
Perfect Night

You were walking down the dreary sidewalk towards your car. Rain was pouring all around you. A bolt of lightning struck in the distance, and thunder went rolling throughout the city. With all of the luck you had, you had left your only umbrella at your apartment. Water was soaking your hari and your clothes, but you didn't mind. Dreary weather was lovely weather to you, and you enjoyed all of it, even if meant getting wet. You were about to the driver door to your car when your phone started to go off. Your boyfriend's group's song came playing through the speakers.

"I love you, baby I'm not a monster~"

Checking the caller ID for assurance, you brightened at the sight of who was calling you. Your DaeDae.

"Hey sunshine! Would you like to come over to my place tonight around 7:00?"He asked.

He referred to you as sunshine because he would describe you to the other Big Bang members as the sunshine of his life. You were his brightness and always cheered him up. And for the past couple of years, you had been his sunlight that came through for him when he was in the dark.

"Of course!" you exclaimed. Daesung almost never got any time off of work to spend with you, so you leaped at the opportunity. He was always so busy with his career. Couples were supposed to go out often and be around each other all the time. Couples were supposed to spend time with each other and were supposed to be acknowledged and respected as a couple by others. Not you two.

"Great! I was planning on us having dinner together and then we cou-" He was cut short my a common annoyance. He was cute, but still considered a slight annoyance to the two of you.

"Daesung hyung~" you could hear Seungri sing in the background.

A sigh was uttered, and you could hear their conversation. “What is it Seungri?" Daesung asked with annoyance evident in his voice.

"Can I come over to your house tonight? I don't want to be alone."

You could sense absolutely no consideration coming from the man on the other end of the phone.

"Nope! I'm busy tonight. Have fun alone!"

"B-B-But hyung!" Seungri started to whine. There was further whining that got louder and louder as the source came closer and closer to the phone. When the maknae wanted to spend time with somebody, he didn't give up easily.

You could hear the sound of heavy footsteps, as if running. There was yelling, and then the maknae's voice started fading into the distance. You could hear the other members shouting their goodbyes for the day. T.O.P.'s deep voice said a kind goodbye, and you could tell that he had tried to say something to you when you heard Daesung's hand go over and cover the speaker. Even though he was yelling, Taeyang said goodbye smoothly. When you heard G. Dragon, his goodbye sounded something like this...

"Goodbye my lovely Daesung~ I can't wait to see you again tomorrow! Bye bye DaeDae!" He had learned your nickname for Daesung and started using it as his own.

Daesung yelled a goodbye to them, and then all was silent for a moment.

You and Daesung were a couple, but not one that anybody knew about. Daesung worried that if anybody found out about the two of you being together, you would be attacked and discriminated by jealous fan girls. If anything bad happened to you because of him, he wouldn't be able to live it down. So, as a way of keeping you safe, the two of you decided to become a secret couple.

Nobody knew that you were a couple except for the other Big Bang members. Occasionally getting hit on by other guys from your college merely meant a joke for you and Daesung to share. He didn't like the guys at your college, which was funny to you. You didn't like any of his backup dancers which made him laugh. Any of them! If they came anywhere near him while you were around, you would glare at them, which had to be slightly awkward for them. All they were doing was walking around and when they turned around, there was some random person glaring at them as if they were attempting to ruin that person’s life.

"Sorry about that! Maknae." he muttered.

"Oh, it's alright! I think he's cute!" you said. If you had been expecting a bit of laughter, there was dead silence from the other end. All you did was laugh at him.

"He's not as cute as me right?"

"Nope!" you said on a cheery voice. You heard sigh of relief come from the other end and as if on cue, you chuckled at him. He stopped sighing abruptly.

"He's even cuter than you!" you exclaimed.

You heard a snort of disbelief come from the other end of the line. "We'll see about that later tonight."

"See you later! I'll just meet you at your apartment."

There was hesitation. "Sounds great! I would pick you up, but if my car were to be spotted at your house..." he trailed off. He wished so badly that the two of you could be a normal couple it was occasionally painful.

Sensing his distress, you quickly tried to cheer him up. "See you later my DaeDae! Make me something delicious!" you commanded. He laughed at your command.

"See you later then my sunshine, I'll make sure to make something amazing for you."

You laughed at him. *I love it when he calls me that.* you thought.

He couldn't cook very well, but as a way to make you smile, he tried. "Bye!" you said and hung up the phone.

*I can't wait until later*

Another bolt of lightning struck, this time, much nearer to you. Hearing it made you realize that the entire time you had been talking to Daesung, you had been standing there, holding onto the handle of the driver side door. You could have gotten in and started driving long ago.

With a sigh filled with disappointment in yourself for being so clueless, you opened the door and stepped inside your car. Starting the engine, you looked and saw the time. 5:30

*If I want to be ready in time, I had better kick it into high gear and take a shower!* you thought.

With that, you sped off in the direction of your home to get ready.


