
Chiropteran (hiatus)


His eyes fluttered open to reveal the bright red crimson eyes I’ve seen countless times when I lost control. He lay there unmoving like a corpse, but the blinking of the eyes and the rises and drops of the chest gave me the hint he was alive, brought back from the dead after being drained of blood. I made no plans of moving any closer as I was afraid of what to come.


His eyes found mine and widened, maybe from shock of seeing my bloody hand or from the blood stained dress I wore. I hesitantly took a step forward; he flinched and brought his knees to his chest, hugging them as if they were his life support. I reached out my hand but he only slapped them away. It felt as if he were a child in a nightmare and I was the monster hungry for his flesh; in some way it was.


“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you~” I said in a tone used to help a lost child. I crouched down and reached out my hand. I put on my best reassuring smile as to not scare him any further.


He looked at me and then at my hand, he was terrified. I only then realized that I used my blood-covered hand. I’m so stupid. I immediately replaced it with my clean hand but it was too late, Tao had already made up his mind; he sees me as a monster, a wolf hiding under a sheep’s clothing.  Stupid! Stupid! How could I not- Ugh!


“I’m no-“ Before I could speak any further, the ringing of the telephone cut me off.


“Hello?!” I was exasperated. “Sorry Dr. Hayashi. Yes, yes it did. Mmm. He’s afraid of me, what do I do? I think it’s a bit too late for that, he sees me as a monster. I guess I’ll try, but I can’t guarantee a good outcome.”


I walked over to Tao and handed him the phone. “It’s for you.” I shook my phone and he hesitantly took it from my hand.


“H-Hello?” I stood there, tapping my foot on the floor, as I tried to listen in on their conversation.


“Here.” I took the phone from Taos grasp. I walked away to the other side of the room.






“He appears to be fine and all so you don’t have to worry. First things first, this man has been turned into a Chiropteran by your blood, but he is not exactly like you. Judging from the other researchers journals I’ve read, he is a Chevalier. Basically, a Chevalier is a knight or in modern terms, a bodyguard designed to protect the Queen that had turned them into a Chiropteran. You will have to teach him everything about the Chiropteran race… well, the things you know. Do you understand?”






“This is too much to take in, but yeah, I understand.” I let out a sigh and leaned against the wall.


“Could you send those journals to me? I think they’ll be of use.” I glanced at Tao to see how he was doing. He seemed okay.


“Thanks. Bye.”


Time to take responsibility for my action… Fuuuuuudge! 

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Chapter 8: So I finally caught up with your story and wow, you must update soon! This story is amazing!
Chapter 1: Update soon~! ;)
Chapter 1: LOL, I love the first line. It sounds interesting~ I suggest you make the chapters longer though, it's too good to be so short~ :D