On The Balcony

Perfect Night

You watched the city from high above and listened to the busy sounds. Cars and busses screached by, people yelled at each other from merely three feet away, and your thoughts were able to drown out all of it.

The door to the balcony slid open silently, and a figure emerged from behind it. You were too busy thinking to notice.

*I wonder what will happen with me and Daesung in the future. He's always so busy now, and I hardly ever get to see him. We both always miss each other...* you sighed at the saddening thoughts.

A pair of warm arms slipped around you and held you securely. Daesung rested his chin on the top of your head and smiled, though you couldn't see it.

"What's with the exasperated sigh?" Daesung asked sleepily. He knew that you weren't really the sighing type, so it had him a bit nervous.

*I hope nothing is wrong. I only want her to be happy, nothing else.* he thought

You took a step away from him and out of his arms. At your action, Daesung's eyes widened.

You decided to let loose all of your thoughts and feelings, and began to speak. "I'm just a bit worried over our future. Big Bang isn't going to burn out or disband any time soon, if ever. When are we ever going to get to be like a normal couple? I'm worried that we never will be. I'm not saying that I want your group to do badly, I want you all to do well. It's just that being a celebrity, which you are, makes is excruciatingly difficult to have a relationship."

Daesung's mouth dropped open and his heart went sinking to the ground. He couldn't bear to hear you like this. To him, both of you were a happy and completely normal couple and he wouldn't change a thing about your relationship. It was crushing to know that you thought that the two of you wouldn't have a good future together.

"I know that Big Bang isn't going to go away any time soon, and nor do I want it to. But tell me honestly, what is it that's making you doubt our future? It's hard for me too, but I've never had any doubts."

"As long as you have crazy stalker fans, if we were ever to be revealed as a couple, I would be in danger. If we can't be together while you're an idol, and you're going to be an idol for a really long time, then-"

Daesung stopped your lips with his own. He kissed you slowly and tenderly, like he always did. It was torture for him to think about not being with you. The way his lips moved against your, you could tell how urgent he was.

He pulled away slowly, pecking your lips before completely backing away.

"No matter what, I will make sure that we have a wonderful future together. I'll make sure that my fans respect you and won't do anything to harm you. It may be hard and it may be complicated, but I will always find a way for us to be together. Forever."

His words comforted you and restored your hope. Smiling, you pecked his cheek.

"You may think that I don't always think of you and us and our future, but you're wrong." He started to ramble.

"I've tried to stop thinking about you so many times but I never can. When I'm shooting a new music video, when I'm at rehearsal practicing, all I can think of is you."

"It kills me when I'm on tour and I have to be without you for such long periods of time. Calling you and talking to you helps, but I really want to be there with you. Not listening to you from thousands of miles away." He said with a sad look on his face.

He engulfed you in his embrace and held you close. He sighed, as if in relief, and began to speak again. This time, more slowly.

*I should always talk slowly around my sunshine. That way, I'll always get to spend more time with her.*

"This moment right now is perfect but," he had caught your full attention "Every night is a perfect night if I get to spend it with you." He said while looking directly into your eyes. A soft smile lit up his face, rendering you speechless.

"And as long as I'm around to make sure of it, in the future, I will spend every night with you." He finished.

You tried to speak, but words just wouldn't come out. He had a way of making you forget how to speak, and occasionally, how to breath. He was difinately using his tactic for doing that at the moment.

His soft smile grew even softer at your absence of words. He knew that whenever you were speechless from something that he had said, it was a very good thing.

Starlight lit up the night sky and the moon shown stunningly in the darkness. The light coming off of the moon revealed Daesung's facial features, and slightly enhanced them. The reflection of the moon was visible in his eyes and made it look as if they were twinkling. The darkness where the moon and stars didn't reach left his face looking dark and alluring.

He leaned forward so that it seemed like he was towering over you. Most would find this to be quite antimidating, but you raised onto the balls of your feet to meet him.

Your foreheads bumped together as you soundlessly enjoyed each other's company.

"We should go inside and get some rest before the sun comes up and the sunshine makes us get up." You suggeste

"No, I won't ever mind the sunshine." He replied leaning closer to you.

"I'm talking about the real sunshine! The sunshine that comes from the sun!" You exclaimed.

All Daesung did was lean even closer to you and smile even bigger. "I don't know the difference. They are both bright, cheery, and I love both of them with all of my heart. Although, I love one more than the other~"

You slightly blushed at his loving words.

"The sunlight from the sun never nags me and is in fact, the brightest thing in the world. I could never love anything more." He said. The blush on your cheeks vanished instantly and you slapped his chest.

"Ow! Now my chest hurts!" He exclaimed in fake agony. All you did was smirk playfully at him. "It's your own fault!"

He looked at you with an innocent smile on his face. "Can you kiss it for me to make it feel better?"

You almost gawked at him, but decided to make the best of it. Bending your neck, you gently kissed the area of his chest that you had smacked.

"Better?" You asked. Daesung grinned and ducked down for a minute. You didn't realize what he was doing until he had completely lifted you up bridal style.

"Much better." He whispered. He carried you back into the living room and set you down gently on the cushions and blankets. He held you close to himself from behind.

"Good night, my love." He whispered into your ear.

You smiled with your eyes closed. "Good night, my DaeDae." You whispered back. With that, the two of you fell asleep soundly and peacefully, both with smiles on your faces.

That night Daesung only dreamed about you and how great your future together would be. Unconsciously in his sleep, he held you tighter and mumbled.

"Forever mine."

A/N- Thank you all so much for reading my first ever oneshot!!! It means a lot to me!! Thank you so much!! ~^^

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Chapter 3: sooooo sweettttt....
Chapter 3: This was so sweet~!
Chapter 3: This is too sweet >_< AWWW this feelings gaaa... Only the smiling angel makes me grin so much
Chapter 3: LOVEEEEEEE IIIITTTTT!!!!!!!!! LOL maybe cause my bias is DaeSung but gosh!!!!! I love this fanfic!!!!!!
dindapramesti22 #5
Chapter 3: That was so amazingly cute!!!
Chapter 3: omo o//o this was so good *-*
Chapter 3: D'awwwwww!
Threeshot dear* xD
Blue_eevee-chan #10
Chapter 2: That was so sweettt~~ ^~^