A/N: Sorry

Chiropteran (hiatus)

I have been thinking a lot on whether I should continue this story or just delete it. The plot has shifted away from my original storyline, so I've decided to put it on a hiatus until I can gather up my thoughts and ideas.

I have, however, created a short story to compensate. This short story does not pertain to this fanfic but it does utilize the main characters, Tao and Saya.

When I do get back to this story, Chiropteran, do expect some changes to be done on the chapters and if I see that the story isn't going anywhere, do expect the deletion of it.

Sorry, but I hope to see you guys in my new short story, Hallucination

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Chapter 8: So I finally caught up with your story and wow, you must update soon! This story is amazing!
Chapter 1: Update soon~! ;)
Chapter 1: LOL, I love the first line. It sounds interesting~ I suggest you make the chapters longer though, it's too good to be so short~ :D