One last hope...

Unconditional Love (What Being A World Famous Star Meant...)

Woohyun POV

As I look at them cuddling each other, I was quite jealous... Not because I loved Myungsoo or Sungyeol but because i yearn for something like that as well. I wanted him to hold me the way Myungsoo held Sungyeol. 

Sunggyu: Stop spacing out woohyun! hurry up we need to go to our vocal lessons

Woohyun: Oh rite... Wait I just need to go get my stuff

Yes he was the one i was yearning for, but there was just one problem... My feeling will be left unrequirted for the rest of my life because i knew he never could love a guy. And for that i already had confirmation because :

Sunggyu picked up his phone : Oh I missed you too Eunji, anyway i need to go now i'll text u on the way okay I love you byee...

SCrew this world, seriously why did I have to fall in love with a straight guy! I hated myself so much, everytime he says something to me my heart would go wild everything he does to me seems so important but to him it wasn't he would do that to everybody not just me. I don't feel special in anyway at all and it !

You know what, it's even more fustrating to see the person you love just beside you smiling at his phone texting somebody else, but love is cruel! The smile that he made shows that hapiness surrounds him and what more can i wish for, to see the person you love be happy even though it irritates you so badly ...

As we arrived at the our company building for our vocal lesson, I though to myself... It already been 3 years since I liked him, but he shows no interest as all and there is no way for me to not love him, i wish i could find a reason to not love him anymore but i couldn't, WILL I END UP ALONE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!??

My voice was shaky and not stable at all, I couldn't concentrate at the lesson and that never happened to me before... I needed to get out of there and set myself straight! NO way would i ever let my feelings interfere with work and my passion but it was all too much, whatever i kept inside of me over these 3 years, it started to leak out and my body couldn't take it anymore

Sunggyu : Woohyun! are you okay what happened back there? DId something bad happen?

I spoke back with a fake smile: No it nothing hyung, i think i just go a flew and it messing with my vocal

Sungyyu: Alright.. Then we should get you back to the dorm and let you rest your voice

My hearts aches every single time he speaks to me now, every touch pains my body because I know he can never be mine that was reality and i needed to face it. I couldn't turn to anyone before, but now since Myungsoo and Sungyeol are out, I guess I should talk to them to relieved some of my stress.

As we got back to the dorm, I was surprised at what I saw.... Hoya was exitting from someone cars and he had the largest smile on his face, Damn was I curious! but right now it wasn't time to be curious i needed to solve my problem first

I went into the dorm with Sunggyu and quickly went near Myungsoo and Sungyeol who was of course cuddling each other AGAIN! I whispered to them that i needed help and that i needed to talk to both of them privately. They nodded in confusion and they were worried as they saw the look i had. The three of us went out for a walk and I decided to tell them

So the important I wanted to tell you guys wass..

BUt i was interrupted by Myungsoo: Wait let me guess...

Sungyeol: You don't like me and myungsoo interaction

Woohyun: No i have nothing against your relationship! 

Myungsoo hitted sungyeol on his head for his stupid answer and said: You love Sunggyu but you know he can never be yours because he is straight

Sungyeol was shock as hell his jaw dropped: WTF Woohyun! YOu ! You love Sunggyu? YOu love guys too? Didn't you have girlfriends before??

Woohyun: NO! I don't know but SUnggyu is the first guy I have ever had feelings for. Wait Myungsoo how did you know?

Myungsoo: Well it pretty obvious for me to notice.. But maybe for others it wasn't because they are straight just like Sunggyu

SUngyeol: But why didn't I notice?

Myungsoo: because you are an idiot...

Sungyeol falres up but still cute even when is he angry : You wanna die Kim Myungsoo, who in hell calls their boyfriend IDIOT? Doens't it mean that you love an idiot

Myungsoo took out his arm and hugged sungyeol and smirked: And that idiocity is the reason why i fell in love with you in the first place

Sungyeol was blushing and pinch Myungsoo nose: You always the cheesiest thing

AGAIN! they are at it again... Cuddling and being all lovey dovey, and it really annoys me

SO i shouted: You guys! I asked to come here to help me with my problems not too through hearts at each other again. I mean haven't you done enough of that already 

Sungyeol: when you love someone, it never enough

Myungsoo suddenly realised that they were outside but thankfully no one was there: Sungyeol we're outside, i totally forgot we shouldn't do this

Sungyeol in a sad tone: Oh yeah... My bad

Myungsoo: So Woohyun what do you want us to do about it?

I said: I know SUnggyu is straight, but I still love him so much, I can't give up but i need to face reality. But before that i want try one more thing first, and if it doesn't work I will give up on SUnggyu. But in order for it to get started i need the help of you two.

In my mind i told myself: THis was my one last hope... 

Myungsoo ANd SUngyeol stared in curiosity to what was in Woohyun mind and what he was planning.

TO BE CONTINUED :)) So what did you guys think of this chapter? Hmm so I wanted to tell you guys this, I"m not sure if woohyun love will stay unrequirted or not i mean reality is reality, but sometimes love is so  powerful and pur that even gender doesn't matter rite? that different from being biual though lol if oyu know what i mean. Also DONGwoo and Sungjong will be straight 100% in this fic, lol.. But i'm still not too sure about Sunggyu. I mean i can't ahve all them be gay that would be totally unrealistic ahahah. As i said before this wic will be as realistic as possible and THe later chapter, the hardship will start to come. Myungsoo ANd sungyeol is going to face the biggest decision of their life. Hoya and IN guk as well and SSunggyu will be confuse. Korean society will rip them apart but the quesitons is: WILL THEY STAND BACK UP TOGETHER?

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nathali #1
Chapter 11: Please update.... I miss this story
Chapter 11: Thank you for writing this.!please update s0on!!^__^
Chapter 11: Your story is good!! I'm looking forward to more updates :D
hamster84 #4
Chapter 11: yeah! break with eunji... how can she mess up the right path of woogyu...!
exo_infinite_suju #5
Chapter 11: omo!! how dare you eunji... don't mess with WooGyu!!
Chapter 10: Hehe that MV ~ Author-nim has to mention it too cause In Guk was there. ><
Chapter 9: Awwww WooGyu is so cute! >< :)
exo_infinite_suju #8
Chapter 8: lol am really shock with the end of the MV xD
exo_infinite_suju #9
Chapter 8: lol am really shock with the end of the MV xD
Chapter 7: Wahh all Sungyeol words was so true ~><~