~First Impressions~

The Unbreakable Promise [COMPLETED]
Third chappie!!! There’s a surprise waiting!!
Song: Maybe
By: Yiruma
Repeat it to keep the mood flowing. :D


“Unnie!” squeaked a small voice, you turned away from the piano and saw a sweet little face smiling up at you.

“Oh, Hee Bin ah” you placed a gentle hand on the little girl’s head and smiled.

“Who did your hair this morning?”

“Jae Joong Oppa”

“Don’t tell him, but I think he should practice more” you whispered into Hee Bin’s ear.

Hee Bin let out a small giggle and wrapped her small arms around your neck. As you looked up from the hug you saw a silhouette at the entrance of the church.

“~~~~ ah” said the voice you knew to well.

“Jae Joong oppa” you said smiling.

“Hee Bin ah are you disrupting your unnie?” Jae Joong asked picking up his little sister.

“No oppa, you’re disrupting unnie” she said wrapping her arms around her brother’s neck.

“How are you ~~~~?” Jae Joong asked.

“I’m fine, what about you oppa?”

“Tired” Jae Joong eyed Hee Bin and placed her down on the ground.

“Hee Bin ah, oppa is gonna go now, I’ll pick you up afterwards okay?”

Hee Bin nodded and sat next to you at the piano. After Jae Joong had left Hee Bin turned to you and smiled.

“Unnie, did you know Jae Joong oppa has a diary?”

“Really?” you asked amused.

“There are a lot of secrets in it” she beckoned you closer to her with a finger and you put your ear next to her lips.

“He says that you are beautiful and he wishes you would love him” after that Hee Bin let out a huge roar of laughter.

You already knew all this, Jae Joong had made his love clear to you once, but you declined. Not because he was a bad guy… but because you didn’t feel the same way and you were waiting for someone else to return and he knew all to well who you were waiting for. Your heart ached at the thought of your best friend.

“It’s so mushy!” Hee Bin yelled.

“Sssh” you tried to shush Hee Bin, she was making to much noise.

“Hee Bin ah, it’s not good to look in people’s diary” you said tapping her small nose with your finger.

“I’m sorry unnie, but Jae Joong oppa shouldn’t leave it laying around” Hee Bin said with a pout.

You her hair gently and played a song while the two of you sang together. After about ten minutes or so everyone else filed into the church, the choir consisted of mostly the children form the village and a couple of adults to keep the vocal range even. Every time you played at the church you felt at ease and comfortable, you and Changmin had once been in the choir and when you watched the children you felt happy that they all had each other. At the end of the mass Father Lee Min thanked everyone and came over by your side.

“~~~~ ah, thankyou”

“It’s okay. This place has become like my home away from home” you let out a small laugh, which you didn’t really mean because you were trying to hold back your tears.

“Why laugh when the heart is heavy?” Father said holding out his hand.

“No one knows me like you do Father” you said taking his hand.

“I think someone is coming, I can hear footsteps, sounds like Jae Joong” Father Lee Min pat your hand and smiled.

“Father how can you tell?” you asked curious.

“When one loses his sight, his hearing and sense of touch becomes enhanced” Father Lee Min smiled and rolled his wheel chair away.

“~~~~ ah” Jae Joong said as he jogged up to you.

You stood up to greet him and smiled.

“Where is Hee Bin?”

“She’s in the bathroom” you said smiling.

Jae Joong nodded and smiled uncertainly.

“So, are you going to move soon? I mean to get a higher degree or something” Jae Joong asked curious.

“No, I’m gonna stay here”

“To wait?” Jae Joong asked sadly.

You nod and swung your arms gently as you walked out towards the door. The two of you looked at the sky outside, it was crystal clear, like any other day in the small village.

“Oppa!” you both turned to see Hee Bin run towards Jae Joong with her little legs.

Jae Joong squat down as his sister reached out for him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he picked her up gently, swinging her around.
“~~~~ ah, are you doing anything tonight?”

“Mmm… Nope, why?”

“Our group should get together, we all haven’t hung out in a while”

“Sure, oppa, you tell the others, I’ll see what I can do about food and stuff” you smiled at Hee Bin and pinched her cheeks as she rubbed her eyes.

“Oppa, can we go now? I’m hungry” Hee Bin said laying her head onto Jae Joong’s shoulder.

“Okay little one” Jae Joong pat Hee Bin’s back and gave you a small smile.

“Bye ~~~~ ah” he said as he piggy backed Hee Bin.

