A Journey Back To Paradise

I woke up early the next morning feeling different. I didn’t wake up cold and emotionless, I woke up with a warm feeling. That feeling which I yearned to return for so long had come back. It felt as if the cold icicles around my heart had begun to melt letting the warmth take over. I got out of bed and went towards the washroom to wash up. After I was done I walked downstairs eager to see my members.

When I finally reached the dining room I saw that the rest of the members had already begun eating their breakfast. I smiled and went to join them. I sat down beside Dongwoo and he looked up and gave me his infamous smile.


Narrator p.o.v.

After infinite had finished their breakfast they began walking around as a group. They were talking amongst themselves about whatever came to mind. Soon, they reached a room with a bunch of couches in it. They all sat down silently.

“So what should we do today?” asked Sunggyu

Woohyun looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

“What can we do? There’s nothing in this stupid house,” he said.

“Let’s play rock paper scissors!” said Dongwoo excitedly. Infinite looked at each other and shrugged. They began playing and soon they began playing other games too. They made their own games or played games that were already made up. They went from charades to tag.

The silence in the house had now been replaced the echoing laughter of the young men. The sorrow had been replaced with delight. The loneliness had been replaced with love. Things were beginning to get better for the boys. They realized that they had each other and that’s all they needed. Their brotherhood was infinite.


The day passed by quickly and soon it was evening. Infinite was watching one of the movies which was in the house. It was an old movie and nothing special.

Myungsoo looked around and noticed how the members were enjoying the movie despite the fact that back at home they would have changed the channel right away. He turned back to the movie but heard Sungyeol’s stomach grumble. He looked up at him and laughed realizing how it had been a while since they ate.

“Let’s go eat guys,” He said as he pulled everyone up.

“I wonder what food we get today. I hope it’s better than the usual,” said Sungjong as he led the group to the dining room.

When they entered the room they saw something they didn’t expect. There was food laid from one side of the table to the other. It was enough to be a buffet.

“WOAH,” exclaimed Hoya as he began taking food.

“Where did all this come from?” asked Woohyun as he stared in awe. Sunggyu chuckled and nudged Woohyun to go and eat.

Infinite ate to their hearts content that night and they were extremely happy. Their body felt strong and healthy. Little did they know that the food they ate tonight would become extremely important.


It was 8:00 p.m. and infinite was sprawled across the living room. They felt very full and didn’t want to move. The 7 young men were about to fall into a deep sleep but were interrupted by a voice.

“Get up,” said a man with a deep voice.

The boys looked around with puzzled faces as they all slowly rose. They did not know where this voice came from nor did they know whose voice it was.

“Now go into the dining room and leave through the open door”

The boys obeyed and began to slowly walk towards the door. Nobody spoke out loud but in their mind there were numerous questions.

Where are we going? Where did this door come from? Are they letting us out? Will we be separated?

The man kept ordering the boys where to go and they followed. 

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I'm just changing up some stuff. Sorry if it comes up as an update


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sweetypiee #1
miyoon_kim #2
Chapter 11: YAH!! please make a sequel..
I want the rest of the INFINITE escape.
This story make me cry badly. :'(
Chapter 11: yah! yah! yaH! please make a sequel.. please make the rest of infinite escape too!! it's freaking sad you know?? i'm crying, seriously! ~ ))":
Chapter 8: Plus the math answer is 25.5. Not 13
Chapter 7: This is almost masochitic. Why torture infinite? I aint a fan but wow. Very unique plot though quite painful to read because of the way they suffer without explanations.
flabbycow #6
Chapter 11: Why. Are. You. Doing. This. To. Me?
Chapter 11: Awwww they didn't make it D:
Chapter 11: Sunggyu, Woohyun, Sungyeol, L, Sungjong D: NOOOO! But YAYY FOR HOYA AND DONGWOO~ I liked the ending ;)
Chapter 10: Please update new chapter Dx :D Pretty please? xD 감사합니다 ^^