Love and a heart break at first sight

Love and a heart break at first sight

I was on the bus on my way to my next schedule, since the rest of my group just ditched me and drove with the van before I had finished my photo shoot.

I sat at the final row of the bus so I wouldn't get noticed, put on my headphones and blasting my ears with music and watched the city view since usually we don't have even the time to do that... I realized how much the city I lived in changed in front of me and I didn't know. The fact saddens me.

The bus came to a stop and this breathtaking girl… wait, no… a woman; a stunning woman got in the bus and sat at the opposite direction of the drive so I was able to observe her fully.

 I felt my heart pumped up in a speed like I ran a marathon, I was getting sweaty in my forehead, hands slightly shaking, and I was swallowing saliva after every second. That woman is ruining my health and any second I can have a and she won't even know it's because of her. She's such a bad girl! Yet I can't look away from her….

I was falling in love with her by the second- she is the one I want for life.

I devoted my full attention to her; she was wearing a white summer dress- simple and beautiful, and has a good sense of fashion! Now I imagine her in a long white dress and a veil…..

I shake that thought away; I'm too young to get married! I continue to observe her.

Her hair is smooth and then getting curly at the end- like model! My girl so pretty =) I can see myself it tenderly…

She's wearing a light make-up with a glittering lip-balm- my wife is a SHINee dazzling girl, I can imagine myself kiss her whole face every day especially those lips that will tell me that she loves me…

Her legs are crossed one leg on the other-she is so classy, my lady… a pictures came into my mind that I'm massaging her legs… her legs wrapped around me…

A smirk came to my face, how naughty I can be.

She was looking at her phone and suddenly smiled- like an angel… my wife is an angel…

Her fingers are slender with natural long and shaped finger-nails- I can already feel her touching my face with those soft hands…

Suddenly I felt my heart sank, break to millions of pieces and cry altogether.

On one of her beautifully fingers lies there an engagement ring – how can she do this to me!?!?!? How can she be with someone else when I love her so much!?!?! I imagined us be together and our moments together…..  

I felt like crying even if I was still on the bus- I don't care!!, I was hurt from her betrayal, angry at her and her selfishness, and sadness when I realized…  she doesn't even know me (maybe she is, I mean I AM KIM JONGHYUN of SHINee, who wouldn't know me?)

I'm an idiot… maybe I'm just desperate for a girl… but I thought she could be the one…. A big sigh comes out of me….

The woman stands up and walks to the bus door. My eyes widened and I was at panic, she's leaving!! NO! She won't even look at me…

Is this how it's going to end?

She got off the bus and walked away…

The bus continue its trip and we're almost at my stop as well… what does it matter? It won't bring her back… I feel numb, empty and lifeless…

She left….        


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soomineisreal #1
Chapter 1: Awwwww
Chapter 1: hahahah a desperate love at first sight........poor jjongie~