“Bye oppa!” you called out after him.

After Jae Joong had disappeared from sight you went and sat under your wishing tree. A lot of time had passed since it was planted and over time it’s growth overtook yours. You leaned your head against the hard cold bark and let out a heavy sigh. Just at that moment you heard some gentle footsteps coming from behind you. Curious, you turned to see who it was. A guy, who was way taller than you, was making his way towards the church. In his hand he carrying what looked like an urn. His face was serious, but somehow child like at the same time and for a long time, his facial features looked familiar. You got up and he skidded to a halt as soon as he saw you.

“Hello, can I help you?” you asked politely.

“Let me speak to the Father here” he said rudely.

The good impression was gone, you rolled your eyes and stalked off to get Father Lee Min for the new jerk. After twenty minutes you finally wheeled Father Lee Min out, the new comer was not pleased.
*Serves him right for being so rude*

“How can I help you young man?”

“I was wondering if there was a place I could put my aunt’s ashes. She use to live here” his voice softened just the slightest bit in the presence of Father Lee Min.

“There is. By the sound of your voice, she was the only family she had left?” Father Lee Min questioned.

“That’s none of your business” the guy shoved the urn with one hand into your arms.

You almost dropped it on Father Lee Min’s head because you weren’t expecting it. You looked up and glared at the guy cursing silently to yourself. He bowed and then began to walk away.

“Pabo” you said.

“He’ll be back” Father Lee Min said with a smile.

“Hope not” you said, but sure enough about two seconds later he turned back around and came back towards you and Father Lee Min.

“Do you know if there is a lodge I can stay at?”

“Downthestreet” you said quickly, you were hoping he would beg you to tell him if he didn’t hear you right but he just bowed again and began walking away.

“Father how can you be so nice to such a snob, he wasn’t thankful at all”

“He’s having a bit of trouble in his life, something tragic has recently happened”

“How can you tell? You’re scary sometimes Father” you said as Father Lee Min let out a laugh.

“There’s was some shakiness in his voice, his footsteps were soft, like as if he didn’t know where he was going” you nod as you heard Father Lee Min’s reasons even though you never noticed.

“~~~~ ah, does he remind you of anyone?”

“No, why?” although his facial features did remind you of someone there was no way on earth your best friend could have turned out like that.

“Nothing… I can hear Jae Wook, don’t keep him waiting”

“Oh, okay I’ll see you later Father” you said rushing out the doors.

“Bye” he called after you.

*This is going to be an interesting year*
Father Lee Min smiled to himself and said a small prayer, praying for the best.
AN: Hey guys, sorry if this chapter isn’t long but hey, Changmin appeared, but you don’t know it yet. :P

Yes Changmin appears!
But you guys aren’t really friendly with each other.

It’s okay.
Yer, poor Minnie.
Updated! *big grin*
I’ve commented on yours!

Awww, thankyou!
I hope you didn’t use to many tissues! LOL

He’s back,
But you guys aren’t on good terms with each other.
Update MGH, I saw Responsibilty
I read have of it and realised it was uber long so I gave up. HAHAHA
Wait till I get my touch and then I’ll read it in maths when I have nothing better to do.
OMG me and my awesome song finding skills, HAHHA
I have more songs for you to get. :P

I’ll be waiting to read yours!

Hehe Thanks!

Yes, the priest part was me and my corny ways HAHAHA!
You’ll find out what Changmin wishes for later on in the story.

It’s okay, hahaha.
Minnie’s here but not a good first meeting.

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look like a good story..
i'm starting to read now...
this story was goood! i loved it! C:
This story is really amazing!!!

just finished reading this =))
omfg i just read this and gosh!
i love your story so damn much :'D
there are sad and sweet moments, not to mention that i'm repeating evergreen while reading this story......... it sure makes up the mood.
i love love love love love your story! <3
Great story!!
Just finished reading...whooa...whooa..whooa..<br />
It was great!!!I love it...<br />
You just made me fall for dbsk(esp changmin) more and MORE...<br />
tahnk you and keep up the good work..:)
oh~~~ the video with the song kiss the rain (T^T) so touching. the song makes me want to cry while i watch the video. the video seems like old home movies and makes it seem like dbsk doesn't exist anymore =(
hey, i remember reading this story in winglin...<br />
i love this story!!! haha..<br />
it's nice to know you've posted it heer as well!!!<br />
thanks for this wonderful story! :)