Chapter 14

Replay or Restart?


Walking through the door of Mr Nam's Classroom, I immediately became aware of a familiar pair of eyes lingering on me.
Donghae was making it too obvious that he was watching me and when Krystal indicated for me to follow her to a seat that was in the complete opposite direction to where he was sitting, his stare became intensified.
Looking back to Krystal, I noticed she was already sitting down at a desk that had a vacant desk to her right.
She smiled at me and patted the top of the free desk with her hand lightly before turning to her left where another girl sat, writing away in a note pad.
Krystal grabbed her attention almost instantly as she began to speak up and I made my way forward towards them.
"Seohyun, I want you to meet somebody" Krystal said looking up at me as I froze, my eyes couldn't help but stare at the girl who had been writing in her note pad.
As she looked up, I came to realize who she was.
Her long hair cascaded down her back as a sweet smile appeared on her face, directed at me.
I instantly knew who she was, even without Krystal introducing us.
She was the apparent girlfriend of Kyuhyun.
Kyuhyun who was Minho's cousin.
At least, that's what I remembered Onew telling me on my first day at school.
She was also the girl who I had seen glowing with the same smile yesterday when I had followed Minho to thank him for returning my phone to me.
"Hyomi" I heard Donghae hiss from across the room which caught my attention.
I looked to him only to find him sending me a warning glare, it was clear that he was all too familiar with who Seohyun was and who she kept as company as well.
"Come on Hyomi." Krystal spoke up once again as I looked to her.
Thinking over everything that had happened last night and the argument that I had with Leeteuk over my involvement with Choi Minho, I found a small smirk appearing across my lips.
I turned back to Donghae and gave him a small wave before proceeding to take the seat beside Krystal who immediately took the opportunity to introduce me to her history buddy, Seohyun.
Everyone had been telling me that Choi Minho was a bad influence and that I was to stay away from him... But nobody ever said anything about Choi Minho's friends.
[Nobody's POV]
Silence filled the small office that they occupied, a bored Taeyeon leaned back in her spinning chair as the angry Leeteuk continued to ignore her.
They had been stuck in the same small bland office all morning, filling out what little paper work they had left to finish from the day before.
This was the part about relocating that Taeyeon hated the most.
Every time they were relocated, both herself and Leeteuk were stuck spending the first few days at that country's SVP Head Quarters, filling out paper work on themselves, Hyomi and anybody else who were with them.
Today was worse than usual though because Leeteuk refused to even make eye contact with her, let alone start a conversation.
After the argument he and Hyomi had last night, Taeyeon had literally dragged Leeteuk out of Hyomi's bedroom and into his own so they could begin their own argument.
Taeyeon hadn't meant for it to get so out of hand but she believed that she had to have her own say in the matter concerning Hyomi and the friends she was making.
It was true that she, Leeteuk, Heechul and Donghae had no idea if the rumors about this Choi Minho boy were valid, she just didn't want to argue over something like that until she had all the facts about the boy first.
Of course Leeteuk did not see it her way and when her loyalties to Hyomi came into question, Taeyeon had lost her temper and had said somethings that she didn't mean.
Long story short, she was in the dog house.
Having enough of the silence though Taeyeon decided now was better time than any to try talk some sense into Leeteuk.
"So... This paper work is taking longer than usual, right?" She decided to start off with, hoping to get a reply.
After a few seconds of silence, Taeyeon's shoulder deflated but she refused to give up.
Beating around the bush wasn't going to help any  so instead, Taeyeon decided to just get straight to the point.
"You know Oppa, we're going to have to talk about what happened last night. We have enough to deal with when it concerns Hyomi, we can't turn on each other now." She tried once again, her voice sounding more desperate this time , although she hadn't meant it to sound like that.
After a few seconds of silence, she heard Leeteuk ex-hail a long sigh before looking up from the paper work in front of him.
"What's there to talk about? I'm doing everything I can to make sure that Hyomi is safe, even if that means I have to be hard on her to do so." 
Taeyeon frowned at his words, from what she was hearing because it seemed as if Leeteuk thought she wasn't doing everything within her power to do the same for Hyomi.
"I am as well." She stated which got a laugh out of Leeteuk.
"Really? Because from where I'm standing and from what happened last night, it seems like you're more interested being her friend rather than her guardian." He said folding his arms, now looking Taeyeon dead in the eyes.
Taeyeon couldn't help but scoff this time.
It was true that Leeteuk had his own different approach to handling Hyomi to her own way but even so, Taeyeon had never doubted Leeteuk's way, as she thought that he had never doubted hers.
Holding back a glare, Taeyeon inhaled a deep breath before spiting back, "She's going to need a friend with the way you're telling her to cut people out of her life that could potentially be just that, not everyone is out to kill her you know."
