A Journey Back To Paradise

Narrator p.o.v

“Did you get anybody else?” asked the same man in the black suit. This time though, he was smoking his cigarette.

“Yes sir. I beat up Woohyun and Myungsoo. They will not be getting up for a while now,”

The man chuckled then responded by saying, “Good Job but for the remaining two, make sure that you make their escape a bit more difficult. Don’t attack them right away though.”

“Yes sir.”

“It’s 3:00 now. The sun will rise soon. Hehe, they will never get out,” said the man as he laughed to himself maliciously.

Dongwoo p.o.v.

“It’s Mary has a little lamb!” I said to Hoya.

“No it isn’t! I’m telling you it’s Mary had a little lamb,” he replied






“NO! okay, what’s the next line of the song after the repeating little lamb?” Hoya asked

“Whose fleece was white as snow,”

“EXACTLY! The lamb’s fleece WAS white as snow. It’s not whose fleece is white as snow because the lamb is no longer Mary’s and nobody knows what happened to it. So, in conclusion, it’s Mary HAD a little lamb,” Said Hoya with a victorious smile.

“Fine, you win.”

Hoya smiled and we continued walking through the hallway. Yes, we had once again returned to these grey hallways. A part of me was afraid that we had somehow walked backwards and soon we would be back at the door we started at. After we left from where we first met up, we ran into other men and had to go through a gigantic maze. Thankfully we made it here.

“Oh! Look there’s two doors there!” exclaimed Hoya.

“Yea, let’s go see what they say” I said as we jogged towards them.

In between the two doors was a sign. It read:

The end is near boys. Good luck getting there though

5 x 5 -1 ÷ 2 + 1 = x.x

“Huh? Why did they give us this problem to solve? It’s not even much of a problem,” I said

“The answer is 25.5”

“But why is there a x.x there?” I asked Hoya

Hoya shrugged to show that he didn’t know why but said, “Doesn’t that x.x remind of a dead person? You know how people make that face?”

“OH YEA! So you see how number 25.5 equals x.x? that means we can’t go through door number 25.5!”

“Yea!” Hoya exclaimed

We turned to door number 13 and both opened it together. We walked through the door and saw nothing but a long pathway. We were outside.

“Huh? What is this?” asked Hoya

I looked around and saw nothing but the brick walls but one thing caught my attention; there it was, waving around; the red flag.


Hoya looked over at it and we both broke out in huge smiles. We hugged each other and jumped around as if we had just won the lottery. We didn’t bother to waste any more time and ran to the flag.

When we got there, there was a congratulations banner hung up. None of the other members were there though which made Hoya and I worry. But, I trusted that they will make it. We sat down on the grass and stared at the dark sky. The sun hadn’t risen, but we didn’t know how long it would be until it would rise. We had lost the watch so time was a mystery.

“We made it,” I said.


Yippee! Hoya and Dongwoo made it! Go yadong!

The story is coming to an end soon~ :)

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I'm just changing up some stuff. Sorry if it comes up as an update


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sweetypiee #1
miyoon_kim #2
Chapter 11: YAH!! please make a sequel..
I want the rest of the INFINITE escape.
This story make me cry badly. :'(
Chapter 11: yah! yah! yaH! please make a sequel.. please make the rest of infinite escape too!! it's freaking sad you know?? i'm crying, seriously! ~ ))":
Chapter 8: Plus the math answer is 25.5. Not 13
Chapter 7: This is almost masochitic. Why torture infinite? I aint a fan but wow. Very unique plot though quite painful to read because of the way they suffer without explanations.
flabbycow #6
Chapter 11: Why. Are. You. Doing. This. To. Me?
Chapter 11: Awwww they didn't make it D:
Chapter 11: Sunggyu, Woohyun, Sungyeol, L, Sungjong D: NOOOO! But YAYY FOR HOYA AND DONGWOO~ I liked the ending ;)
Chapter 10: Please update new chapter Dx :D Pretty please? xD 감사합니다 ^^