Can I find my true love?


You, Park Haneul graduate from your school two years ago. Your parents left you and your little brother for no reason and you stay with your aunt when you were still studying. After you graduate, you were jobless for two years and depend on your aunt's money. But now, you decided to find a job in order to help your Aunt to get a better life. She doesn't really mind when you said you want to help her. She already assume you and your brother as her kids since she doesn't have one. Plus, her husband died in a car accident. Your brother, Park Min Hyun were still studying and he's gonna be 12 soon. So, you got a job. As a kindergarten teacher. You love kids and besides, the owner of the kindergarten seems to know you and she quickly accept you to be a teacher there. You find it was weird but you're glad you become a kindergarten teacher. It was like dream come true.


Anyway, you believe in true love and you were wondering if you will find one. Most people thought you're joking when you said you're waiting for true love. The only one who believes you is Yoo Eun Hye, your bestfriend. She know everything about you. You guys have been friend since both of you were in primary school. She always convince you that you will find your true love one day. One day, you were fired because somebody accusing you for beating the kids. You were surprise to hear those stupid yet nonsense rumor. The headmaster (the owner of the kindergarten) want to stop the rumor so she decided to fired you but the truth is she have find for you another job which is you must "babysit" his son everyday. Not only babysit him but you also need to clean his house and do all the housework and also cook for him. To make it more interesting, her son is 26 year-old and he is the most hottest guy in Korea! It's Kim Jae Joong or prefer to be called as Hero Jae Joong. You couldn't believe it. You stuck with this guy almost everyday. Will you able to find your true love if you stuck almost everyday with the same guy? Or will you fall for him? 


Note: You're 20 year-old. And assume Jaejoong already have Coffee Cojjee when he's still in DB5K :)


Now, let's begin the journey of Park Haneul in finding her true love. Will she find one?


Do not plagiarize my story! If part of my story is almost the same as your story or any other author's story, it was just a coincidence!


Anyway, enjoy my second fanfics! :)


"Mwo? I have to babysit your 26 year-old son?!?!" I ask almost like whispering.

"Yes. Well, he look like a 26 year-old man but he act like a 6 year-old child sometimes" Mrs. Kim smiled. 

"But, don't worry. I'll pay you double than your salary here. I've once hired a few girls and an ahjuma before but nobody could hold with him for not more than one week so I'm asking you to be his babysitter" Mrs. Kim ask me with full of hope.

I think for a while. 'I can get double if I babysit him. Well, that was a lot.' I thought.

"Okay, I will accept it, Mrs. Kim. When should I start?" I ask try to smile.

"Tomorrow, if you don't mind" she smiled at me.

"Okay. Uhm...Mrs. Kim. May I ask something?" I hesitate and look at her straight in her eyes.

"Sure. Go on" she was still smiling.

"Why me? I mean you can pick anyone else but why me?" I brave myself to ask her that question.

"You've been working in my kindergarten for 6 months and I've see you with the kids. You're able to handle them. You know that it takes a lot of patient to handle them but you did it. Even the kids like you and obey all your order, every time. And that's why I thought if you can handle those kids then you're able to handle my son" she explained and she take a deep breath. 

You sigh. "Okay, Mrs. Kim. I'll be there tomorrow and can you just text me his home address?" I ask.

"No, you'll be here on 1 PM, we'll go to lunch together then I'll send you there" she smile as if she just won a lottery or something.

I were surprise but I agree anyway.

After a few seconds of being silent, she suddenly spoke.

"Haneul, I will find those people who accusing for beating those kids, okay?" she try to make me calm.

You nod.

"And Haneul, please keep this as secret. I don't want other fans to know about this." Mrs. Kim face seems worried.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Kim. I won't let you down" I assure her and smile. 


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Chapter 33: A real cute story

Enjoyed it
Chapter 33: Cute story.
Thanks for the beautiful story author.
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 33: This story is so cute!!!
Chapter 33: I really enjoyed this story! :D
Pororoaegi #5
I'm so excited to read this story. ^^ i'm going to start now.
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 33: Awww..hehe. Such a cutie story hehe.done reading this one looove this! :)
Chapter 33: oh my...this story end....
well done dear..good job honey..
thank you so much,,,what a sweet ending^^
ninakpop #8
Chapter 33: the end was sooo cuuuttteee<333
amazing story:*** :DD
Chapter 33: Awww hey i just found your story and i cant believe its already finished! There was a great twist to the plot and I rly liked that! The ending was so cute~
Chapter 32: oh my god...
why u must sing that song jae..aigoo...
u just makes her misunderstood with ur last part lyric..tsk..
thanks for the quick update^^