At that point, Leeteuk stood up from his chair, forcing Taeyeon to crane her neck back so she could still see him.
He was looking down at her with fire in his eyes, it was clear that his anger from last night was still there and he seemed to have no problem losing control of it in front of Taeyeon.
At least, that's what Taeyeon had thought until a second later when Leeteuk took a deep breath to calm the anger within him.
He still looked angry but it didn't seem like he was about to lash out at the female in front of him.
"Like you said, we're supposed to be partners when it comes to protecting Hyomi-" He began but Taeyeon quickly cut in, now seeing that Leeteuk was actually listening to her words rather than arguing with them.
"We are partners. And we are protecting Hyomi but you've got to realize that not everyone is her enemy. Hyomi, despite being a handful at times, is a sweet girl and people are going to want to be her friend."
Leeteuk sighed before shrugging his shoulders.
"Well, who can really blame them? I mean, we did raise her well." Leeteuk said with a praising tone of voice that made Taeyeon laugh and nod in agreement.
"Of course. Even though her one goal in life, I'm pretty sure is to make you suffer a heart attack." Taeyeon joked making Leeteuk scoff at her words, she carried on though.
"She's turning 18 soon. She can't be kept in the dark forever and when that time comes, Hyomi is going to need all the friends she can get" Taeyeon said, her voice in a more serious tone as Leeteuk's small smile fell slowly from his face.
"She's grown up way too fast. We've always done our best to protect her and keep her out of harms way. What happens in the future if we can't do that job anymore?" Leeteuk questioned as Taeyeon shook her head on reflex.
This part of the conversation they had entered had happened many years ago, it had probably always remained at the back of their minds ever since but they had never brought it up since.
"... Do you remember the day we met Hyomi?" Taeyeon question as Leeteuk scoffed once again, it was hard to forget that day.
For a 5 year old child who had just witnessed her family be slaughtered by complete strangers and then for two other strangers to come and take her away, any other child would have cried.
Not Hyomi though.
"How can I forget? At first I thought she had no emotion in her what-so-ever. It still irks me that she opened up to you first" Leeteuk confessed as Taeyeon laughed.
The reason she laughed was a secret between herself and the young Hyomi all them years ago.
Although it seemed that Hyomi had opened up to Taeyeon first, She remembered the words of Hyomi when she whispered in Taeyeon's ear, "Who's that cool Ahjussi? Is he going to look after me now?"
Hyomi had not even shown interest in knowing Taeyeon's name at that point.
So yes, Taeyeon was the first agent Hyomi had spoken to but the first agent that caught Hyomi's interest was Leeteuk himself.
Something that Taeyeon had never told Leeteuk and never planned on telling him.
For what reason? Taeyeon had no idea.
Maybe she was a little jealous, or maybe she on some level wanted Hyomi to one day tell him that the very first day that the two had met her, she had 100% trusted Leeteuk completely.
"Even after she finds out, we're going to protect her. Even if she hates us for keeping it from her-"
"She already hates me so that doesn't really matter to me."
"You know that isn't true. As much as the two of you argue at time, in reality you both love each other. You're the closest thing to an Appa that Hyomi has ever known." Taeyeon said softly as Leeteuk sighed and nodded his head in acceptance of Taeyeon's words.
Deep inside, Leeteuk knew that Hyomi hadn't meant those words that had fell out of last night.
"But even if she does come to hate us, we're still going to be there for her. We made a promise to each other and Hyomi from the first day we met her that no matter what, we were going to make sure that Hyomi had a good life, filled with people who love her. So far, I think we've done a pretty good job of doing that." Taeyeon smiled. taking hold of Leeteuk's hand as he came to nod his head in agreement.
Sure Hyomi's life hadn't been perfect and both of them might have made a few mistakes while watching over Hyomi.
But compared to the life of a few others that Taeyeon and Leeteuk knew about, Hyomi had been one of the lucky ones.
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Chapter 15: Yes! An awesome update!! Thanks authornim!! <3 <3
xiomaa #2
Chapter 15: he should be pouting XD
it has been a long time since the last update
i'm happy that you updated :D <#
Chapter 14: Update !!! Gumawo!! ^^
Chapter 13: Finally!!
Whenever I see the word update this story comes to my mind, and when I open it.. nothing :(
but this time was different! I was like naah it couldn't be, and then BAM !! Haha XD
SnowGlobe #5
Chapter 12: awww poor Hyomi.... so misunderstood!! Thank you for updating!!
SnowGlobe #6
Chapter 11: Hahaha... poor Heechul...this should be interesting!
Chapter 11: Hmm, I think the mystery chef is no other than key, not sure though just guessing!