
When You Care For Me

The door creaked open before it closed with a thud. Soo Eun walked out the two-storey apartment as she looked left and right for her runaway boyfriend.

"I thought you would've left " She walked toward the figure that stood slouched against the wall.

Zico reached out to her, yearning for a touch, a warmth, an embrace. He needed assurance, a sense of belonging, of love. Which he did not have a chance to feel at that house.

Soo Eun studied his forlorn eyes as she stepped closer toward Zico to bring him into a warm, loving hug. Her arms wrapped around his torso as he held her head close to his chest. He kept his eyes shut as he let the emotions of loneliness and rejection be override by Soo Eun's touch. It made him feel alive again. It made him feel loved again. A hot tear was let go as it slid down his cold cheek. He tightened the embrace and he sniffed, trying to back in all the negative emotions. Crying in front of his girlfriend was something that took him a while to get used to. She never judged him or put him down for his tears. Never once did she say a man shouldn't cry. Instead, she was always the one Zico would cry to.

"I love you, Zico." Soo Eun said.

The negativity on his mind seemed to have been swept away in that second. A wave of heat, a rush, some sort of adrenaline like feeling overtook him.

"I love you too." He said.

His arms dropped from holding her tightly around her back to her hands. He kept his eyes on her hands as he played with them.

"Thanks for being with me Soo. I wouldn't know what I wou-"

"Hey, they love you." She said as she wiped away the stain that the tear left on his face.

His gaze went to her eyes then went back to looking at her hands.

"No they don't. " He turned from her and took a step back.

Soo Eun sighed. She didn't know what to do about his family situation. She did talk to his mother, who seemed genuinely glad that Zico came back. But his father, well, that first response told them he wasn't even going to face Zico. Zico's mom said she was the one giving him the allowance, albeit a small sum. It was barely even holding up the rent and Zico was getting stressed up. Working at the cafe did give him a small discount but Zico still had school. And school wasn't giving him enough time to work.

Soo Eun let out a sigh.

"Let's go home Zico."

"What home? I won't have one by the next weekend." He hung his head low as he kicked on some gravel.

"I called my mom, she almost flipped out when I mentioned you staying with us.."

Disheartened, Zico walked along slowly.

"But, we own the two other units beside us, and she said she could let you stay. Without rent. Including free dinners. At my house."

That caught his attention.

He stopped in his tracks, turning on his heel to face her. Squinting his eyes to make out if her expressions would show any signs of a lie.

"I'm not lying Zico." She said, as if she'd read his mind.

He tilted his head "You serious?"

She simply nodded back at him.

"You can move in your stuff anytime, like maybe tonight since we're kinda free now and-"

Zico took three long strides to face her. Just inches apart now, he shut her up with a soft kiss. His hand cradled her head as her fingers tugged at his ruffled hair. Their lips moved in synch with the other as they expressed love and gratitude through that touch. Slowly, they pulled away, both slighty panting from that little make out. He leaned his forehead against hers as he kissed her nose.

"I love you." He whispered against her skin.

She chuckled, pecking his lips again before looking deeply into those brown eyes.

"I know." Was her reply before she skipped off.


"We got a lot of things to pack. Your clothes, books and that blue shelf. Oh and your bed. You think we'd need to get a van? You have way too much stuff Zico. I always told you to throw away some stuff but no, you had to keep them for sentimental sake. Now you have to suffer by packing every single thing."

She turned around when he didn't reply to see him trailing far behind, laughing. With a glare, Zico quit laughing and scurried to her side.

He wrapped her hands with his and looked forward walking with a new bounce to his step. A new house was waiting for him, one which was just a wall away from Soo Eun. A new life would be ahead of him. Leaving the resentment behind, he took long strides forward, pulling Soo Eun along

"Let's go pack."




And that ends When You Care For Me~

I know this last chap took me more than a week, but i didn't know how to do a proper ending.. so, this is what it turned out to be

I hope you guys enjoyed this story though it isn't really great or anything. I'll be trying my best to improve when writing future stories, which would most probably include angst, hehe.

here's some zico pic spam to make you guys happy~

I'll see you guys soon i hope :)

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Chapter 3: That was a great one. ♥ Keep up the good work! :)
Justbe_utiful #2
Thanks for the comments guys! It's really appreciated ^^
kangnam #3
Chapter 3: that was so cute! i really loved it :D
Chapter 3: :"3 zico is so cute.
:"( poor zico. he deserves more love from his parents. just because he's a gangster, they kicked him out.
This is loved!!!!