly, I am not a very big fan of kpop nor do I follow groups but you, 185 cm Chanyeol-ssi, have caught my attention not because you’re from Exo or that you’re under SM Entertainment. It’s certainly isn’t because of your tall height or your looks.

The reason you caught my attention was the very reason I’m writing you this letter; knowing you at the same time, not knowing you.

You don’t really stand out that much, do you? In the six members of Exo-K, you probably have the least exposure. Suho gets attention because he’s the leader, D.O because of his eyes, Baekhyun because he’s quite talkative, Kai because, let’s face it, he has the most teasers and Sehun because he’s the maknae.

Aren’t you mad? Aren’t you jealous of the attention you should also be sharing with your members? Are you satisfied with being in the background, only coming in front during your short lines shared with Kai? Are you contented with how your career is going? Don’t you want more?

Even though you aren’t the most handsome in Exo-K, I find you the most attractive – not because of your looks but because of your ability to bring yourself. You, I can see your passion when playing your instruments. I admire your confident aura, your ability to carry yourself with so much ease but still be humble enough to give way to your members. It makes you stand out, in my eyes, at least.

Well, talking about these things will take more time and I’m running out of time (and ink) so I’ll end my letter here. I do hope you keep this (ha-ha). And please don’t take this seriously, this is just my opinion, and basically, it doesn’t really have a great effect on you but if it does, then I’m happy.

I’ll be watching!

Yoon Ami


That night, Chanyeol slept with a smile on his face. The next day, he performed well and outshone the other members, not because he had the most lines or the most screen time, but because he was glowing; he was having fun in the performance, he was inspired.

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i'm going to write a sequel for this one-shot.


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Mai_Pucca #1
Chapter 2: Thank you for making this for him
yeolxoxo #2
Chapter 2: yeah so true! and the other thing i realized is in most of the MVs, he always get to dance at the back. well maybe because he is way too tall (?) but still it is kinda unfair.
Chapter 2: This. Clap clap. The thoughts of Chanyeol-biased Exotics were all explained in this fic. I love you author-nim. ♥
Chapter 1: This One shot is awesome author-nim!! u know what?? I really wish I could say this things to him, chanyeol is my bias and when I think about it I don't know why, me too, I find him so attractive , his smile and his deep voice! I don't know why but seeing him makes me so happy!! Good job author-nim ^_^