After your splendidly warm shower, you dried your hair at the speed of light and put on a nice, subtle outfit. It was still raining out, so you dressed in long light blue sweater and jeans. You looked good without looking like you had put any effort into your look. Slipping into your flats, you ran out the door and into your car.

A half an hour later, and fifteen minutes past the time when you were supposed to be there, you arrived at Daesung's apartment. You walked into the tall building and went straight to the elevator. Pressing the button that said what floor he was on, the elevator went up and stopped on his floor.

*I'm so late! I hope he's not upset with how late I am.* you thought as the elevator doors started to slide open.

When the elevator opened up completely, Daesung was standing there with a sweet smile plastered on his face. He obviously didn't care that you were late, he only cared that you were there now and that he would have you all to himself for the rest of the night.

He stepped towards you, his sweet smile turning sheepish as he began to speak.

"I messed up our dinner and I was kind of wondering if....you could help me make a new dinner from scratch???" he asked sheepishly and then looked away. He only wanted to impress you and make you happy, and he felt embarrassed when he couldn't do a simple thing such as make the two of you a meal.

You chuckled at him with a smile on your face.

"Sure, we'll make out dinner together."

"Great! I....I don't think I'll ever be able to cook a decent meal by myself. But with you by my side, I can do anything!" he told you with a genuine look of love in his eyes.

You laughed at his silliness, but he didn't seem to think it was funny at all. You hadn't managed to hear and render the genuine tone of his voice, and thought that he was just joking around. He wasn't joking around. He honestly believed that he would never be able to cook a meal, and he believed with all of his heart that he was able to do anything as long as you were with him.

He cupped one of your cheeks with his large hands and looked deeply into your eyes. There was a hint sadness in them due to your misunderstanding, but other than that, they were filled with love and care. If anyone else were in your position right now, they would melt to the ground heart first and die. A happy and enjoyable death.

He brought his forehead to yours. "I wasn't kidding, my precious sunshine. I can do anything as long as I have you. Without you, I would become nothing." he whispered to you. His breath ghosted its way across your lips, making your eyes widen slightly. With the last word of his sentence, his lips lightly brushed against yours. A slight tingle ran down your spine.

"Now," he continued without moving away, "let's get to making that dinner, shall we?"

He took a step back and held out his hand for you to take. You took it gently and followed him into his apartment. You looked around the kitchen and gasped. It looked as if a hurricane had gone through the kitchen, and the kitchen had hardly survived the horrendous ordeal. The poor kitchen had gone through hurricane Daesung.

He saw your reaction, and tried to laugh it off. He ended up doing one of those extremely awkward laughs that nobody joned in on and he stopped laughing.

"Ummmm.... I guess we'll clean this up first and then start the cooking." you said.

*How does a person do this to their kitchen. I didn't even know that this was possible!* you thought as you looked at the space. There was flour on the floor, counter, stove top, and for some reason, in the microwave. Cheese was spread out on the counter top as if on purpose, and several things had been mixed together in such a way that you couldn't even tell what they were any more.

*We should have just gone out to dinner and come back after.* Daesung thought to himself.

The two of you stated salvaging what was left of the disaster area. When you were done, it looked as if hurrican Daesung had never happened.

"So, what do you want for dinner?" you asked him.

"Anything you want." he answered. For him, just seeing you eat made him feel full. He would be perfectly fine eating anything that you would enjoy eating.

You looked around in the fridge and spotted all of the ingredients to make omlets.

*Well, I guess we're making omlets then!* you thought as you pulled out all of the ingredients and put them on the counter.

The two of you made dinner while talking away. And when you finally finished, a masterpiece was at hand.

It was beautiful to you! It was neat, tidy, pretty, and the smell that came off of it had to have come straight from heaven! With the heavenly dish in front of the two of you, you both started to dig in. Daesung insisting the entire time that you let him feed you.

You let him carefully put spoonful after spoonful of sheer heaven into your mouth, and had no complaints. Daesung wasn't even hungry, the sight of you being so overjoyed and happy made him full long ago. He just wanted to get to feed you, and have you sit on his lap, which you were already doing.

When you had finished off the last of the beauty, the two of you went over into the living room and Daesung prepared the floor in front of the TV. Tonight was going to be movie night.



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Chapter 3: sooooo sweettttt....
Chapter 3: This was so sweet~!
Chapter 3: This is too sweet >_< AWWW this feelings gaaa... Only the smiling angel makes me grin so much
Chapter 3: LOVEEEEEEE IIIITTTTT!!!!!!!!! LOL maybe cause my bias is DaeSung but gosh!!!!! I love this fanfic!!!!!!
dindapramesti22 #5
Chapter 3: That was so amazingly cute!!!
Chapter 3: omo o//o this was so good *-*
Chapter 3: D'awwwwww!
Threeshot dear* xD
Blue_eevee-chan #10
Chapter 2: That was so sweettt~~ ^~^